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In southwestern China, several large magmatic Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits are hosted by gabbroic intrusions associated with the Emeishan flood basalts. The Panzhihua gabbroic intrusion, a little deformed sill that contains a large titanomagnetite deposit at its base, concordantly intrudes late-Proterozoic dolostones. Mineralogical and chemical studies of the contact aureole in the footwall dolostones demonstrate that the metamorphism was largely isochemical but released large quantities of CO2 as the rocks were converted to marble and skarns during intrusion of the gabbroic magma. Petrological modelling of the crystallization of the intrusion, using H2O-poor Emeishan basalt as parent magma, shows that under normal conditions, Fe–Ti oxides crystallize at a late stage, after the crystallization of abundant olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. In order for titanomagnetite to separate efficiently to form the ore deposit, this mineral must have crystallized earlier and close to the liquidus. We propose that CO2-rich fluids released during decarbonatization of sedimentary floor rocks passed up through the magma. Redox equilibria calculations show that when magma with the composition of Emeishan basalt is fluxed by a CO2-rich gas phase, its equilibrium oxygen fugacity (fO2) increases from the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer (FMQ) to FMQ + 1.5. From experimental constraints on magnetite saturation in basaltic magma under controlled fO2, such an oxidizing event would allow magnetite to crystallize near to the liquidus, leading to the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   
余淳梅  郑建平 《地球科学》2006,31(1):93-100
橄榄岩成分及其中矿物(如单斜辉石)微量元素组成可以很好地揭示岩石圈地幔性质.在对汉诺坝新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩捕虏体做详细岩相学和岩石化学研究基础上,重点分析了单斜辉石的激光原位微量元素,并探讨了新生代华北克拉通北缘岩石圈地幔特征及地幔演化.汉诺坝地区岩石圈地幔是相当于原始地幔经过不同程度的部分熔融抽取形成的,除个别样品的部分熔融程度为15%-20%外,多数样品<5%.全岩主元素、单斜辉石成分体现出新生代汉诺坝地区的岩石圈地幔是很不均一的:在主体饱满型中有亏损型地幔的残留.这种共存现象可能是软流圈物质对古老地幔进行侵蚀、混合和改造置换的结果.单斜辉石微量元素组成所体现的碳酸岩岩浆交代作用和硅酸盐熔/流体的交代作用也支持这一认识.  相似文献   
The mafic-ultramafic Chimbadzi Hill intrusion in the NW of the Zimbabwe craton is a dyke with inward-dipping margins comprising magnetite peridotite, troctolite and magnetite melatroctolite. The magnetite peridotite is composed of about equal amounts of V- and Ti-bearing magnetite and olivine (Fo60). The troctolite is composed of about 50% olivine (Fo50-54), 40% plagioclase (An53-58), 7% clinopyroxene and minor apatite and magnetite with ilmenite lamellae. Geochemical trends suggest that the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion formed by fractional crystallisation from a single initial magma. However, the more primitive magnetite peridotite overlies the more evolved troctolite in the intrusion. This ‘apparent’ inverted stratigraphy may be due to emptying of a fractionated magma chamber from the top, or to floor subsidence during intrusion.U–Pb dating on baddeleyite reveals that the age of the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion is 2262 ± 2 Ma. This age does not correspond to any known tectono-thermal event in the Zimbabwe Craton or adjacent metamorphic belts. It is 300 Ma younger than the late Archean Great Dyke, and 230 Ma older than other Paleoproterozoic events in and around the craton. Therefore, it may represent a so far undocumented very early Proterozoic igneous event in the Zimbabwe Craton. The intrusion represents a vanadium resource for Zimbabwe, with titanium potentially being mined as by-product.  相似文献   
对采自河南嵩县祁雨沟7号角砾岩筒的黄铁矿样品进行了详细的磁化率随温度变化特征研究,加热的最高温度为700℃,结果表明黄铁矿受热分解最终生成磁黄铁矿.黄铁矿通过两个可能的途径转变为磁黄铁矿:一个是黄铁矿颗粒首先经表面吸附氧的氧化转变为磁铁矿,随温度升高新生成的磁铁矿与黄铁矿晶格中挥发出的硫进一步反应转变为磁黄铁矿;另一可能途径是黄铁矿直接脱硫转变为磁黄铁矿,此反应为磁黄铁矿的主要来源.氩气环境下加热过程中,从约380℃开始即有磁铁矿生成,但直到约535℃才有磁黄铁矿的生成.在535℃~560℃的加热过程中生成的磁黄铁矿居里温度不稳定,直到加热至高于约560℃时才生成居里温度稳定的磁黄铁矿.氩气环境下,黄铁矿受热生成的磁性矿物的类型仅受最高温度的控制,与高温段的滞留时间无明显关系,而其生成量同时受最高温度和高温段滞留时间的控制.  相似文献   
安徽歙县蛇绿岩地球化学特征及形成构造环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
岩石化学、微量元素及稀土元素地球化研究表明:歙县蛇绿岩内地幔橄榄岩稀土元素配分为LREE富集型,不同于我国其他造山带地幔橄揽岩。歙县蛇绿岩壳层组合属于钙碱性和拉斑玄武岩间过渡系列,具类似的微量及稀土元素比值和稀土元素配分模型,且大离子亲石元素(LIL)和LREE高度富集。在Zr—Ti—Y和Hf—Ta—Th图解内,蛇绿岩基性熔岩成分点均落入钙碱性玄武岩区。结合岩石及区域地质资料,歙县蛇绿岩应形成于弧后(弧间)盆地环境。  相似文献   
An extensively modified combustion/iodometric titration method was used for the determination of sulfur in SY-2, a CANMET international rock reference material, in coarse-grained mantle rocks and glassy materials at the microgram level. Replicate analysis (n = 27) of SY-2 demonstrated the potential for this sample to be certified as a reference sample for S. Our mean sulfur concentration (122 ± 3 μg g-1) suggests that the recommended value (0.011% w/w) could underestimate the true value by 10%. The other results compare well with those generated by other more sophisticated techniques such as X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and electron probe microanalysis, whether S is dissolved in glassy materials or occurs as discrete sulfides.  相似文献   
