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ENSO对天目山柳杉树轮同位素的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在Nin↑~o3,4区SST序列和Jones等的SOI序列基础上,通过主分量分析方法建立了一个ENSO指数序列。并与根据天目山柳杉树轮碳,氢同位素组成比所建立的树轮指数序列进行相关分析。结果表明,天目山树轮指数与ENSO指数有很好的相关性,尤其与前2年的ENSO指数相关显著。说明ENSO对该地区树木的生长和同位素的分馏有影响,也说明天目山地区的树木年轮对于ENSO事件具有一定的记录能力。  相似文献   
利用Landsat卫星影像,采用面向对象分类方法提取珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区湖泊信息,分析了湖泊动态及对区域气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)2015年保护区湖泊总面积为489.07 km2,构造湖、河成湖、冰川湖分别占总面积的77.3%、2.6%、20.1%。(2)1975-2015年,保护区内各类湖泊面积变化速率不同,冰川湖最大(1.05 km2·a-1),构造湖次之(-0.85 km2·a-1),河成湖最稳定(0.013 km2·a-1);保护区南坡冰川湖面积变化速率(0.53 km2·a-1)略大于北坡(0.52 km2·a-1)。(3)北坡构造湖、河成湖对区域气候的响应呈阶段性变化规律,1975-2000年珠峰地区气候呈暖湿化趋势,2000年构造湖、河成湖面积达到峰值,两类总计增加22.8 km2;2000-2015年转变为显著的暖干气候,构造湖、河成湖面积均呈减少趋势,总共减少57.16 km2。随着区域气候的变暖,冰川湖总面积不断扩大,近40年间冰川湖面积累计增加43.06 km2。(4)灰色关联度分析显示,年极端低温对构造湖面积变化影响最显著,年均气温对冰川湖起主导作用,年均相对湿度对河成湖影响最大。较其他气候因子而言,降水量对各类湖泊面积变化的影响均最小。  相似文献   
华北地台北缘成矿带大青山绿岩型金矿地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细阐述了大青山地区绿岩型金矿的地质特征和找矿标志,指出金矿化带赋存在二道洼群大理岩与其它岩层的接触部位,同时受韧性剪切带控制,在大理岩褶曲部位或下层位有利于形成较富矿体。该类型金矿的发现,大大地拓展了在大青山地区的找矿空间。  相似文献   
山东蒙山第四纪冰川组合遗迹的发现及初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了山东蒙山地区南坡保存的丰富而清晰的第四纪冰川遗迹,重点展示了兰溪山谷的冰石河、侧碛堤组合,并对相伴产出的擦痕、磨光面、颤痕等冰川遗迹进行了调查与测量。同时对冰石河、侧碛堤的分布、规模、物质组成、岩石特征进行了介绍。根据侧碛堤的排列位置及砾石的风化程度,初步确定为末次冰期的冰碛遗迹;对山谷两侧磨光面上的擦痕进行了测量统计,显示谷壁磨光面上擦痕的长宽比具有10:1左右的比例规律;根据侧碛最大高度法(MELM),结合对于蒙山侧碛的调查,对蒙山雪线的高度进行了估算,初步估算蒙山南坡末次冰期时的雪线高度约为700 m左右。蒙山地区这些组合冰川遗迹的发现,为中国东部第四纪冰川的研究提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   
Despite the recent recognition of Mount Etna as a periodically violently explosive volcano, the hazards from various types of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have until now received virtually no attention at this volcano. Large-scale pyroclastic flows last occurred during the caldera-forming Ellittico eruptions, 15–16 ka ago, and the risk of them occurring in the near future is negligible. However, minor PDCs can affect much of the summit area and portions of the upper flanks of the volcano. During the past ~ 20 years, small pyroclastic flows or base-surge-like vapor and ash clouds have occurred in at least 8 cases during summit eruptions of Etna. Four different mechanisms of PDC generation have been identified during these events: (1) collapse of pyroclastic fountains (as in 2000 and possibly in 1986); (2) phreatomagmatic explosions resulting from mixing of lava with wet rock (2006); (3) phreatomagmatic explosions resulting from mixing of lava with thick snow (2007); (4) disintegration of the unstable flanks of a lava dome-like structure growing over the rim of one of the summit craters (1999). All of these recent PDCs were of a rather minor extent (maximum runout lengths were about 1.5 km in November 2006 and March 2007) and thus they represented no threat for populated areas and human property around the volcano. Yet, events of this type pose a significant threat to the lives of people visiting the summit area of Etna, and areas in a radius of 2 km from the summit craters should be off-limits anytime an event capable of producing similar PDCs occurs. The most likely source of further PDCs in the near future is the Southeast Crater, the youngest, most active and most unstable of the four summit craters of Etna, where 6 of the 8 documented recent PDCs originated. It is likely that similar hazards exist in a number of volcanic settings elsewhere, especially at snow- or glacier-covered volcanoes and on volcano slopes strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   
