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贵州东部及邻区南华纪锰矿层中的黄铁矿产出形态多样,为了研究它们的成因标志,通过野外和镜下观察发现黄铁矿主要呈浸染状、条带状和结核状产出,并以草莓状和自形-半自形粒状结构为主。硫同位素测试结果显示含锰岩系中黄铁矿具有异常高δ34S值的特征,介于+37.9‰~+62.6‰之间(平均52.7‰),呈塔式分布,峰值在+46‰~+59‰之间,沿同一矿体剖面从下到上逐渐减小,不同矿床间差异大。结果表明沉积盆地的封闭性和冰川事件使海水硫酸盐浓度降低并富集重硫同位素,随后形成的硫酸盐最低带进一步减小了硫同位素的分馏,使黄铁矿的δ34S达到异常高值。随着沉积盆地逐渐变开放,矿层由下而上黄铁矿的δ34S值逐渐减小,而不同矿床黄铁矿的δ34S值差异则是因为沉积盆地封闭性的差异。因此,封闭的局限沉积盆地是锰矿床形成的重要地质背景条件,而渗流热卤水或火山锰源可能是矿床的主要锰质来源。  相似文献   
通过山西宁武地区高山湖泊湖相沉积地层的浅井挖掘,在天池湖泊群一带发现了厚度大于6m的以草炭、泥炭、粘土及砂层为主的湖相沉积物。根据实测的干海、天池和琵琶海3条剖面,将分布于高山湖盆区内的湖相地层划分为12层,层序地层显示出以干海为代表的古湖泊由浅湖→滨湖→沼泽的演化趋势。湖相沉积的14C法测年结果为10950~260aBP,ESR法年龄测定结果为(9±3~8±1)ka,这表明高山湖盆内湖相沉积的形成时代为全新世。根据沉积相、岩相组合等特征,结合同位素测年、孢粉分析、微体古生物鉴定等资料,首次建立了山西宁武地区高山湖泊全新世湖相沉积地层序列,并将该套地层命名为干海组。  相似文献   
1 Introduction The Gaojiacun intrusive complex is one of the numerous ultramafic-mafic intrusions in Sichuan Province of China. It was mapped during the 1970s and studied mainly by Chinese scientists (e.g. Geological Team 106, 1975; Shen et al., 1986, 1989; CGGJC, 1986; Yang et al., 1993; Li et al., 1995; Shen et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2004a). Since the year 2000, China has become one of the largest PGE consumers. While the country can produce only less than 1 ton PGE/year, the Chin…  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地北部底河道砂岩型铀矿地质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鄂尔多斯盆地北部直罗组中的铀矿,是典型的产于河道中的砂岩铀矿,该矿床发育较好的卷状矿体。通过对该铀矿地质特征的研究,认识到发育卷状矿体的底河道砂岩型铀矿必须具备两大条件:其一是成矿砂体条件,即砂体要有较好的成层性、连通性和渗透性;其二是地层结构条件,即砂体必须存在较好的上、下隔水岩层。就砂体而言,河流相辫状沉积砂体是形成卷状矿体的主要砂体,并且以具有从辫状河向曲流河完整演化的辫状沉积砂体较好。砂体的上、下隔水岩层则有多种表现形式:下隔水层可由不透水的基岩或湖相沉积泥岩等构成;上隔水层由不透水的湖相泥岩、曲流沉积地层或岩浆岩等构成。在层间氧化作用过程上,存在纵横两个方向的氧化,即存在与河道方向一致的纵向氧化和与河道垂直的横向氧化,两种氧化作用成矿常叠加形成复杂的矿体类型;在矿化赋存的部位上,铀砂体通常发育在基底之上或不同建造之间;在古气候演变上,成矿作用发生在干旱气候条件下,或由潮湿向干旱的气候转变阶段。  相似文献   
Fluorite deposits are widespread in northern Mexico and those deposits have traditionally been categorized as exclusively hydrothermal–magmatic in origin. Recently, two different fluorite-bearing type models have been proposed for the Northern Mexican deposits: (1) MVT-like deposits formed from basinal brines mobilized during the Laramide Orogeny (La Encantada deposit, Gonzalez-Partida et al., [Gonzalez-Partida, E., Carrillo-Chavez, A., Grimmer, J.O.W., Pironon, J., 2002. Petroleum-rich fluid inclusions in fluorite, Purisima mine, Coahuila, Mexico. International Geological Review 44 (8), 751–763.]; Tritlla et al., [Tritlla, J., Gonzalez-Partida, E., Levresse, G., Banks, D., Pironon, J., 2004. Fluorite deposits at Encantada-Buenavista, Mexico: products of Mississippi Valley type processes — a reply. Ore Geology Reviews 25, 329–332.]); and (2) fluorite-bearing skarns in close contact with rhyolite intrusives (Levinson, [Levinson, A.A., 1962. Beryllium–fluorine mineralization at Aguachile Mountain, Coahuila, Mexico. American Mineralogist 47, 67–75.]). The El Pilote fluorite deposit falls into the second category, and is the only known example of a magmatic-related fluorite deposit in the area. The fluorite trace-element patterns from both the El Pilote skarn and La Encantada MVT deposits display comparable and very low relative abundances as well as comparable chondrite-normalized REE patterns; this would suggest that the skarn F-source comes from the remobilization of a MVT fluorite manto.  相似文献   
