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Bernard Barbarin   《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):155-177
The calc-alkaline granitoids of the central Sierra Nevada batholith are associated with abundant mafic rocks. These include both country-rock xenoliths and mafic magmatic enclaves (MME) that commonly have fine-grained and, less commonly, cumulate textures. Scarce composite enclaves consist of either xenoliths enclosed in MME, or of MME enclosed in other MME with different grain size and texture. Enclaves are often enclosed in mafic aggregates and form meter-size polygenic swarms, mostly in the margins of normally zoned plutons. Enclaves may locally divert schlieren layering. Mafic dikes, which also occur in swarms, are undisturbed, composite, or largely hybridized. In central Sierra Nevada, with the exception of xenoliths that completely differ from the other rocks, host granitoids, mafic aggregates, MME, and some composite dikes exhibit a bulk compositional diversity and, at the same time, important mineralogical and geochemical (including isotopic) similarities. MME and host granitoids display distinct major and trace element compositions. However, strong correlations between MME–host granitoid pairs indicate interactions and parallel evolution of MME and enclosing granitoid in each pluton. Identical mafic mineral compositions and isotopic features are the result of these interactions and parallel evolution. Mafic dikes have broadly the same major and trace element compositions as the MME although variations are large between the different dikes that are at distinctly different stages of hybridization and digestion by the host granitoids. The composition of the granitoids and various mafic rocks reflects three distinct stages of hybridization that occurred, respectively, at depth, during ascent and emplacement, and after emplacement. The occurrence and succession of hybridization processes were tightly controlled by the physical properties of the magmas. The sequential thorough or partial mixing and mingling were commonly followed by differentiation and segregation processes. Unusual MME that contain abundant large crystals of hornblende resulted from disruption of early cumulates at depth, whereas those richer in large crystals of biotite were formed by disruption of late mafic aggregates or schlieren layerings at the level of emplacement. MME and host granitoids are considered cogenetic, because both are hybrid rocks that were produced by the mixing of the same two components in different proportions. The felsic component was produced by partial melting of preexisting crustal materials, whereas the dominant mafic component was probably derived from the upper mantle. However, in the lack of a clear mantle signature, the origin of the mafic component remains questionable.  相似文献   
The 1200 km2, Early Devonian (395 Ma) Wilsons Promontory batholith is a post-tectonic, high-level, composite body of S-type granites exposed on Wilsons Promontory and its offshore islands. Four plutons and six members are mapped and described. The rocks commonly contain magmatic garnet and cordierite, in addition to biotite, and biotite–quartz pseudomorphs after orthopyroxene. Planar fabrics abound in the batholith, which is characterised by emplacement of shallow-dipping granitic sheets, on a variety of scales. Particle size and density separation occurred during magma flow, and produced a wide variety of structures including layering, pipes and whorls rich in mafic minerals, K-feldspar phenocryst alignments and a notable swarm of enclaves. Local filter pressing may have played a role in the production of accumulations of K-feldspar crystals and the formation of late, tourmaline-bearing leucogranites and quartz veins. Batholith zonation and the distribution of component plutons are inferred to have been formed through sequential intrusion of separate magma batches rather than in situ differentiation. Overall, the batholith appears to consist of saucer-shaped plutons, and it is tilted gently to the east.  相似文献   
The Jalama batholith (Spain and Portugal) is one of the numerous granites of the Central Iberian Zone with Sn- and W-associated mineralisation. On the basis of petrographical and geochemical characterisation three types of granite have been distinguished: inhomogeneous granitoids, porphyrytic granites and leucogranites, all of these being peraluminous and subalkaline. All the granites correspond to S-type granites. The field data, the petrography and lack of geochemical affinity relationships of the leucogranites with the remaining granites indicate that their geneses correspond to an independent magma batch and superimposed fractional crystallisation process. The granitic units show subparallel REE patterns. There is a decrease in total REE and an increase in the negative Eu anomaly from the inhomogeneous granitoids to leucogranites. Some leucogranites show relatively low contents of Sn and W almost certainly due to segregation in the magma of a melt rich in water carrying Sn-W. These elements are concentrated in the water phase, which eventually gives rise to Sn-W-associated mineralisation.The ages obtained by means of a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron for the granites mainly indicate an early intrusion of the inhomogeneous granitoids (319±10 Ma), followed in time by porphyrytic granites (279±9 Ma), which can be associated to the late-post-kinematic granites within the third Variscan deformation phase (D3).Apart from the average Sn content, the variations of trace elements, principally Sr, Ba, Rb, Th and P, establish that the porphyritic granites and the inhomogeneous granitoids will be barren granites while the leucogranites and the subfacies at the margin of the porphyritic granites correspond to granites with mineralisation potential. It is precisely in these granites of the Jálama batholith that the Sn-W mineralisation is located, for which the criteria utilised has been demonstrated to be effective.  相似文献   
黄陵花岗岩基的成因   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
黄陵花岗岩基位于扬子地台北缘,它连同汉南和鲤鱼寨岩基一起构成扬子地台北缘的低钾花岗岩等,形成于晋宁晚期扬子地台北侧的“秦岭洋”壳向南俯冲导致的大陆边缘造山运动过程中。黄陵花岗岩基可解体为三斗坪、黄陵庙、大老岭、晓峰4个岩套和14个单元,侵位于832-750Ma之间。三斗坪和黄陵庙两个岩套主要由英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩花岗闪地组成,是在近南北向区域挤压下于约16km深部塑性域定位的同构造花岗岩,前者主要依靠岩浆在构造弱面逐次强力楔入创造定位空间,后者主要在处于活动状态的韧性拉张剪切带内定位。钙碱性系列的大老岭和晓峰岩套则是在本区地壳迅速隆起过程中分别在5km和<1.5km深度的脆性域定位的构造晚期花岗岩。根据岩石化学和同位素组成推断,三斗坪岩套的源岩主要是晚太古代大陆拉斑玄武岩,母岩浆相当于英安质,岩套内的成分变化主要受角闪石分离结晶作用控制;黄陵庙岩套除受分离结晶作用影响外,成分变化主要与英安质母岩浆和某种长英质岩浆的混合有关;大老岭岩套的源岩亦为早前寒武纪火山岩。  相似文献   
胶东地区玲珑岩基隆升机制探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过详细的野外构造观察,综合主干正断层运动学观测、擦痕应力场反演、岩体变形分析、岩脉与石英脉展布方位等多个方面,对胶东地区玲珑岩基的构造演化进行了有效地制约.研究结果表明,其为早白垩世的伸展穹窿构造,是NW—SE向区域性伸展的结果,并且北部的伸展与岩浆活动及金矿化作用要强于南部.在早白垩世强烈伸展与岩浆活动背景下,晚侏罗世侵位的玲珑岩基沿着倾向相背的两条大型脆性正断层(招平断裂带与焦家断裂带)以地垒构造形式发生隆升而最终出露地表,并非变质核杂岩型伸展构造.玲珑岩基在晚侏罗世侵位后并没有立即出露地表,而是在早白垩世区域伸展中才隆升与剥露,并伴随区内大规模金矿形成.玲珑伸展穹窿的厘定,一方面证实了区内早白垩世强烈岩浆活动是发生在NW—SE向伸展背景下,另一方面进一步验证了华北克拉通东部破坏的峰期出现在早白垩世.  相似文献   

