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According to palinspastic reconstructions, the Neo-Tethys opening took place during the Permian between the Cimmerian fragments in the north and the Indo-Arabian margin in the south. Igneous remnants of this opening are exposed in Oman within either the Hawasina nappes or the para-autochtonous Arabian platform exposed in the Saih Hatat tectonic window. They consist predominantly of pillowed basaltic flows among which three groups have been distinguished. Group 1 is tholeiitic and characterized by low TiO2 and incompatible trace element contents, and a large range of Ndi values. Group 1 basalts are associated with distal sediments and plot near the boundary of or within the MORB field in the Pb–Pb correlation diagrams and between the MORB and Bulk Silica Earth (BSE) fields in Ndi–(206Pb/204Pb)i diagram. Group 2 basalts are alkaline and differ from Group 1 ones by their higher TiO2, La and Nb contents, and lower and more homogeneous Ndi values (+3 to +5). Group 2 volcanics are similar to alkali basalts from oceanic islands and share with Group 1 similar initial Pb ratios. Group 3 consists of tholeiitic and alkali basalts which are interbedded either with carbonate-platform sediments from the Saih Hatat window or with distal sediments from the Hawasina Nappes. This group differs from Groups 1 and 2 by its low to negative Ndi (+1.6 to −2). Group 1 likely derived from the mixing of depleted and enriched sources while Group 2 derived exclusively from an enriched source. There is no indication that continental crust was involved in the genesis of both Groups 1 and 2. In contrast, the low to negative Ndi values of Group 3 suggest that the magmas of this group were contaminated by the Arabian continental crust during their ascent. The geochemical features of the Middle Permian plume-related basalts suggest thus that the basement of the Hawasina basin was not genuine oceanic crust but either the thinned Arabian rifted continental margin or the continent–ocean transition zone of the Neo-Tethys.  相似文献   
The Precambrian geology of west-central Madagascar is reviewed and re-interpreted in light of new field observations, Landsat Thematic Mapper image analysis, and U–Pb geochronology. The bedrock of the area consists of: (1) late Archean (to Paleoproterozoic) migmatite gneiss and schist; (2) Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks (Itremo, Amborompotsy, and Malakialina Groups) perhaps deposited unconformably on the older metamorphic rocks (1, above); (3) Proterozoic ( 1000 Ma–720 Ma) plutonic rocks emplaced into both units above (1 and 2), and; (4) latest Neoproterozoic to middle Cambrian ( 570–520 Ma) granitoids emplaced as regionally discordant and weakly foliated plutons throughout the regions.

The effects of Neoproterozoic orogenic processes are widespread throughout the region and our observations and isotopic measurements provide important constraints on the tectonic history of the region: (i) Archean gneisses and Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks are the crystalline basement and platformal sedimentary cover, respectively, of a continental fragment of undetermined tectonic affinity (East or West Gondwanan, or neither). (ii) This continental fragment (both basement and cover) was extensively invaded by subduction-related plutons in the period from  1000 Ma to  720 Ma that were emplaced prior to the onset of regional metamorphism and deformation. (iii) Continental collision related to Gondwana's amalgamation began after  720 Ma and before  570 Ma. Collision related deformation and metamorphism continued throughout the rest of the Neoproterozoic with thermal effects that lasted until  520 Ma. The oldest structures produced during continental collision were km-scale fold- and thrust-nappes with east or southeast-directed vergence (present-day direction). They resulted in the inversion and repetition of Archean and Proterozoic rocks throughout the region. During this early phase of convergence warm rocks were thrust over cool rocks thereby producing the present distribution of regional metamorphic isograds. The vergence of the nappes and the distribution of metamorphic rocks are consistent with their formation within a zone of west or northwest-dipping continental convergence (present-day direction). (iv) Later upright folding of the nappes (and related folds and thrusts) produced km-scale interference fold patterns. The geometry and orientation of these younger upright folds is consistent with E–W horizontal shortening (present-day direction) within a sinistral transpressive regime. We relate this final phase of deformation to motion along the Ranotsara and related shear zones of south Madagascar, and to the initial phases of lower crustal exhumation and extensional tectonics within greater Gondwana.