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昆中断裂带是东昆仑成矿带发育多条巨型断裂构造之一,控制并切割自元古宙以来的不同地质体,对区域成矿具有明显的控制作用,其次级断裂或主断裂构造的交叉部位往往是成矿通道和容矿部位。研究区位于昆中断裂两侧,属活动区造山带,成矿期次多,类型复杂,具有良好成矿地质条件,已发现矿床、矿(化)点多处,与Nb,Y,La,Cu,Zn,Mo,Au,Ag,As,Pb元素为主的地球化学异常对应较好。  相似文献   
金川铜镍矿床的地球物理深部结构与成因模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在甘肃省金川矿区利用磁法、可控源音频大地电磁法及地震P波层析方法进行了深部探测,几种方法综合研究确定了到达2 500 m以上高阻高速体的岩浆源特征,指出了岩浆上涌到达浅部向两侧扩展的近水平的透镜状分支,作为可能的深部含矿超基性岩体与钻孔已见矿体位置相吻合,为金川铜镍矿床的成因模式提供了地球物理依据。建议在进一步研究中应重视探测产状平缓、近水平的高速、低阻体。  相似文献   
"演绎-迭代"勘查方法包括"归纳-演绎-反演-验证-迭代"五个步骤,是成矿预测理论与大比例尺内成矿预测实践相结合的有效接口。"归纳"是对比研究已知典型矿床的特点,分析区域控矿构造,总结区域成矿规律;"演绎"是结合矿区内自身成矿控矿特点建立矿床勘查模型;"反演"是应用地质、地球物理、地球化学手段对成矿空间进行定位和对成矿特征认识的再深化;"验证"是将勘查工作向实物成果的转化;"迭代"是建立勘查工作的循环,随着循环的不断推进,会越来越逼近真实的矿床形成演化机制,不断扩大控制矿体赋存空间。以河南石寨沟金矿为例,在"成矿系列"和"变质核杂岩"区域构造控矿模型指导下,应用"迭代-演绎"勘查方法,综合应用伽玛能谱、高精度磁法、高密度电法等勘查手段,结合地质资料进行综合解译,预测有利找矿区域,并得到了钻探工程的有效验证。  相似文献   

Multi-scale, multi-method integration of geological constraints, with new interpretations of potential field data and seismic reflection data, has resulted in a comprehensive structural interpretation of the southern Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia. The interpretation reveals ~50 major faults and shear zones, many of which can be traced for several hundred kilometres. The interpretation suggests that the southern Thomson Orogen can be subdivided into several structural domains that can be distinguished by differences in: (i) spatial orientation, (ii) geographic distribution, and (iii) partly the timing of major faults, but also to varying degrees by (iv) the evolution and spatial orientation of other structural elements, such as folds, minor faults and fractures, (v) broader lithological trends, (vi) stratigraphy, and (vii) structural style. The two largest domains are the Western Structural Domain that contains numerous faults and shear zones, and the fold-dominated Eastern Structural Domain, which is more strongly affected by late- to post-Devonian thrusting than the Western Structural Domain. Notwithstanding their differences, the domains can be integrated into a coherent structural model for the southern Thomson Orogen, which suggests that the area represents a set of megafolds or oroclines, which may have formed during the Bindian Orogeny.  相似文献   
王丽波  久凯  曾维特  付景龙  赵松 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3263-3278
依据大量野外页岩实测地质剖面和2口页岩气钻井、样品岩石矿物组分分析、有机地球化学实验等大量分析测试资料,系统研究了上扬子黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色泥页岩的发育特征与分布,并结合北美海相页岩气形成地质条件及我国页岩气选区评价标准,预测了黔北地区页岩气勘探的有利区。结果表明:黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组海相黑色泥页岩厚度大、分布广泛,早期海侵体系域水体相对较深,沉积和沉降中心位于研究区的东南部,主要的物源来自西北部,沉积相类型主要为砂质陆棚、浅水陆棚和深水陆棚相沉积,深水陆棚相分布在东南部地区,呈北西-南东向带状展布。晚期高位体系域,水体深度逐渐降低,随着相对海平面的下降,研究区陆棚砂体范围进一步扩大,浅水陆棚和深水陆棚向东南迁移,范围缩小。黑色页岩的有机质类型为Ⅲ型干酪根,有机碳含量很高,平均值为4.880%,普遍大于2%;有机质成熟度平均值为2.7%,总体演化程度较高; 黑色页岩的矿物成分主要为碎屑矿物和粘土矿物,碎屑矿物含量平均值为61.3%,成分主要为石英和少量的长石;粘土矿物含量平均值为31.1%,主要为伊利石和伊蒙混层矿物。与美国产气页岩的各项指标相比较,黔北地区下寒武统海相黑色页岩具有厚度较大、有机质丰度平均值高、热演化成熟度高、脆性矿物含量低、粘土矿物含量中等,页岩孔隙度低的特征。具备了页岩气形成的基本地质条件,是我国海相页岩气勘探的主要地区之一。综合评价预测了黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气的有利、较有利远景区。  相似文献   
Stable isotopes analyses (SIAs) are an efficient tool to obtain a general insight into the diet of generalist consumers, such as the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis). Here we analysed δ13C, δ15N and δ34S values in feathers of chicks and adults, and used Bayesian triple-isotope mixing models to reconstruct the diet of a Yellow-legged Gull population breeding in the southeastern Bay of Biscay. Questions to test were (1) whether adults and chicks rely on different feeding resources during breeding period; (2) whether there is a seasonal foraging effect involving a higher proportion of refuse food in winter compared to summer, and (3) the magnitude of the annual variation in diet. Prey consumption differed between colonies, among years, and also varied slightly between seasons, and this was mainly due to a differential use of prey of marine origin. However, diet did not differ between age classes. These results suggest a relatively monotonous diet with only slight variations from year to year, seasonally and at a local geographic scale.  相似文献   
