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Several studies have linked high temperatures to increases in violent conflicts. The findings are controversial, however, as there has been no systematic cross-sectional analysis performed to demonstrate the generality of the proposed relationship. Moreover, the timescale of temperature/violence relationships have not been fully investigated; it is unclear how short versus long-term, or seasonal and inter-annual temperature variability contribute to the likelihood or frequency of violent events. We here perform systematic regional and grid-based longitudinal analyses in Africa and the Middle East for the period 1990–2017, using geolocated information on armed conflicts and a recently released satellite-based gridded temperature data set. We find seasonal synchrony between temperature and number of armed conflicts at the regional scale (climatic region), as well as a positive relationship in temperature and conflict anomalies on inter-annual timescales at the grid cell level (for the entire African and ME region). After controlling for ‘location effects’, we do not find that long-term warming has affected armed conflicts for the last three decades. However, the effects of temperature anomalies are stronger in warmer places (~5% increase per 10 °C, P < 0.05), suggesting that populations living in warmer places are more sensitive to temperature deviations. Taken together, these findings imply that projected warming and increasing temperature variability may enhance violence in these regions, though the mechanisms of the relationships still need to be exposed.  相似文献   
彭真  贺凯  李健伟  杨勇 《新疆地质》2011,29(4):448-452
志留系柯坪塔格组柯三段是塔北地区重要含油层段,通过对S112-2井区油藏解剖,明确该区志留系油藏主控因素,即早期油藏破坏与晚期成藏并存、构造-地层削蚀不整合控藏.研究表明,地层削蚀不整合对油气疏导、次生孔隙形成具重要作用.进一步明确塔河南地区志留系勘探方向和思路,各层段尖灭线位置是核心,构造精细解释落实圈闭是勘探成功关...  相似文献   
A new genus and two new species of fossil Fuziidae are described and illustrated: Parvifuzia gen. nov., P. marsa sp. nov. and P. brava sp. nov.. Both species were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan, Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia of China. In conjunction with Fuzia Vr?ansky, Liang et Ren, 2009, the present findings allow us to demonstrate that members of the family were morphologically diverse, with body length ranging from medium (17 mm) in Fuzia to small (9.7 mm) in the present genus. Wing venation of F. dadao is complicated, but simple in the present species, and apex of male’s cerci are sharp and forceps-like in F. dadao, but strongly curved inward and round in the new genus.  相似文献   
本文对云南民乐铜矿床中宋家坡组流纹斑岩进行了锆石SIMS U-Pb年代学,流纹斑岩和玄武岩的地球化学和Nd同位素研究工作,目的是揭示民乐铜矿床中赋矿建造次火山岩和玄武岩的成因和构造环境。宋家坡组玄武岩通常显示出较高的Fe2O3、Al2O3 和Na2O含量,随SiO2含量增加,MgO、CaO和P2O5 含量减小。玄武岩具有较高的εNd(t) 值(+2.9~+3.5),岩石稀土总量较低(∑REE=50.1×10-6~60.6 ×10-6)并在球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素图解上显示出比较平坦的REE模式,在蛛网图上表现出Nb-Ta轻微亏损Sr富集的特征。这些岩石总体上表现出亚碱性玄武质岩石特征,原始岩浆很可能来源于长期亏损、富斜长石而贫石榴石的尖晶石地幔源区部分熔融。本文认为这些玄武岩形成过程中岩浆经历了结晶分异作用和不同程度的地壳混染作用。宋家坡组流纹斑岩的锆石SIMS U-Pb年龄为234.8±2.4Ma。这些岩石与一般流纹岩相比具有较高的SiO2、(Na2O+K2O)和Al2O3含量,在球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素图解上显示出轻稀土元素(LREE)富集而重稀土元素相对平坦的模式,并具有轻微Eu负异常的特征。在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图上,这些岩石的Nb-Ta、Sr、P 和Ti表现出明显亏损的特点。上述流纹斑岩显示出I型花岗岩的特征,其εNd(t) 为-1.9至 -0.51之间。这些岩石的母岩浆很可能是弱碱性的流纹安山质岩浆,可能是由区域分布的中-新元古代镁铁质-中性的下地壳部分熔融而来,然后加入了少量的同时代玄武质岩浆。这些岩浆而后经历了较充分的结晶分异作用形成了流纹斑岩。民乐矿区玄武岩和流纹斑岩表现出岛弧火山岩的特征,很可能是在碰撞晚期-碰撞后环境下形成。  相似文献   
甘肃省金塔县北部(紫山子地区)含煤地层,由于地质工作程度低,古生物资料比较缺乏,对含煤地层时代认识尚不一致。为解决含煤地层时代及探讨找煤前景,在所选剖面的不同层位中采集到少量古植物化石及孢粉样品。古植物化石鉴定为早中侏罗世常见分子;孢粉样品经分析获得了较为丰富的化石,经研究并与时代相当的孢粉组合对比,确定当前组合时代为中侏罗世。  相似文献   
