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华北克拉通北缘及邻区前燕山期主要地质事件   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,华北克拉通北缘及邻区的研究进展集中在前燕山期的主要地质构造格架的廓清,以及晚中生代以来的构造岩浆事件和克拉通岩石圈减薄研究的深化。本文对前者的研究进展作评述和展望。华北克拉通自1.8~1.75Ga形成后,时有岩浆扰动。1.35Ga的基性岩床和岩墙群事件代表了华北克拉通与北美克拉通的裂解,说明华北克拉通曾经是哥伦比亚超大陆的组成部分。华北克拉通北缘大陆边缘的演化也应当从1.35Ga以后开始。早古生代时期,在华北克拉通以北的兴蒙造山带南部发育了白乃庙岛弧岩带,但此时华北克拉通依然记录的是稳定沉积。该岛弧岩带在早古生代末期可能通过弧-陆碰撞形式增生到华北克拉通北部边缘。早中泥盆世期间,在华北克拉通北缘发育了年龄为410~380Ma的碱性杂岩,可能与弧陆碰撞后的伸展有关。从晚石炭世(~320Ma)开始,华北克拉通北缘发展为安第斯型活动大陆边缘,古亚洲洋向南俯冲在华北克拉通之下。在相邻的兴蒙造山带,古亚洲洋还存在向北的俯冲,形成了白音宝力道岛弧岩带。古亚洲洋沿索伦缝合带的最终闭合发生在二叠纪末—三叠纪初期。华北克拉通北缘大量~250Ma以来的后碰撞岩浆活动记录了这一拼合过程。晚三叠世—早侏罗世华北克拉通北缘发生大规模逆冲推覆。早侏罗世时期,华北克拉通北缘已经出现基底结晶岩系的广泛剥露。在燕山期构造岩浆作用之前,华北克拉通北缘的东西向构造格架基本奠定。  相似文献   
通过地面地质调查、样品分析测试以及前人资料收集利用,全面查明了区内地层、岩浆岩和构造发育特征,系统总结了区内矿产资源概况和成矿地质条件.针对有关区域地质问题进行了深入研究,取得以下主要进展及成果:确定了南华系—寒武系中砂岩的主量元素和微量元素特征,反映其形成于被动大陆边缘环境;确定了中三叠世后期印支运动表现为NWW—SEE向区域挤压下的陆内俯冲造山,提出了印支运动中NW向基底隐伏断裂的左行走滑导致部分地区构造线走向偏转,炎陵—汝城一带发育的印支期隔槽式褶皱形成于基底(厚皮式)横向收缩与压扁作用;确定了中生代印支期、燕山早期和燕山晚期3阶段花岗岩的时限分别为233~210 Ma、174~135 Ma、130~85 Ma,形成构造环境分别为后碰撞、后造山和陆内裂谷;通过热年代学分析揭示了湘东南地区中、新生代山体隆升过程;厘定出湘东南及湘粤赣边区中生代构造发展框架;分析表明构造体制差异可能是造成湘东南燕山早期花岗岩成矿能力强于印支期花岗岩的关键原因,燕山早期钨锡多金属和铅锌多金属2类矿床组合的形成可能主要与岩石圈结构和深部热扰动强度有关.  相似文献   
The Chiang Khong segment of the Chiang Khong–Lampang–Tak Volcanic Belt is composed of three broadly meridional sub‐belts of mafic to felsic volcanic, volcaniclastic, and associated intrusive rocks. Associated sedimentary rocks are largely non‐marine red beds and conglomerates. Three representative Chiang Khong lavas have Late Triassic (223–220 Ma) laser ablation inductively coupled mass‐spectroscopy U–Pb zircon ages. Felsic‐dominated sequences in the Chiang Khong Western and Central Sub‐belts are high‐K calc–alkaline rocks that range from basaltic to dominant felsic lavas with rare mafic dykes. The Western Sub‐belt lavas have slightly lower high field strength element contents at all fractionation levels than equivalent rocks from the Central Sub‐belt. In contrast, the Eastern Sub‐belt is dominated by mafic lavas and dykes with compositions transitional between E‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt and back‐arc basin basalts. The Eastern Sub‐belt rocks have higher FeO* and TiO2 and less light rare earth element enrichment than basalts in the high‐K sequences. Basaltic and doleritic dykes in the Western and Central sub‐belts match the composition of the Eastern Sub‐belt lavas and dykes. A recent geochemical study of the Chiang Khong rocks concluded that they were erupted in a continental margin volcanic arc setting. However, based on the dominance of felsic lavas and the mainly non‐marine associated sediments, we propose an alternative origin, in a post‐collisional extensional setting. A major late Middle to early Late Triassic collisional orogenic event is well documented in northern Thailand and Yunnan. We believe that the paucity of radiometric dates for arc‐like lavas in the Chiang Khong–Lampang–Tak Volcanic Belt that precede this orogenic event, coupled with the geochemistry of the Chiang Khong rocks, and strong compositional analogies with other post‐collisional magmatic suites, are features that are more typical of volcanic belts formed in a rapidly evolving post‐collisional, basin‐and range‐type extensional setting.  相似文献   
