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鄂尔多斯地区奥陶系马家沟群中部发育一套厚层块状白云岩。在西部地区定边至鄂托克旗一带,这套块状白云岩连续厚度达数百米。定探l井揭示的最大厚度为431 m。自西向东,白云岩体由厚变薄,并与石灰岩呈指状交织。这套块状白云岩由粗粉晶-细晶白云石组成,斑状结构发育。常见云斑的边界为缝合线,这表明斑状白云石化明显受缝合线控制。 白云岩有序度平均值为摩尔含量平均为50.65 g/mol。δ13C的平均值为0.6‰(PDB),的平均值为-7.4‰(PDB)。主体细晶白云石中液态包体常见,最低均-温度为104℃,包体成分中含有大量的有机成分和无机成分 上述特征表明,这套白云岩是由深埋藏白云岩化作用形成的,它显示出良好的储集性能,是重要的后备储集岩。  相似文献   
西准噶尔成矿带晚古生代花岗岩类岩浆活动及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚造山带是晚古生代地壳显著生长与大规模成矿的重要地区。本文采集了中亚造山带西部的西准噶尔成矿带哈图-别鲁阿嘎希及其附近地区11个岩体共33件花岗岩类样品,对其开展了岩石地球化学与同位素示踪等研究,厘定了该地区晚古生代岩浆活动的特点与大地构造环境,并与哈萨克斯坦境内的巴尔喀什成矿带晚古生代岩浆活动进行了对比。研究表明,哈图地区晚石炭世花岗岩类主要为后碰撞伸展构造环境的A型花岗岩类,别鲁阿嘎希等地区存在洋内俯冲与岛弧环境的埃达克岩,显示了西准噶尔晚古生代构造环境时空变化的复杂性。该地区花岗岩类εNd(t)值较高(+4.62~+7.53)、εSr(t)值为(-57.61~+18.21),具有中亚造山带花岗岩类的共同特征,为古生代增生的新生陆壳,其源区与亏损地幔组分具有亲缘关系,这与巴尔喀什成矿带东段的花岗岩类具有一致性。花岗岩的~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb和~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb比值范围分别为18.2776~19.1677、15.5260~15.5796和38.2080~39.0821,为造山带花岗岩类。  相似文献   
High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 450 ka during late Quaternary from Core MD05-2901 off Middle Vietnam in the western South China Sea are re-ported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. Variations in Illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, while changes in smectite content present a higher frequency cyclicity. The provenance analysis indicates a mixture of individual clay minerals from various sources surrounding the South China Sea. Smectite derived mainly from the Sunda shelf and its major source area of the Indonesian islands. Illite and chlorite originated mainly from the Mekong and Red rivers. Kaolinite was provided mainly by the Pearl River. Spectral analysis of the kaolin-ite/(illite chlorite) ratio displays a strong eccentricity period of 100 ka, implying the ice sheet-forced win-ter monsoon evolution; whereas higher frequency changes in the smectite content show an ice sheet-forced obliquity period of 41 ka, and precession periods of 23 and 19 ka and a semi-precession period of 13 ka as well, implying the tropical-forced summer monsoon evolution. The winter monsoon evolution is generally in coherence with the glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with intensified winter monsoon winds during glacials and weakened winter monsoon winds during interglacials; whereas the summer monsoon evolution provides an almost linear response to the summer insolation of low latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, with strengthened summer monsoon during higher insolation and weakened summer monsoon during lower insolation. The result suggests that the high-latitude ice sheet and low-latitude tropical factor could drive the late Quaternary evolution of East Asian winter and summer monsoons, respectively, implying their diplex and self-contained forcing mechanism.  相似文献   
位于晚侏罗世燕山冲断带前缘拗陷盆地群东段的辽西金岭寺羊山盆地和北票盆地,形成于同沉积期的板内挤压变形。两个盆地横断面均显示出北西翼岩层陡立或倒转而南东翼平缓、以及同期碎屑堆积北西翼厚而南西翼薄的特点,具有典型的不对称结构。分别位于两个盆地北西侧的雷家营子和风凰山逆冲断裂带控制了它们的形成和演化。砾石成分统计分析显示,晚侏罗世土城子时期碎屑物质主要来源于辽西的西北部,即“内蒙地轴”上,是响应逆冲推覆活动的产物。两条断裂带及其所控制的盆地,构成了背驮式盆地构造系统,清楚地反映出这一时期的逆冲推覆扩展总体上指向SE方向。辽西地区土城子期盆地的形成和沉积充填是区域地壳缩短或增厚的重要方式之一。  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地北部奥陶纪岩相古地理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
渤海湾盆地北部主要包括黄骅坳陷、沧县隆起、冀中坳陷和下辽河坳陷,区内奥陶系厚 6 0 0~ 80 0m,主要由石灰岩和白云岩组成。下奥陶统分为冶里组和亮甲山组,中奥陶统分为下马家沟组、上马家沟组和峰峰组,上统缺失。其中下马家沟组、上马家沟组和峰峰组又进一步划分为下段和上段。早奥陶世冶里期和亮甲山期,本区以局限海环境为主,其内散布着一些潮坪和滩。中奥陶世,本区岩相古地理面貌变化旋回极为明显,下马家沟期早期潮坪广布,晚期以局限海为主;上马家沟期早期又是潮坪广布,晚期以开阔海为主;峰峰期早期潮坪广布,晚期又以开阔海为主。在奥陶纪,本区经历了 4个大的海侵-海退旋回,其中上马家沟期晚期是本区乃至整个华北地台的最大海侵期。  相似文献   
