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影响新生界"底含"发育的因素及含水层参数修正   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分析了“底含”发育的主要影响因素,并以祁东煤矿为例,利用地下水动力学方法重新计算了“底含”的有关参数,对以往抽水试验参数进行修正,并成功地运用到邻近矿井。该研究表明,在富水性较强的古河道发育位置,要合理留设防水煤岩柱,才能保证煤矿安全生产。  相似文献   
中国海相探矿权区块定量评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究了我国海相油气探矿权区块基本油气地质条件、勘探程度、技术经济条件等要素和特点的基础上,给出了48个评价参数和归一化取值参照表,建立了探矿权区块评价工作流程、评分参数及计算公式。提出对我国海相勘探层探矿权区块评价应该注意:与国外海相碳酸盐岩评价的差别;与国内陆相碎屑岩评价的差别;成藏组合的划分;评价内容的有效性、不确定性和评价参数的可信度;成败经验的总结和勘探程度的研究。  相似文献   
近几年由于国家深部找矿项目的实施,红透山矿床深部(距地表1500米以下)发现厚大矿体,新增资源量可延长矿山寿命仅50年。这一深部找矿重大成果的取得,进一步促进了对该类型铜锌矿区域找矿的研究。本文通过对该矿地质特征、矿床成因、成矿规律、地质化探成果的进一步研究,分析认为区域上该类型矿床尚有巨大找矿潜力,并指出了下步找矿主要方向,旨在通过深部找矿成果的取得,促进外围找矿的突破。  相似文献   
刘洪  张宏斌 《江苏地质》2007,31(4):348-353
神经网络作为一种新的方法体系,具有分布并行处理、非线性映射、自适应学习和鲁棒容错等特性,在模式识别、控制优化和智能信息处理等方面有着广泛的应用。利用MatLab的神经网络工具箱,建立了江苏矿山地质环境质量的评估模型,评估结果经过实际验证,具有较高的可信度和实用性。  相似文献   
The Stockton Coal Mine, located on the West Coast of New Zealand, is evaluating the use of a mussel shell bioreactor (MSB) to treat acidic metalliferous runoff from acid forming overburden. This novel approach is similar in concept to vertical flow wetlands (VFWs) and successive alkalinity producing systems (SAPS). The MSB system is a trapezoidal pit 2 m deep, 35 m long, 3–10 m wide with 60° angle sides. During operation it contained 160 tonnes (240 m3) of mussel shell material and was saturated with a 100–200 mm water cap. Influent flowed through the reactor at a mean rate of 0.3 L s−1 resulting in a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of ≈6 days. The prototype MSB was in operation for a total of 1027 days, from June 2009 through March 2012, and effectively sequestered 99.7% of Al, 99.3% of Fe, 98.8% of Ni, 98.4% Tl and 99.3% of Zn, as determined from a previous evaluation of MSB performance. The MSB also effectively neutralized acidity, which resulted in an increase in influent pH from 2.8 to 6.9 in the effluent. Based on an examination of several excavated pits, five distinct reaction zones developed within the MSB. The reaction zones consisted of an allochthonous sediment layer (0–330 mm), an oxidized iron-rich ocherous layer (at 330–350 mm depth), an aluminum layer (at 350–600 mm depth) with geochemical variations throughout (350–500 mm and 500–600 mm); and a chemically reduced bottom shell layer (at 600–1100 mm). Representative samples were collected from each layer and analyzed using a combination of geochemical and physical methods to assess the stability of the secondary minerals and trace metal deportment within the MSB. Major elements Fe, Al, Ni, Tl, and Zn where preferentially associated with particular layers within the MSB. Elevated concentrations of Fe (110,000 mg kg−1) were observed in the allochthonous sediment and ocherous precipitate layers, while Al (27,816 mg kg−1), Ni (55 mg kg−1), and Zn (655 mg kg−1) were elevated within the aluminum and lower reduced depths within the MSB. Trace Tl (21 mg kg−1) showed varying concentrations throughout the MSB, but was strongly correlated to lower layers of the system. Microbial biofilms were observed within the reduced portions of the shell layers often proximal to bacterial shaped sulfides. The geochemical assessment of the MSB presented in this study is the first of its kind for a MSB, and supports the argument that this system is another viable option for passive treatment of AMD.  相似文献   