中国东部中生代岩浆活动与太平洋板块向西俯冲有关吗?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通常认为,中国东部中生代岩浆活动与太平洋板块的向西俯冲有关,而本文的研究表明,中生代时中国东部不属于环太平洋构造带,不处于安第斯活动陆缘环境,没有岛弧玄武岩和岛弧花岗岩.许多资料表明,在中生代早期,太平洋板块基本上是向北俯冲的,至早白垩世中期(125 Ma左右)才转向西俯冲,而中国东部大规模岩浆活动主要发生于侏罗纪—早白垩世(约180~130 Ma),因此,中国东部中生代大规模岩浆活动与太平洋板块的向西俯冲无关.太平洋板块真正向西俯冲的时间非常短暂,只有125~110 Ma和43~0 Ma两个时段.在前一时段,中国东部岩浆活动仅限于中国东部沿海;在后一个时段,中国东部岩浆活动几乎绝迹.因此,中国东部中生代大规模岩浆活动与太平洋板块向西俯冲有关的命题是错误的.  相似文献   
基性岩脉是岩石圈伸展作用的产物,对研究地幔性质和地球动力学演化具有十分重要的意义。粤北下庄铀矿田是我国最大的花岗岩型铀矿田之一,区内发育了大量与铀矿化作用密切相关的基性岩脉。前人从地球化学和年代学方面,对基性岩脉和铀矿床做了不同程度的研究,但有关铀矿床的成因及其与基性岩脉内在联系仍有不同认识。本研究新获得一批下庄铀矿田基性岩脉的角闪石40Ar-39Ar年代学数据,识别出一期形成于200~190Ma的基性岩脉,标志着华南地区在印支期碰撞造山作用结束后岩石圈伸展裂解作用可能至少在200~190Ma已经开始。结合前人已有的研究结果,粤北下庄至少发育三期基性岩脉:200~190Ma、~180Ma和145~140Ma,与华南地区在此期间广泛的岩石圈伸展作用相对应。结合成岩成矿作用的时差以及铀矿体与基性岩脉的空间关系,笔者认为准确的获得基性岩脉的侵位时代与铀的成矿作用的年龄,是探讨基性岩脉与铀成矿作用关系的前提。当基性岩脉与铀的成矿作用年龄接近或具有对应关系时,铀矿床中基性岩脉可能不仅可提供幔源流体(∑CO_2矿化剂和He)参与铀的成矿作用,也可为铀的沉淀富集提供理想场所(还原障);当基性岩脉与铀的矿化作用在时间上存在较大的时差时,基性岩脉也可为后期铀的沉淀富集提供条件,且与基性岩脉相关的深大断裂可为幔源流体(∑CO_2矿化剂)参与铀成矿过程提供运移通道。基于此,笔者认为无论基性岩脉的侵位与铀的矿化作用是否存在时差,基性岩脉均可以为后期铀的沉淀富集提供场所,进而促进铀的成矿作用。因此,本文深化了花岗岩型铀矿区内铀成矿作用与基性岩脉内在联系的认识,为该区下一步找矿勘查工作提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   
提要:距我国中山站以南约400 km的格罗夫山是普里兹造山带向南极内陆的延伸部分,其基底地体由约在920?910 Ma期间侵入的镁铁质-长英质火成岩和少量中元古代的沉积岩构成,这些岩石仅在泛非期(约570?500 Ma)经历了单相变质-构造旋回,因此是一个典型的泛非期变质地体。泛非期高峰变质作用并不象前人所认为的那样仅为中低压麻粒岩相,而是高达770?840?C、1.18?1.40 GPa,并在随后经历了近等温减压(约0.6 GPa)的P-T演化过程。大规模的A型紫苏花岗岩和花岗岩在同造山-后造山阶段侵位,并造成了麻粒岩地体近等压降温的P-T轨迹。这些花岗质岩石是由长期富集地幔的底侵物质(碱性玄武质岩石)经部分溶融而形成的。结合相邻地质体的研究资料,我们认为普里兹造山带可能发育在太古宙-格林维尔期基底地体之上,这些基底地体可能与新元古代(?)盖层卷入到了统一的泛非期造山作用过程。在泛非期造山作用过程中,地壳曾被增厚约达40?50 km,而后又经历了厚约20 km的地壳伸展垮塌和剥蚀。所以,普里兹造山带应代表东冈瓦纳陆块内部由板块缝合作用所形成的一条泛非期碰撞造山带。  相似文献   
Abstract: Age of magmatism and tin mineralization in the Khingan‐Okhotsk volcano–plutonic belt, including the Khingan, Badzhal and Komsomolsk tin fields, were reviewed in terms of tectonic history of the continental margin of East Asia. This belt consists mainly of felsic volcanic rocks and granitoids of the reduced type, being free of remarkable geomagnetic anomaly, in contrast with the northern Sikhote‐Alin volcano–plutonic belt dominated by oxidized‐type rocks and gold mineralization. The northern end of the Khingan‐Okhotsk belt near the Sea of Okhotsk, accompanied by positive geomagnetic anomalies, may have been overprinted by magmatism of the Sikhote‐Alin belt. Tin–associated magmatism in the Khingan‐Okhotsk belt extending over 400 km occurred episodically in a short period (9510 Ma) in the middle Cretaceous time, which is coeval with the accretion of the Kiselevka‐Manoma complex, the youngest accretionary wedge in the eastern margin of the Khingan‐Okhotsk accretionary terranes. The episodic magmatism is in contrast with the Cretaceous‐Paleogene long–lasted magmatism in Sikhote–Alin, indicating the two belts are essentially different arcs, rather than juxtaposed arcs derived from a single arc. The tin‐associated magmatism may have been caused by the subduction of a young and hot back‐arc basin, which is inferred from oceanic plate stratigraphy of the coeval accre‐tionary complex and its heavy mineral assemblage of immature volcanic arc provenance. The subduction of the young basin