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Magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide ores at Voisey’s Bay contain complex assemblages of extremely heterogeneous rocks. These range from polymict breccias, with rock fragments in sulfide-rich and/or sulfide-poor matrices, to heterogeneous “vari-textured” gabbros with rapid short range variations in grain size and content of hydrous phases. Rock fragment populations in the breccias include endogenous olivine gabbros (cumulate and non-cumulate) and cumulate peridotites along with extensively depleted plagioclase-hercynite gneisses interpreted as restites from extensive partial melting of country rock quartzo-feldspathic paragneisses. Using a combination of desk-top microbeam XRF mapping at cm scale and 3D X-ray tomography, we show that both sulfide-poor and sulfide-rich breccias comprise heterolithic assemblages of clasts within a matrix of olivine gabbro. This matrix is characterised by an interconnected 3D framework of plagioclase crystals, highly variable in grain size at mm to cm scale, with interstitial olivine and poikilitic clinopyroxene, and is texturally indistinguishable from clast-free olivine gabbro. Sulfide forms interconnected networks at cm to dm scale and possibly larger. Much of the plagioclase developed by outgrowth from the margins of paragneiss xenoliths when the porosity was occupied by silicate melt. The observed range of textures is explained by a model of percolation of molten sulfide through variably crystalline inter-clast matrix, displacing the silicate melt to leave the refractory plagioclase-olivine or in some cases plagioclase-only component, now entirely within a sulfide matrix. The process is analogous to that believed to have formed interspinifex ore in komatiite-hosted deposits. Biotite rims on plagioclase enclosed in sulfide are interpreted as the result of reaction between plagioclase, olivine and a hydrous component derived from the sulfide melt itself, with a possible component of migrating residual silicate melt wicking along sulfide-silicate contacts. This sulfide infiltration model offers an alternative to the current model for upward emplacement of a slurry of silicate melt, sulfide melt and breccia fragments as a late stage injection into the dyke-sill complex. The preserved range of textures is interpreted as being due to gravity-driven percolation of sulfide liquid through a pre-existing partially molten intrusion breccia. In this model, the breccia serves as a physical trap site, accumulating downward migrating sulfide liquid. However, the invariable close mutual association of sulfide and rock fragments at Voisey’s Bay implies a common derivation.  相似文献   
在松辽盆地东南隆起区营城组标准剖面营三段古火山口附近识别出岩浆期后热液活动的地质记录。岩石学特征表现为隐爆角砾岩,即,原有的近火山口相岩石(原岩)被高压流体炸碎形成原地角砾、之后又被灌入的富含矿物质"岩汁"胶结形成的原地角砾岩。采集隐爆角砾岩及其上覆和下伏三个层位共10个样品进行地球化学和年代学对比研究,包括两套4个对应的原岩和岩汁、下伏4个玄武粗安岩和上覆2个流纹岩。原岩高精度~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar坪年龄113.4±0.7Ma;岩汁为含铁酸性流体的隐晶质析出物,其~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar坪年龄112.9±19.6Ma;二者的年龄差反映岩浆主期与期后热液活动的时代间隔(1Ma之内)。10个样品的共性是:(1)稀土总量中-高(∑REE=81×10~(-6)~202×10~(-6))且轻重稀土分异明显((La/Yb)_N=4.91~11.45);(2)MORB标准化蛛网图上P和部分不相容元素(Cs、Th、La和Zr)正异常,而另一部分不相容元素(Sr和Pb)负异常。整体表现为双峰式裂谷火山岩特点。主要差别在于:(1)铕和钡表现为两种情况,下伏玄武粗安岩和隐爆角砾岩中的粗面岩具正异常,而隐爆角砾岩中的流纹岩和岩汁及其上覆的流纹岩具负异常;(2)只有2个岩汁样品显示K负异常,其它8个岩石样品均为K正异常;(3)下伏玄武粗安岩(4个样)显弱的Ti正异常且Rb/Sr比低(0.04~0.05),而其它6个样品为Ti负异常且Rb/Sr比高(0.62~2.83),其中的2个岩汁样品Ti负异常最强。岩汁与其下伏粗面质原岩差别显著,而与其上覆流纹岩(SHRIMP年龄110.6Ma)的地化特征相似(见正文)。该火山期后热液活动是深源热流体萃取壳源物并沿古火山通道(构造薄弱带)运移到近地表的,可能是后续流纹质火山活动的先驱。这种高压的岩浆期后热液导致围岩炸裂、发生角砾岩化、形成大量角砾间孔和裂缝。这是造成火山口-近火山口相带成为优质储层的重要因素。该类火山岩储层改善作用早于烃类运移,可构成有利于成藏的时空配置。与该期热液活动相伴生的深源天然气早于上覆圈闭的形成,因此对成藏没有贡献。  相似文献   
