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Hydroxyl radicals, generated radiolytically in N2O/O2‐saturated solutions, yield in their reaction with atrazine equal amounts of deethylatrazine and acetaldehyde (40% of OH radical yield) and deisopropylatrazine and acetone (16%), respectively. The precursors of deethylatrazine and acetaldehyde is their Schiff base which hydrolyzes slowly (OH‐catalyzed: k = 5.2 dm3 mol–1 s–1). The hydrolysis of the Schiff base of deisopropylatrazine and acetone is too fast to be detected. In a pulse radiolysis experiment, the intermediate formed upon OH‐radical attack (k = 3·109 dm3 mol–1 s–1) has a strong absorption at 440 nm. It decays in the presence of oxygen (k = 1.3·109 dm3 mol–1 s–1), and upon deprotonation [pKa(peroxyl radicals) ≈ 10.5] the peroxyl radicals thus‐formed eliminate superoxide radicals (k = 2.9·105 s–1). s‐Triazine itself reacts much more slowly with OH radicals (k = 9.7·107 dm3 mol–1 s–1). This can explain, why in the case of atrazine in comparison to other aromatic compounds, e.g. toluene, the addition of the OH radical to the ring (estimated at ca. 40%) is of relatively little importance as compared to an H‐abstraction from (activated) positions of the side groups.  相似文献   
Concentrations of chloride and sulfate and pH in the hot crater lake (Laguna Caliente) at Poás volcano and in acid rain varied over the period 1993–1997. These parameters are related to changes in lake volume and temperature, and changes in summit seismicity and fumarole activity beneath the active crater. During this period, lake level increased from near zero to its highest level since 1953, lake temperature declined from a maximum value of 70°C to a minimum value of 25°C, and pH of the lake water increased from near zero to 1.8. In May 1993 when the lake was nearly dry, chloride and sulfate concentrations in the lake water reached 85,400 and 91,000 mg l−1, respectively. Minimum concentrations of chloride and sulfate after the lake refilled to its maximum volume were 2630 and 4060 mg l−1, respectively. Between January 1993 and May 1995, most fumarolic activity was focused through the bottom of the lake. After May 1995, fumarolic discharge through the bottom of the lake declined and reappeared outside the lake within the main crater area. The appearance of new fumaroles on the composite pyroclastic cone coincided with a dramatic decrease in type B seismicity after January 1996. Between May 1995 and December 1997, enhanced periods of type A seismicity and episodes of harmonic tremor were associated with an increase in the number of fumaroles and the intensity of degassing on the composite pyroclastic cone adjacent to the crater lake. Increases in summit seismic activity (type A, B and harmonic tremor) and in the height of eruption plumes through the lake bottom are associated with a period of enhanced volcanic activity during April–September 1994. At this time, visual observations and remote fumarole temperature measurements suggest an increase in the flux of heat and gases discharged through the bottom of the crater lake, possibly related to renewed magma ascent beneath the active crater. A similar period of enhanced seismic activity that occurred between August 1995 and January 1996, apparently caused fracturing of sealed fumarole conduits beneath the composite pyroclastic cone allowing the focus of fumarolic degassing to migrate from beneath the lake back to the 1953–1955 cone. Changes in the chemistry of summit acid rain are correlated changes in volcanic activity regardless of whether fumaroles are discharging into the lake or are discharging directly into the atmosphere.  相似文献   
由于GRACE Follow-On双星系统等效于基线长为星间距离的一维水平重力梯度仪,因此本文基于GRACE Follow-On卫星重力梯度法开展了精确和快速反演下一代地球重力场的可行性论证研究. 研究结果表明:第一,基于GRACE Follow-On卫星重力梯度法(GFO-SGGM),利用卫星轨道参数(轨道高度250 km、星间距离50 km、轨道倾角89°、轨道离心率0.001)、关键载荷测量精度(星间距离10-6 m、星间速度10-7 m·s-1、星间加速度10-10 m·s-2、轨道位置10-3 m、轨道速度10-6 m·s-1、非保守力10-11 m·s-2)、观测时间30天和采样间隔10 s反演了120阶地球重力场,在120阶处累计大地水准面精度为9.331×10-4 m. 第二,在120阶内,利用将来GRACE Follow-On双星反演地球重力场精度较现有GRACE双星平均提高61倍,因此GRACE Follow-On卫星重力梯度法是进一步提高地球重力场反演精度的优选方法. 第三,下一代GRACE Follow-On计划较当前GRACE计划的优点如下:轨道高度更低(200~300 km)、载荷精度更高(10-7 ~10-9 m·s-1)和星间距离更短(50~100 km).  相似文献   