文章探讨了贡嘎山东坡不同海拔高度植物和土壤饱和脂肪酸的δDwax值,结果显示,土壤δDwax值与海拔显著负相关(R2=0.71),与前人报道的贡嘎山东坡土壤水、土壤正构烷烃δD值与海拔间的关系存在相同的趋势。植物δDwax值与海拔间的关系与土壤水及土壤相似,但相关性不明显(R2=0.11),然而,研究结果显示木本植物和草本植物的δDwax值随海拔变化存在明显的差异,总体上草本植物的氢同位素要更负。贡嘎山木本植物、草本植物和土壤的εwax-sw值随海拔的变化波动较小,但木本植物的加权平均δDwax值和εwax-sw值(土壤水和叶蜡之间的氢同位素分馏系数)比草本植物大约偏正38‰和43‰,表明它们各自对随海拔高度降水同位素变化有不同的响应。也即,沿海拔植物δDwax值同时受降水δD值和植物类型两个因素控制。因此,结果揭示土壤δDwax值随海拔的变化与木本植物和草本植物存在相同的趋势,木本植物的δD值比草本植物大约偏正了38‰,这个趋势显示植物类型的变化将不可避免的影响土壤饱和脂肪酸δDwax值与海拔间的关系。由于植物类型随海拔增加会有较大的变化,建议利用饱和脂肪酸δDwax值重建古海拔前需要对植物类型进行评估。  相似文献   
珠穆朗玛峰北坡山谷太阳辐射和大气的特征与分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
2006年5月27日~6月30日HEST2006大气科学实验对珠峰北坡山谷的辐射(总辐射、净辐射)和温、湿度、风等进行了综合观测.沿珠峰北坡山谷布设了3个观测站,3个测站的辐射、温度、风都表现出明显的日变化规律,它们在08:00或09:00(地方时,下同)达到极大值.3个测站总辐射和净辐射的日变化都七匕较一致.从日变化最大值出现的时间来看,各站的辐射通量早于气温,气温早于风速.3个测站中任意2站之间辐射(总辐射、净辐射)最大值之比与温度和风速最大值之比均比较接近.因辐射状况、地形结构、大气温度等不同,远离珠峰区域的风一天之内多次改变风向,靠近珠峰区域则24h都为南风.珠峰北坡山谷不同区域风向风速变化存在明显时差,南风强于北风,且持续时间长.研究表明,辐射能量对于珠峰北坡大气运动具有重要的驱动作用,是控制和改变其大气运动方式最基本、最重要的因子.净辐射在不同区域风向转变或风速变化过程中起着决定性的作用.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Mamut deposit of Sabah, East Malaysia, is a porphyry type Cu‐Au deposit genetically related to a quartz monzonite (“adamellite”) porphyry stock associated with upper Miocene Mount Kinabalu plutonism. The genesis of the Mamut deposit is discussed based on petrology of the intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area combined with ore– and alteration–petrography, fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope studies. Groundmass of the adamellite porphyry at Mamut is rich in K which suggests vapor transport of alkaline elements during the mineralizing magmatic process, while the groundmass of the post‐ore “granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut contains small amounts of normative corundum suggesting depletion in alkaline elements at the root zone of the magma column. Sub‐dendritic tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest interaction between the mineralizing magma and the exsolved fluids. Occurrences of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomor‐phic aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply lower water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity, respectively. Compositional gap between the core of hornblende phenocrysts and the tremolitic amphibole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decrease in pressure. Higher XMg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe) atomic ratio) in the tremolitic amphibole rims in the Mamut adamellite porphyry compared to those of the barren intrusions suggests high oxygen fugacity. High halogen contents of igneous hydrous minerals such as amphiboles, biotite and apatite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest the existence of highly saline fluids during the intrusion and solidification of the mineralizing magma. Fluid inclusions found in quartz veinlet stockworks are characterized by abundant hypersaline polyphase inclusions associated with subordinate amounts of immiscible gaseous vapor. Both Cu and Au are dispersed in disseminated and quartz stockwork ores. