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Although the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) for calcite, generally located in the depth range 4000–5000 m, is often proposed as a physiological barrier to deep-ocean colonization, many organisms with calcareous exoskeletons are found in the deepest oceanic trenches. Serpulid polychaetes inhabiting unprotected calcareous tubes are unlikely deep-sea inhabitants, yet, they are found at all oceanic depths from intertidal to hadal. Here we review and revise the published and unpublished records of Serpulidae from below 5000 m depth. We also describe tube ultrastructure and mineralogical content of available deep-sea serpulid tubes to obtain insights into their biomineralisation. Species belonging to the genera Bathyditrupa, Bathyvermilia, Hyalopomatus, Pileolaria (spirorbin) and Protis were found at depths from 5020 to 9735 m. However, only specimens of Protis sp. were truly hadal (>6000 m) being found at 6200–9700 m. Hadal specimens of Protis have irregularly oriented prismatic tube microstructure similar to that found in more shallow-water representatives of the genus. Initial EDX analysis suggested a mostly calcitic composition (i.e., the most stable CaCO3 polymorph) on the basis of high Mg levels. Surprisingly, however, tubes of Bathyditrupa hovei and a species of Protis analysed using the more reliable method of laser Raman spectroscopy were found to be composed of aragonite. The compensation depth for this less stable CaCO3 polymorph in the oceans is usually 2000–3000 m. We found no obvious structural adaptations to life at extreme depths in the studied serpulid tubes and how serpulids are able to biomineralise and maintain their tubes below the CCD remains to be explained.  相似文献   
In order to study pore water response and static liquefaction characteristics of silty sand, which has previously experienced liquefaction, two series of monotonic triaxial tests were run on medium dense sand specimens (RD = 50%) at confining pressure of 100 kPa. In the first test series, the influence of the soil saturation under undrained static loading has been studied. It summarizes results of monotonic tests performed on Chlef sand at various values of the Skempton's pore pressure coefficient. Analysis of experimental results gives valuable insights on the effect of soil saturation on sand response to undrained monotonic paths. In the second series of tests, the overconsolidation influence on the resistance to the sands liquefaction has been realized on samples at various values of overconsolidation ratios (OCR). It was found that the increase of overconsolidation ratio (OCR) increases the resistance of sands to liquefaction.  相似文献   
采用铜适量(4.47mg/kg)和铜过量(1127.51mg/kg)的两种饲料投喂初始体重为(12.9±0.2)g的斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)8周,研究饲料中过量铜对斜带石斑鱼生长性能、形态学指标、体组成和鱼体微量元素含量的影响。结果表明,当饲料铜含量由4.47mg/kg升高到1127.51mg/kg时,斜带石斑鱼增重率由228%下降到63%,饲料效率由1.12下降到0.51,肠脂比由2.90%下降到1.69%。全鱼和肝脏中的铜含量均随饲料铜水平的增加而显著增加,斜带石斑鱼全鱼铜含量由2.98mg/kg上升到34.98mg/kg,肝脏铜含量由36.6mg/kg上升到1364.0mg/kg。但饲料中过量铜对斜带石斑鱼的存活率、鱼体肥满度、脏体比、肝体比和全鱼体组成没有显著性影响。摄食高铜饲料的斜带石斑鱼肝脏锌含量显著升高,锌可能在铜的解毒过程中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
研究了句容甲山膨润土矿的矿床地质特征,发现地层上覆下白垩统碱性流纹岩,矿石呈黄绿色、粉红色、灰白色和肉红色等多种颜色,局部保留有原岩的角砾结构,并观察到含有风化残余的粗面岩团块和因断层滑移形成的断层角砾。X射线衍射(XRD)分析发现不同颜色矿石的矿物组成差异很大,通过扫描电子显微镜观察到岩石风化现象和伴生的次生矿物类型。研究表明,该矿属于火山熔岩风化残积型膨润土矿床,在开发过程中应进行分类开发或进行深加工处理,可提高开发效益。  相似文献   
矿物标型六性及其在胶东金矿中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前矿物标型研究和应用已进入一个新的阶段。作者从哲学的高度,把国内外矿物标型特征的分散研究加以集中概括和总结,提出了“矿物标型六性”的普遍规律,即普遍性、特殊性、变化性、相应性、继承性和分带性,对矿物标型特征研究具重要的指导意义。这些规律在胶东金矿中得到广泛应用,并已取得良好效果。  相似文献   
李宁 《地球物理学报》1989,32(5):580-592