60年来,利用我国各种地质地球物理数据,结合野外考察,运用块体构造学说编制了中国海陆1∶500万地质地球物理系列图。其从理论基础、方法技术上,实现中国海陆地质地球物理数据的融合;系统地反映出我国海陆基础地质调查与研究现状及大地构造格架;同时展示古生代以来中国海陆各块体的发育、运移、拼接和联合大陆的形成过程,以及印支运动后中国大陆由"东高西低"转为目前"西高东低"的演化规律。另外,通过系列图件的编制与建库,为我国矿产资源勘探及资源环境效应研究提供了基础图件数据。  相似文献   
This article addresses the institutional ambiguity that exists between the European, Regional and Member State levels in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The two main reasons for the emergence of institutional ambiguity are (1) the MSFD being a framework directive and (2) Member States are required to coordinate the implementation of the MFSD through the Regional Sea Conventions. Institutional ambiguity refers to the interference zone between different institutional settings that come together in new policy practices. New rules of the game are needed to bring these institutional settings together and the room to manoeuvre for the actors who negotiate these rules is a defining feature of institutional ambiguity. This article analyses the institutional ambiguity associated with MSFD implementation on the European and regional level for four European Seas: the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. The results indicate different levels of institutional ambiguity in each of the four regions, with the lowest level of ambiguity in the Baltic Sea and the highest in the Mediterranean Sea. Institutional ambiguity also exists on the European level, as coordination efforts have not resulted in clear directions for the implementation of the MSFD as yet. The level of institutional ambiguity is influenced by the relative number of EU member states bordering the particular sea and whether they consider implementation of the MFSD to be urgent. Member States bordering the Mediterranean and the Black Seas lack the support of Regional Sea Conventions in addition to receiving limited direction from the European level.  相似文献   
In a recently published paper, Agardy et al. [Mind the gap: addressing the shortcomings of marine protected areas through large scale marine spatial planning. Marine Policy 2011;35:226-32] discuss the shortcomings of several Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including the Gully MPA, located 200 km offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. Although the paper's critical assessment of MPA effectiveness was welcomed, the Gully MPA received an out-of-date profile resulting in an erroneous analysis of current protection levels. This short communication has been written to set the record straight.  相似文献   
This paper explores conservation policy pertinent to three species of marine turtles affected by fisheries, while crossing jurisdictions in their seasonal migrations through the SW Atlantic, particularly the Argentine waters. This case study reviews local legal and institutional frameworks for Argentina and concludes that tools are in place to monitor and mitigate the negative impact of bycatch on the populations. Argentina is signatory of the most relevant international treaties aimed at protecting transboundary species (e.g. Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals). Legislation also exists at the federal and provincial levels. Yet, accidental captures continue to occur due to weaknesses in enforcement and the low priority that conservation has in fisheries management decisions. Some urgent practical actions supported by policy are suggested: (a) placement of on-board observers in coastal fishing fleets, (b) application of existing mitigation measures to reduce bycatch, (c) design of a national plan of action for marine turtles in Argentina, and (d) development of a regional plan between Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Stakeholder involvement, especially the fishing sector but also the civil society, would be important to energize practical and effective conservation decisions. The example of Argentina is typical for the region and may apply to other countries as well. The conservation community requires investing more in the application of policy, concomitant with perfecting legal tools.  相似文献   
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