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The easternmost part of the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí belt comprises an anatectic domain that involves anatexites (the Carlos Chagas unit), leucogranites and migmatitic granulites that display a well-developed fabric. Microstructural observations support that the deformation occurred in the magmatic to submagmatic state. Structural mapping integrating field and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) revealed a complex, 3D structure. The northern domain displays gently dipping foliations bearing a NW-trending lineation, southward, the lineation trend progressively rotates to EW then SW and the foliation is gently folded. The eastern domain displays E–W and NE–SW trending foliations with moderate to steeply dips bearing a dominantly NS trending lineation. Magnetic mineralogy investigation suggests biotite as the main carrier of the magnetic susceptibility in the anatexites and ferromagnetic minerals in the granulites. Crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) measurements using the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique suggest that the magnetic fabric comes from the crystalline anisotropy of biotite and feldspar grains, especially. The delineation of several structural domains with contrasted flow fabric suggests a 3D flow field involving westward thrusting orthogonal to the belt, northwestward orogen-oblique escape tectonics and NS orogen-parallel flow. This complex deformation pattern may be due to interplay of collision-driven and gravity-driven deformations.  相似文献   
石彦强 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010007-2023010007
煤系特征的还原色和突发性、阶段性间断—充填相间的非渐变旋回沉积,明显不同于其他沉积地层。为探究其成因,引用“将今论古”原理,一方面,调查现代植物的生存潜力,植物对地表碎屑的稳固作用,以及植物涵养水源、调节气候等宏观环境效应;另一方面,通过古生物、地层、煤系、煤层、煤质等研究成果,分析地质历史时期植物的发生、发展、繁盛、衰落的演替历程,以及各聚煤期的形成演化。运用比较沉积学方法将二者分阶段不同功能进行类比,经过一系列证据链推演,推导出聚煤期是植物演替更新后发展到鼎盛阶段的产物,当时的植物异常繁盛,具有强劲的拓殖能力和群体效应。各聚煤期植物规模化发展,已经从脆弱的遭受河流、海浪、潮汐等流体的冲刷、改造的被动阶段,回归到主动限制河流的侧蚀、迁移、汇聚,以及压制海浪、潮流的高度,是由个体生存发展为群体效应的过程,是从现代脆弱的植物生态反演到聚煤期强劲的控盆植被系统的依律回溯过程,是植物功能潜力的充分展现,是质的飞跃。聚煤期植被主导下,陆源碎屑库的累积和崩溃,控制盆地碎屑萎缩与扩张、煤系突发间断性沉积,致使煤层向盆缘分岔变薄以致尖灭、煤层中断续沉积角砾岩、同生多阶性带状砂体、陆表海多重障壁体系、约代尔旋回等特殊沉积。聚煤期植物作用的研究,填补了煤地质学空白,能够对煤地质勘查与研究中出现的一些异常现象给予合理的解释。  相似文献   
石彦强 《地质论评》2023,69(4):1285-1297
煤系特征的还原色和突发性、阶段性间断—充填相间的非渐变旋回沉积,明显不同于其他沉积地层。为探究其成因,引用“将今论古”原理,一方面,调查现代植物的生存潜力,植物对地表碎屑的稳固作用,以及植物涵养水源、调节气候等宏观环境效应;另一方面,通过古生物、地层、煤系、煤层、煤质等研究成果,分析地质历史时期植物的发生、发展、繁盛、衰落的演替历程,以及各聚煤期的形成演化。运用比较沉积学方法将二者分阶段不同功能进行类比,经过一系列证据链推演,推导出聚煤期是植物演替更新后发展到鼎盛阶段的产物,当时的植物异常繁盛,具有强劲的拓殖能力和群体效应。各聚煤期植物规模化发展,已经从脆弱的遭受河流、海浪、潮汐等流体的冲刷、改造的被动阶段,回归到主动限制河流的侧蚀、迁移、汇聚,以及压制海浪、潮流的高度,是由个体生存发展为群体效应的过程,是从现代脆弱的植物生态反演到聚煤期强劲的控盆植被系统的依律回溯过程,是植物功能潜力的充分展现,是质的飞跃。聚煤期植被主导下,陆源碎屑库的累积和崩溃,控制盆地碎屑萎缩与扩张、煤系突发间断性沉积,致使煤层向盆缘分岔变薄以致尖灭、煤层中断续沉积角砾岩、同生多阶性带状砂体、陆表海多重障壁体系、...  相似文献   
Political acceptability is an essential issue in choosing appropriate climate policies. Sociologists and behavioural scientists recognize the importance of selecting environmental policies that have broad political support, while economists tend to compare different instruments first on the basis of their efficiency, and then by assessing their distributional impacts and thus their political acceptability. This paper examines case-study and empirical evidence that the job losses ascribed (correctly or incorrectly) to climate policies have substantial impacts on the willingness of affected workers to support these policies. In aggregate, the costs of these losses are significantly smaller than the benefits, both in terms of health and, probably, of labour market outcomes, but the losses are concentrated in specific areas, sectors and social groups that have been hit hard by the great recession and international competition. Localized contextual effects, such as peer group pressure, and politico-economic factors, such as weakened unions and tightened government budgets, amplify the strength and the persistence of the ‘job-killing’ argument. Compensating for the effects of climate policies on ‘left-behind’ workers appears to be the key priority to increase the political acceptability of such policies, but the design of compensatory policies poses serious challenges.