麦兹火山-沉积盆地康布铁堡组的年龄及其东界,以及阿尔泰南缘早泥盆世火山活动往东往北延伸的范围仍然没有确定;康布铁堡组火山岩的源岩及其形成的构造环境还有待阐明。近年来在麦兹盆地东侧发现了萨吾斯铅锌矿床,矿床赋存于康布铁堡组火山岩,与别斯萨拉玢岩体密切有关。本研究对萨吾斯铅锌矿床的康布铁堡组流纹岩和别斯萨拉玢岩进行了SIMS锆石U-Pb定年以及主微量元素组成测定,以期回答上述问题。流纹岩锆石的18个靶点给出了一致的谐和年龄和加权平均年龄(401Ma);花岗闪长玢岩锆石的15个靶点给出了一致的谐和年龄和加权平均年龄(401Ma)。因此,萨吾斯铅锌矿床康布铁堡组流纹岩和别斯萨拉玢岩是同期喷发/侵入的;康布铁堡组火山活动的时代在早泥盆世;麦兹火山-沉积盆地的东界应抵达卡拉先格尔断裂西侧。在~400Ma时期,阿尔泰地区不仅存在着广泛的花岗岩类深成岩浆活动,也发生了强烈的酸性火山喷发,两者共同构成了阿尔泰南缘的大陆边缘岩浆弧。但是,火山喷发主要集中于阿尔泰南缘,受断裂控制。花岗闪长玢岩的一些锆石给出513.8Ma和3134Ma的U-Pb年龄,反映区内陆壳由寒武纪—奥陶纪岩石组成,并且还有前寒武纪微陆块。硅-碱、SiO_2-K_2O、logτ-logσ、SiO_2-FeO/(FeO+MgO)图以及构造环境判别图表明,萨吾斯铅锌矿床的流纹岩、凝灰岩、石英闪长玢岩-花岗闪长玢岩以及阿尔泰南缘早泥盆世康布铁堡组火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘或岛弧环境。康布铁堡组中下段细碧角斑岩在岛弧海底环境喷发,上段流纹岩喷发于大陆边缘环境。原始地幔标准化的多元素蛛网图表明,萨吾斯矿床的三类岩石具有明显的Nb、Ta、Ti和Sr、P、Ba负异常,显著富集Th、U、K、La、Ce、Pr、Zr、Hf。结合锆石U-Pb年龄,作者认为它们的源岩应以寒武纪-奥陶纪的岛弧岩石为主;同时,可能还含有一定比例的前寒武纪古老陆壳岩石。冲乎尔、克兰、麦兹三个火山-沉积盆地在所属构造单元、陆壳基底、火山岩岩石地球化学以及沉积岩的比例上都表现出系统变化,这些变异控制了阿尔泰南缘块状硫化物矿床从西部到中部到东部的成矿元素组合上的变化。  相似文献   
韩艳伟 《云南地质》2010,29(4):494-498
矿床具斑岩型铜矿化蚀变特征,从岩体中心向外,蚀变呈环带状分带发育,依次为强硅化带→钾硅化带→绢英岩化带→青磐岩化带。矿化在浅部表现为断裂破碎带控制的热液脉型Cu、Au、Pb、Ag矿床,深部则为斑岩型Cu、Mo矿床。  相似文献   
The volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposits in the Eastern Desert of Egypt (e.g., Um Saki deposit) are associated with Precambrian coarse acid pyroclastic rocks. The upper contacts of the massive sulphide body are sharp and well-defined; while the keel zone to the mineralization is always associated with pervasive alteration, characterized by the presence of septechlorite and talc, associated with variable amounts of carbonate and tremolite. On the other hand, the economic talc deposits in Egypt are hosted intensively altered volcanic rocks. Besides talc, chlorite, carbonates and tremolite that occur in variable amounts in these deposits, anomalously high concentrations of gold are also present.The present study showed that alterations in the talc deposits of Darhib, El Atshan, Abu Gurdi, Egat, Um Selimat and Nikhira are similar to those occurring in the keel zone underlying the VHMS of Um Samuki and that the chemical modifications due to alteration processes (additions of Mg, Fe, Mn and Ca coupled with depletions in silica, alkalies, alumina and titanium) are comparable, even the host rocks are different, thus reflecting a genetic relationship. It is suggested that, the examined localities of talc deposits are hosted in the intensively altered volcanics in the keel zones of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Recently, detailed geophysical prospecting program, including electric (resistivity, self-potential and induced polarization), electromagnetic and magnetic methods, was carried out at Darhib, Abu Gurdi and Um Selimat talc deposits. The quantitative interpretation of these geophysical measurements revealed the presence of subsurface bodies of sulphides. The present distribution of talc and allied minerals in Darhib, El Atshan, Abu Gurdi, Egat, Um Selimat and Nikhira could be explained by a tectonic process in which the coarse acid pyroclastic rocks with massive sulphides have tilted in such way that the footwall rock alterations (talc and allied minerals) are exposed on the present-day surface at these localities. Structural studies are