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《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):191-205

In response to Article 2.2 of the Kyoto Protocol, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) have begun to consider greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international aviation and shipping. However, neither ICAO nor IMO have taken any effective action on the issue yet and progress can be characterised as slow. The lack of action has so far not been made up for by measures within the climate change regime or by individual countries. An important motivation for the efforts of ICAO and IMO so far has been the potential regulatory competition with the climate change regime. However, given the lack of political will to act on the issue within the latter, this motivation has not been very forceful. Against this backdrop, I argue that there are in particular three options for furthering progress within ICAO and IMO, namely (1) enhancing the threat of regulation of GHG emissions from international transport under the climate change regime; (2) undertaking unilateral domestic action by various countries (in particular the EU); and (3) furthering a learning process within ICAO and IMO. Furthermore, a closer coordination of efforts under ICAO, IMO and the climate change regime could facilitate and accelerate progress.  相似文献   
航海图书是航海使用的各种数据和资料出版物的统称,是船舶安全航行的基本保证.中华人民共和国海事局作为官方航海图书资料出版发行机构,代表国家参与《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》(International Convention for the Safe-ty of Life at Sea 1974,SOLAS 1974)...  相似文献   
以海上丝绸之路沿线的11个超大城市为例,基于长时间序列的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI和HJ-1卫星CCD数据,利用基于面向对象的支持向量机SVM(Support Vector Machine)分类方法提取20世纪70年代到2015年的城市不透水层,并结合景观格局指数—最大斑块指数LPI(Largest Patch Index)、斑块密度PD(Patch Density)和欧几里得最邻近距离ENN(Euclidean Nearest Neighbor Distance)分析了超大城市的发展模式。研究结果表明:基于面向对象的SVM分类方法能够高效提取城市不透水层;平均总精度高于87.9%,平均Kappa系数高于0.87;过去40余年,各超大城市的面积扩张了4—13倍,中国和印度的超大城市扩张最快,广州、上海超过12倍;各城市以"中心—边缘"或"沿海—内陆"的方向扩张,表现为"扩散—聚集—再扩散"的扩张模式;总体来看,沿线的城市化进程仍处于上升期。本研究为建设"21世纪海上丝绸之路"提供了科学依据,对当地生态环境保护和新型城镇化建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 outlines a framework for states to enforce jurisdiction over maritime labour matters, including the Flag State, Port State and Labour Supplying State. However, the Convention does not provide explicit guidance on jurisdiction determination. This article argues that seafarers should have the right to access the jurisdictions of member states, and that future amendment to the Convention should confirm this right. This paper first analyses current theories of maritime labour jurisdiction. Secondly, it conducts a comparative doctrinal analysis regarding adjudicative jurisdiction principles in common law and civil law systems. Thirdly, in three case studies involving concurrence jurisdictions of member states, this article finds that the authority of any single member state is not reliably accessible to seafarers, in particular when the state has no strong link with the seafarers. This article recommends that seafarers’ rights in the Convention to choose one jurisdiction from relevant member states should be confirmed in a future amendment.