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铅锌产业链结构状况及海外资源战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈甲斌 《江苏地质》2009,33(1):102-107
我国铅锌产业发展虽然成绩显著,但资源问题是制约铅锌产业链协调发展的重要因素,开发利用海外铅锌资源是促进我国铅锌产业健康发展的长期战略方针。在总结国外海外资源开发经验的基础上,阐述了我国铅锌资源海外战略的基本原则及近期与中长期的战略目标,并对战略重点做了详细部署。  相似文献   
Predictably, in a country such as Britain, with its preponderance of consolidated, sedimentary, mainly fissure-flow aquifers, there is a very large number of springs, many of which are, or have been, used for public supply. Migratory springs are a feature of the British (Ur. Cretaceous) Chalk, the most important British aquifer. The Chalk's low specific yield and high capillary moisture retention together give rise to very considerable fluctuations (more than 33 m in some areas) of the unconfined water table. Along the gentle dip slopes of the Chalk (North and South Downs of southern and southeastern England) springs may migrate laterally for several miles, giving rise to seasonal streams locally known as bournes or lavants. However, springs such as at Duncton, West Sussex, at the base of the much steeper scarp slopes of the Chalk, form point sources, the flows from which tend to be relatively steady; such springs commonly supply and are the original reason for the existence of many of the small towns and villages which nestle along the bases of the chalk scarps of Sussex and Kent.Where the Chalk forms coastal cliffs, a number of springs break out at the base of the cliff between high and low tide levels; there are major chalk coastal springs, for instance, at St. Margaret's Bay (Kent) and at Arish Mells, east of Lulworth Cove, Dorset. Such springs are not used for direct supply (their salinity is usually too high) but are indicators of the presence of local reserves of groundwater for possible future development.  相似文献   
首先详细介绍了"一张图管矿"系统数据中心的基本概念以及数据体系结构,在此基础上阐述了"一张图管矿"系统数据的逻辑结构和数据分类。  相似文献   
基于GIS技术的矿产资源信息系统   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
地质资料基本上可以分为空间数据和属性数据两大类.它们是地学数据不可分割的两方面,客观上要求统一进行管理.采用地理信息系统技术,可以彻底解决两种类型数据统一管理问题.结合正在开展的辽宁省矿产资源勘查、开发与利用规划工作,论述了建立基于GIS技术的辽宁矿产资源信息系统实现数据可视化和空间模型分析的思路和实现方法.它为今后矿产资源管理工作实现全面科学化管理提供了现代化手段,也为制定行业发展规划以及进行生产决策提供了支持,进而促进地质找矿和矿产开发的工作部署朝思维可视化及思路多样化的方向发展.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes in detail the characteristics of surface humidity changes in China under the background of global warming in the recent 50 years by using the observation data compiled by the National Meteorological Information Center of China. The results reveal that (1) with the increase of temperature,surface saturation specific humidity (qs) shows basically an exponential growth, according to the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The nationwide average moistening rate in winter is obviously less than the annual average rate and the summer rate. There are some regional differences in qstrends in different regions of China. For example, qsin