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Based on the palynological data from Well Ta-19-36 and Well Ta-19-37 in the Ta'nan Sag, and Well Ta-22-1 and Well Ta-21-1 in the Bayin Gobi Sag, a spore-pollen assemblage from the Damoguaihe Formation is named as Cicatricosisporites minutaestriatus- Aequitriradites spinulosus-Protopinus sp. assemblage in the Tamutsag Basin, Mongolia. The assemblage is characterized by abundant gymnosperm pollen and diverse fern spores, counted 46.35%–65.57% and 34.43%–52.58% in percentage respectively. Among the gymnosperm pollen, Pinuspollenites sp.(2.66%–16.94%), Protopinus sp.(0–11.38%) and Protopicea sp.(0–10.81%) are dominant; and Alisporites sp., Cerebropollenites sp., Podocarpidites sp., and Abietineaepollenites sp. are common. Some important elements, such as Chasmatosporites sp., Callialasporites prominulus, Parvisaccites sp., Parcisporites sp., Jiaohepollis cf. annulatus, J. bellus, J. verus, Polycingulatisporites sp., Schizaeoisporites certus, Classopollis annulatus are seen. Within the fern spores, Osmundacidites wellamanii(0.85%–4.93%), Appendicisporites sp.(0–4.45%), Baculatisporites comaumensis(0.80%–2.87%), Cicatricosisporites sp.(0.51%–2.66%), C. minor(0–2.14%), Foraminisporis asymmetricus(0–2.40%), Aequitriradites sp.(0– 2.19%) and Cyathidites minor(0–2.13%) are dominant; and some specie of Densoisporites, Cooksonites, Impardecispora, Pilosisporites, Schizaeosprites, Fixisporites, Leptolepidites, Trilobosporites, Kuylisporites, Klukisporites, Hsuisporites, Couperisporites, Maculatisporites are seen. The angiosperm pollen are rare in the assemblage, characterized by Clavatipollenites sp.(0–0.80%) and Songipollis sp.(0–0.27%). The geological age of the Damoguaihe Formation is assigned to Hauterivian – Barremian of Early Cretaceous according to the palynological data, due to the fact that there existed a lot of diverse spores of the family Schizaeaceae and prosperous gymnosperm saccat pollen which the corpus and sacci are differentiated completely, and the presence of early angiosperm pollen of Clavatipollenites. However, the zircon U-Pb isotopic dating of the volcanic rocks in the Nantun Formation indicated that the overlying strata of the Nantun Formation, i.e. the Damoguaihe Formation must be younger than 127.0±2.0–137.9±1.5 Ma. This is consistent with the palynological data. Furthermore, the vegetation reconstructed on the palynological data of the Damoguaihe Formation is conifer forest with shrubs and grassland, belonging to the semi-humid or humid middle to south subtropical climate. Moreover, three new species, namely Biretisporites punctatus sp. nov., Chasmatosporites reticulates sp. nov. and Concentrisporites contractus sp. nov. are described here.  相似文献   