Callocystites fresti sp. nov. is characterized by an elongate theca, protuberant periproct and raised ambulacral facets. Ambulacral branching in Callocystites is isotomous, but left‐ and right‐handed branches occur because the ambulacral groove branches in the same direction twice, interrupting the regularly alternating branching to brachioles. Branching in Strobilocystites does not interrupt the alternation of brachioles and lateral food grooves always pass adoral to the first brachiole of each branch. Sphaerocystites branched as in Strobilocystites. Other morphological features suggest Callocystites, Sphaerocystites and Strobilocystites are not closely related. Callocystites has open infra‐lateral and lateral circlets and five ambulacra; Sphaerocystites and Strobilocystites have closed/modified circlets and four ambulacra. In Callocystites and Sphaerocystites the B and D ambulacra differ from the others and they have one hydropore; in Strobilocystites all four ambulacra are the same and the hydropore is double. All three genera have large, globular thecae. Ambulacral branching was a response to increased food‐gathering requirements. The following are phylogenetically informative callocystitid characters: truly open vs closed/modified plate circlets; number of pectinirhombs; number of ambulacra; presence vs absence of the ‘B D different’ pattern of primary brachioles; single vs double hydropore. In echinoderms with five ambulacra in a 2–1–2 pattern ambulacral homologies are unambiguous: the single amb is A (III). In echinoderms without this pattern or with less than five ambulacra the hydropore or a single gonopore is best for orientation. Both always occur in the CD (V‐I) interambulacrum. The position of the periproct is unreliable. Different patterns and numbers of ambulacra in Palaeozoic echinoderms render a single developmental sequence improbable. Cystoids (blastozoans) had radial water vessels in their ambulacra and added new ambulacral plates terminally. Functional morphological considerations suggest tube feet were essential for food gathering. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文对中侏罗统沙溪庙组泥质岩的主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征进行了研究,并讨论了物源区性质以及风化特征。物源区以长英质岩石为主,指示化学风化程度的CIA指数及成分成熟度的ICV指数,表明经历了低-中等的化学风化作用,反映了中侏罗世的半干旱气候环境。  相似文献   

以青藏高原腹地可可西里地区湖泊沉积钻孔BDQ06(35°13'05"N,93°55'52"E;孔深106 m)为研究对象,基于古地磁测年建立的年代框架,通过对BDQ06孔沉积物粒度、总有机碳、有机碳同位素(δ13Corg.)及C/N值等气候环境代用指标的分析,重建了可可西里地区中更新世以来的古气候古环境演化序列。根据各环境指标的变化特征将中更新世以来古气候演化划分为5个阶段:929~660 ka B.P.,气候以暖湿冷干交替变化为主;660~480 ka B.P.,与前一阶段相比气候暖湿程度降低;480~360 ka B.P.,气候较为干旱;360~160 ka B.P.,气候不稳定、波动幅度增大;160~5 ka B.P.,气候再次转为暖湿冷干的变化特征。929~610 ka B.P.期间气候出现4次明显的冷干时期,时间上与MIS 22、MIS 20、MIS 18和MIS 16阶段相对应,此后气候表现出明显的趋冷、趋干特征,可能主要受全球变冷的"中更新世革命"(MPT)的影响;360 ka B.P.开始出现频率增强的暖湿气候波动,说明气候不稳定,显示出明显的区域性特征;160 ka B.P.左右出现的较为干冷的时段,与倒数第二次冰期气候相一致,之后环境温度呈现出快速上升的趋势,气候演化进入末次间冰期-末次冰期模式,表现出全球气候一致的特征。整体上,BDQ06孔记录的气候环境演变特征与全球气候变化在冷暖事件上保持一致,但在持续时间、变化强度上存在一定区域性差异。

在龙木错-双湖缝合带之北图北湖一带的一套浅变质劈理化石英砂岩、粉砂质泥岩、(含砾)长石岩屑杂砂岩夹硅质岩、安山岩、含砾基性岩屑凝灰岩、安山质岩屑凝灰岩、玄武岩等组合中发现中三叠世拉丁期放射虫动物群Sepsagon robustum Lahm,Triassocampe cf.coronata,T.cf.levigata,Pararuesticyrtium cf.trattoense,Hindeosphaera spinulosa。放射虫化石的发现对北羌塘地区三叠纪地层的划分对比和地质构造发展演化的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2015,347(4):181-190
Sāfītā, a crusader fortification in Tartūs Governorate, coastal Syria, bears major damages of earthquake origin. The tower suffered heavy vibration, which produced fractures across the thick walls, widening the central portion of the building, and causing arch keystones to slide downwards. Apparently a ∼north–south strong motion was responsible for the damages. Further north, at Khirbat al-Qurshiyya, an abandoned village from Late Antiquity, a quarry abounds with fallen blocks. These display displacement predominantly in a northerly direction, suggesting a north–south strong motion. ‘Ayn-Qadīb, a small village in the Jabal Ansāriyya ranges, was damaged by a northward-directed rockfall. A contemporary letter testifies to the fact that Sāfītā donjon was heavily damaged by the AD 1202 earthquake. The Yammouneh Fault, which probably caused the damage, is only 50 km away further south.  相似文献   
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