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Whole-rock geochemical data on basaltic to rhyolitic samplesfrom 12 volcanic centers are used to constrain the role of continentalcrust in the genesis of magmas formed beneath the anomalouslywide subduction-related volcanic arc in Ecuador. Relativelyhomogeneous, mantle-like, isotopic compositions across the arcimply that the parental magmas in Ecuador were produced largelywithin the mantle wedge above the subduction zone and not byextensive melting of crustal rocks similar to those upon whichthe volcanoes were built. Cross-arc changes in 143Nd/144Nd and7/4Pb are interpreted to result from assimilation of geochemicallymature continental crust, especially in the main arc area, 330–360km from the trench. Mixing calculations limit the quantity ofassimilated crust to less than 10%. Most andesites and dacitesin Ecuador have adakite-like trace element characteristics (e.g.Y <18 ppm, Yb <2 ppm, La/Yb >20, Sr/Y >40). Availablewhole-rock data do not provide a clear basis for distinguishingbetween slab-melting and deep crustal fractionation models forthe genesis of Ecuador adakites; published data highlightinggeochemical evolution within individual volcanoes, and in magmaticrocks produced throughout Ecuador since the Eocene, appear tosupport the deep fractionation model for the genesis of mostevolved Ecuadoran lavas. A subset of andesites, which displaya combination of high Sr (>900 ppm), Nd >4·1 and7/4Pb <6·0, appear to be the best candidates amongEcuador lavas for slab-melts associated with the subductionof the relatively young, over-thickened, oceanic crust of theCarnegie Ridge. KEY WORDS: andesite; Ecuador; trace elements; isotopes; adakite  相似文献   
The Miocene Karamağara volcanics (KMV) crop out in the Saraykent region (Yozgat) of Central Anatolia. The KMV include four principal magmatic components based on their petrography and compositional features: basaltic andesites (KMB); enclaves (KME); andesites (KMA); and dacites (KMD). Rounded and ellipsoidal enclaves occur in the andesites, ranging in diameter from a few millimetres to ten centimetres. A non‐cognate origin for the enclaves is suggested due to their mineralogical dissimilarity to the enclosing andesites. The enclaves range in composition from basaltic andesite to andesite. Major and trace element data and primitive mantle‐normalized rare‐earth element (REE) patterns of the KMV exhibit the effects of fractional crystallization on the evolution of the KME which are the product of mantle‐derived magma. The KMA contain a wide variety of phenocrysts, including plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende and opaque minerals. Comparison of textures indicates that many of the hornblende phenocrysts within the KMA were derived from basaltic andesites (KMB) and are not primary crystallization products of the KMA. Evidence of disequilibrium in the hybrid andesite includes the presence of reacted hornblendes, clinopyroxene mantled by orthopyroxene and vice versa, and sieve‐texture and inclusion zones within plagioclase. The KMV exhibit a complex history, including fractional crystallization, magma mixing and mingling processes between mantle and crust‐derived melts. Textural and geochemical characteristics of the enclaves and their hosts require that mantle‐derived basic magma intruded the deep continental crust followed by fractional crystallization and generation of silicic melts from the continental material. Hybridization between basic and silicic melts subsequently occurred in a shallow magma chamber. Modelling of major element geochemistry suggests that the hybrid andesite represents a 62:38 mix of dacite and basaltic andesite. The implication of this process is that calc‐alkaline intermediate volcanic rocks in the Saraykent region represent hybrids resulting from mixing between basic magma derived from the mantle and silicic magma derived from the continental crust. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