may have resulted in dominance of the reduced‐type felsic magmas due to incorporation of carbonaceous sediments within the accretionary complex near the trench. Subsequently, the back‐arc basin may have been closed by the oblique collision of the accretionary terranes in Sikhote–Alin, which was subjected to the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene magmatism related to another younger subduction system. These processes could have proceeded under transpressional tectonic regime due to oblique subduction of the paleo‐Pacific plates under Eurasian continent.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2083-2095
Early Eocene adakitic volcanic and granitoid rocks are widespread in the Eastern Pontides of NE Turkey, providing significant constraints for the early Cenozoic tectonomagmatic evolution of the region. These adakitic rock units exhibit relatively high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, but low Y and Yb values, similar to modern adakites generated by partial fusion of a subducted oceanic slab. They also have high K2O and low MgO contents, and show moderately enriched ISr and low ?Nd(t) isotopic signatures. Our trace element modelling suggests that these adakitic magmas were generated from partial melting at low pressures of a garnet-bearing amphibolitic source in the continental lower crust. This lower crustal melting resulted from slab break off-induced asthenospheric upwelling and related magmatic underplating beneath the Eastern Pontides. We interpret this melting event and the adakitic magmatic activity as a syn- to post-collisional process involving early Cenozoic collision of the Pontide and Anatolide–Tauride continental blocks. The geochemical and tectonic constraints presented here indicate that early Eocene adakitic magmatism in the Eastern Pontides did not result from partial fusion of a subducted oceanic slab, but instead represent continental-type adakite formation.  相似文献   
The 2.9-Ma Hotokezawa Ignimbrite, which was ejected from the Aizu caldera cluster in the northeast Japan arc, is a typical monotonous intermediate ignimbrite, with 40–50 vol% crystals and an eruptive volume of >140 km3 dense-rock equivalent. This ignimbrite filled Hiwada caldera and was deformed by post-caldera plutonic intrusions that formed a resurgent dome. The Hotokezawa Ignimbrite is a calc-alkaline, medium-K dacite to rhyolite with SiO2 contents of 67.9–71.3 wt%, and has homogeneous trace-element abundances and Sr–Nd isotopic ratios. These geochemical features suggest that the Hotokezawa magma was formed by partial melting of amphibolitic crustal rocks. This crystal-rich magma did not appear during the post-caldera stage. Therefore, it is plausible that the chamber of eruptible magma was emptied by the caldera-forming eruption. In contrast, post-caldera plutonic rocks exhibit a variety of compositions and have a clear SiO2 gap corresponding to the caldera-forming magma: the early pluton (tonalite) and later ones (quartz porphyry, granite porphyries, and granite) contain 62.0–66.6 and 71.2–76.5 wt% SiO2, respectively. The tonalite and the Hotokezawa Ignimbrite form a continuous trend in their major-element variations. The Sr–Nd isotopic ratios