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the implementation and realisation of a Worldwide Electronic Navigational Charts Database (WEND), adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and its members in supporting marine navigation. It identifies the issue of gaps and overlaps between adjoining Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) and explores its consequences to the operation of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and the fulfilment of International Maritime Organization (IMO) chart carriage requirements. As the ENCs production is directly dependent on states’ cartographic competences, this paper delves into the coastal states’ jurisdiction in accordance with international law of the sea, and in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and ΙΗΟ and IMO instruments. Through a case study on recently produced ENCs in the Mediterranean and more specifically in the Aegean Sea, this paper documents the necessity to respect states’ cartographic competences in realising the WEND concept and cautions that, otherwise, new and extended overlaps emerge, which pose a risk to the safety of navigation, and, at the same time, become means through which states may promote their geopolitical aspirations as to jurisdiction over certain marine areas.  相似文献   
文章系统回顾了党的十八大以来我国海洋科技创新在顶层设计、高端技术和惠及民生等方面的重要成果,包括规划编制、体制机制改革、载人深潜、海洋调查、海水淡化、海洋能、海洋卫星、海洋标准计量以及促进民生和经济发展等内容,提出加快海洋科技创新、推动海洋科技向创新引领型转变的思考。  相似文献   
泉州港作为古代海上丝绸之路的起点,今天又成为21世纪“一带一路”的新起点。本文以泉州港1990-2014年共6期的Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像为数据源,综合应用遥感和GIS技术提取了泉州港的海岸线及海域变化信息,从海岸线的长度、变化速率、分形维数、海域变化面积和海域利用类型5个方面进行海岸线变化及其驱动力分析。研究表明:近24年来,泉州港海岸线长度增加了37.78 km,海岸线的形状总体稳定,但在局部有明显变化。海岸线变化导致的海域变化面积为68.02 km2,其中,建设用地(城市和港口建设)占用的比例最大,围海养殖也是一个重要的利用类型。但泉州港围填海新增面积的利用率不高,超过一半的围填海面积尚未被合理地开发利用。总的来看,新城区建设、临港工业产业兴起和农渔业发展导致了泉州港海岸线的变化。  相似文献   
设计和编制海陆统筹的综合航海地图集服务于国家“构建海洋命运共同体”发展目标,同时也是促进海陆文化共融和海陆睦邻合作的重要推力,在当前地图学领域受到普遍关注。本文通过与航海专题图、陆地专题图的对比分析,从地图选题、比例尺、投影、地理分幅等方面探讨了海陆统筹地图集的表达特点,并从海陆并蓄视角出发,提出综合航海地图集基础地理框架的内容体系和构建策略。在此基础上,结合《世界航海地图集》的编制实践设计了其基础地理框架的具体建立方案:(1)中小比例尺地图使用WGS84坐标系,较大比例尺地图使用CGCS2000坐标系;(2)根据专题内容、制图区域、变形需要,制图单元可以使用等差分纬线多圆锥、墨卡托、古德等多种投影;(3)地理底图分为世界地图、典型区域地图、陆地地图、海域地图、航区地图、港口地图6种图型,其系列比例尺内容需按一定规则进行取舍和化简派生得到;(4)地图制图单元采用北方定向,联合地理分幅和地图分幅可生成灵活的图面布局。世界航海专题图集的编制实践表明,应用本文建立的基础地理框架能较好实现海洋与陆地的协调统一表达。  相似文献   
印巴战略平衡是南亚地区格局形成的基础,是影响中国海上丝路地缘安全最重要的变量之一。进入21世纪以来,由于印度和巴基斯坦在经济和军事尤其是核力量方面持续不平衡增长以及美国南亚战略发生转向,持续多年的南亚地区均势走向瓦解,以中美印大三角为核心的弹性均势体系正逐步取代过去中印巴和美印巴并行的双三角体系。一个缺少制衡且向西方倾斜的印度,可能会给中国印度洋海上油路安全以及西南边疆稳定带来更多不确定性;巴基斯坦的战略处境更加困难,其作为中国与穆斯林世界桥梁、屏蔽极端势力向新疆渗透的能力会有所削弱。未来中国应积极参与南亚地区再平衡建设,在利用经济合作增进地区互信的同时,还应强化对巴基斯坦的经济和军事支持,并在南亚次大陆周边寻找更多战略立足点,谨防在西太平洋和北印度洋两个方向被美日印联合压制,力求把海上丝路沿线地缘安全风险降到最小。  相似文献   
In 2000 the UK adopted a tonnage tax strategy on ships and related businesses as the main strategy for revitalising its declining shipping industry. In line with EU policy on shipping, UK registered shipping companies were offered fiscal incentives based on reduced corporation taxes while labour was offered support for training. Almost a decade since the introduction of the tax it is clear that the strategy has delivered for business but not for labour. This paper considers the nature and limits of state intervention per se in declining economic sectors in the context of globalisation and a neoliberal approach to governance. It concludes that the problem is often not state intervention but rather the form of intervention, namely one that panders to, and is constrained by, neoliberalism.  相似文献   
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