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Previous studies of chemical weathering rates for soil developed on glacial moraines generally assumed little or no physical erosion of the soil surface. In this study, we investigate the influence of physical erosion on soil profile weathering rate calculations. The calculation of chemical weathering rates is based on the assumption that soil profiles represent the integrated amount of weathering since the time of moraine deposition. The weathering rate of a surface subjected to denudation is the sum of the weathering loss from the existing soil profile added to the weathering loss in the material removed by denudation, divided by the deposition age. In this study, the amount of weathered material removed since moraine deposition is calculated using the denudation rate estimated from cosmogenic nuclide data and the deposition age of the moraine. Weathering rates accounting for denudation since moraine deposition are compared to weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion and on the assumption of steady-state denudation for the Type Pinedale moraine ( 21 ka) and the Bull Lake-age moraine ( 140 ka) in the Fremont Lake Area (Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, USA). The total weathering rates accounting for denudation are 8.15 ± 1.05 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Type Pinedale moraine and 4.78 ± 0.89 g(oxide) m 2 y 1 for the Bull Lake-age moraine, which are  2 to 4 times higher, respectively, than weathering rates based on the assumption of no physical erosion. The weathering rates based on denudation since moraine deposition are comparable or smaller than weathering rates assuming steady-state denudation. We find the assumption of steady-state denudation is not valid in depositional landscapes with young deposition ages or slow denudation rates. The decrease in weathering rates over time between the Type Pinedale and Bull Lake-age soils that is observed in the case of no physical erosion is decreased when the influence of denudation on the total weathering rates is taken into account. Fresh unweathered material with high reactive mineral surface area is continuously provided to the surface layer by denudation diminishing the effect of decreasing weathering rate over time.  相似文献   
Some 300 measurements under a wide range of flow conditions were used to construct regression models to predict concentrations of six major ions in a moorland stream draining intermediate-basic lavas in Scotland. Ca, Mg, and HCO3 were very closely related to discharge in log-log regressions (r2 > 90 percent). Na and Cl required inclusion of seasonal functions for best prediction (r2 = 76 per cent in both cases). K concentrations were predicted from discharge, direction of stage change, and a seasonal function. Annual losses of Ca, Mg, and HCO3 were 252, 36, and 871 kg ha ?1, substantially larger than those for upland catchments on acid rocks. Losses of K, Na, and Cl were of a similar order to other upland sites.  相似文献   