冈底斯岩基南缘自西向东,从楠木林到米林广泛出露一系列含暗色细粒包体的含紫苏辉石侵入岩。这一系列含紫苏辉石的侵入岩具有斜长石以及紫苏辉石的巨晶(>5mm),呈现出堆晶结构。锆石U-Pb定年表明,这一系列含紫苏辉石侵入岩的结晶年龄为97~77Ma,并不随侵位位置具有显著的经度上的变化。含紫苏辉石的基性岩具有高的Al2O3(17.3%~18.2%)含量,较高的MgO(3.9%~4.1%)含量,FeOT含量在8.7%~9.0%之间;低的Cr(< 14.8×10-6)和Ni(< 15.0×10-6)含量,基本不具有Eu的异常,富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)和LREE,亏损高场强元素(HFSE)。含紫苏辉石的中-酸性岩具有高的Al2O3(14.9%~18.8%)含量,高的Mg#值(>39.7);变化较大的Cr(5.7×10-6~260×10-6)和Ni(10.2×10-6~78.2×10-6)含量,具有微弱-强烈的Eu的负异常,富集LILE和LREE,亏损HFSE。暗色细粒包体与含紫苏辉石基性岩相比具有相似的SiO2含量,FeOT(8.1%~9.0%)含量,稍高的MgO(4.7%~5.4%)含量,Al2O3(18.1%~19.4%)含量以及Mg#值(51.0~52.6);具有与含紫苏辉石基性岩相似的微量元素分布和稀土元素配分模式。这一系列含紫苏辉石的侵入岩具有较低的初始Sr同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.7037~0.7044),较高并变化较大的εNdt)值(+3.7~+9.4)和εHft)值(+9.9~+14.6)。这些特征共同说明,经流体+熔体交代的地幔楔中软流圈部分在俯冲流体存在的情况下发生部分熔融形成母岩浆,其母岩浆随后与俯冲板片熔体发生混合。在岩浆演化过程中经历了单斜辉石、斜方辉石以及斜长石的分离结晶并最终形成了冈底斯岩基南缘出露的含紫苏辉石侵入岩。暗色细粒包体可以代表母岩浆的早期堆晶,是岩浆淬火作用的产物。母岩浆中大量流体的存在,使其结晶顺序为单斜辉石-斜长石(紫苏辉石),随后的堆晶作用使得这一系列侵入岩得以赋存紫苏辉石。

