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通过对东太平洋多金属结核中国开辟区表层沉积物和短柱状沉积物的系统观察和分析,首次根据矿物学和地球化学两方面的证据,发现中国开辟区沉积物中热水活动及其产物的存在。X射线衍射分析表明,沉积物样品中普遍含有重晶石,部分样品中含量高达10%以上,扫描电镜观察发现,重晶石均为完整自形晶,并与同为自形的石英及钠长石共生。根据本区重晶石的地质背景及结晶形态,可以认为它的形成环境与加利福尼亚湾瓜伊马斯盆地(Guaymas)相似,属热水成因,伴生的石英和钠长石亦为常见的热水矿物,。这一共生组合的形成温度不低于70℃。地球化学研究发现,在柱状沉积物剖面上,Ba的垂向分布有两种类型,一种为平稳型,在一定深度范围内无明显变化。另一种为跃升型,并伴有其他活泼组分的同步变化,跃升型可视为热水活动在沉积历史上的记录,迄今为止,热水矿物组合主要见于东区的表层沉积物,而在西区,Ba在沉积物中的富集主要见于10cm以下层位,根据沉积速率推算,在中国开辟区西区的热水化活动记录比东区至少早0.1Ma。  相似文献   
Nematode assemblage composition, trophic structure and biodiversity were followed over an annual cycle in a sandy beach of the Taiping Bay of Qingdao, China. Nematode assemblage in the sandy beach maintained a high genus diversity (75 genera). Mlero- laimus and Bathylaimus were the dominant genus of the nematode assemblage, accounting for 66% of the total nematode abundance. The nematodes' dominant trophic structure changed seasonally as a response to the seasonal changes in food quality. Epigrowth-feeder nematodes (2A) were the dominant trophic groups in the trophic structure with the highest abundance in spring because of phytoplankton bloom, while the feeding type ( 1 B) showed higher abundance in summer that was due to the increasing of sediment detritus after spring bloom. Furthermore, species diversity and evenness calculated on nematodes identified to the genus level displayed significant temporal changes, which was also reflected by the index of trophic diversity. According to the cluster analysis, the nematode community structure of the whole year was clearly separated into two periods (A and B). Biota-Envlron- ment matching (BIOENV) results showed that seawater temperature, sediment Chl a and grain size were responsible for the nema- tode community structure variation in spring and summer period (Period A). However, seawater/interstitial water temperature, interstitial water dissolved oxygen concentration,interstitial water salinity, and sediment Ph a a were more important in constructing the autumn and winter period (Period B) nematode community structure.  相似文献   
福建武平悦洋银多金属矿床特征及成因探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林全胜 《福建地质》2006,25(2):82-88
武平悦洋银多金属矿床受基底与火山岩系不整合面附近发育的一组铲式断裂裂隙带控制,以独特的石英 冰长石 银(金)和绢云母 银铜蚀变矿化组合区别于紫金山矿区石英 明矾石 铜(金)组合,与紫金山地区五子骑龙铜矿床、罗卜岭斑岩型铜矿床共同构成与中酸性次火山斑岩有关的浅成低温斑岩铜金银矿成矿(亚)系列。  相似文献   
通过1∶25万鹤岗市幅区域地质调查,首次在小兴安岭中南段摩天岭一带发现了具环斑结构的晚石炭世二长花岗岩.环斑长石多呈自形晶宽板状或宽板柱状,少数为圆球状.大小不一.2~3.5 cm,内核为肉红色碱性长石,外壳为宽1~2 mm的灰白色斜长石,有时也见无环的卵圆形斑晶.其岩相学、岩石地球化学特征研究表明,摩天岭环斑花岗岩及其岩石组合为不同于前寒武纪典型非造山环斑花岗岩的造山带型环斑花岗岩,为形成于造山带与板块俯冲体制有关的岛弧或活动大陆边缘环境下的Ⅰ型花岗岩.  相似文献   
南美厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地斜坡带发育的白垩系Napo组高伽马特征的UT海绿石砂岩段是成熟探区新发现的隐蔽含油层段。本文分析了海绿石砂岩储层的矿物组成、孔隙结构、成岩作用、物性特点,并结合烃源岩评价与石油空间分布探讨海绿石砂岩油藏的成藏特征。海绿石粘土矿物以颗粒形式存在,与石英共同构成海绿石砂岩的颗粒组分,海绿石砂岩的孔隙结构具有双峰特征,束缚水含量高,属于中-低孔、中-低渗储层类型,孔隙类型主要是剩余粒间孔。海绿石砂岩储层中石英次生加大属Ⅱ级,长石碎屑颗粒发生溶蚀作用,含铁碳酸盐类胶结物发育,结合泥岩低的I/S混层比和高的最高峰温值Tmax,指示海绿石砂岩层段属于中成岩阶段A期的产物。与海绿石砂岩油藏紧邻的大面积分布的Ⅱ1腐泥型成熟烃源岩就是缓翼斜坡带的生烃中心,大面积连续发育的海绿石砂岩与之构成优越的源储组合,有利于上生下储式成藏。海绿石砂岩油藏表现为近源性、成藏晚期性等特点,规模发育的海绿石砂岩储层得以成藏的主要运聚机制是体积流和扩散流运聚机制。这对盆地其它油区同类油藏的发现具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
陕西旬阳砂硐沟汞锑矿富集区汞锑含矿体受褶皱构造(背斜)和断裂构造的联合控制。通过对控(含)矿构造、富矿空间的构造次序以及结构面组合特征等的详细研究,对初步建立的"背斜+一刀"的成矿模式进行了完善。成矿流体、稀土分析等综合研究显示成矿物质可能来源于地壳深部。已有的勘查工程及找矿成果表明,本矿集区具有较大的找矿潜力。   相似文献   