济阳坳陷新生界岩性油气藏特征及油气富集条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
济阳坳陷是一个富含油气的新生代断陷一坳陷盆地,不同区带上岩性油气藏的富集需要同时具备3个基本条件.1)丰富的油源是油气富集的物质条件,济阳坳陷发育多套有效烃源岩,其层系厚度大,分布面积广,资源规模大,与储集砂体之间具有利接触关系.2)优质的砂岩体岩性圈闭是油气富集的聚集条件,应具有圈闭规模大、发育有利的储集相类型和良好储集层的特点.圈闭规模大表现为大规模砂岩体岩性圈闭或数量众多的小型岩性圈闭叠合连片,有利的储集相主要集中在少数3种类型即(扇)三角洲相、浊积扇相和河流相,其中各类储集相的扇中亚相最有利于油气聚集,良好的储集层表现为具有好的砂体类型,并与次生孔隙带形成匹配.3)汇流通道的存在是油气富集的输导条件,充足的油气通过断层汇流通道和孔隙(裂隙)汇流通道运移,在砂岩体圈闭聚集成藏并形成油气富集.因此,济阳坳陷岩性油气藏表现出"主元富集"的特征,即上述的3个基本条件控制了油气在部分次级单元的少数区带发生富集.  相似文献   
2008年汶川地震发生在巴颜喀拉块体的东边界.为了探讨区域动力学背景与该地震发生的关系,本文基于活动构造、震源机制解、GPS站速度、地震破裂展布以及历史大地震活动等资料分析巴颜喀拉块体北、东两个边界断裂系统的运动、变形以及大地震序列发生的关联性.结果表明:由于受到华南地块的阻挡,巴颜喀拉块体朝东-南东方向的 "逃逸"运动—表现为该块体北边界的左旋走滑断层作用—在该块体的东边界转换成为逆冲或缩短兼走滑断层作用,亦即该块体的运动对其东边界断裂系统具有显著的"加载"作用.这种加载作用也反映在该块体北和东两个边界大地震序列发生的关联性上.19世纪中-晚期至2001年期间,一个由8次事件组成的大地震序列使巴颜喀拉块体北边界总长度的2/3破裂,该序列同时具有加速应变释放以及事件的间隔逐渐缩短的特征,反映最晚自1902年以来该块体发生了加速运动.作为对这一加速运动的响应,巴颜喀拉块体东边界大约自1933年以来发生一个由3次事件组成的大地震序列,也显示出加速释放以及事件的间隔逐渐缩短的特征;2008年汶川地震正是该响应序列中的最新事件.东边界的响应型大地震序列的发生至少滞后于北边界的数十年,可能与该块体的非刚性运动有关.另外,这两个大地震序列的事件序次-时间关系有助于分析该块体北与东边界的中-长期地震危险性.  相似文献   
中国21世纪若干重大工程地质与环境问题   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
21世纪中国的大规模的国家建设不可避免地导致大量的工程地质与环境问题。 2 1世纪中国西部高山峡谷地区主要工程地质问题有: 构造活动带岩土体动力稳定性, 高地应力下岩体应变储能与岩体性质, 高陡边坡的变形及尺寸效应和动力稳定性, 深埋长大隧洞的地温与地压, 深埋隧洞岩体结构探测与施工地质超前预报, 大跨度复杂洞群变形与稳定性的群洞效应, 冻土的冻融变形、稳定性及其处理技术, 可溶岩岩溶规律与岩体利用问题, 河床深厚覆盖层的处理与利用等问题; 中国东部及沿海地区工程地质问题包括: 高速交通网建设中软土地基变形与稳定性及处理技术, 深井采矿中软岩巷道大变形与处理技术, 深厚松散堆积层上大型桥梁桥基变形与稳定性, 海底隧道围岩工程地质与水文地质问题, 城市多层地下空间开发中的工程地质问题等; 此外, 水土流失与北方大规模荒漠化问题, 黄河下游地上悬河与长江下游塌岸和堤防稳定性问题, 黄河断流引起的下游地区环境问题, 我国北方干旱地区水资源长期匮乏问题, 城市化中的环境破坏与污染控制等问题, 将是中国 2 1世纪突出的环境问题。中国工程地质工作者应当在结构土力学与岩体结构力学、工程地质学的基本理论与工程地质动力学、人 地相互作用机制与环境工程地质学、地质工程理论与方法。  相似文献   
辽宁水稻主产区稻瘟病发生特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1999-2012年辽宁省8个水稻主产区(17个观测点)的稻瘟病资料,分析辽宁省水稻主产区稻瘟病的发生特征及发展趋势。结果表明:2001年、2003年和2010年辽宁地区水稻产量显著下降,水稻生产受稻瘟病影响较大。2011年辽宁水稻种植主要集中在沈阳、盘锦、铁岭、辽阳、丹东和营口地区,其余地区也有少量种植。2001年辽宁稻瘟病(主要为穗颈瘟)发生严重,发病率为27.7 %。稻瘟病主要在新宾和清原发生严重,平均发病率分别为17.0 %和16.4 %。辽宁不同熟期水稻以中早熟品种稻瘟病发生严重,平均发病率为10.1 %。辽宁不同区域以辽东地区水稻稻瘟病发生严重,平均发病率为11.2 %。  相似文献   
Newest planning methods implemented by Chinese government are promoting a coordinated regional development and shaping an orderly spatial structure by applying the regulation of territorial function. This article analyzes the problems of spatial planning and regional strategy caused by the wrongly-set primary goal of economic development; it states that the three-fold objective of competitiveness, sustainability, and welfare fairness shall be the principal for China to implement the spatial regulation in the new era; it discusses about theoretical thoughts and technology framework of conducting the ′Major Function Oriented Zone′ based on their different major functions that each region plays in urbanization and industrialization, ecological constructions, grain productions, and protection of natural and cultural heritages; it introduces the new concept