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江源县位于吉林省东南部,处于长白山西麓,行政管辖隶属于吉林省白山市,具有丰富的矿产和旅游资源。近年来,由于经济的发展和人类工程活动的增强,加剧了区内地质灾害的形成,地质灾害对当地的经济发展和人民生命财产安全造成损失和潜在威胁。本文对该县的地质环境作了详尽的阐述,在此基础上对研究区内的泥石流、滑坡、地面塌陷、不稳定斜坡等地质灾害的发育特征和形成条件作了全面的分析研究,总结出它们的发展规律,同时对该县进行了地质灾害经济损失现状评估和预测评估,最后结合当地经济条件与地质灾害现状,给出了较为切实可行的地质灾害防治对策。  相似文献   
陶奎元  沈加林  姜杨  余明刚 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2647-2656
雁荡山岩石地貌由叠嶂、方山、石门、柱峰、锐峰、岩洞、天生桥和峡谷、涧溪、瀑、潭、湖等岩石地貌组合而成。其形成的地质学、岩石学基础是白垩破火山岩相与构造。不同类型地貌景观反映了这一破火山构造。断裂切割、重力崩塌与流水侵蚀是形成此类地貌的主要外动力地质作用。雁荡山岩石地貌在形态、成因和审美学意义上均有别于我国砂砾岩岩石地貌、碳酸岩岩石地貌和花岗岩岩石地貌。雁荡山地貌可作为流纹质火山岩地貌的代表。  相似文献   
This work deals with disposal of slurries generated during the cutting and polishing processes of slabs of decorative sedimentary carbonate rocks in the north western Sicily. At present, they are used as fillers of dismantled quarries near the sawmills and, as a final step of reclamation, are covered with earth layers. In spite of such inexpensive solution, there is lack of knowledge about the composition of the waste. In order to assess if there is any threat for the environment and to suggest indications for alternative solutions, such as recycling or inactivation processes, the slurries were analysed by XR diffraction, simultaneous thermal analysis, ICP/MS, ionic chromatography, FTIR, UV-Vis, COD and TOC measurements, grain size analysis. Results indicate that the slurries can threaten the groundwater, because of the high chemical oxygen demand; furthermore they can modify the mechanism of groundwater recharge, because of their grain size distribution. Some laboratory tests show that, even in very aggressive conditions, the solid pollutants persist in the waste and slowly release into water the products of their degradation. The slurry therefore should be subjected to inactivation treatment before disposal or, alternatively, recycled as secondary raw material for a suitable process.  相似文献   
广东省五华县地质灾害形成特征及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
五华县主要地质灾害类型有滑坡、崩塌、地面塌陷、水土流失等。其中以滑坡、崩塌为主,多分布在东南、南部花岗岩区、北部花岗岩风化土区等广大中低山及丘陵区,具有点多面广,灾害点个体规模小,稳定性差,活动频繁,地质灾害发育呈明显的地域性与季节性分布等特点。五华县地质灾害的形成与发生是多种致灾因素相互作用的结果。地层岩性是其形成的内在要素,它在一定程度上决定着地质灾害的发育程度与类型;地形地貌与植被是地质灾害形成的外在条件,它制约着崩、滑、塌等致灾地质作用的形成;大气降雨是地质灾害形成与发生的激发因素,决定着地质灾害发生的速度和时间;人类工程活动是影响地质灾害形成与发生的最主要、最直接的因素。对地质灾害的防治应采用避让、预防、监测及治理措施,做到避让与治理结合,以群测群防为基本手段,点状灾害以工程治理与生物防治为主;面状灾害以生物防治为主;采用点、面结合综合治理的方法。  相似文献   
结合辽宁省新宾县地质灾害发育情况,在充分分析影响该地区地质灾害发生发展的自然因素和人为因素基础上,应用模糊综合评判方法,通过网格单元剖分,对泥石流、崩塌、滑坡、地面塌陷、地裂缝5种地质灾害进行易发程度划分与评价.结合Visual BASIC软件编程对各单元区评定等级,对其数字化结果进行叠加分析,最后应用Sufer 7.0软件生成等值线进行了新宾县地质灾害易发区的划分并作出评价.  相似文献   
介绍了岳阳市地质灾害特征,依据区内地质灾害经济损失评估的原则和方法,进行地质灾害现状评估和预测评估,为防治地质灾害提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   
The town of Zafferana Etnea, located on the southeastern slope of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy), has been repeatedly threatened by lava flows in recent centuries. The last serious threat occurred during the 1991–1993 eruption, when the lava front came to a halt only 1.7 km from the centre of town. Morphostructural data derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys carried out on Etna in 2005 have enabled us to evaluate the risk of lava invasion in a section (16 km2) of the Zafferana Etnea territory. Qualitative and quantitative results are obtained combining the information derived from LiDAR analysis with geological, morphological and structural data using geographic information systems technology (GIS). The study quantifies in unprecedented detail the areal extent and volume of forested and urban areas and its degree of exposure to different levels of hazard from future lava invasion. Nearly 52% of the urban texture fall into areas of moderate to high risk from lava invasion. Future land use planning should take these findings into account and promote new development preferentially in areas of lower risk.  相似文献   
地质灾害与地层岩性的关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗昌谟 《福建地质》2009,28(4):341-345
通过对福建省内10余个县(市)地质灾害调查与区域综合研究分析。认为各种地质灾害的发生与地质体的母岩有着内在联系,不同类型地质体母岩所发生地质灾害的种类、机率和形成规模也不尽相同。基于福建省现有地质灾害数据库所采集的资料,就地质灾害与地质体母岩的影响关系进行初步探讨。  相似文献   
本文将羌塘盆地新生代构造运动划分为三个阶段:古近纪为剥蚀、夷平和地壳加厚阶段;中新世为强烈挤压、褶皱阶段;上新世-全新世为高原缓慢整体抬升阶段。羌塘盆地的环境变迁和地质灾害与新生代构造活动密切相关。本区的强烈隆起、半荒漠化、沙尘暴、山洪、泥石流、冰川崩塌和雪崩、地震等均受新构造活动控制。  相似文献   
Vaunat  Jean  Leroueil  Serge 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(1):81-107
The paper first recalls briefly a methodological framework to assess landslide hazard and risk analysis in terms of predisposition, triggering andrevealing factors. This framework, that reflects the mechanisms involved in the landslide, is based on the Geotechnical Characterisation of slope movements proposed by Vaunat et al. (1994) and Leroueil et al. (1996). The Geotechnical Characterisation can be schematized by a 3-D matrix having the following axes: types of movement; types ofmaterial; and the four stages of movement: pre-failure, failure, post-failure andreactivation. For each relevant element of this 3-D matrix, there is a characterisationsheet including: the controlling laws and parameters, the predisposition factors, thetriggering or aggravating factors, the revealing factors and the consequences of the movement. The paper focuses afterwards on the post-failure stage, which generallyis the most destructive, and on the mobility index. It is shown that this laterindex can be described as the product of sub-indices associated with failure, brittlenessof the material, ability of the soil to develop pore pressures, geometry of the moving soil mass and characteristics of the terrain. It is also shown how these aspectscan be incorporated into the Geotechnical characterisation of slope movements. This seems to provide a rational basis for examining slope movements at the post-failure stage and assessing associated risks.  相似文献   
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