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Some authors have developed a few methods of measuring wave slopes based on light refraction, including the measurement method via the distribution of light intensity or color under water. A new method based on light refraction is specified for the measurement of wave surface elevation in wave flume via imaging technology. A plane painted with black and white stripes is put on the flume floor as an indication plane, which can be arranged easily and cheaply. Compared with the previous methods, the present method is less sensitive to the noise and nonlinear effects of optical process, which can be taken as a digital method. The CCD camera is fixed above the flume with its optical axis arranged vertically to grab the images of stripes modulated by the wave surface. The modulated value can be calculated from the Hilbert transform, and then the wave surface elevation can be obtained. The algorithm and experimental procedure are specified in detail, and some experimental results are provided to show the validity of the present method.  相似文献   
多波束测深表层声速误差的动态影响及改正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表层声速不准确会对多波束测深波束的归位产生影响,对于平面换能器阵,使波束角产生偏差,从而影响波束最终位置,但Snell常数保持不变;对于曲面换能器阵,虽然波束未束控不产生波束角偏差,但Snell常数发生改变,会使波束在传播过程中出现折射误差,对深水环境测量不利。对于表层声速误差带来的水深误差,外部波束比内部波束受到的影响更严重。当表层声速无法实时准确获取时,根据内外部波束对水深的影响大小识别表层声速误差的存在,通过逐步调整表层声速值,计算波束指向角差值,再重新进行声线跟踪,计算改正后的波束位置,消除其带来的水深的影响,完成表层声速误差的改正。文中用实测数据进行了验证,对多波束测深数据质量的改善有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
����CORS����������Ϣ�ľ��ܵ��㶨λ   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
???????ж??????????????GPS???????????????????????λ????????????????CORS???????????????????GPS???????????????????÷???????CORS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????人IGS?????????????????????????????????CORS?????????????λ????????????????????????????????????????  相似文献   
The zones of thawed ground in the permafrost area are most dangerous from engineer-geologist effect point of view. Detection of such zones, as making forecast of their movement is the main task of engi...  相似文献   
利用文登—阿拉善左旗长观测距地震宽角反射/折射剖面东段资料,辩识出4组地壳震相和3组地幔盖层震相.采用二维射线追踪走时反演和正演拟合交替计算方法,得到了包括鲁东隆起和华北裂陷盆地在内的地壳和地幔盖层二维速度结构.研究结果表明:华北裂陷盆地基底深达6km以上,研究区壳内界面C1埋深约15km,C2界面深约25km,Moho面平均埋深约35km.上地壳速度6.0~6.1km·s-1,且横向变化较大;中地壳速度相对均匀约为6.2~6.4km·s-1;下地壳速度为6.5~7.0km·s-1,速度梯度较大.地壳平均速度与隆起和坳陷构造相关.研究区岩石圈底界面一般为75~80km,西端接近太行隆起构造时深至90km左右,向西呈明显加深趋势,地壳厚度呈现相同的增厚特征.地幔盖层上部速度8.0~8.2km·s-1,具明显正梯度特征.岩石圈平均速度在郯庐断裂带附近显著偏低.PmP和PLP震相存在不同程度的复杂性,意味着在本地区Moho界面和岩石圈界面有较为复杂的结构,可能具有一定厚度或过渡带性质.结合其他研究结果认为,地幔盖层和下地壳速度梯度、界面性质差异与华北克拉通破坏相关,意味着破坏是一个渐变、缓慢和不均匀的过程.郯庐断裂带附近的低速应是其为软弱带的证据.  相似文献   
A multi‐method research design based on terrestrial laser scanning, GIS, geophysical prospecting (electrical resistivity tomography, refraction seismics) and sedimentology is applied for the first time to investigate enclosed karst depressions in an integrated way. Fusing multi‐resolution surface and subsurface geodata provides profound insights into the formation, geometry and geomorphologic processes of dolines. The studied landforms, which are located in the Dikti Mountains of East Crete, are shown to be filled by loose sediments of thicknesses of up to 30 m that mainly consist of fine‐grained material overlying solid bedrock at depths below 35 to 45 m. By combining subsurface observations with geomorphometric calculations, local doline genesis can be traced back to initial collapse of fractured bedrock followed by subsequent infilling with colluvials. In order to define crucial methodological requirements and guidelines for data fusion, both the impact of different elevation models and the influence of data resolution are assessed. Surface volumes of depressions derived by the digital surface model are 7–21% higher than the results obtained from the terrain model due to vegetation. Similarly, estimates of infill volume calculated on the basis of geophysical outcomes and elevation data differ by up to 13%. Calculations of the landforms' current volumes (i.e. total surface and subsurface volume), however, are fairly insensitive to raster resolution. Hence, the distinct geomorphologic properties of landforms (e.g. shape, terrain roughness, slope inclination) substantially determine the geomorphometric analysis of both surface and subsurface data. As shown by the findings, data fusion to integrate digital terrain, geophysical and sedimentological datasets of varied resolutions benefits geomorphologic studies and helps provide a comprehensive image of landforms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although its origin has not yet reached a consensus so far, MTS (Molar-Tooth Structure) has been documented for more than 100 years. Current study reports a discovery of MTS from the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation, Lingyuan, Yanshan Region, North China, and the features and geological implications of MTS are further discussed. Here, straitigraphic horizons of MTS’s occurrences show that it was mainly located within the top part of the Wumishan Formation, i.e., limestone unit. Four kinds of morphology of MTS, i.e., fine fusiform, debris, ribbon, ptigmatic and nodular (irregular), were recognized and thought to be highly