of ′Major Function Oriented Zone′ that include the major functions category, the stereo regional equilibrium mode, the two-level zoning specification, and the territorial development intensity; it offers a zoning scheme that defines development-optimized and development-prioritized zones as regions with massive urbanization and industrialization, development-restricted zones as ecological constructing or grain producing regions, development-prohibited zones as natural and cultural heritage protecting regions; and finally it addresses the main obstacle for implementing ′Major Function Oriented Zone′, which is the institutional arrangement of the supreme goal of high GDP growth rate that is currently being implemented.  相似文献   
多适应目标下的山地城市社会—生态系统脆弱性评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面对全球环境变化,识别社会—生态系统脆弱性是可持续性研究的核心议题。山地城市发展条件受地形、建设用地和生态环境等因素的制约,其人地关系更为脆弱,国土空间开发与保护需要权衡。针对人类—环境耦合系统的脆弱性评价存在时空精度较粗、目标过于含糊的问题,以秦岭山地的商洛市为例,基于主体功能区划方案设置不同适应目标,构建包括32个指标42项数据的山地城市社会—生态系统脆弱性评价体系。结果表明:在空间差异上,柞水县的脆弱性程度较低,洛南县脆弱性程度最高;在1997-2013年间,脆弱性低值样本随时间变化有所升高,高值样本于2003-2008年间达到峰值;全市域脆弱性空间差异存在先增加后减少的趋势,并在2013年差异达到最小,区域差距有所缓和。在多适应目标下,商州区在重点开发导向下脆弱性最低,而柞水县、镇安县和商南县等更适于限制开发导向,不同适应目标导向会对脆弱性评价结果产生影响。在较高时空精度上探讨山地城市社会—生态系统的脆弱性,可为区域可持续发展提供定量指引,采用的多适应目标情景设置可以作为区域社会发展评价研究的一种新思路。  相似文献   
The Ejina Basin, located in arid northwest China, is one of the most arid areas in the world. In recent years, rapid development has created a greater demand for water which is increasingly fulfilled by groundwater abstraction. Detailed knowledge of geochemical evolution of groundwater and water quality can improve the understanding of a hydrochemical system, and promote sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resources. To this end, a hydrochemical survey was conducted in the Ejina Basin in order to identify the major hydrochemical characteristics. The results of chemical analysis indicate that groundwater in the area is brackish. The major ions, TDS, and hydrochemical types of different areas are highly variable and show an obvious zonation from the recharge area to the discharge area. Saturation index (SI), calculated according to the ionic ration plot, indicates that the gypsum-halite dissolution reactions take place under the condition of the rock weathering to some extent, and evaporation is the dominant factor to determine the major ionic composition in the study area.  相似文献   
模拟作物适宜生长区的时空分布是分析气候变化对作物生长影响、提高作物生长适应能力的重要内容。选择影响主要粮食作物(小麦、玉米和水稻)生长的气候要素,结合地表土壤和地面高程要素与农业观测站数据,模拟和分析1953—2012年主要粮食作物适宜生长区的变动,评估气候变化下作物的适应能力。研究发现:(1)60年来3种粮食作物适宜生长区对气候变化响应程度从大到小依次是小麦、水稻和玉米。(2)同一时空尺度上,主要粮食作物适宜生长类型区在南方农区较北方农区多样化,在山地较盆地多样化,在高原较平原多样化。(3)小麦生长适应气候变化的能力在多数农区略有上升。玉米生长的适应能力在北方和南方农区分别略微提高和下降。水稻生长的适应能力在长江中下游区、西南区和华南区相对稳定,在黄淮海区和东北区分别下降和提高。(4)60年来,主要粮食作物综合生长适应气候变化的能力在黄淮海区和长江中下游区下降,在其余农区升高。(5)玉米和水稻适宜生长区分别与播种面积和作物产量显著相关,这为模拟未来不同气候情景下二者适宜生长区的分布提供了可行性。小麦适宜生长区与播种面积和产量均不显著相关,未来需要考虑更多因素精准识别小麦适宜生长区,以便更为有效地提高小麦生长对气候变化的适应能力。  相似文献   
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