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper concerns Miocene igneous activity in the Alboran Sea and Peri-Alboran area (northern Morocco, western Algeria and Betic Cordilleras in Spain), considering its age and its location with regard to major tectonics structures.We have compiled previous K-Ar isotopic ages of lavas and plutonic boulders and intrusives with an error of ±1σ and completed this set by a new K-Ar isotopic age for andesitic tuffites from Alboran Island. Geochemistry of most of these samples has been considered after previous analyses completed with new data for Spain magmatism. These two sets of data allow us to place the magmatic activity within the regional stratigraphy and tectonics and their chronological framework of the three major tectonic phases of the Maghrebian orogen, at 17 Ma (Burdigalian), 15 Ma (Langhian) and 9 Ma (Tortonian). Petro-geochemical characteristics are compared through time and geographical locations. A major goal of this coupled approach is to help the elaboration of possible geodynamical processes.As an application, we present the case study of the Dellys, Djinet and Thenia region (east of Algiers) where the successive magmatic events between 19.4 ± 1 and 11.6 ± 0.5 Ma are closely related to the local tectonics and sedimentation.The Peri-Alboran igneous activity is placed in a multidisciplinary framework. Timing of activity is defined according to the ages of the neighbouring sedimentary units and the K-Ar ages of igneous rocks.In Spain, the Cabo de Gata-Carboneras magmatic province displays late Oligocene and early Miocene leucogranitic dikes, dated from 24.8 ± 1.3 to 18.1 ± 1.2 Ma; three following andesitic to rhyolitic events took place around 15.1 ± 0.8 to 14.0 ± 0.7 Ma, 11.8 ± 0.6 to 9.4 ± 0.4 Ma, 8.8 ± 0.4 to 7.9 ± 0.4 Ma; this last event displays also granitic rocks. Lamproitic magmas dated between 8.4 ± 0.4 and 6.76 ± 0.04 Ma were emplaced after the Tortonian phase.In Morocco, after the complex building of the Ras Tarf volcanic edifice, major calc-alkaline to shoshonitic volcanoes were built between 9.0 ± 0.5 and 4.8 ± 0.5 Ma, in particular the large Gourougou volcanic complex. Near Oujda, volcanic activity of alkaline affinity leads to multiple emissions of basalts throughout Pliocene times until the beginning of Pleistocene, between 6.2 ± 0.3 and 1.5 ± 0.1 Ma.In the Alboran domain, an age of 19.7 ± 0.8 Ma is reported (this study) for the andesitic tuffites that form the emergent part of the Alboran Island. This age is comparable to that of the Algerian tuffites and cherts “silexites” and the Malaga ones in Spain. Younger activity, completely separated from the previous one, forms the low-K basaltic andesitic dikes from Alboran Island, dated between 9.1 ± 0.5 and 7.5 ± 0.3 Ma. Along the Alboran Ridge both low-K and high-K andesites to dacites were emitted in the estimated range of 10.7–8.7 Ma. Low-K and high-K andesites to dacites sampled at ODP sites 977 and 978 into the East Alboran Basin, are dated between 12.1 ± 0.2 and 9.3 ± 0.1 Ma.We propose to relate with the Trans-Alboran lineament only the post-Tortonian igneous activity younger than 9 Ma.  相似文献   
In the Lycian Basin (SW Turkey), the Miocene Karabay?r and Karaku?tepe formations consist of algal limestone, conglomerate, sandstone, shale and limestone. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis of the Miocene units show that these formations are poor in organic matter. TOC values are generally between 0.02 and 0.51%, but reach 3.47% in the Karabay?r Formation. Hydrogen indices (HI) are mostly below 600 mgHC/gTOC, increasing to 1200 mgHC/gTOC in the Karabay?r Formation. S2 vs. TOC diagrams are used to evaluate the sedimentary environments and hydrocarbon potential of the Lower–Middle Miocene sediments (the Isparta, Bucak and Korkuteli‐Elmal? areas). The organic material contains about 63 (type I), 35 (type II) and 29 (type II/III) pyrolysable hydrocarbons, respectively. The dominant organic matter is type II kerogens, and hydrocarbon generating potential is quite low. A positive x‐intercept has been calculated in analysed samples according to S2 vs. TOC diagrams; this value shows a rock‐matrix effect. Clay is the main agent of adsorption. Biomarker characteristics also verify these results. Isoprenoid rates are Pr/Ph: 2, Pr/n‐C17: 1.9, and Pr/n‐C18: 0.5, and a high Pr/Ph ratio (pristane/phytane) indicates an oxic environment; the terpane C29 NH/C30 H ratio is >1 for the Karabay?r Formation, and this value indicates a carbonate lithology. On the other hand, the C25 NH/C30 H ratio is <1 for the Karaku?tepe Formation; this indicates that the hydrocarbons were derived from terrestrial organic matter. According to m/z 191 mass fragmentograms, the Miocene units contain oleanane, indicating a Tertiary age. The abundance of sterane C29>C28>C27 shows that the kerogens formed from algal organic matter.  相似文献   
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