张家洼矽卡岩型铁矿位于华北克拉通东南部,赋存在石炭系本溪组与奥陶系马家沟组之间的假整合面处及闪长岩体与奥陶系马家沟组大理岩的接触带附近,富铁矿石资源量已达大型规模。研究发现矽卡岩矿物种类在内外接触带分布有一定区别,内带为石榴石等钙质矽卡岩矿物,而外带为阳起石、金云母等镁质矽卡岩矿物,整体构成钙镁质矽卡岩。对矽卡岩矿物系统的研究表明,透辉石及石榴石发育有环带,其氧化物含量随矿物环带的形成比例不断变化,暗示酸碱度及氧逸度随着成矿流体的演化而发生相应的变化,即由早期矽卡岩阶段的相对还原的酸性环境演化为退化蚀变阶段相对氧化的碱性环境从而导致铁质逐渐萃取多次富集、沉淀,后期随着磁铁矿的沉淀又逐渐在硫化物阶段转化为还原环境生成金属硫化物。  相似文献   
张晋  赵建粮 《地质与资源》2023,32(2):146-154
亚美尼亚地处外高加索南部, 是"一带一路"沿线重要节点国家, 含有丰富的金属和非金属矿藏, 尤其是铜钼矿占世界总储量的5.1%. 亚美尼亚与我国关系良好, 是中国矿业公司从事海外资源开发的重要目的地. 本文依托"一带一路"矿产资源信息采集与相关资料综合分析, 对亚美尼亚的地质、矿产及矿业开发现状进行综述, 总结该国矿产分布规律, 为我国投资亚美尼亚矿产勘查和矿业开发提供可借鉴的建议.  相似文献   
宋林康  陈春 《矿物学报》1992,12(1):87-90,T001
本文论述一种据X射线粉晶分析属钍石类矿物结构,但成分上富含高量重稀土(HRE_2O_3达11.51%),且以钇(Y_2O_3达8.69%)为主的钍石矿物。文中在阐述其产状、共生组合及物性的基础上,对其生成条件进行了初步探讨,认为该矿物的生成是两次替代作用的结果。铀在其中起了媒介作用;重稀土(特别是钇)在姑婆山主体花岗岩边部相岩石中的明显富集是其生成的物质条件。  相似文献   
刚果(金)地质特征与主要矿产资源概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刚果(金)主要由刚果盆地和环盆地高原组成,盆地主要由中生代到新生代地层及近现代沉积物组成,沿着盆地内边缘分布有泛非时期的火山沉积物,环盆地高原主要为抬升的前寒武纪基底。刚果(金)优势金属矿产资源主要分布环盆地高原的加丹加新元古代铜-钴多金属成矿带、KIB-KAB中元古代锡-铌-钽-钨多金属成矿带、刚果东北太古代绿岩带型金-铁多金属成矿带上,而金刚石则主要分布开赛及东北部地区中新生代金刚石成矿区内。  相似文献   
矿产资源开发导致了地下水失衡,地下水失衡又给矿产开发造成了极大的安全隐患,近年来,矿产资源开发与地下水环境保护之间的矛盾愈发凸显。通过对内蒙古鲁新井田典型的水文地质条件进行分析研究,分析采矿导致地下水失衡机理,深入剖析矿井开采充水条件及矿山开发对地下水环境的影响,合理提出了促进矿产开发与地下水保护相互协调的对策建议,为实现"采矿保水"协调统一提供了基础地质依据。为类似地区矿产开发过程中遵循自然规律,趋利避害,保障生产安全,保护地下水环境安全,实现资源绿色开发有较好的指导借鉴作用。  相似文献   
热带扰动在大尺度经圈中的行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
巢纪平  徐昭 《地球物理学报》2008,51(6):1657-1662
在赤道β平面上经圈流的背景流场内,利用等值浅水模式来分析波动的不稳定性.结果显示,在经圈半地转假设下,扰动信号通过变性的Rossby波来传递.对于大洋西部,由于向极地方向经圈流的引入,赤道对称的扰动模态对所有的波数k都是不稳定的.对于大洋东部的向赤道流,对赤道对称的扰动却是稳定的.由于一般来讲,扰动倾向于对赤道对称,因此西边界的向极流,如黑潮,比东边界的向赤道流,如加尼福尼亚洋流,更易因扰动的不稳定而产生涡旋.  相似文献   
草帽顶子矿泉水为偏硅酸矿泉水.含有钴、锶等多种人体必需的微量元素,是一处优质天然矿泉水。起源于大气降水.矿化时间约15年.流量较大,具有重要的开发利用价值.  相似文献   
晋慧娟 《地质科学》1998,33(3):282-289
在概述了浙江西部上奥陶统于潜组的沉积学特征,并进而描述了发现的14个遗迹化石属基础上,从4个方面对Spirodesmos为代表的遗迹组合进行了环境分析:(1)14个遗迹属中仅3个属为穿相型分子,其余占遗迹总属2/3以上的遗迹化石均为典型的深水型分子,它们都是Nereites遗迹相的主要成员,因此该遗迹组合可归属于深海Nereites遗迹相中;(2)大部分遗迹化石呈复杂规则弯曲的形态,这种形态的遗迹化石是深海环境的遗迹化石标志;(3)14个遗迹属均为觅食迹和牧食迹,它们的行为习性,尤其是牧食迹主要分布于深海环境;(4)多数遗迹属的水深分布均在200m以下。由此可认为Spirodesmos遗迹组合是半深海-深海环境的产物。  相似文献   
Kinematic analysis of the deformation in central Crete suggests that the structural evolution and exhumation of the high pressure/low temperature (HP/LT) rocks outcropping at the Mount Psiloritis metamorphic core complex are associated with a regional, Miocene, north-south extension and thinning of the continental crust. This tectonic regime developed under bulk coaxial strain conditions, with ductile deformation in the lower and brittle deformation in the upper crust, and followed, on the decompressional path, a north-south compression associated with a HP/LT metamorphism in the lower crust. This compressional event took place during Oligocene—Early Miocene and led to overthickening of the accretionary wedge in the Hellenic Arc. An east-west directed compression accompanied, in the final stages, the Miocene north-south extension of the continental crust.  相似文献   
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