Four of the major plutons in the vicinity of the Candelaria mine (470 Mt at 0.95% Cu, 0.22 g/t Au, 3.1 g/t Ag) and a dike–sill system exposed in the Candelaria open pit have been dated with the U–Pb zircon method. The new geochronological data indicate that dacite magmatism around 123 Ma preceded the crystallization of hornblende diorite (Khd) at 118 ± 1 Ma, quartz–monzonite porphyry (Kqm) at 116.3 ± 0.4 Ma, monzodiorite (Kmd) at 115.5 ± 0.4 Ma, and tonalite (Kt) at 110.7 ± 0.4 Ma. The new ages of the plutons are consistent with field relationships regarding the relative timing of emplacement. Plutonism temporally overlaps with the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization (Re–Os molybdenite ages at ∼115 Ma) and silicate alteration (ages mainly from 114 to 116 and 110 to 112 Ma) in the Candelaria–Punta del Cobre district. The dated dacite porphyry and hornblende diorite intrusions preceded the ore formation. A genetic link of the metallic mineralization with the quartz–monzonite porphyry and/or the monzodiorite is likely. Both of these metaluminous, shoshonitic (high-K) intrusions could have provided energy and contributed fluids, metals, and sulfur to the hydrothermal system that caused the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization. The age of the tonalite at 110.7 Ma falls in the same range as the late alteration at 110 to 112 Ma. Tonalite emplacement may have sustained existing or driven newly developed hydrothermal cells that caused this late alteration or modified 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar systematic in some areas.  相似文献   
In order to preserve the storage capacity of the Nanqin Reservoir for long-term service, several remedial measures have been worked out: (a) measures to control the upstream extension of backwater deposits and to prevent gravel bed load from entering into the reservoir, so that no armour layer will be formed; (b) sediment sluicing by density current to reduce deposits of suspended load; (c) periodical sediment flushing by emptying reservoir to restore the effective storage capacity. In addition, conceptions of flood plain elevation in reservoir, storage volume required in the routing of turbid flow (density flow), the storage capacity that can be restored after being lost by deposition, and the storage volume for sediment regulation are also discussed.  相似文献   
Among the Sinian to Triassic strata in South China, the stratiform, quasi-stratiform and lenticular metallic deposits in association with hydrothermal sedimentation mainly occur in the four periods: (1) the Sinian Datangpo interglacial period, (2) the early period of Early Cambrian, (3) the late period of Middle Devonian to early period of Late Devonian,and (4) the late period of Early Permian. The four mineralization periods all happened around the maximum flooding period in the third-order seal-level cycle during the ascending stage in the first-order sea-level cycle. The deep seawater layer, starved and non-compensatory basin, low sedimentary rate, and low energy and anoxic environment during the maximum flooding period are very suitable for the formation and preservation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits. The maximum flooding period also coincided with the intensified regional tectonism, extensive deep magmatism and hydrothermal sedimentation, which provide, for the formation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits through the rapid accumulation of hydrothermal sediments, the needed dynamics, ore-forming materials and favorable passway for hydrothermal fluids to enter the basin.  相似文献   
湘中锡矿山式锑矿成矿地质条件分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
湘中锡矿山式锑矿形成于晚白垩-古新世,空间上与岩脉关系密切,各锑矿床、矿化点都伴有或附近发育有煌斑岩及中-酸性岩脉群,在锑矿成矿同期地质事件中,还有周缘一些中-新生代红色盆地的形成及基性火山岩喷发,据之,提出湘中锡矿山式锑矿成矿与燕山晚期拉张构造-岩浆活化作用有关.锑矿床(点)基本上都产出于两组或两组以上断裂的交汇点附近,3组断裂的交汇部位对应于最主要的锑矿床(点).矿体具体受断裂交汇部位附近的次级短轴背斜轴部、倾伏背斜的倾伏端及其翼部被纵向陡倾角断裂构造所切穿的部位控制,是断裂导矿与背斜构造圈闭的体现.岩性组合控矿表现为易于硅化蚀变交代的砂质碳酸盐岩与隔挡层泥质岩所构成的岩性圈闭.根据包裹体均-温度和盐度测定成果,推算成矿压力为(200~300)×105Pa,成矿深度约为1 km.  相似文献   
中条山—塔儿山成矿带属滨西太平洋成矿域华北断块金、银、铜、铅、锌、锰、铝土矿、金刚石成矿区中的3级成矿带,其中包括2个成矿系列、7个成矿亚系列和11个矿床式。2个成矿系列具有成矿世代的“双层性”、成矿物质来源的二元性、成矿作用的三阶段和矿化带展布与地质构造单元的趋近性等一系列特征  相似文献   
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