Key policy insights

  • Public perception of, and support for, climate policies is substantially reduced in the presence of large negative shocks, especially job losses.

  • Climate policies can be perceived as negative for employment, especially in areas where polluting industries represent a large share of employment and in occupations and sectors already damaged by globalization and automation.

  • Policymakers should distinguish between small and large distributional effects of climate policies, and find the appropriate combination of revenue recycling schemes, industrial and retraining policies as well as compensation packages to increase the support for such policies.

贵州关岭大寨崩滑碎屑流灾害初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年6月28日,贵州省关岭县岗乌镇大寨村发生特大型崩滑碎屑(石)流灾害,造成99人死亡或失踪。通过现场考察崩滑区的地质环境与斜坡岩体结构,认为斜坡体由似"干砌块石结构"的裂隙化岩体组成是发生崩溃式破坏的主要内在原因。超常暴雨(过程雨量237mm)条件下斜坡岩体后缘裂缝充水形成持续的"水楔作用"是斜坡岩体松动、倾倒垮塌的主要外部引发因素。碎屑(石)流块度的空间分布具有从源头向沟口逐次减小,碎屑(石)流运动冲击高度逐步降低,冲击速度逐步减小,并显示4个能级4个冲程的特点。根据动势能守恒定律,计算了每个冲程的最大速度,得出第1冲程为高速崩滑,其它冲程属于碎屑(石)流动冲击。未发现区域天然地震、光照水库诱发地震与外围历史采矿活动与本次事件相关的直接证据。由于滑坡后缘仍存在不稳定岩体,碎屑(石)流堆积体上多处分布直径3~5m的堰塞塘,说明碎屑(石)空隙的排泄能力不足,在未来暴雨条件下引发新的崩滑或形成沟谷型泥石流的可能性是存在的。  相似文献   
魏绍六 《湖南地质》2001,20(3):177-178,210
原生矿床中金的主要性状有自然金与金的碲化物,自然金可分为“明金”和“微细粒金”,“明金”的次生作用,使金的成色得到提高,粒度更大,往往有利于残坡积型砂金矿床的形成,“微细粒金”的次生作用,常形成卡林型氧化金矿或红土型金矿和铁帽型金矿,显然,以“明金”为主的矿床及金的重砂异常区,不存在找红土型金矿的可能,应寻找脉金矿床,而在有低值金的重砂异常叠加的化探Au异常区,有望找到中小型红土型金矿床。  相似文献   
论述了大同-阳高地震的孕育机制,认为可能有3个因素,即区域断层的长期蠕动,中小地震的频繁活动以及外围强震的“增震作用”。研究了利用强震的增、减震作用判定强震危险区的方法,初步取得了较为满意的效果。  相似文献   
Nisyros island is a calc-alkaline volcano, built up during the last 100 ka. The first cycle of its subaerial history includes the cone-building activity with three phases, each characterized by a similar sequence: (1) effusive and explosive activity fed by basaltic andesitic and andesitic magmas; and (2) effusive andextrusive activity fed by dacitic and rhyolitic magmas. The second eruptive cycle includes the caldera-forming explosive activity with two phases, each consisting of the sequence: (1) rhyolitic phreatomagmatic eruptions triggering a central caldera collapse; and (2) extrusion of dacitic-rhyolitic domes and lava flows. The rocks of this cycle are characteized by the presence of mafic enclaves with different petrographic and chemical features which testify to mixing-mingling processes between variously evolved magmas. Jumps in the degree of evolution are present in the stratigraphic series, accompanied by changes in the porphyritic index. This index ranges from 60% to about 5% and correlates with several teochemical parameters, including a negative correlation with Sr isotope ratios (0.703384–0.705120). The latter increase from basaltic andesites to intermediate rocks, but then slightly decrease in the most evolved volcanic rocks. The petrographic, geochemical and isotopic characteristics can be largely explained by processes occurring in a convecting, crystallizing and assimilating magma chamber, where crystal sorting, retention, resorption and accumulation take place. A group of crystal-rich basaltic andesites with high Sr and compatible element contents and low incompatible elements