变泥质岩递进部分熔融作用的构造物理学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南内华达岩基中,晚中生代花岗岩的侵位导致表壳岩广泛的变质及部分熔融,形成混合岩杂岩体。对伊萨贝拉湖南羊圈混合岩杂岩体构造的野外观测和应变测量表明:①变泥质混合岩和鹅卵石砾岩记录了类似强度的应变;②变泥质岩发生了递进部分熔融,表现为离羊圈花岗闪长岩岩体的距离越远,部分熔融程度越低;③随部分熔融程度的变化,变泥质岩的应变承载构造也逐渐从混合岩带的弱相承载构造(IWL)往强相承载构造(LBF)过渡;④在同岩浆构造作用中,浅色体的流变学性质与鹅卵石砾岩中泥质组分相当,为应变的主要承载体。该结果表明:在高级变质岩区中,部分熔融程度是否足够高及熔体能否形成互相链接的网络,是高级变质岩的流变学强度发生突降、深部岩石发生侧向流动的前提。  相似文献   

The Gangdese batholith, Tibet, records the opening and closing of the Neo-Tethyan ocean and the resultant collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The Mesozoic magmatic rocks play a crucial role in understanding the formation and evolution of the Neo-Tethyan tectonic realm. This study focuses on Jurassic intrusive rocks in the Xietongmen area of the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane adjacent to the Yarlung–Tsangpo suture. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded Middle Jurassic dates for ca 170?Ma hornblende gabbro and ca 173?Ma granodiorite intrusions. All of the samples are medium- to high-K calc-alkaline, and the majority are metaluminous and enriched in the large ion lithophile elements and depleted in the high-field-strength elements. This indicates the magma was generated in a subduction-related tectonic setting. The intrusive rocks have high and positive εHf(t) values (hornblende gabbro: 13.3–18.7; granodiorite: 14.2–17.6) that yield Hf model ages younger than 312?Ma. These new data, combined with the results of previous research, suggest that the Jurassic igneous rocks were derived from a metasomatised region of an asthenospheric mantle wedge. Extremely depleted Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope compositions are similar to the Yarlung ophiolite and igneous rocks within other intra-oceanic island arcs. Together with the existence of sandstone that is identified as the product of the oceanic island arc environment, we suggest formation in an intra-oceanic island arc.
  1. The new zircon U–Pb dating has yielded Middle Jurassic ages for the ca 170?Ma hornblende gabbro and ca 173?Ma granodiorite phases of the Xietongmen intrusion.

  2. Jurassic igneous rocks formed from a metasomatised asthenospheric mantle wedge by northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust beneath the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane.

  3. Late Triassic–Jurassic igneous rocks, which are characterised by highly depleted isotopic compositions within the Southern Lhasa sub-terrane, record residual intra-oceanic island arcs in the eastern Tethyan belt.

青藏高原南拉萨地体晚白垩世岩浆岩是揭示新特提斯洋北向俯冲动力学过程的重要岩浆记录。前人对东西向展布的冈底斯岩基不同区段出露的各类晚白垩世岩浆岩进行了大量研究,但对该时期岩石成因和新特提斯俯冲的深部过程仍存在一些争议。本文报道的冈底斯岩基南缘南木林地区的辉长岩体及侵入其中的基性和酸性脉岩,形成于晚白垩世早期,在辉长岩体(92~94Ma)就位后不久基性和酸性脉岩(91Ma)同时侵入,野外露头较好地展示了它们的穿切关系。寄主辉长岩和基性脉岩均属于高钾钙碱性系列,Si O_2含量不均一(49.60%~57.99%),高铝(Al_2O_3,16.41%~18.67%),无明显Eu负异常,低Cr、Ni,表明可能经历过角闪石分离结晶。酸性脉岩属于弱过铝质钾玄质系列,普遍高硅(Si O_270%)、高全碱(8.06%~9.44%),与岩体无成分演化关系。三类岩石的微量元素均显示弧岩浆的特征,表现为轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损,Th、U、K、Pb、Sr等大离子亲石元素相对富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti等相对亏损。辉长岩和酸性脉岩锆石Hf同位素均表现亏损特征(ε_(Hf)(t)为+7.8~+11.4),一阶段模式年龄和地壳模式年龄均低于506Ma。综合辉长岩和基性脉岩的Nb/La、Nb/U和Ce/Pb特征,表明岩浆应来源于受流体交代的弧下地幔楔源区,而酸性岩脉具有高Sr/Y比和(La/Yb)_N比的埃达克质特征,可能来自弧下加厚的新生镁铁质下地壳。考虑到区域上95~85Ma岩浆活动广泛分布于整个冈底斯岩基中,本文认为在冈底斯岩浆弧的中段,晚白垩世早期北向俯冲的新特提斯洋发生了板片回转,同时导致了地幔和下地壳的部分熔融作用。  相似文献   
阮广招  陈亨顺 《福建地质》1995,14(2):144-148
本文通过大口径桩孔基岩钻进,探讨了PZ系列组合式牙轮钻头结构特点、合理钻进参数的确定及碎岩机理。工程实践证明,牙轮钻头是我国目前大直径桩孔嵌岩施工较为理想的工具,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
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