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采用铜适量(4.47mg/kg)和铜过量(1127.51mg/kg)的两种饲料投喂初始体重为(12.9±0.2)g的斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)8周,研究饲料中过量铜对斜带石斑鱼生长性能、形态学指标、体组成和鱼体微量元素含量的影响。结果表明,当饲料铜含量由4.47mg/kg升高到1127.51mg/kg时,斜带石斑鱼增重率由228%下降到63%,饲料效率由1.12下降到0.51,肠脂比由2.90%下降到1.69%。全鱼和肝脏中的铜含量均随饲料铜水平的增加而显著增加,斜带石斑鱼全鱼铜含量由2.98mg/kg上升到34.98mg/kg,肝脏铜含量由36.6mg/kg上升到1364.0mg/kg。但饲料中过量铜对斜带石斑鱼的存活率、鱼体肥满度、脏体比、肝体比和全鱼体组成没有显著性影响。摄食高铜饲料的斜带石斑鱼肝脏锌含量显著升高,锌可能在铜的解毒过程中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Since 1980 when F. Lippmann's seminal paper appeared, ourunderstanding of solubility equilibria involving ionic solidsolutions has been advanced by theoretical considerations as wellas careful experimental studies designed to determine excess Gibbsfunctions. A unified theory of solid-solution aqueous-solutionequilibria as well as the thermodynamic background of thephenomenon of ``stoichiometric saturation' are reviewed.It is shown that Lippmann diagrams effectively summarize thethermodynamic basis of solid-solute aqueous-solution equilibria ofsparingly soluble metal carbonate systems. Clearly, the predictivepower of these diagrams may be limited due to kineticrestrictions. Only when dissolution and precipitation areessentially reversible, favourable conditions to synthesizehomogeneous solid phases can be derived from studies of equilibria.  相似文献   
Darcys Law Expressed by Chemical Index   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 18 5 6 ,HenryDarcypublishedhislaw ,theDarcy’slaw ,expressedbyhydraulicindexthroughalong termexperimentofwaterpermeationinmulti mineralmedium (Xu ,1986 ) ,whichnotonlymettheurgentneedofthedevelopmentofsocialecono myandpracticeforcalculationofwellwaterquantityatt…  相似文献   
中国菊花石的矿物组成特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
中国菊花石产于二叠纪栖霞组碳酸盐岩层位中,菊花石经光学显微鉴定,X-射线衍射分析和x-射线能谱仪测试,其原生矿物主要天青石和菱锶矿,两种含锶矿物后期广泛被方解石,白云石和石英交代,依据其菊花石原生矿物组成,将我国菊花石划分为天青石型(浏阳菊花石为典型)菱锶矿型(宣恩,来宾菊花石)和青青石-菱锶矿混合型(永丰型菊花石)菊花石三种类型。  相似文献   
利用核磁共振技术对丘陵油田低渗储层可动油的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了定量评价储层可动油饱和度及渗流能力,应用核磁共振技术对丘陵油田40块岩心的可动油饱和度进行了定量测试.研究表明,丘陵油田低渗透储层可动油饱和度值的分布范围是4.8%~56.7%,平均值为33.4%.可动油饱和度高低与岩心孔隙度、渗透率及驱油效率呈正相关关系.各类储层可动油饱和度差异较大,储层沉积微相及物性决定了可动油饱和度和渗流能力的大小.  相似文献   
盐渍土溶陷特性的试验研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以新疆(北疆)地区S201线克拉玛依至榆树沟段公路沿线的盐渍土为研究对象,着重对该土的溶陷特性进行了试验研究,目的是为新疆的公路设计和施工提供合理的技术指导。运用单轴压缩试验,通过利用单、双线法试验结果的对比分析,总结出了盐渍土的溶陷变形随含水量和压力变化的规律及特点。研究认为:对于不同类型的盐渍土,不论采用何种试验方法,都会得到溶陷系数、峰值溶陷压力随含水量增大而减小,氯盐盐渍土峰值溶陷压力在400—500kPa附近,而硫酸盐盐渍土峰值溶陷压力在200kPa附近;同时还得出不同类型的盐渍土对水的敏感程度相同,即试验开始与结束表现为敏感弱,而中间阶段表现较强;从试验方法符合实际情况以及结果准确入手,双线法比单线法更适合于对盐渍土溶陷性的试验研究。  相似文献   
杨宁  薛步高 《云南地质》2013,(4):389-392
全省上表铁矿111处,总储量32.16亿吨,其中有11.27亿吨暂不能使用.而且,富铁矿少,难选矿多,分布边远,难以满足经济发展需求.必须解决菱铁矿、高磷矿选矿问题,以及有远景磁异常补充深部找矿问题,可望取得突破.  相似文献   

In humid regions, surface runoff is often generated by saturation-excess runoff mechanisms from relatively small variable source areas (VSAs). However, the majority of the current hydrologic models are based on infiltration-excess mechanisms. In this study, the AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) model was used to integrate the VSA concept using topographic wetness index (TWI). Both the original and AGNPS-VSA models were evaluated for a small agricultural field in Ontario, Canada. The results indicate that the AGNPS-VSA model performed better than original model. The AGNPS-VSA model predicted that only the saturated portion of the field with higher TWI values produced runoff, whereas the original AGNPS model showed uniform hydrologic response from the entire field. The results of this study are important for accurately mapping the locations of VSAs. This new model could be a powerful tool in identifying critical source areas for applying targeted best management practices to minimize pollutant loads to receiving waters.  相似文献   
资源外交寓于国际地缘政治的长期博弈之中。地缘政治是一国对外交往所要考虑的重要因素之一。本文立足于内线周边和外线外围的地缘关系分析,总结了中国资源外交地缘政治的总体态势和潜在风险,并试图提出我国资源外交的基本思路。在全球地缘政治格局中,中国的资源外交包括内线地带和外线地带两个层次:内线由接壤的邻国以及接近的近邻组成,是中国资源外交的战略依托地带;外线由涵盖美洲、欧洲、非洲和澳洲大陆的资源生产大国和消费大国组成,是中国资源外交的战略腾挪空间。在这两个层次上,我国的地缘风险主要来自其他大国的地缘战略遏制、“走出去”战略的地缘选择权旁落、资源通道和贸易路线受制于人。要突破这些地缘限制与束缚,我国的资源外交需统筹国内、国际两个大局,分清内线、外线战略方向的轻重缓急,以周边关系为首要、以大国关系为关键、以发展中国家关系为基础,积极拓展对外友好关系的发展空间,有序扩展资源合作领域,坚定维护国家资源权益。  相似文献   
Gravity waves play a significant role in establishing the large-scale circulation and structure of the middle atmosphere. Through gravity wave saturation proc-esses, such motions are believed to cause turbulence, resulting in divergence of momentum flux and the diffusion of heat and constituents in the meso-sphere[1,2]. The mechanisms that contribute signifi-cantly to the gravity wave saturation are thought to be the dynamical and convective instabilities[3]. However, it is difficult to distin…  相似文献   
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