本文导出了电阻率-孔隙度、电阻率-含油(气)饱和度关系的一般形式--两个对称的表达式,并给予了实验证明。同时,本文指出,Archie公式、Winsauer公式和双水公式都是一般形式在一定条件下的特例。在一般情况下,本文给出了14个能够逼近这两个表达式的函数类型,通过岩芯数据进行选优,可以得到适合不同地区或地层的最优方程。根据本文理论建立的解释方法和研制的软件已经在油田生产中推广应用并取得了良好效果。 由于涉及内容较多,全文分两部分撰写。以下是本文的第(Ⅰ)部分,即一般形式的导出及实验验证;而最佳函数类型的确定及其在生产中的应用将作为本文的第(Ⅱ)部分发表。  相似文献   
Studies of the distribution and abundance of fluid inclusions in granitic quartz associated with granite-hosted Sn-W mineralization of the British Isles reveal local and regional scale anomalies.At a sampling interval of c.5~50m,inclusion abundances increase towards zones of vein and stockwork mineralization exemplified by case history examples from exploration prospects in the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland and the Carrock Fell mining district of northwestern England.These steam aureoles provide a greater exploration target than the zone of visible alteration and mineralization and the lithogeochemical halo.But it is important to link them to geochemical data on fluid inclusion compositions,such as the semi-quantitative data from decrepitation-linked,ICP-AES (D-ICP)analysis,to optimize their exploration potential.Regional scale fluid inclusion anomalies,based on sampling intervals of c. 2km from the Sn-W mineralized granites of southwest England also broadly correlate with zones of intense mineralization in some areas. Regional-scale D-ICP analyses of quartz from SW England granites did not provide any convincing regional scale anomalies linked to mineralization except for positive boron anomalies around the centrally-mineralized Birch Tor area of the Dartmoor granite.Follow-up D-ICP analysis of quartz from stream sediments from this area,however,could be used to discriminate between samples related to mineralization from those draining unmineralized areas,using multivariate statistical analysis.At the present stage of development, the main contribution of fluid inclusion studies to mineral exploration is mostly limited to the conceptual stage where they continue to contribute to ore genetic theory and models.Costs and lack of knowledge transfer between research scientists and mineral explorationists limit their direct use during regional and target selection stages of exploration.Analysis of steam sediment quartz,using the more sensitive ICP-MS technique as a variant of the D-ICP method,appears to offer the greatest potential for future development as an exploration tool.  相似文献   
镇江市矿产资源规划数据库建设创新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
唐海燕  朱映  杨婷 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):379-383
在MapGIS平台,采用关系数据库模型,建设镇江市矿产资源规划数据库,形成较为完整的矿产资源规划数据库的图层内容、属性结构、属性内容、属性字段,为江苏全面开展各市县矿产资源规划数据库建设起到指导示范作用。  相似文献   
在获得含甲烷水合物多孔介质体系阻抗谱参数的基础上,通过计算得到了复电阻率数据,分析了复电阻率参数的频散规律;讨论了3种常用的复电阻率模型(Dias模型、Warburg模型、Cole-Cole模型),并采用实验数据对3种复电阻率模型的参数进行了拟合,进而对各模型的适用性进行了对比和评价。结果表明:Warburg模型对含甲烷水合物多孔介质的复电阻率数据拟合效果最好,该模型可应用于含水合物多孔介质电学特性的进一步研究;Warburg模型的参数与水合物饱和度之间存在明显的对应关系,随着水合物饱和度的增大,模型参数中的零频电阻率和时间常数均单调减小,这为下一步建立基于复电阻率模型参数的水合物饱和度计算模型提供了基础。  相似文献   
To better understand the relationship between the pore capillary pressure and hydrate saturation in sediments, a new method was proposed. First, the phase equilibria of methane hydrate in fine-grained silica sands were measured. As to the equilibrium data, the pore capillary pressure and saturation of methane hydrate were calculated. The results showed that the phase equilibria of methane hydrates in fine-grained silica sands changed due to the depressed activity of pore water caused by the surface group and negatively charged characteristic of silica particles as well as the capillary pressure in small pores together. The capillary pressure increased with the increase of methane hydrate saturation due to the decrease of the available pore space. However, the capillary-saturation relationship could not yet be described quantitatively because of the stochastic habit of hydrate growth.  相似文献   
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