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丁准泰 《江苏地质》2019,43(1):38-43
眉山阶地第四系剖面地处番禺断隆区的边缘,毗邻狮子洋断陷区,是珠江三角洲第一次海侵所到达的区域,附近的断裂包括文冲断裂、化龙—黄阁断裂、新会—市桥断裂等三角洲内典型断裂。发育于网纹红土基座上的堆积阶地,自下而上大致分为杂色砂层、白色砂层、淤泥质层3层,构成一个完整的从动水环境到静水环境的沉积旋回。野外调查及14C测年和光释光(OSL)测年结果表明,眉山第四系剖面年龄约在70~30 ka B.P.之间,相当于深海O同位素4—2阶段。结合前人的研究资料,认为阶地面与沉降区的下旋回原本在同一高度,但自晚更新世以来,在断块差异升降中被错开,垂直距离在20 m以上,直观地指示了断隆区与断陷区的运动特征。  相似文献   
豫皖交界“梅山群”的古构造环境研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王果胜  刘文灿 《现代地质》1995,9(4):402-408
摘要:“梅山群”是豫皖交界地段变质程度与佛子岭群、石炭系不同的变质岩系。它主要由斜长角闪岩、变粒岩、浅粒岩、云英片岩、角闪片岩、黑云片岩、大理岩和辉石岩等组成,在区域上可以和商城群歪庙组对比,形成时代为早古生代.对“梅山群”的岩石化学研究表明,其形成的古构造环境可能为弧后盆地。笔者认为早古生代,南北大陆板块构造的碰撞以华北板块仰冲、扬子板块俯冲为特征,大别造山带古缝合带的位置应在“梅山群”分布区域的南侧。  相似文献   
1 Introduction The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB) has been ratified by IUGS in 2001 (Yin et al., 2001). It is defined at the base of the Hindeodus parvus horizon, i.e. the base of Bed 27c of Meishan Section D, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, South China. The PTB is important because it is not only an erathem boundary but also a great turning point of geological history symbolized by profound global changes and the strongest …  相似文献   
安徽金寨三仙山地区位于大别山北缘,该地梅山群主要为一套轻微变质的碎屑岩系。砂岩碎屑组分统计表明,砂岩类型主要为岩屑石英砂岩、岩屑石英杂砂岩,石英、长石、岩屑的平均含量为87.21%、1.67%、9.64%,杂基含量为15%,石英几乎全为单晶石英(95.79%),长石以斜长石为主,岩屑主要为沉积岩屑(75.49%),其次为变质岩屑(24.51%)。碎屑岩地球化学元素平均含量为:SiO2(75.99%),Al2O3(11.96%),MgO(0.72%),CaO(0.10%),Fe2O3(4.02%),K2O(1.70%),Na2O(0.26%)。ΣREE=170.49×10-6(74.49×10-6~309.42×10-6),LREE/HREE=11.16(7.89~14.26),轻稀土略有富集,δEu=0.72(0.59~0.90),La/Yb=22.08(13.01~31.18),(La/Yb)N=14.89(8.77~21.02),δCe=0.84(0.42~0.97)。碎屑岩地球化学特征指示三仙山地区梅山群母岩主要为古老沉积岩、长英质火山岩和古老变质基底,具有多重物源区。梅山群构造背景较复杂,主要为被动大陆边缘和活动大陆边缘,其次为大陆岛弧。三仙山地区梅山群碎屑岩的源岩成分、构造背景与商城-固始地区石炭系有很大差别,故其地层时代有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
Section D at Meishan, Changxing County in the Zhejiang Province, China, has been extensively studied in various aspects of the stratigraphy during the past 20 years. It was ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) as the Global Standard Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Permian–Triassic boundary in 2000, and is also a potential stratotype for the Wuchiapingian–Changhsingian boundary. However, the contact relationship between the Longtan (Wuchiapingian) and Changxing (Chainghsingian) formations has been a controversial subject for years. Recent studies on Section C, about 300 m west of Section D, at Meishan confirm a complete depositional succession around the boundary and suggest that the proposed boundary level, the FAD of Clarkina wangi within the lineage from C. longicuspidata to C. wangi, is consistent with the first appearance of the index Changhsingian fusulinid Palaeofusulina sinensis and tapashanitid ammonoids.  相似文献   
Pyrite framboids were found in the Permian-Triassic boundary at Meishan Section, while their sulfur isotopes were determined. The majority of framboids is less than 5 μm in diameter, with some large-sized framboids. Also, euhedral gypsums were observed in the boundary clay. The authors suppose that most of the pyrite framboids formed just below the redox boundary and stopped growing after entering the lower water column. The result indicates that it was probably lower dysoxia condition in the temporal ocean. Moreover, the authors also presume that some pyrite was oxidated to sulfates accompanying the fluctuation of redox condition, which would probably be the origin of the negative sulfur isotopes of gypsum and CAS reported before. In addition, sulfur isotope of framboidal pyrite suggests that sulfur is originated from bacterial sulfate reduction in anoxic condition. Therefore, this study confirms that the ocean was widely anoxic during the Permian-Triassic transitional period. However, the redox condition in temporal ocean was probably not stable, with short-term fluctuations.  相似文献   
曾小明  于佳  潘燕  陈晓武  张辉 《沉积学报》2016,34(6):1198-1207
琼东南盆地陵水凹陷北坡海底扇储层岩性较细,物性较差,并且对其低渗的成因不明、甜点的展布也不清。通过利用岩石薄片、扫描电镜、粒度分析、压汞以及物性等资料来分析其孔隙演化,并从成岩相的研究角度来预测其甜点展布。研究结果认为研究区梅山组二段储层孔隙类型主要为原生粒间孔和铸模孔,处在中成岩阶段A期。从沉积因素和成岩作用两个方面总结出了研究区的孔隙演化模式:沉积环境控制了原始孔隙度的大小,后期机械压实是孔隙减小的主要原因,溶解作用对孔隙增大起到了巨大贡献。研究区主要识别和划分出了中等压实长石溶蚀相、中等压实海绿石胶结相和强压实弱溶蚀相3种成岩相,甜点主要分布在水动力较强的海底扇内扇中等压实长石溶蚀相中。  相似文献   
Wecolectedorientedmagnetostratigraphicsamplesatthesamebed(Bed27,limestone)ofAandDsectionsnamedbyShengetal.(1984)ofMeishansect...  相似文献   
在详细研究全球二叠-三叠系界线层候选剖面───中国浙江长兴煤山剖面P/T界线层牙形石动物群序列基础上,自下而上识别出4个牙形石带:(1)ClarkinachangxingensisClarkinadeflecta带;(2)Isarcicellaparva带;(3)Isarcicellaisarcica带;(4)ClarkinacarinataClarkinaplanata带,并在第一带中划分出3个动物群,从下向上是:ClarkinachangzingensisClarkinadeflecta-Clarkinasubcarinata动物群,Hindeoduslatidentatus-Clarkinameishanensissp.nov.动物群和Hindeodustypicalis动物群,煤山剖面二叠、三叠系界线层牙形石序列的建立、完善,对确立该剖面在全球二叠、三在系界线高精度对比中的标准地位具重要意义。  相似文献   
眉山市地质灾害主要类型有滑坡、崩塌和不稳定斜坡。通过对全市地质灾害隐患点的考察和最新地质灾害信息分析,阐述了全市地质灾害隐患点的主要类型及特征,归纳了地质灾害分布特征;对全市地质灾害隐患点发育的主要影响因素进行了较为系统的分析,认识了眉山市地质灾害的成因机制。在此基础上,进一步提出了地质灾害防治原则和防治对策。  相似文献   
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