北秦岭黑河丹凤群岛弧火山岩建造的发现及其构造意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陕西省周至县黑河丹凤群有大规模安山岩浆活动的证据,地球化学研究表明这些安山岩形成于典型的岛弧环境,如:轻稀土富集;在痕量元素原始地幔标准化丰度模型图上,所有样品均具有明显的Nb、Ti和P负异常;在Ba-Nb-Th-La图解上,所有样品均落在岛弧区等。由此可以推断黑河丹凤群有一套安山岩为主的岛弧火山岩建造。这一发现为证明北秦岭古生代岛弧构造环境提供了重要的证据,为进一步揭示秦岭造山带的构造格架和演化历史提供了信息。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1350-1362

Recent studies show that crustal carbonates recycled into the mantle can be traced using Mg isotopes of basalts. However, the species of recycled carbonates are poorly constrained. Carbonates have lower δ26Mg values and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios relative to the mantle, but different carbonate species display different mixing curves with the mantle in the Mg-Sr isotopic diagram because of differences in their Sr and Mg contents. Thus a combined study of Mg-Sr isotopes can constrain the species of deeply recycled carbonates. Here, we present newly determined 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the <110 Ma basalts from Eastern China, and together with published Mg isotopic data we evaluate the species of recycled carbonates in the mantle and discuss their implication. The <110 Ma basalts display low δ26Mg values of ?0.60 to ?0.30‰ and relatively low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70328 to 0.70537, suggesting that their mantle source was hybridized by recycled carbonates with a light Mg isotopic composition which had more significant effects on Mg than Sr isotope ratios. Mg-Sr isotopic data indicate that the recycled carbonates consist of magnesite and aragonite, but the possibility of calcite and dolomite cannot be eliminated. Based on the carbonated peridotite solidus, the equilibrium line between dolomite and magnesite + aragonite, as well as the mantle adiabat, the initial melting depth of the carbonated mantle, the source region of the studied basalts, was constrained at ~300–360 km. Thus, the subducted depth of the west Pacific slab underlying the carbonated mantle and supplying recycled carbonates should be greater than ~300–360 km, consistent with the seismic tomography result that the west Pacific slab now stagnates in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   
石笋样品的微量元素含量及Mg/Ca、Sr/Ca比值为高分辨的古气候重建提供重要指标。针对现有溶液分析技术易混合多个石笋微层、误差大的缺点,本文利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱技术(LA-ICP-MS)原位线扫描和点剥蚀方式对比分析了石笋生长轴方向的Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca空间分布趋势,研究表明二者均展现出显著的周期性变化特征,且周期性变化一致,其中40 μm束斑线扫描更具有稳定性强、分辨率高、快速简便的优点。通过探讨碳酸盐标准样品MASC-3与玻璃标准样品NIST 610、NIST 612、KL2G、ATHO-G的相对灵敏度系数关系和元素分馏行为,确定基体效应是造成相对灵敏度系数变化的主要原因。同时建立了以MASC-3、NIST 610和NIST 612多外标结合内标Ca归一定量分析石笋中45种元素方法,针对石笋碳酸盐样品,将主量元素Ca、Mg变形为碳酸盐形式,与其他元素加和归一,不仅改变了国内外研究中需要预先采用其他分析技术来测定内标元素含量的计算方法,而且有效地避免了C元素无法准确检测的问题,能够实现与Ca内标法校正结果的吻合。  相似文献   
马德广 《湖南地质》1993,12(1):62-64
皮江法炼镁工艺对白云岩原料的特定技术要求,提出了炼镁用白云岩矿床的勘探工业指标的矿床勘探原则,对我国今后进行这个矿种的勘探工作具有现实的技术户经济意义。  相似文献   
The simultaneous eruption in 1996 of andesite from Karymskyvolcano and of basalt from the Academy Nauk vent 6 km away appearsto provide a case of mafic recharge of an andesite reservoirfor which the time of recharge is exactly known and direct samplesof the recharging magma are available. The explosive phreato-magmaticeruption of basalt was terminated in less than 24 h, whereasandesite erupted continuously during the following 4 years.Detailed petrological study of volcanic ash, bombs and lavasof Karymsky andesite erupted during the period 1996–1999provides evidence for basaltic replenishment at the beginningof the eruptive cycle, as well as a record of compositionalvariations within the Karymsky magma reservoir induced by basalticrecharge. Shortly after the beginning of the eruption the compositionof the matrix glass of the Karymsky tephra became more maficand then, within 2 months, gradually returned to its originalstate and remained almost constant for the following 3 years.Further evidence for basaltic replenishment is provided by thepresence of xenocrysts of basaltic origin in the andesite ofKarymsky. A conspicuous portion of the plagioclase phenocrystsin the Karymsky andesite has calcic cores, with compositionsand textures resembling those of plagioclases in the AcademyNauk basalt. Similarly, the earlier