related to the sedimentary environments and facies. Geochemistry of MTS including oxides, trace elements and C, O and Sr isotopes indicates that the horizons of MTS-bearing is of higher Sr/Ba and Ca/Mg ratios, lower positive δ13C and highly negative δ18O values than the adjacent stratigraphic levels of rare MTS. Lithology, morphology and geochemistry of MTS in the Wumishan Formation suggest that MTS occurs mainly in shallow subtidal near the storm wave base, which is typically characterized by warm temperature, oversaturated calcium carbonate seawater and high organic productivity. Furthermore, occasional enrichment of algae bacteria here is more favorable for the calcification of calcium oozes and catalytic for MTS. C isotope composition of the Wumishan Formation and MTS of this study is well correlated with that of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup, North America and Riphean, Siberia, suggesting that MTS acts as a sedimentary record responding to global changes and is a perfect indicator in Precambrian stratigraphic correlation worldwide.  相似文献   
Results obtained by SASW and PS-logging (in-hole) seismic techniques are compared with the relatively new ReMi (Refraction microtremor) method at a common site with a well-known soil profile: a recently constructed high-speed railway embankment. PS-logging is the most accurate technique in identifying the soil profile of the embankment followed by Re-Mi and SASW. Mean shear wave velocity estimations are also higher for PS-logging, followed by SASW and ReMi, while mean deviation is similar in each technique. The ReMi technique has provided very accurate results in the study of the embankment profile, which in addition to its high operability and its fast data processing, makes it a very convenient technique for extensive geotechnical surveys.  相似文献   
This paper presents a signal processing procedure to perform refractor velocity analysis. The procedure enables one to obtain the seismic velocity from the refracted wavefield without the picking of refracted arrival times. Two processing procedures are derived, one starting from a seismic interferometric approach and another, from the conventional reciprocal method and generalized reciprocal method approaches. The theoretical equivalence of the two approaches is also demonstrated. The proposed processing procedure is applied to synthetic data in order to test the influence of some procedural parameters and its capability to reconstruct a known velocity model starting from refracted signals, without and with perturbations, in arrival times and noise; finally, it is applied to a field data set.  相似文献   
The authors processed the seismic refraction Pg-wave travel time data with finite difference tomography method and revealed velocity structure of the upper crust on active block boundaries and deep features of the active faults in western Sichuan Province. The following are the results of our investigation. The upper crust of Yanyuan basin and the Houlong Mountains consists of the superficial low-velocity layer and the deep uniform high-velocity layer, and between the two layers, there is a distinct, and gently west-dipping structural plane. Between model coordinates 180-240 km, P-wave velocity distribution features steeply inclined strip-like structure with strongly non-uniform high and low velocities alternately. Xichang Mesozoic basin between 240 and 300 km consists of a thick low-velocity upper layer and a high-velocity lower layer, where lateral and vertical velocity variations are very strong and the interface between the two layers fluctuates a lot. The Daliang Mountains to the east of the 300 km coordinate is a non-uniform high-velocity zone, with a superficial velocity of approximately 5 km/s. From 130 to 150 km and from 280 to 310 km, there are extremely distinct deep anomalous high-velocity bodies, which are supposed to be related with Permian magmatic activity. The Yanyuan nappe structure is composed of the superficial low-velocity nappe, the gently west-dipping detachment surface and the deep high-velocity basement, with Jinhe-Qinghe fault zone as the nappe front. Mopanshan fault is a west-dipping low-velocity zone, which extends to the top surface of the basement. Anninghe fault and Zemuhe fault are east-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zones, which extend deep into the base-ment. At a great depth, Daliangshan fault separates into two segments, which are represented by drastic variation of velocity structures in a narrow strip: the west segment dips westward and the east segment dips eastward, both stretching into the basement. The east margin fault of Xichang Mesozoic basin features a strong velocity gradient zone, dipping southwestward and stretching to the top surface of the basement. The west-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zone at the easternmost segment of the profile is a branch of Mabian fault, but the reliability of the supposition still needs to be confirmed by further study. Anninghe, Zemuhe and Daliangshan faults are large active faults stretching deep into the basement, which dominate strong seismic activities of the area.  相似文献   
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