and Sr isotope ratios probably resulted from the accumulation of plagioclase and pyroxene in an andesitic liquid. Re-entrainment of plagioclase crystals in the crystallizing magma may have been responsible for the lower 87Sr/86Sr in the most evolved rocks. The gaps in the degree of evolution with time are interpreted as due to liquid segregation from a crystal mush once critical crystallinity was reached. At that stage convection halted, and a less dense, less porphyritic, more evolved magma separated from a denser crystal-rich magma portion. The differences in incompatible element enrichment of pre-and post-caldera dacites and the chemical variation in the post-caldera dome sequence are the result of hybridization of post-caldera dome magmas with more mafic magmas, as represented by the enclave compositions. The occurrence of the quenched, more mafic magmas in the two post-caldera units suggests that renewed intrusion of mafic magma took place after each collapse event.  相似文献   
Compositionally diverse dacitic magmas have erupted from Mount St Helens over the last 4000 years. Phase assemblages and their compositions in these dacites provide information about the composition of the pre-eruptive melt, the phases in equilibrium with that melt and the magmatic temperature. From this information pre-eruptive pressures and water fugacities of many of the dacites have been inferred. This was done by conducting hydrothermal experiments at 850°C and a range of pressures and water fugacities and combining the results with those from experiments at temperatures of 780 and 920°C, to cover the likely range in equilibration conditions of the dacites. Natural phase assemblages and compositions were compared with the experimental results to infer the most likely conditions for the magmas prior to eruption. Water contents disolved in the melts of the dacites were then estimated from the inferred conditions. Water contents in the dacites have varied greatly, from 3.7 to 6.5 wt.%, in the last 4000 years. Between 4000 and about 3000 years ago the dacites tended to be water saturated and contained 5.5 to 6.5 wt.% water. Since then, however, the dacites have been significantly water-undersaturated and contained less than 5.0 wt.% water. These dacites have tended to be hotter and more mafic, and andesitic and basaltic magmas have erupted. These changes can be explained by variable amounts of mixing between felsic dacite and basalt, to produce hotter, drier and more mafic dacites and andesites. The magma storage region of the dacitic magmas has also varied significantly during the 4000 years, with shifts to shallower levels in the crust occurring within very short time periods, possibly even two years. These shifts may be related to fracturing of overlying roof rock as a result of magma with-drawal during larger volume eruptions.  相似文献   
安徽沿江地区中生代岩浆岩的基本特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江中下游地区是我国著名的中生代铁铜成矿带,成矿与岩浆活动密切相关,沿近东西向的大陆深断裂或裂谷分布,我们称该带的岩浆岩为扬子岩浆岩带。安徽沿江地区处在扬子岩浆岩带的中段,岩石类型齐全,构造面貌比较清楚,最有代表性,是研究该带特点的一个窗口。我们通过近几年的研究,取得了一些新的进展,扼要报导如下。  相似文献   
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