将地理信息系统(GIS)、数据库等技术运用到金属矿山安全生产中,设计并开发了基于GIS的金属矿山安全信息系统。本文重点阐述该系统的总体设计、数据库设计和核心功能实现。系统可进行地图管理、信息查询等基本操作和金属矿山的安全评价、事故预警,以及矿区地形的DEM分析,为金属矿山的安全生产提供科学指导。  相似文献   
通过1∶5万矿山地质环境调查和遥感解译手段,对日照市矿山进行了全面的调查,查明各类矿山546处,主要集中在莒县和五莲县境内。除莒县刘官庄煤矿外,其余全部为露天开采矿山,主要选用直接开挖的方式,不仅破坏了地表环境,而且矿山生产活动产生的固体废弃物占用了大面积的土地。该文根据矿山地理位置及开采方式的不同,将相同类型的多个矿山划分为同一治理区,针对不同治理区的特点,采取科学有效的治理方法,建立健全矿山地质环境监督管理机制,切实解决矿山地质环境问题,改善生态环境。  相似文献   
在矿山开发、水电建设过程中倾倒变形问题日渐突出。倾倒变形边坡一般具有反倾边坡结构,变形的过程和机理比较复杂、涉及的变形岩体范围较大、危害严重。论文以抚顺西露天矿边坡为例,通过岩体位移监测资料的跟踪分析、底面摩擦模拟试验,以岩体力学、松散介质力学原理为理论基础,探讨了采矿影响下边坡倾倒滑移体的变形机理,分析认为采矿引起的倾倒滑移变形问题是在特定的地质构造和采矿工程条件下产生的,并提出了岩体变形安全性分析方法。通过工程实例,验证了方法的实用性,并针对实际问题提出了变形整治对策。  相似文献   
HSE管理是现代企业走出国门、承揽国际大型项目的必备条件,并且在现代工程管理中具有越来越重要的地位。土耳其卡赞天然碱矿水溶开采对接井工程的实施过程中,在借鉴国内外相关行业经验的基础上,结合项目自身特点,成立了HSE管理机构,加强了人员安全培训和机械设备的升级改造,使之符合当地的行业安全标准。引入了JSA工作安全分析工具,建立了切实可行的HSE管理体系,并强调了现场监督,从而实施了行之有效的HSE管理,为该项目的顺利运行提供了有力的安全保障。  相似文献   
Tooeleite, nominally Fe63+(As3+O3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O, is a relatively uncommon mineral of some acid-mine drainage systems. Yet, if it does occur, it does so in large quantities, indicating that some specific conditions favor the formation of this mineral in the system Fe-As-S-O-H. In this contribution, we report the thermodynamic properties of synthetic tooeleite. The sample was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These methods confirmed that the sample is pure, devoid of amorphous impurities of iron oxides, and that the oxidation state of arsenic is 3+. Using acid-solution calorimetry, the enthalpy of formation of this mineral from the elements at the standard conditions was determined as −6196.6 ± 8.6 kJ mol−1. The entropy of tooeleite, calculated from low-temperature heat capacity data measured by relaxation calorimetry, is 899.0 ± 10.8 J mol−1 K−1. The calculated standard Gibbs free energy of formation is −5396.3 ± 9.3 kJ mol−1. The log Ksp value, calculated for the reaction Fe6(AsO3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O + 16H+ = 6Fe3+ + 4H3AsO3 + SO42− + 8H2O, is −17.25 ± 1.80. Tooeleite has stability field only at very high activities of aqueous sulfate and arsenate. As such, it does not appear to be a good candidate for arsenic immobilization at polluted sites. An inspection of speciation diagrams shows that the predominance field of Fe3+ and As3+ overlap only at strongly basic conditions. The formation of tooeleite, therefore, requires strictly selective oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and, at the same time, firm conservation of the trivalent oxidation state of arsenic. Such conditions can be realized only by biological systems (microorganisms) which can selectively oxidize one redox-active element but leave the other ones untouched. Hence, tooeleite is the first example of an “obligatory” biomineral under the conditions prevailing at or near the Earth's surface because its formation under these conditions necessitates the action of microorganisms.  相似文献   
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