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as well as magnetite are the principal ore minerals in the biotitized disseminated ores. Primary assemblage of intermediate solid solution (iss) and pyrrhotite converted to the present assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling. Subsequent to biotitization, quartz veinlet stockworks formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The Cu‐Fe sul–fides associated with stockwork quartz veinlet are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineralizations were spatially controlled by NNE‐trending fractures accompanying the phyllic and advanced argillic alteration envelope. Sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides are homogeneous (about +2%) throughout the mineralization stages. These are identical to those of the magmatic sulfides of Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.  相似文献   
吴坤鹏  刘时银  郭万钦 《冰川冻土》2020,42(4):1115-1125
基于地形图和Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像等数据, 利用目视解译和波段比值法提取1980年、 2000年和2015年南迦巴瓦峰地区冰川空间分布数据, 分析研究区近35年冰川变化, 探讨冰川对气候变化的响应。结果表明: 1980 - 2015年, 南迦巴瓦峰地区冰川面积持续减小并呈加速退缩的趋势, 近35年共减少了(75.23±4.67) km2, 占1980年冰川总面积的(25.2±1.6)%, 年平均面积减小率为(0.73±0.05)%。研究区东南坡冰川面积变化速率大于西北坡, 在不同流域、 海拔及朝向上, 冰川变化差异较大。南迦巴瓦峰地区冰川表碛十分发育, 表碛覆盖冰川面积变化率小于裸露冰川, 表碛覆盖对冰川消融具有抑制作用。南迦巴瓦峰地区在气温显著升高的背景下, 虽然降水量有所增加, 但冰川对气温更加敏感, 因气温升高引起冰川消融所带来的物质损失超过降水增加对冰川的补给, 导致南迦巴瓦峰地区冰川普遍萎缩。  相似文献   
Constraining the process by which volcanoes become unstable is difficult. Several models have been proposed to explain the driving forces which cause volcanic edifices to catastrophically collapse. These include models for destabilisation of volcanic flanks by wedging due to dyke intrusion and the weakening of mechanical properties by pressurisation of pore fluids. It is not known which, if any, of the models are relevant to particular sector collapse events. Recent developments in the palaeomagnetic estimation of emplacement temperatures of volcaniclastic rocks have shown that even relatively low emplacement temperatures can be recorded by volcaniclastics with high fidelity. We have carried out a palaeomagnetic study of emplacement temperatures to investigate the role of igneous activity in the initiation of the 9,500 b.p. Murimotu sector collapse of Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand. This debris avalanche deposit has three fades which are stratigraphically superimposed, and the lowermost fades contains three lithological assemblages representing different segments of the edifice which were transported with little internal mixing within the flow. We have determined that some of the dacite-bearing assemblage 1, fades 1 was hot (∼350 °C) during transport and emplacement, whereas none of the other lithological assemblages of fades contained hot material. Our interpretation is that a dacite dome was active on the ancient Ruapehu edifice immediately prior to the Murimotu sector collapse. The partially cooled carapace of the dome and material shed from this part was incorporated into the avalanche deposit, along with cold lavas and volcaniclastics. We have not found evidence for incorporation of material at or close to magmatic temperatures, at least in the sampled locations. Our palaeomagnetic work allows us to develop a comprehensive, new palaeomagnetic classification of volcaniclastics. Published online: 25 January 2003 Editorial responsibility: D. Dingwell  相似文献   
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