currently under way in an attempt to explain the deformation regime that led to the present situation of talc deposits.Two distinct spatial and mineralogical associations of gold mineralization could be identified in the volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits and their footwall alterations (the keel zone) in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. These are (1) gold–silver–zinc association, and (2) gold–copper association. In the former, gold grades are very low and silver is anomalous. This association occurs typically in the upper levels of the VHMS deposit where low-temperature sulphides are abundant. Gold was deposited because of the mixing between the ascending hot solutions and the sulphate-rich seawater. The upper levels of Um Samuki sulphide body represent this association. Gold–copper association, on the other hand, typically occurs in the footwall altered rocks (the keel zone) and the lowest parts of the massive sulphide body. Gold grades reach up to 5.54 ppm, but the average is 1 ppm. Silver is very low, usually in the range of 4–10 ppm. Lead usually, but not always, accompanies gold in this association. Deposition of gold probably took place due to decreasing of temperature and/or increasing pH of the ascending hot brines. The keel zones at Darhib, Abu Gurdi, El Atshan, Um Selimat, Nikhira and Egat talc mines better represent this association.  相似文献   
次坞地区晋宁晚期火山岩与侵入岩由基性岩(上墅组下段基性火山岩与次坞辉绿岩体)和酸性岩(上墅组上段酸性火山岩与道林山碱长花岗岩体)组成,它们在时空上紧密伴生,成因上密切相关,SiO2 含量集中分布在两个区间,缺乏SiO2为57%~68%的中性及中酸性成分,构成一套双峰式岩浆杂岩组合。酸性岩在化学组成上富硅碱而贫钙镁,准铝-过铝质,富含Zr、Nb和稀土元素,FeO*/MgO、Rb/Sr比值大,显示出A型花岗质岩石的成分特征;基性岩具有富铝、钠、钛和偏碱性的特征,形成于陆内至陆缘张裂环境。基性岩与酸性岩由不同的源区熔融形成,基性岩起源于亏损程度较低的地幔或来源于亏损地幔的岩浆受到陆壳物质的混染,酸性岩可能起源于地壳中既含有基性地壳组分和又含有酸性地壳组分的源区的部分熔融。双峰式岩浆杂岩的形成,是华南Rodinia超大陆裂解事件的岩石学记录,揭示了华南Rodinia超大陆裂解始于青白口纪。  相似文献   
The bacteria used in the experiment are Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans separated from acidic mine water in sulphide deposits. The chemoautotrophic bacteria can act directly on sulphides and accelerate the oxidation of sulphides. The experiment shows that the bacteria, as an important microbial factor of gold's supergenous enrichment within the oxidized zones of sulphide deposits, are helpful to dissolve gold and silver in ferric sulphate. In the bacterial oxidation process, the precipitation of goethite is concerned both with the lower activity of ferric ions and with the existence of carbonates in solution. Meanwhile, the acid-resisting and oxidizing ability of the bacteria will certainly lead up to a microbial way of treating the acidic mine water.  相似文献   
女山中更新世碧玄岩岩浆的起源和演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
夏林圻  夏祖春 《岩石学报》1994,10(3):223-235
产于大陆板内环境的女山中更新世碧玄质火山岩及其所含幔源二辉橄榄岩捕虏体的研究结果揭示,在裂谷作用初始阶段,由于软流圈地幔柱上隆减压,造成深部溶解于地幔橄榄岩高压固体矿物相中的挥发组分出溶,这些出溶的初始地幔流体相在一定部位聚集,于30Ma前,大约37km之下,在地幔橄榄岩中诱发同步的部分熔融和交代作用,并相应产生原生碧玄质岩浆。后者上升速度较快,既未经历壳内高位岩浆房贮集,也没有遭受大陆地壳混染,只是在输送往地表的途中伴随结晶分离作用,发生一定程度演化。  相似文献   
浙江新昌早白垩世复合岩流中的岩浆混合作用   总被引:35,自引:7,他引:35  
周金城  俞云文 《岩石学报》1994,10(3):236-247
浙江新昌拔茅地区早白垩世复合岩流中各种火山岩(Rb-Sr等时线年龄为96.3Ma)属高钾钙碱性岩系,在其中发现了中生代火山活动中岩浆混合作用的确凿证据,岩相学及地球化学研究表明,这种复合岩流中的安山质岩浆是由同时代橄榄拉斑玄武岩浆和流纹岩浆相互混合而形成的。  相似文献   
伸展构造与铀成矿作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
余达淦 《铀矿地质》1994,10(3):129-137
伸展构造理论的兴起是建立在近代构造地质学理论基础之上。变质核杂岩构造模式的研究,对伸展构造理论的发展起到了重要的促进作用。伸展构造环境中的铀矿田(区)成矿规律的深入研究,必须采用变质核杂岩构造模式重新认识,铀矿化的形成与伸展构造作用下的岩浆岩体系关系密切。  相似文献   
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