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In this paper, the results of a survey conducted in the Cukurova region of Turkey are presented. The aim of this research is to identify groups of farmers who differ in their risk sources and risk management strategies. The respondents to the survey were divided into three risk attitude groups, risk averse, risk seeking and risk neutral. Factor analysis has been conducted on information obtained from 112 farmers in 2000. From the findings of the research, risk sources were labelled as environmental, price, catastrophe, input costs, production and technological, political, finance, personal, marketing, health and social security. The dimensions of risk strategies were named as diversification, off-farm income, marketing, planning, financing and security.  相似文献   
海洋沉积物的物质来源的定量、半定量研究,是海洋沉积学的重要课题之一,也是难题之一。本文是从沉积物不同成因组分的含量入手,研究冲绳海中段表层沉积物物质来源的一种尝试。首先介绍了常规法(即镜下鉴定和统计)和碳稳定同位素示踪法的基本途径和计算模式,并对两种方法进行了对比和评价。其次,根据沉积物的具体情况,选择比较合适的方法,定量估算了各站各成因组分的含量。最后根据估算结果,编绘了主要成因组分含量的分布图。  相似文献   
滇、川、黔成矿区的铅锌矿源层(岩)   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
滇、川、黔铅锌成矿区的矿源层(岩)及其成矿作用,具多矿源层(岩)、多容矿层和多遮挡层共存的特点。矿源层(岩)改造成矿分海西晚期改造生成贫铅锌矿床和燕山期改造生成铅锌富矿床两个旋回,改造成矿的3个主因是:多条继承、发展了基底构造的深一道断层系统,峨眉山玄武岩浆上涌产生的高热能、喷气、矿质和广泛、多中心循环的热卤水,铅锌矿床为沉积─改造─后成成矿。  相似文献   
青鹏煤矿位于重庆市沙坪坝区青木关镇及壁山县壁城镇,已开采50余年.随着开采水平的延深,矿井地下水流场发生了相应的变化,改变了地下水原有的补、径、排条件.2012年2月,青鹏煤矿-200m水平-22103运输巷施工过程中,碛头煤层(M2)顶板裂隙突水造成局部淹井事故.通过地面及井下水文地质调查以及采取地表水、泉水、矿井水样进行水质分析,指出矿井突水水源由须家河组裂隙水、采空区积水和嘉陵江组灰岩岩溶裂隙水的越流补给3部分组成.为矿井防治水提供了水文地质依据.  相似文献   
The first sign of magma accumulating beneath Miyakejima, an island volcano in the northern Izu islands, Japan, came at around 18:00 on 26 June 2000, when a swarm of earthquakes was detected by a volcano seismic network on the island. Earthquakes occurred initially beneath the southwest flank near the summit and gradually migrated west of the island, where a submarine eruption occurred the next morning. Earthquakes then migrated further to the northwest between Miyakejima and Kozushima, another volcanic island and developed to the most intense earthquake swarm ever observed in and around Japanese archipelago. To better image how the initial magma intrusion occurred, we relocated hypocenters by using a station-correction method and a double-difference method. The relocated epicenters are generally concentrated near the upper bound of dyke intrusions inferred from geodetic studies throughout the initial stages of the 2000 eruption at Miyakejima from 26 to 27 June 2000. As for seismic activity westward off Miyakejima in the morning on 27 June, hypocenters from both a nationwide seismic network that were relocated by the double-difference method, and those from the volcano seismic network relocated by the station-correction method, formed a very shallow cluster that ascended slowly with time as it propagated northwestward from Miyakejima. This suggests that the dykes have both a radial and upward component of movement.Editorial responsibility: S. Nakada, T. Druitt  相似文献   
基于塔里木盆地库鲁克塔格露头区却尔却克山、元宝山和南雅尔当山中—上奥陶统宏观沉积特征分析,结合钻井、地震资料分析,对盆地东北部巨厚的中—上奥陶统碎屑岩沉积物源及其构造背景相关性进行了探讨。中—上奥陶统却尔却克组发育复理石建造,综合重矿物组合、矿物成熟度参数、砂岩主、微量元素、稀土元素和阴极发光等提供的物源信息,反映物源区主要为大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘构造背景。却尔却克组沉积早期物源区主要来自北部古陆,主要为酸性花岗岩类和变质岩类,却尔却克组沉积中后期,除来自北部的物源外,还有来自东南部阿尔金造山带的火山碎屑物质的加入。中—上奥陶统沉积物源分析为塔里木盆地东北部地区中晚奥陶世构造隆升与沉积充填关系研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   
Summary After a brief review on recent experimental work on the uptake resp release of SO2 and NH3 by the ocean, new results on the distribution of these reactive trace-gases in the marine atmosphere are presented. In the case of SO2 there is no doubt that the ocean acts as a sink. In the case of NH3 new observations and calculations show that under certain conditions the ocean may be a NH3 source.  相似文献   
Watershed water quality models are increasingly used in management. However, simulations by such complex models often involve significant uncertainty, especially those for non-conventional pollutants which are often poorly monitored. This study first proposed an integrated framework for watershed water quality modeling. Within this framework, Probabilistic Collocation Method (PCM) was then applied to a WARMF model of diazinon pollution to assess the modeling uncertainty. Based on PCM, a global sensitivity analysis method named PCM-VD (VD stands for variance decomposition) was also developed, which quantifies variance contribution of all uncertain parameters. The study results validated the applicability of PCM and PCM-VD to the WARMF model. The PCM-based approach is much more efficient, regarding computational time, than conventional Monte Carlo methods. It has also been demonstrated that analysis using the PCM-based approach could provide insights into data collection, model structure improvement and management practices. It was concluded that the PCM-based approach could play an important role in watershed water quality modeling, as an alternative to conventional Monte Carlo methods to account for parametric uncertainty and uncertainty propagation.  相似文献   
在南海东北部广泛发育沉积物波。通过高分辨率多波束数据、地震剖面以及重力柱状样,对沉积物波的形态特征、粒度特征、物源以及形成机制进行了分析。研究表明大致以台湾浅滩南海底峡谷为界,北侧为近北东向展布,南侧为近南北向展布。对其分布规律、地貌和形态特征及重力柱状样粒度分析表明这些沉积物波为浊流成因。沉积物波的发育与新生代晚期研究区的构造活动密切相关,自距今6.5 Ma以来台湾造山运动使台湾岛强烈抬升剥蚀,这些剥蚀物为研究区提供了大量的陆源物质,而在南海东北部陆坡区大量发育的峡谷-冲沟系统为陆缘物质向下陆坡的输送提供了良好的通道。研究区西侧的东沙隆起长期处于抬升剥蚀状态,这种抬升剥蚀也为研究区沉积物波的发育提供了部分物源。随着坡度的减缓,浊流沉积物开始堆积,在台湾浅滩南海底峡谷的北侧形成了展布方向与冲沟垂直的沉积物波,而在南侧由于台湾浅滩南海底峡谷发生转向,浊流从水道中漫溢出来,沉积物堆积下来,形成了与原先水道近于垂直的近南北向的沉积物波。  相似文献   
李志珍 《极地研究》1989,1(4):36-43
本文对南设得兰群岛西海域S_(11)钻孔岩芯中的重、轻矿物作了描述,按矿物在垂直方向上的变化和优势矿物种确定矿物组合类型,并将晚更新世到全新世的341cm沉积地层划分为四层:1.上火山碎屑矿物沉积层,2.中火山碎屑矿物沉积层,3.火成碎屑矿物沉积层(深海砂层),4.下火山碎屑矿物沉积层。本文还讨论了物质来源和深海砂层的可能成因。  相似文献   
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