For detailed modeling of atmospheric chemistry it is necessary to consider aqueous-phase reactions in cloud droplets and deliquesced aerosol particles. Often, the gas-phase concentration is in equilibrium with the aqueous phase. Then Henrys law can be used to describe the distribution between the phases provided that the Henrys law coefficient is known. In some cases, thermodynamic equilibrium will not be reached and it is necessary to use kinetic expressions of the rates involved. These rates depend on diffusion constants, accommodation coefficients, Henrys law coefficients, particle size distributions, and several other parameters. This review describes how these processes can be treated in computer modeling and how the necessary data can be obtained. Even though it is written primarily for use in modeling atmospheric chemistry, some parts will also be useful for waste water and pesticide control and in other areas where the distribution of chemicals between the aqueous and the gas phase is important.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticide levels were determined in blubber samples collected from stranded and incidentally by-caught Hector’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori) and Maui’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) dolphins from New Zealand waters between 1997 and 2009. PCBs (45 congeners) and a range of OC pesticides including dieldrin, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), along with its metabolites DDE and DDD were determined. OC pesticides dieldrin, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD and p,p′-DDT were present at the highest concentrations. Sum DDT concentrations ranged from 93.7 to 8210 (Mean = 1358, S.D = 1974) and 252.4 to 57,390 (Mean = 12,389, S.D = 18,161) μg/kg wet weight in females and males, respectively. Similarly, Σ45CB concentrations ranged from 45.5 to 981.3 (Mean = 333.2, S.D = 265.8) and 60.5 to 5574 (Mean = 1833, S.D = 1659) μg/kg wet weight in females and males, respectively. The transfer of ΣDDTs and summed PCBs (both as ΣICES7CBs and Σ45CBs) between a pregnant female and her unborn fetus was calculated at 5.7% and 4.3%, respectively. As the fetus was close to term, this likely represents the degree of placental transfer. Concentrations of OC pesticides determined in the present study are higher than those previously reported for Hector’s dolphins. Sum DDT and DDE/ΣDDT levels calculated reveal New Zealand’s legacy of DDT usage, particularly off the east coast of the South Island.  相似文献   
季平均3.2m地温距平场在汛期预报中的应用   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:18  
汤懋苍  张建 《高原气象》1994,13(2):178-187
10^0所以内的各种气候变化,除正常年变化外,其余各种变化或因周期太短(如正常日变化、天气周期变化),或因气温振幅太小(如年际变化、月、季变化等),对3.2m地温化幅度的贡献均在0.05-0.15℃之间,故消除了正常年变化(取距平后的)3.2m地温场(T32)在相当程度上是3.2m以下地热活动的反映,特别是│T′3.2│≥0.5℃的高(低)温中心,基本上是地下热活动的反映。分析了1980年以来逐季  相似文献   
青藏高原热状况与青海东部春季降水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙武林 《高原气象》1994,13(2):212-216
本文选取青藏高原主体上的长波射出辐射距平指数和高原气温距平指数表征青藏高原热状况,它们都与大气环流和副热带高压的活动有着比较密切的关系。普查高原热状况与下一年青藏东部春季降水的相关关系,得到4个预报因子,建立回归方程。经1992年预报检验,效果良好。  相似文献   
大气环流变化对云南5月雨量的影响及其预报   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
严华生  张青 《高原气象》1994,13(2):217-223
本文分析了云南5月份降水与前期1-3月北半球100,500hPa高度场的关系,研究了影响云南5月份旱涝的大气环流系统及主要大气活动中心,探讨了遥相关场的波列结构,建立了基于环流演变物理概念的分析预报模式。  相似文献   
西北干旱地区大气中水汽的平均输送   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
高晓清 《高原气象》1994,13(3):307-313
本文利用探空资料对西北干旱地区的水汽输送进行了分析,结果表明:(1)平均而言,该地区最大水汽输送高度在600-700hPa,但由于局地的影响,有些地方在近地面;(2)该区域夏季水汽输送量是冬季的两倍;(3)该区域的损失水量是由流入该流域的地表径流蒸发补给的。  相似文献   
The use of Local Environmental Knowledge has been considered as an important strategy for adaptive management in the face of Global Environmental Change. However, the unprecedented rates at which global change occurs may pose a challenge to the adaptive capacity of local knowledge systems. In this paper, we use the concept of the shifting baseline syndrome to examine the limits in the adaptive capacity of the local knowledge of an indigenous society facing rapid ecosystem change. We conducted semi-structured interviews regarding perceptions of change in wildlife populations and in intergenerational transmission of knowledge amongst the Tsimane’, a group of hunter-gatherers of Bolivian Amazonia (n = 300 adults in 13 villages). We found that the natural baseline against which the Tsimane’ measure ecosystem changes might be shifting with every generation as a result of (a) age-related differences in the perception of change and (b) a decrease in the intergenerational sharing of environmental knowledge. Such findings suggest that local knowledge systems might not change at a rate quick enough to adapt to conditions of rapid ecosystem change, hence potentially compromising the adaptive success of the entire social-ecological system. With the current pace of Global Environmental Change, widening the gap between the temporal rates of on-going ecosystem change and the timescale needed for local knowledge systems to adjust to change, efforts to tackle the shifting baseline syndrome are urgent and critical for those who aim to use Local Environmental Knowledge as a tool for adaptive management.  相似文献   
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