portion of the andesiteof the eruption sequence contains rare olivines, which occuras resorbed cores in pyroxenes. The composition of the olivinematches that of olivines in the Academy Nauk basalt. The sequenceof events appears to be: (1) injection of basaltic magma intothe Karymsky chamber with immediate, compensating expulsionof pre-existing chamber magma from the Karymsky central vent;(2) direct mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas with dispersalof phenocrysts associated with the basalt throughout the andesiteso that newly mixed magma appeared at the vent within 2 months;(3) re-establishment of thermal and chemical equilibrium withinthe reservoir involving crystallization in the new hybrid liquid,which returned the melt composition to ‘normal’,formed rims on inherited calcic plagioclase, and caused theresorption of dispersed olivine xenocrysts. Taken together,these findings indicate that the Karymsky magma reservoir wasrecharged by basalt at the onset of the 1996 eruptive cycle.The rapidity and thoroughness of mixing of the basalt with thepre-existing andesite probably reflects the modest contrastin temperature, viscosity, and density between the two magmas. KEY WORDS: Karymsky; Kamchatka; magma mixing; andesite; volcanic glass; plagioclase  相似文献   
Nishinoshima, a submarine volcano in the Ogasawara Arc, approximately 1 000 km south of Tokyo, Japan, suddenly erupted in November 2013, after 40 years of dormancy. Olivine‐bearing phenocryst‐poor andesites found in older submarine lavas from the flanks of the volcano have been used to develop a model for the genesis of andesitic lavas from Nishinoshima. In this model, primary andesite magmas originate directly from the mantle as a result of shallow and hydrous melting of plagioclase peridotites. Thus, it only operates beneath Nishinoshima and submarine volcanoes in the Ogasawara Arc and other oceanic arcs, where the crust is thin. The primary magma compositions have changed from basalt, produced at considerable depth, to andesite, produced beneath the existing thinner crust at this location in the arc. This reflects the thermal and mechanical evolution of the mantle wedge and the overlying lithosphere. It is suggested that continental crust‐like andesitic magma builds up beneath submarine volcanoes on thin arc lithosphere today, and has built up beneath such volcanoes in the past. Andesites produced by this shallow and hydrous melting of the mantle could accumulate through collisions of plates to generate continental crust.  相似文献   
The International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 350 drilled between two Izu rear‐arc seamount chains at Site U1437 and recovered the first complete succession of rear‐arc rocks. The drilling reached 1806.5 m below seafloor. In situ hyaloclastites, which had erupted before the rear‐arc seamounts came into existence at this site, were recovered in the deepest part of the hole (~15–16 Ma). Here it is found that the composition of the oldest rocks recovered does not have rear‐arc seamount chain geochemical signatures, but instead shows affinities with volcanic front or some of the extensional zone basalts between the present volcanic front and the rear‐arc seamount chains. It is suggested that following the opening of the Shikoku back‐arc Basin, Site U1437 was a volcanic front or a rifting zone just behind the volcanic front, and was followed at ~ 9 Ma by the start of rear‐arc seamount chains volcanism. This geochemical change records variations in the subduction components with time, which might have followed eastward moving of hot fingers in the mantle wedge and deepening of the subducting slab below Site U1437 after the cessation of Shikoku back‐arc Basin opening.  相似文献   
利用F10.7和Mg II构建太阳极紫外辐射长时间序列   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用SOHO/SEM在1996—2008年的太阳EUV观测数据,比较和评估F10.7和Mg II作为EUV代理参数的代表性,不能支持Viereck等关于Mg II是比F10.7更好的代理参数的结论.通过比较对两种参数的多种回归计算结果,确立双因子极大似然估计方法构建EUV计算模式,通过模型计算结果与SEM观测数据比较,表明该模型能够很好地重建EUV数据系列.利用该模式,构建了1978年11月以来的太阳极紫外辐射数据序列.  相似文献   
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