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A method that combines calibration and identifiability analysis of a dynamic water quality model to evaluate the relative importance of various processes affecting the dynamic aspects of water composition is illustrated by a study of the response of suspended sediment and dissolved nutrients to a flood hydrograph in a rural catchment area in the Netherlands. Since the water quality model simulates the observed concentrations of suspended sediment and dissolved nutrients reasonably well, the most important processes during the observed flood hydrograph could be determined. These were erosion, exchange between dissolved phase and bed sediments and denitrification. It is concluded that the method is very useful for identifying the most significant model parameters and processes that are essential for water quality modelling. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
防波堤建设费用巨大,且一旦遭到破坏,后果甚为严重,因此,如何准确地计算防波堤的可靠性意义重大.随着人工神经网络理论的快速发展,人工神经网络方法在结构可靠性分析中的应用逐渐得到重视.基于神经网络的Monte Carlo法计算直立式防波堤的可靠性,概率意义明确.以秦皇岛典型直立堤为算例,采用基于神经网络的Monte Carlo法对直立式防波堤进行可靠性分析时,将直立堤滑动破坏和倾覆破坏的极限状态方程中的所有参数均作为变量处理,并将计算结果与Monte Carlo模拟的直接抽样法、重要抽样法以及独立变量JC法的计算结果进行对比.结果表明:基于神经网络的Monte Carlo法和Monte Carlo模拟的直接抽样法、重要抽样法计算结果相近,而比独立变量JC法的计算结果略低.  相似文献   
基于Monte Carlo-BP神经网络TBM掘进速度预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温森  赵延喜  杨圣奇 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):3127-3132
预测隧道工程中TBM掘进速度,主要有完全经验的、半理论半经验的模型和人工智能等方法,所用参数均为确定性的,未考虑参数存在的随机性,故导致预测结果的不准确性。基于此,提出了Monte Carlo-BP神经网络TBM掘进速度预测模型,着重考虑了一些重要输入参数的随机性, 其中输入参数重要性的大小通过粗糙集进行计算排序。采用Monte Carlo产生随机数时,由于参量的样本数据的有限,分布函数均采用阶梯形经验分布函数。如果采用的数据是来自不同类型的 TBM,则应当考虑机器性能参数,并重新对参数重要性进行排序。实例计算表明,Monte Carlo-BP神经网络模型预测结果和实测值总体趋势和均值比较一致。  相似文献   
Gamma ray logging is a method routinely employed by geophysicists and environmental engineers in site geology evaluations. Modelling of gamma ray data from individual boreholes assists in the local identification of major lithological changes; modelling these data from a network of boreholes assists with lithological mapping and spatial stratigraphic correlation. In this paper we employ Bayesian spatial partition models to analyse gamma ray data spatially. In particular, a spatial partition is defined via a Voronoi tessellation and the mean intensity is assumed constant in each cell of the partition. The number of vertices generating the tessellation as well as the locations of vertices are assumed unknown, and uncertainty about these quantities is described via a hierarchical prior distribution. We describe the advantages of the spatial partition modelling approach in the context of smoothing gamma ray count data and describe an implementation that may be extended to the fitting of a more general model than a constant mean within each cell of the partition. As an illustration of the methodology we consider a data set collected from a network of eight boreholes, which is part of a geophysical study to assist in mapping the lithology of a site. Gamma ray logs are linked with geological information from cores and the spatial analysis of log data assists with predicting the lithology at unsampled locations.  相似文献   
岩体质量分级的风险分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于RMR岩体质量分级系统的岩体质量研究风险分析方法。该方法分析步骤如下 :(1)通过岩芯样品的现场观测和实验室试验获得分类所需的变量 ;(2 )统计分析拟合得出各变量的分布函数及参数 ;(3)运用Monte Carlo模拟方法获得 2万个RMR值 ,并将结果绘成岩体质量描述图 ;(4)利用以上结果作出岩体质量风险分析评价。该方法用于润扬长江公路大桥岩体质量评价研究获得良好效果  相似文献   
Two different goals in fitting straight lines to data are to estimate a true linear relation (physical law) and to predict values of the dependent variable with the smallest possible error. Regarding the first goal, a Monte Carlo study indicated that the structural-analysis (SA) method of fitting straight lines to data is superior to the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method for estimating true straight-line relations. Number of data points, slope and intercept of the true relation, and variances of the errors associated with the independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables influence the degree of agreement. For example, differences between the two line-fitting methods decrease as error in X becomes small relative to error in Y. Regarding the second goal—predicting the dependent variable—OLS is better than SA. Again, the difference diminishes as X takes on less error relative to Y. With respect to estimation of slope and intercept and prediction of Y, agreement between Monte Carlo results and large-sample theory was very good for sample sizes of 100, and fair to good for sample sizes of 20. The procedures and error measures are illustrated with two geologic examples.  相似文献   
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