辽宁北部秀水盆地秀D1井孢粉组合及其地层意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孢粉化石采自辽宁省北部秀水盆地的秀D1井,分析、鉴定和系统研究结果表明,来自秀D1井井深62.1~1089.7m的孢粉化石自下而上划分为3个孢粉组合,下部孢粉组合(井深703.85~1089.7m)以Osmundacidites-Klukisporites-Podocarpidites为代表,地质时代为晚侏罗世堤塘期(Tithonian),中部孢粉组合(井深381.5~699.3m)以Densoisporites-Cicatricosisporites-Piceaepollenites为代表,地质时代为早白垩世贝里阿斯期(Berriassian),上部孢粉组合(井深62.1~339m)以Cicatricosisporites-Impardecispora-Pinuspollenites为代表,地质时代为早白垩世凡兰吟期—欧特里夫期(Valanginian-Hauterivian)。秀D1井钻遇地层所含孢粉组合特征在区域上可以与冀北地区大北沟组,辽宁西部地区下白垩统义县组、九佛堂组,松辽盆地东南缘下白垩统火石岭组、沙河子组所产的孢粉组合对比。含孢粉组合地层时代的确定解决了井柱地层的划分,以及与区域地层的对比关系,同时为区域地层古生物研究提供了翔实的基础资料。  相似文献   
Rodinia超大陆构造演化研究的新进展和主要目标   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
概略评述了1997年以来国际上有关Rodinia超大陆构造演化问题的研究成果,并提出今后工作的主要目标。Rodinia超大陆的聚合造山发生在1300-1000Ma,基本形式表现为早期弧一陆碰撞和晚期陆-陆碰撞,并在1000-900Ma继以伸展作用。Rodinia超大陆的裂解发生于830Ma之后,但其过程具有明显的时,空分布不均一性,地幔柱可能是导致超大陆裂解的主要机制,大火成岩省”是地幔柱发育的关键性标志,已经初步证实裂解过程影响地球大气圈和水圈中二氧化碳的循环,进而改变晚前寒武纪的全球气候,控制生物圈的兴衰和岩石圈表层的碳酸盐,铁,锰和磷等沉积,这些现象可用“雪球化地球”(Snowball Earth)模式概括。  相似文献   
The Pushtashan suprasubduction zone assemblage of volcanic rocks, gabbros, norites and peridotites occurs in the Zagros suture zone, Kurdistan region, northeastern Iraq. Volcanic rocks are dominant in the assemblage and consist mainly of basalt and basaltic andesite flows with interlayered red shale and limestone horizons. Earlier lavas tend to be MORB-like, whereas later lavas display island arc tholeiite to boninitic geochemical characteristics. Tholeiitic gabbros intrude the norites and display fractionation trends typical of crystallisation under low-pressure conditions, whereas the norites display calc-alkaline traits, suggesting their source included mantle metasomatised by fluids released from subducted oceanic crust. Enrichment of Rb, Ba, Sr, Th and the presence of negative Nb anomalies indicate generation in a suprasubduction zone setting. Trondhjemite and granodiorite intrusions are present in the volcanic rocks, gabbros and norites. SHRIMP U-Pb dating of magmatic zircons from a granodiorite yields a mean~(206)Pb/~(238)U age of 96.0 ±2.0 Ma(Cenomanian). The initial ε_(Hf) value for the zircons show a narrow range from +12.8 to+15.6, with a weighted mean of + 13.90±0.96. This initial value is within error of model depleted mantle at 96 Ma or slightly below that, in the field of arc rocks with minimal contamination by older continental crust. The compositional bimodality of the Pushtashan suprasubduction sequence suggests seafloor spreading during the initiation of subduction, with a lava stratigraphy from earlyerupted MORB transitioning into calc-alkaline lavas and finally by 96 Ma intrusion of granodioritic and trondhjemitic bodies with juvenile crustal isotopic signatures. The results confirm another Cretaceous arc remnant preserved as an allochthon within the Iraqi segment of the Cenozoic Zagros suture zone. Implications for the closure of Neo-Tethys are discussed.  相似文献   
以赣南红壤崩岗侵蚀区野外调研孢粉资料为基础,分析了8个表土样品。结果发现:赣南红壤崩岗侵蚀区表土样品孢粉种属类型丰富,共鉴定出131种,统计有效孢粉2 694粒;表土孢粉组合为乔木、灌木、草本、蕨类和苔藓植物,其中乔木和蕨类植物的孢粉占优势,平均分别为48.49%和37.10%,灌木和草本花粉含量较低,平均为3.00%和8.43%。乔木植物中的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)平均浓度为28.0%,蕨类植物中里白厥(Hicriopterisglauca)平均浓度为26.09%,均具有超代表性;植物花粉亚热带特征明显;不同母岩崩岗侵蚀区优势科属种方面存在一定的差异;孢粉组合反映出马尾松、里白蕨对红壤崩岗生态环境的适应性和代表性。该研究为今后在这一地区开展第四纪古植被、古气候和古环境等研究提供参考性依据,同时也为南方崩岗治理筛选先锋植物提供参考。  相似文献   
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