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卡恰金矿床属于与火山热液有关的蚀变岩型金矿床,金矿体多呈规模不大的脉状、透镜状、分支脉状等形态分布于构造蚀变带中。文章通过对矿区进行系统的坑道和地表原生晕地球化学取样,分析研究了主要元素的组合、异常特征;对比坑道和地表元素地球化学主要指标变化特征,推测了元素向深部变化的趋势,为矿区深部及外围找矿工作提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
 The 1963 eruption of Gunung Agung produced 0.95 km3 dense rock equivalent (DRE) of olivine±hornblende-bearing, weakly phyric, basaltic andesite tephra and lava. Evidence for magma mixing in the eruptive products includes whole-rock compatible and incompatible trace element trends, reverse and complex compositional zoning of mineral phases, disequilibrium mineral assemblages, sieve-textured plagioclase phenocrysts, and augite rims on reversely zoned orthopyroxene. Basalt magma mixed with pre-existing andesite magma shortly before eruption to yield basaltic andesite with a temperature of 1040–1100  °C at an assumed pressure of 2 kb, f O2>NNO, and an average melt volatile content (H2O±CO2) of 4.3 wt.%. Magma-mixing end members may have provided some of the S and Cl emitted in the eruption. Glass inclusions in phenocrysts contain an average of 650 ppm S and 3130 ppm Cl as compared with 70 ppm and 2220 ppm, respectively, in the matrix glass. Maximum S and Cl contents of glass inclusions approach 1800 and 5000 ppm, respectively. Application of the petrologic method to products of the 1963 eruption for estimating volatile release yields of 2.5×1012 g (Mt) of SO2 and 3.4 Mt of Cl released from the 0.65 km3 of juvenile tephra which contributed to stratospheric injection of H2SO4 aerosols on 17 March and 16 May, when eruption column heights exceeded 20 km above sea level. An independent estimate of SO2 release from atmospheric aerosol loading (11–12 Mt) suggests that approximately 7 Mt of SO2 was injected into the stratosphere. The difference between the two estimates can be most readily accounted for by the partitioning of S, as well as some Cl, from the magma into a water-rich vapor phase which was released upon eruption. For other recent high-S-release eruptions of more evolved and oxidized magmas (El Chichón, Pinatubo), the petrologic method gives values two orders of magnitude less than independent estimates of SO2 emissions. Results from this study of the Agung 1963 magma and its volatile emissions, and from related studies on eruptions of more mafic magmas, suggest that SO2 emissions from eruptions of higher-S-solubility magma may be more reliably estimated by the petrologic method than may those from more-evolved magma eruptions. Received: 29 June 1994 / Accepted: 25 April 1996  相似文献   
基于青海省刚察地区1:5万电泵站等4幅区调项目,在拉脊山蛇绿构造混杂岩带药水泉组中识别一套玄武岩、玄武安山岩、安山岩类岩石组合,其岩相学、岩石地球化学特征与高镁安山岩相类似.岩石斑晶以斜长石和辉石为主,不含橄榄石,基质也含有大量的斜长石.岩石地球化学特征表现为K2O+Na2O含量2.55%~5.15%,Na2O > K2O,K2O含量0.22%~0.82%,为低钾;CaO含量5.31%~11.41%,TiO2含量0.27%~0.55%,变化范围较小;MgO含量为5.78%~11.06%,变化范围不大.总体具有低硅、钛、钾,高钙、镁,富钠之特征.稀土配分曲线为右倾斜状,多呈铕正异常,为轻稀土富集型.微量元素Rb、Ba、Th、Cr、Ni等变化幅度大,反映岩浆生成和演化过程复杂,但演变仍以部分熔融为主.选取玄武岩样品,通过LA-ICP-MS U-Pb锆石微区定年,获得了451.7±1.8 Ma年龄值,其时代为晚奥陶世.总体特征表明,刚察地区火山岩为埃达克型高镁安山岩,其构造环境为活动大陆边缘的岛弧.