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地面数字化测图网络自主学习系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以地面数字化测图模拟与仿真平台为基础,研究基于GIS技术的地面数字化测图模拟与仿真平台可视化仿真方法,建立地面数字化测图网络自主学习系统,引导学生在提出问题的基础上自主选择解决问题的方法、途径和工具,建立探究性实验教学模式,从而培养学生的实践和创新能力。  相似文献   
This paper presents an application of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data in conjunction with an IRS LISS-III image for mapping forest fuel types. For two study areas of 165 km2 and 487 km2 in Sicily (Italy), 16,761 plots of size 30-m × 30-m were distributed using a tessellation-based stratified sampling scheme. ALS metrics and spectral signatures from IRS extracted for each plot were used as predictors to classify forest fuel types observed and identified by photointerpretation and fieldwork. Following use of traditional parametric methods that produced unsatisfactory results, three non-parametric classification approaches were tested: (i) classification and regression tree (CART), (ii) the CART bagging method called Random Forests, and (iii) the CART bagging/boosting stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) approach. This contribution summarizes previous experiences using ALS data for estimating forest variables useful for fire management in general and for fuel type mapping, in particular. It summarizes characteristics of classification and regression trees, presents the pre-processing operation, the classification algorithms, and the achieved results. The results demonstrated superiority of the SGB method with overall accuracy of 84%. The most relevant ALS metric was canopy cover, defined as the percent of non-ground returns. Other relevant metrics included the spectral information from IRS and several other ALS metrics such as percentiles of the height distribution, the mean height of all returns, and the number of returns.  相似文献   
1∶10 000地形图更新工作是省级基础测绘的重要组成部分,本文主要论述了1∶10 000地形图更新工作方案的制订过程,在充分分析了现有地理信息数据情况的前提下,合理制订更新目标、方法及技术方案,为"十三五"期间基础测绘工作的开展提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
地质论文中的插图具有自身的特殊性,根据地质科技期刊对其插图的要求,应用各种绘图软件制作插图,经对比认为MAPGIS是一种方便、快捷、功能强大、最适合制作地质插图的矢量化软件。  相似文献   
成像光谱遥感技术在岩石矿物识别和矿物填图方面发挥着越来越大作用,而成像光谱矿物填图的精度问题一直是研究的焦点。文章利用高光谱数据HyMap对新疆东天山地区的矿物填图结果,通过引入矿物填绘分布强度的概念,探索性的分析了成像光谱矿物填图与填绘矿物丰度的关系。  相似文献   
Use of GIS layers, in which the cell values represent fuzzy membership variables, is an effective method of combining subjective geological knowledge with empirical data in a neural network approach to mineral-prospectivity mapping. In this study, multilayer perceptron (MLP), neural networks are used to combine up to 17 regional exploration variables to predict the potential for orogenic gold deposits in the form of prospectivity maps in the Archean Kalgoorlie Terrane of Western Australia. Two types of fuzzy membership layers are used. In the first type of layer, the statistical relationships between known gold deposits and variables in the GIS thematic layer are used to determine fuzzy membership values. For example, GIS layers depicting solid geology and rock-type combinations of categorical data at the nearest lithological boundary for each cell are converted to fuzzy membership layers representing favorable lithologies and favorable lithological boundaries, respectively. This type of fuzzy-membership input is a useful alternative to the 1-of-N coding used for categorical inputs, particularly if there are a large number of classes. Rheological contrast at lithological boundaries is modeled using a second type of fuzzy membership layer, in which the assignment of fuzzy membership value, although based on geological field data, is subjective. The methods used here could be applied to a large range of subjective data (e.g., favorability of tectonic environment, host stratigraphy, or reactivation along major faults) currently used in regional exploration programs, but which normally would not be included as inputs in an empirical neural network approach.  相似文献   
根据金川超镁铁质岩体主要造岩矿物和副矿物的共生组合关系及各种矿物的化学成分特点;选用5种较成熟、使用较方便的矿物地质温度计、压力计(主要是辉石温压计和角闪石压力计),对岩体形成的温、压条件进行了估算,其结果为:成岩温度为1000~1300℃(上限可到1400~1500℃),成岩压力约为5×10 ̄8~11×10 ̄8pa。金川超镁铁质岩体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,这一岩石类型在复杂体系相关系图中的稳定区域大致处于5×l0 ̄8~15×10 ̄8pa的范围,这与矿物温压计估算的成岩温压条件是一致的。  相似文献   
Franck Lavigne 《GeoJournal》1999,49(2):173-183
Yogyakarta urban area (500,000 inhab.) is located in Central Java on the fluvio-volcanic plain beside Merapi volcano, one of the most active of the world. Since the last eruption of Merapi in November 1994, the Code river, which goes across this city, is particularly threatened by lahars (volcanic debris flows). Until now, no accurate hazard map exists and no risk assessment has been done. Therefore, we drew a detailed hazard map (1/2,000 scale), based on morphometric surveys of the Code channel and on four scenarios of discharge. An additional risk assessment revealed that about 13,000 people live at risk along this river, and that the approximate value of likely loss is US $ 52 millions. However, the risk level varies between the urban suburbs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
李莉  郭希明 《海洋与湖沼》2003,34(5):541-551
利用RAPD和AFLP标记 ,以一回交家系 [(Miyagi×Hiroshima)×Miyagi]为作图群体 ,构建了太平洋牡蛎的遗传连锁图谱。用经过筛选的 3 3个RAPD引物和 1 1个AFLP引物组合 ,对父母本和 80个子代个体进行了遗传分析。共得到母本分离标记 1 93个 ,其中 1 44个符合1∶1孟德尔分离规律。父本分离标记 1 5 6个 ,其中 1 1 1个符合 1∶1孟德尔分离规律。雌性框架图包括 99个遗传标记 ,定位在 1 2个连锁群中 ,覆盖 985 2cM ,标记间平均间隔 1 1 3cM。另外有 3个三联体 ,7个连锁对 ,图谱共覆盖 1 1 6 5 7cM。雄性框架图包括 72个遗传标记 ,分布在 8个连锁群 ,覆盖 81 1cM ,标记间平均间隔 1 2 7cM。另外有 4个三联体 ,3个连锁对 ,图谱共覆盖93 1 8cM。  相似文献   
北黄海海域复杂构造区三维地震精细解释技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究工区位于北黄海海域陆相断陷沉积盆地内,该区多期构造运动叠加,断裂发育,地震资料品质差。中生代为其主要勘探目的层,为一已证实的含油气区域。结合本区地质特点,对该区进行三维地震解释时所采用的综合解释技术进行了总结,主要包括三维地震资料品质分级评价技术、无VSP井区空间层位标定技术、层位自动追踪技术、三维可视化解释、多属性体断裂解释技术和变速成图技术等实用的解释技术。多种解释手段的联合应用高质高速地完成了本复杂构造区的构造精细解释,完善了该区的解释方案,理顺了复杂断层的切割关系,识别了活动较弱的小断层。特别是对高精度三维速度场的建立,实现了变速成图,消除了高陡构造区速度陷阱所带来的构造假象,为对该复杂区的地震解释和圈闭形态的落实以及进一步的井位部署与地质评价提供了依据。  相似文献   
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