of the ignimbrite and tonalite overlap, but those of the porphyries and granite are more enriched. The early tonalite represents the more basic part of the Hiwada caldera system that was held in small pockets separate from the main magma chamber, because its trace-element abundances are varied and distinct from those of the Hotokezawa Ignimbrite. The distinct compositional change from the Hotokezawa Ignimbrite to the late porphyries and granite indicates that the partial melting crust generating felsic magma was renewed by the subsequent intrusion of the mantle melts. The new felsic magma ascended through subsidence-related faults into the shallow caldera system and emplaced as laccoliths forming the resurgent dome.  相似文献   
Based on the updated results of experimental petrology and phase equilibria modelling and combined with the available thermal structure models of subduction zones, this paper presents an overview on the dehydration and melting of basic,sedimentary and ultrabasic rocks that occur in the different stages during oceanic subduction processes and their influences on magmatism above subduction zones. During the subduction at the forearc depth of <90–100 km, the basic and ultrabasic rocks from most oceanic slabs can release very small amounts of water, and significant dehydration may occur in the slab superficial sediments. Strong dehydration occurs in both basic and ultrabasic rocks during subduction at the subarc depth of 90–200 km. For example, more than 90% water in basic rocks is released by the successive dehydration of chlorite, glaucophane, talc and lawsonite in the subarc depths. This is diversely in contrast to the previous results from synthetic experiments. Ultrabasic rocks may undergo strong dehydration through antigorite, chlorite and phase 10 ? at the subarc depth of 120–220 km. However,sediments can contribute minor fluids at the subarc depth, one main hydrous mineral in which is phengite(muscovite). It can stabilize to ~300 km depth and transform into K-hollandite. After phengite breaks down, there will be no significant fluid release from oceanic slab until it is subducted to the mantle transition zone. In a few hot subduction zones, partial melting(especially flux melting) can occur in both sediments and basic rocks, generating hydrous granitic melts or supercritical fluids, and in carbonates-bearing sediments potassic carbonatite melts can be generated. In a few cold subduction zones, phase A occurs in ultrabasic rocks, which can bring water deep into the transition zone. The subducted rocks, especially the sediments, contain large quantities of incompatible minor and trace elements carried through fluids to greatly influence the geochemical compositions of the magma in subduction zones. As the geothermal gradients of subduction zones cannot cross the solidi of carbonated eclogite and peridotite during the subarc subduction stage, the carbonate minerals in them can be carried into the deep mantle.Carbonated eclogite can melt to generate alkali-rich carbonatite melts at >400 km depth, while carbonated peridotite will not melt in the mantle transition zone below a subduction zone.  相似文献   
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