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the relationship between the coal deposition and explosive volcanism of the Miocene basin, NW central Anatolia, Turkey. The coal-bearing Hirka Formation was deposited over the Galatian Andesitic Complex and/or massive lagoonal environments during the Miocene. The investigated lignite is a high ash (from 32 to 58%) and sulphur (from 1.43 to 3.03%) lignite which is petrographically characterised by a high humunite content. The mineral matter of the studied lignite samples is made up of mainly clay minerals (illite-smectite and kaolinite), plagioclase and quartz in Bolu coal field, clay minerals (illite-smectite, smectite and illite), quartz, calcite, plagioclase and gypsum in Seben coal field, quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and clay minerals (kaolinite and illite) in K?br?sc?k, and dolomite, quartz, clinoptilolite, opal CT and gypsum in Çaml?dere coal field. The differences in these four types of lignite with specific mineralogical patterns may be due to the explosive volcanic events and depositional conditions which changed from one coal field to the others. There is a zonation from SW to SE in the studied area for zeolites such as Opal CT+smectite-clinoptilolite-analcime-K-feldspar. Carbonate minerals are commonly calcite in Seben and K?br?sc?k coal fields. In Bolu, coal samples are devoid of calcite and dolomite. These analyses show that there is an increase in the amount of Mg and a decrease in the amount of Na from the northwestern part to the southern part in the study area.  相似文献   
Hidden beneath the ~ 2 km thick low-velocity volcaniclastics on the western margin of the Central Volcanic Region, North Island, New Zealand, are two structures that represent the early history of volcanic activity in a continental back-arc. These ~ 20 × 20 km structures, at Tokoroa and Mangakino, form an adjacent gravity high and low, respectively. Interpretations from seismic refraction arrivals and gravity modelling indicate the − 65 mgal Mangakino residual gravity anomaly can be modelled, in part, by two low-density bodies that reach depths of ~ 6.5 km, whereas the Tokoroa gravity anomaly is due to a higher density rock coming, at most, to within ~ 650 m of the surface. The Mangakino anomaly is interpreted to be due to the remnants of magma chambers that fed large ignimbrite eruptions from about 1.2 Ma. An andesite volcano or complex volcanic structure is the preferred interpretation for the Tokoroa gravity high. The size of the putative volcanic structure is comparable to the presently active Tongariro Volcanic Complex in the centre of North Island.  相似文献   
山东邹平青山下亚组玄武安山岩源区性质及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过岩石的显微观察、全岩元素地球化学及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成等综合研究,参照前人的研究成果,探讨邹平火山岩盆地内青山下亚组玄武安山岩的岩石地球化学性质、物质来源及岩石成因。研究表明,岩石富钠、富镁,具有大离子亲石元素(Rb、Sr、Ba)和轻稀土元素(LREE)富集,高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti)相对亏损的地球化学特征。全岩Sr同位素初始比值(87 Sr/86 Sr)i为0.705674~0.705876;全岩Nd同位素初始比值εNd(t)为-10.0~-10.2,Nd同位素二阶段模式年龄T2DM为1.74~1.75Ga;全岩铅同位素初始比值(206Pb/204Pb)i介于16.917~17.095之间,(207Pb/204Pb)i介于15.306~15.396之间,(208Pb/204Pb)i介于36.750~37.208之间;较低的Sr-Nd初始比值及较均一的低放射性铅同位素组成,可能为EMI型富集地幔的部分熔融所致。晚中生代加厚的华北岩石圈发生大规模拆沉作用,拆沉的大陆中下地壳部分熔融形成富硅熔体与古生代岩石圈地幔相互作用形成富集地幔,随后在岩石圈伸展与区域热异常作用下减压部分熔融,形成的玄武安山质岩浆沿着深大构造侵入地壳上部或喷发至地表,形成青山下亚组玄武安山岩,但是岩浆上侵过程中地壳物质混染不强。该研究对深化鲁西地区晚中生代构造-岩浆作用的认识有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   
In an effort to constrain the mechanism of dolomitization in Neogene dolomites in the Bahamas and improve understanding of the use of chemostratigraphic tracers in shallow‐water carbonate sediments the δ34S, Δ47, δ13C, δ18O, δ44/40Ca and δ26Mg values and Sr concentrations have been measured in dolomitized intervals from the Clino core, drilled on the margin of Great Bahama Bank and two other cores (Unda and San Salvador) in the Bahamas. The Unda and San Salvador cores have massively dolomitized intervals that have carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values similar to those found in contemporaneous seawater and