Evidence from the Pierre Shale (Late Cretaceous) of South Dakota is presented for an attack on a juvenile Hesperornis by a polycotylid plesiosaur. The wound healed and the Hesperornis grew to maturity. Evidence of survival provides our best information about predator prey interactions in the fossil record but are rare for birds where survival is an unlikely outcome.  相似文献   
宁夏银川水洞沟遗址2号点剖面孢粉分析结果表明:该地区在晚更新世晚期孢粉组合以草本植物花粉占绝对优势,有Chenopodiaceae、Artemisia、Zygophyllum、Ranunculaceae和少量的Euonymus、Ephedra和Nitraria等,木本植物花粉次之,有Pinus、Picea、Abies、...  相似文献   
Seismotectonic deformation and crustal stress pattern have been studied comprehensively in major seismogenic structures of the Kharaulakh sector of the Verkhoyansk fold system and adjacent parts of the Chersky seismotectonic zone. The study focuses on neotectonic structures, deep structure, and systems of active faults, as well as tectonic stress fields inferred by tectonophysical analysis of Late Cenozoic faults and folds. The results, along with geological and geophysical data, reveal main strain directions and structural patterns of crustal stress and strain in the Arctic segment of the Eurasia-North America plate boundary. The area is a junction of mid-ocean and continental structures evolving in a mixed setting of extension, compression, and their various combinations. The rotation pole of the two plates is presumably located near Buor-Khaya Bay. In this case, extension is expected to act currently upon the neotectonic structures north of the bay and compression to control those in the south and southeast. This inference is consistent with the identified zoning of stress and strain in the Kharaulakh sector.  相似文献   
This study has reviewed the distribution and pedogenesis of late Mesozoic A-Type granitoids in SE China. These A-Type granitoids belong to four belts ( S Jiangxi-SW Fujian belt, Xiang-Gui-Yue belt, Can-Hang belt and coastal belt) due to their temporal-spatial distribution. Based on the comparative analysis of chronology, geochemistry and magmatic association, this study has discussed the formation of A-Type granitoids and the subduction and slab rollback process of paleo-Pacific plate beneath SE China.  相似文献   
Geoarchaeological investigations on the northeastern shore of Lake Ohrid revealed 3.5 m thick deepwater lacustrine sediments overlying terrestrial vegetation macrofossils, worked wood and abundant potsherds dated to the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Distinct contact of deepwater sediment with the sub-aerial weathered limestone bedrock point to a sudden increase in lake level. According to radiocarbon data, catastrophic flooding occurred shortly after 1214 yr bc. Because the area is located in a highly active seismic zone, we propose that this event was caused by tectonically induced, metre-scale coseismic subsidence related to faults bordering the Ohrid alluvial plain. Moreover, this event coincides well with a dramatic switch in the habitation and settlement strategy in the region. More important, however, is the finding that the age of the proposed massive tectonic event and change in habitation lies within the interval of the proposed ‘earthquake storm’ in the eastern Mediterranean dated to 1225–1175 bc. As the Ohrid-Korça zone belongs to the same tectonic province, a relationship between the abovementioned earthquakes and the proposed event can be expected. This research therefore might provide the first direct evidence of a large-scale earthquake event linkable to the LBA collapse of Europe's first urban civilisation in the Aegean.  相似文献   
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