The spinel peridotite xenoliths of Group I in Quaternary basanites from Nushan,Anhui province,can be classified as two suites:a hydrous suite characterized by the ubiquitous occurrence of (Ti-) pargasite and an anhydrous suite.The nineral chemistry reveals that the anhydrous suite and one associated phlogopite-bearing lherzolite are equilibrated under temperature conditions of 1000-1100℃,whereas amplhibole-bearing peridotites display distinct disequilibrum features,indicating partial reequilibration from 1050 to 850℃ and locally down to 750℃. The amplhbole-bearing peridotites were probably the uppermost part of the high temperature anhydrous suite which was modally modifed by fractionating H2O-rich metasomatic agent during regional upwelling.This relatively recent lithospheric uplift event followed an older uplift event recognized from pyroxene unmixing of domains in local equilibrium,as well as the dominant deformation texture in the anhydrous suite.The first thermal disturbance can be linked with the regional extension and widespread basaltic volcanism in Jiangsu-Anhui provinces since Early Tertiary and the formation of the nearby Subei(North Jiangsu) fault-depression basin during the Eocene,while the second event in association with the formation of amphiboles probably indicates the continuation but diminution of upwared mantle flux since Neogene in response to the change in tectonic regime for eastern china.  相似文献   
The Erro-Tobbio peridotites (Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps) represent subcontinental lithospheric mantle tectonically exhumed during Permo–Mesozoic extension of the Europe–Adria lithosphere. Previous studies have shown that exhumation started during Permian times, and occurred along kilometer-scale lithospheric shear zones which enhanced progressive deformation and recrystallization from spinel- to plagioclase-facies conditions. Ongoing field and petrologic investigations have revealed that the peridotites experienced, during uplift, a composite history of diffuse melt migration and multiple episodes of ultramafic–mafic intrusions. In this paper we present the results of field, structural and petrologic–geochemical investigations into a sector of the Erro-Tobbio peridotite unit that preserves well this multiple intrusion history. Melt impregnation in the peridotites is evidenced by significant plagioclase enrichment and crystallization of unstrained orthopyroxene replacing kinked mantle olivine and clinopyroxene; impregnating melts were thus opx-saturated. Melt–rock interaction caused chemical changes in mantle minerals (e.g. Al decrease and REE increase in cpx; Ti and Cr# enrichment in spinel). Nevertheless, clinopyroxenes still exhibit LREE depletion (CeN/SmN = 0.006–0.011), indicating a depleted signature for the percolating melts. Melt impregnation was thus related to diffuse porous flow migration of depleted MORB-type melt fractions that modified their compositions towards opx saturation by mantle–melt interaction during ascent. The impregnated peridotites are intruded by a hectometer-scale stratified cumulate body, mostly consisting of troctolites and plagioclase wehrlites, showing gradational, interfingered contacts with the host mantle rocks. Subsequent intrusion events are revealed by the occurrence of olivine gabbros as decameter-wide lenses, variably thick (centimeter- to meter-scale) dykes and thin dykelets, which crosscut both the peridotite foliation and the magmatic layering in the cumulates. Overall, major and trace element compositions of minerals in the intrusives indicate that they represent variably differentiated cumulus products crystallized from rather primitive N-MORB-type aggregated melts. Slightly more evolved compositions are shown by olivine gabbros, relative to the troctolites and plagioclase wehrlites of the cumulate body. Mineral chemistry features (e.g. the Fo–An correlation and high Na, Ti, Mg# in cpx) indicate that the studied intrusive rocks crystallized at moderate pressure conditions (3–5 kbar, i.e. 9–15 km depth). Our study thus points to a progressive transition from porous flow melt migration to emplacement of magmas in fractures, presumably related to progressive change of lithospheric mantle rheology during extension-related uplift and cooling.  相似文献   
Alkali basalts were discovered in the Timok Magmatic Complex only in a borehole near Zlot. They are composed of plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocrysts lying in intersertal to pilotaxitic groundmass. The characteristic feature of these rocks is the high content of needle shaped magnetite.

Various disequilibrium features in alkali basalt of Zlot reflect complex convection effects and recharge, most probably in a shallow magma chamber. Major and trace elements data indicate that alkali basalts of Zlot originated from magmas deriving from metasomatized mantle wedge above a subducting and dehydrating plate. However the investigated rocks did not originate from primary magmas, but from a magma which has undergone considerable fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

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