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首先,利用辐射传输方程对微波极化指数(MPI,Microwave Polarization Index)进行推导,以AMSR-E像元经纬度为控制条件,采集与之对应的MODIS植被指数( LAI/NDVI),并将其平均值作为AMSR-E对应像元的值; 然后,对AMSR-E微波极化指数与LAI/NDVI进行相关分析。结果表明,MPI与LAI/NDVI之间存在着指数关系,而且频率越低,相关性越好。  相似文献   
用SSM/I微波遥感图像分析海上台风的螺旋云带   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
游然  许健民  张文建 《气象学报》2002,60(4):477-485
文中介绍了美国国防气象卫星专用微波成像仪 (SSM /I)上各通道的特性 ,分析了大气中各种粒子 (尤其是云滴和降水滴 )对各通道辐射的吸收和散射效应。通过对SSM /I图像上台风单通道剖面、双通道散点图的分析 ,揭示了台风在微波图像上表现形式的内在物理原因。在此基础上 ,设计了一个降水指数 ,方法是 :将 85 .5GHz的吸收段对称拉伸到散射段的延长线上 ,然后求归一化后的 19.35 ,37.0GHz和经拉伸处理的 85 .5GHz图像 3者的平均值。 3个通道合成降水指数克服了 37.0GHz对大雨滴不敏感 ,和 85 .5GHz对中等大小雨滴不敏感的缺点 ,比原始单通道微波图像更清楚地显示了台风的螺旋云带结构  相似文献   
The use of commercial microwave radio networks which are a part of cellular communication infrastructure for mapping of the near-the-ground rainfall is challenging for many reasons: the network geometry in space is irregular, the distribution of links by frequencies and polarizations is inhomogeneous, and measurements of rain-induced attenuation are distorted by quantization. A non-linear tomographic model over a variable density grid is formulated, and its applicability and performance limits are studied by means of a simulated experiment using a model of a real microwave network. It is shown that the proposed technique is capable to accurately measure integrated near-the-ground rainfall amounts over the area of 3200 km2 with a bias smaller than 10%. In urban area, where the density of microwave links is high, the average correlation in space between the simulated model and reconstructed rainfall fields reaches 0.89 over the variable density grid with average cell size of 5.7 km2 and 0.74 when interpolated into the rectangular grid with pixel size 0.775 × 0.775 km2, for the quantization interval of 0.1 dB.  相似文献   
Major river systems discharging into continental shelf waters frequently form buoyant coastal currents that propagate along the continental shelf in the direction of coastal trapped wave propagation (with the coast on the right/left, in the northern/southern hemisphere). The combined flow of the Uruguay and Paraná Rivers, which discharges freshwater into the Río de la Plata estuary (Lat. ∼36°S), often gives rise to a buoyant coastal current (the ‘Plata plume’) that extends northward along the continental shelf off Uruguay and Southern Brazil. Depending upon the prevailing rainfall, wind and tidal conditions, the Patos/Mirim Lagoon complex (Lat. ∼32°S) may also produce a freshwater outflow plume that expands across the inner continental shelf. Under these circumstances the Patos outflow plume can be embedded in temperature, salinity and current fields that are strongly influenced by the larger Plata plume. The purpose of this paper is to present observations of such an embedded plume structure and to determine the dynamical characteristics of the ambient and embedded plumes.  相似文献   
In order to protect the environment and public health, microwave irradiation was investigated as a means of reducing the nitrosamines level of tobacco smoke under mild conditions where the microwave energy was 1 kW and the irradiation time was shorter than 2 min. The microwave‐induced elimination of nitrosamines such as N‐nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) and N‐nitrosodiphenylamine (NDPA) was investigated and the impact of the presence of water and salt in the medium on the reduction was assessed in detail. The existence of water in the medium was crucial for the microwave‐induced reduction of NDPA, because the rapid movement of water molecules under the influence of microwaves strongly affects the adjacent nitrosamines leading to their decomposition. This was the first time that microwaves have been used to directly irradiate cigarettes sealed in their packaging, and the nitrosamines content of tobacco and smoke of these irradiated cigarettes were analyzed with care. Irradiation for 90 s with microwave energy of 1kW was seen to reduce 25 to 30% of the nitrosamines in tobacco and 50 to 60% of the levels present in the mainstream smoke of the cigarette. Moreover, lower mutagenic activity and higher CHO cell livability were found for the irradiated cigarettes in comparison with the control according to the results of in vitro tests.  相似文献   
硅酸盐样品微波加热碱熔分解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了硅酸盐样品在常压下,用微波炉进行碱熔分解的熔样时间,试剂用量和滴加水量等情况对分解的影响,确定了最佳实验条件,将此法用于地球化学标准参考样品SiO2的测定,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
提出一种针对FY-3C搭载的微波辐射成像仪(MWRI)海表温度产品的分段回归偏差订正方法,该方法通过引进气候态海表温度数据,建立与关联实测海表温度相匹配的回归模型,并通过对模型中关联变量的误差分析,选择最优样本进行分段回归,以实现对海表温度数据的重新估计。通过对MWRI海表温度数据的偏差订正试验表明,采用分段回归方法获得的订正结果无论在误差指标的空间分布还是时间序列上,都要明显优于采用传统概率密度函数偏差订正方法的结果。其中,采用概率密度函数方法订正后的海表温度产品误差标准差和均方根误差从订正前的0.9—1.0℃,减小到0.8℃左右,而采用分段回归方法获得相应的订正误差仅为0.6℃左右,订正效果有明显改善。  相似文献   
MP-3000A微波辐射计是一种新型35通道微波辐射计。相对于探空和GPS水汽探测,它可以连续得到从地面到10km高度上高分辨率的温度、相对湿度和水汽廓线以及较低分辨率的液态水廓线。廓线从0m~10km共58个数据层,利用探测区域的历史探空资料和神经网络算法正向模拟微波辐射量,从而得出温湿廓线。本文介绍了MP-3000A微波辐射计的主要功能、工作原理和误差来源。  相似文献   
卫星遥感反演土壤水分研究综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
土壤水分是影响地表过程的核心变量之一。精准地测量土壤水分及其时空分布,长期以来是定量遥感研究领域的难点问题。简要回顾基于光学、被动微波、主动微波和多传感器联合反演等卫星遥感反演土壤水分的主要反演算法、存在的难点和前沿性研究问题,介绍了应用土壤水分反演算法所形成的3种主要全球土壤水分数据集,包括欧洲气象业务卫星(ERS/MetOp)数据集、高级微波扫描辐射计(AMSR-E)数据集、土壤湿度与海洋盐分卫星(SMOS)数据集,并结合目前存在的问题探讨卫星遥感反演土壤水分研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
卫星遥感反演降水研究综述   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
降水是地球水循环的基本组成部分,具有重要的气象、气候和水文学意义.精准地测量降水及其区域和全球分布,长期以来一直是一个颇具挑战性的科学研究目标。经过近50年的发展,基于可见光、红外和微波等各类卫星传感器的降水反演算法也逐渐发展成熟起来。简要回顾可见光/红外、被动微波、雷达和多传感器联合反演等卫星遥感降水反演的基本原理、...  相似文献   
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