δ44/40Ca, δ26Mg values, Sr contents and Δ47 temperatures (25 to 30°C) indicating relatively shallow dolomitization in a fluid‐buffered system. In contrast, dolomitized intervals in the Clino core have elevated values of carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values indicating dolomitization in a more sediment‐buffered diagenetic system where bacterial sulphate reduction enriches the residual in 34S, consistent with high sediment Sr concentrations and low δ44/40Ca and high δ26Mg values. Only dolomites associated with hardgrounds in the Clino core have carbonate associated δ34S values similar to seawater, indicating continuous flushing of the upper layers of the sediment by seawater during sedimentary hiatuses. This interpretation is supported by changes to more positive δ44/40Ca values at hardground surfaces. All dolomites, whether they formed in an open fluid‐buffered or closed sediment‐buffered diagenetic system have similar δ26Mg values suggesting that the HMC transformed to dolomite. The clumped isotope derived temperatures in the dolomitized intervals in Clino yield temperatures that are higher than normal, possibly indicating a kinetic isotope effect on dolomite Δ47 values associated with carbonate formation through bacterial sulphate reduction. The findings of this study highlight the utility of applying multiple geochemical proxies to disentangle the diagenetic history of shallow‐water carbonate sediments and caution against simple interpretations of stratigraphic variability in these geochemical proxies as indicating changes in the global geochemical cycling of these elements in seawater.  相似文献   
The Fe2+–Mg distribution coefficients between sapphirine and spinel:
were experimentally determined at pressures of 9–13 kbar and temperatures of 950–1150 °C using a natural ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulite with paragenesis of these minerals from the Napier Complex in East Antarctica [XMg = Mg / (Fe + Mg); XFe = Fe / (Fe + Mg)]. A new sapphirine–spinel geothermometer has been obtained as:

We applied the exchange thermometer to UHT or high-grade metamorphic rocks that were reported from various complexes in the world. If the KD values of 2.63–4.34 obtained from low-Cr mineral pairs such as XCrSpr < 0.016 and XCrSpl < 0.047 were substituted into the equation, their temperature conditions would be estimated as 806–1050 °C at 11 kbar. The XCr means Cr / (Al + Cr(+ Fe3+)). These temperatures are reasonable retrograde or near peak metamorphic condition.  相似文献   



鲕粒原生矿物识别及对海水化学成分变化的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李飞  武思琴  刘柯 《沉积学报》2015,33(3):500-511
鲕粒是碳酸盐沉积过程中一类非常特殊的颗粒类型, 为研究当时的沉积背景、水动力条件、气候环境, 甚至储层特征提供了重要线索。然而, 鲕粒的矿物组成及控制因素问题, 长期受到忽视。组成鲕粒的原生矿物类型在地质历史时期呈周期性变化, 在显生宙表现为三个以文石和高镁方解石占主导的时期以及两个以低镁方解石占主导的时期, 这也被称作“文石海”和“方解石海”时期。原生矿物的组成, 制约着鲕粒的纹层结构、保存程度以及成岩特征, 还蕴含着海水化学成分变化的线索。鲕粒原生矿物识别主要依据:①原生纹层结构;②保存程度;③微量元素浓度, 尤其是Sr-Mg的浓度。文石质鲕粒受文石不稳定性的影响, 原生结构保存程度较差;一般保存有典型的文石残余纹层结构(例如砖砌结构、溶解变形结构以及偏心结构等);在封闭成岩环境下原生矿物为文石质的鲕粒Sr浓度往往大于2 000 ppm;纹层结构主要为切线状(占主导)和放射状。方解石质鲕粒包括低镁方解石和高镁方解石两种类型:低镁方解石为稳定矿物, 原生结构一般保存良好。尽管高镁方解石也为亚稳定矿物, 但成岩转换后的保存程度好于文石。两者Sr含量一般均低于1 000 ppm, Mg含量一般在0~20 mol % MgCO3(两者以4 mol % MgCO3为界)。高镁方解石受成岩作用影响, 在纹层中往往保留有微粒白云石包裹体;海相地层中保存的方解石质鲕粒为放射状或同心-放射状结构。另外还存在一类由两种矿物共同构成的双矿物鲕粒, 可以通过分析两类纹层在结构和保存特征上的差异进行区分。鲕粒原生矿物成分随时间的波动变化受到海水化学条件, 尤其是Mg/Ca比值, 大气二氧化碳分压以及碳酸盐饱和度的控制。Mg/Ca比值的波动决定着鲕粒原生矿物类型的长期变化规律。一些突发性事件可能会扰动(区域)短时间尺度下鲕粒原生矿物的组成, 造成鲕粒原生矿物的转换。通过研究碳酸盐鲕粒原生矿物特征以及控制因素进而了解海水的化学特征, 是独立于古生物学和地球化学分析之外的一种较为可靠的沉积学方法。  相似文献   
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