central and eastern parts of China exhibits a reducing trend in summer, consistent with the weakening trend of temperature in these areas; (2) except parts of South China and Jianghuai Region in eastern China, unanimously increasing trends of annual and winter specific humidity (q) are found in most of China, especially in western China. In summer, except parts of Northeast China, Northwest China, and some areas over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the decreasing and drying trends are significant in most of China, which is not consistent with the global mean situation; (3) the surface relative humidity(RH) in most of China shows a reducing trend. One of the major reasons for the reduction of RH is that the increasing rates of q are smaller than those of qs. Nonetheless, upward trends of RH in central and eastern China mainly due to the cooling temperature and rising q in these regions are observed in summer, leading to more precipitation. From about 2003 or so, qshas remarkably increased while q has sharply decreased in most parts of China; therefore, RH has reduced to a great extent. This may be closely related to the persistent growth of drought areas in China in the recent 10 years.  相似文献   
动三轴试验是评价场地地震液化势的有效手段之一,而饱和是确保动三轴试验结果可靠性的首要步骤.常规的反压饱和法是利用外界的大反压力将水强行压入土中,压缩土中的空气,从而使试样饱和的方法;利用该法饱和可有效的提高土样的饱和度和饱和效率.黄土属于特殊土类,现行的动三轴试验方法都是沿用砂土或粉土的试验方法,然而由于黄土具有特殊的结构性,利用施加大反压的方法饱和黄土时会对其结构产生破坏,因此通过常规的反压饱和方法饱和黄土时存在较大的局限性.本文结合黄土的特性,探讨了常规反压饱和方法在黄土饱和时存在的主要局限性,考虑黄土的性质,结合既有的黄土脱气水位循环差饱和技术对常规反压饱和方法进行了改进,并在WF-12440型动三轴扭剪仪上通过液化试验检验了改进后的反压饱和技术在黄土液化试验中的应用效果.结果表明:改进后的反压饱和技术综合了常规反压饱和法和脱气水位循环差饱和技术的优点,使黄土在饱和过程中结构不产生破坏的条件下短时间内达到较高的饱和度,有效地提高了试验效率;该方法适合在黄土液化试验中广泛应用.  相似文献   
地球物理信号通常在多个尺度段表现尺度不变性,这些不变性起因于不同的地质、地球物理或成矿过程的自相似性. 利用这种在多个尺度段的尺度不变性可以设计多维分形滤波器,滤波所得信号表征了具尺度不变性的地质地球物理或成矿过程,可以用于成矿预测或环境评价. 本文研究了Walsh变换列率空间地球物理信号的列率功率谱密度与列率之间的分形与多维分形关系, 试验证实了大洋钻探、石油以及煤系地层地球物理测井资料在Walsh域的多维分形性质,提出了用于分解地球物理场,提取有用信号并用于矿产资源勘探或环境评价的多维分形W-A模型. 利用波列率域中的多维分形关系构造了W-A图解(W-A Plot). 借助W-A图解可以确定最小平方误差(LS)意义下Walsh功率谱变化的不同自相似性的频率分界点,从而用于设计W-A分形滤波器. 这种滤波器可将地球物理场分解成具有不同自相似性的局部场,并且保留原场的各向异性结构. 与通常使用的基于Fourier变换的滤波技术相比,W-A模型具有许多优点:W-A适用于检测地球物理信号中的突变、线性、环状、局部与纹理结构等弱信号. 同时,由于Walsh变换中只有简单的变号(加法与减法),其计算速度远快于建立在复数乘法之上的Fourier变换,所以W-A计算速度远快于Fourier域的滤波方法,可以用于地球物理信号的现场实时处理. 用加拿大Nova-cotia省西南地区的布格重力异常进行了W-A方法的试算,处理结果反映了地质、矿产分布规律,能够很好地进行矿产预测.  相似文献   
张翔  牛洪斌  李海林 《甘肃地质》2005,14(1):1-4,20
甘肃省为矿产资源大省之一,本文主要从甘肃省优势矿产资源特征、开发利用现状、对策及开发利用战略等方面进行分析。  相似文献   
砾岩在不同矿化度下的岩电参数变化规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为解决地层含油饱和度计算误差的问题,用不同矿化度地层水进行了地层因素和电阻增大率的实验,发现了砾岩储层岩电参数的变化规律.进一步有效地利用这一规律可以对含油饱和度的计算误差进行校正,从而修正开发储量中的计算误差.这一规律的研究对克拉玛依砾岩油藏的开发具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
活性炭法测定室内外环境中氡的吸附饱和性实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一套实验装置,可通过该装置了解吸附了氡气的活性炭的放射性计数与活性炭所在环境的氡浓度的关系.活性炭中氡或其衰变子体放出的γ射线的总计数与氡浓度成线性关系;γ射线的总计数经过校正后,可以换算成活性炭所在环境的氡浓度.  相似文献   
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