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延边地区地处吉林省的东部。研究区南部为渤海地块 ,北部为兴凯地块 ,东部与朝鲜和俄罗斯相毗邻 ,西部与吉中地区以敦化 -密山断裂为界。本文主要讨论本区古亚洲洋构造演化阶段所形成的花岗岩类问题 ,并据此对渤海地块与兴凯地块之间的增生、碰撞、缝合等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
大连地区碳酸盐岩分布广泛 ,裂隙溶洞发育 ,洞穴堆积物中蕴含了丰富的更新世哺乳动物化石和古文化遗物 ,在境内陆地和附近海域陆续发现了 30余处化石点。在众多的化石点中尤以古龙山遗址和大连动物群最引人注目 ,前者在同一地点内采集到 377种上万件的脊椎动物骨骼化石 ,并伴有石器、骨器、灰烬等远古人类活动的遗物 ;后者包括了 2 8种早更新世的小型哺乳动物 ,这是大连乃至东北地区的首次报导。这些事实说明了东北地区不只是仅有晚更新世的动物群 ,至少还有早更新世的大连动物群 ,即使在晚更新世 ,也不只是单一的披毛犀 -猛犸象动物群 ,还存在着具有从华北向东北过渡性质的古龙山动物群。今后工作中应注意寻找古人类及中更新世的哺乳动物化石 ,加强对全新世动物遗骨的研究。  相似文献   
高密市南部贫水区地下水勘查探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高密市南部低缓丘陵区是山东省典型的资源型缺水地区,通过遥感解译、水文地质调查、物探、钻探等手段,在小于家庄村南成功施工1眼深100 m水井,并通过多孔非稳定流抽水试验求取了部分水文地质参数,确定了可开采量。此次工作对下一步该区农业抗旱、居民生活用水打井都具有一定的示范意义。  相似文献   
极干旱地区土壤与大气水分的相互影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于建立在莫高窟窟顶的密闭拱棚,通过监测棚内凝结水量和空气温湿度,对极干旱地区典型极干旱气候条件下土壤与大气水分的相互影响进行综合分析。棚内凝结水量和空气温湿度的监测结果表明,在热动力作用下存在地下水分向大气输送的过程,其原因主要是在温度作用下土壤结合水分的分解蒸发与土壤盐分的吸湿吸附的交替作用。这也是形成所谓"土壤凝结水分"与"土壤水分呼吸"的根源。当温度升高时,土壤结合水分分解蒸发"呼出"水分,当温度降低时土壤盐分吸湿吸附,"吸入"大气水分,形成土壤与大气不对称水分交流。称质量实验表明:土壤水分的变化与空气温度的变化完全对应;有深层水分支持的土壤吸收大气水分的能力相对较差。极干旱地区土壤与大气水分的相互影响研究结果能为莫高窟珍贵文物的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi, the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area. On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies, the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy. Meanwhile, the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales, described 9 species of 6 genera. The palynological data can provide a supp lement evidence for defining the age of C. baodeensis and its associated plants to be Early Permian.  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China, many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field. Large gold-ore districts, defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region, are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones. In the best-studied districts, the Precambrian protrusions, staged distribution of magmatic chambers ( by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized. Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodieswith depressions. Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks, placers, and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   
以分析递进变形序列为主线,论述了主有限应变和增量应变的内部旋转所组合的应变扇形区的空间展布。结合发育于剪切带中的一个微细粒浸染型金矿的找矿实际,指出该理论的野外应用方法。  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONItisgeneralyacceptedthatthedegradationofrenewableresourcesandfragileenvironmentsindevelopingcountriesisbecomin...  相似文献   
Saline water intrusion and its influence in the Laizhou area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ImODUcrIONSalinewaterintrusionwasfoundinIsraelqacobsetal.,l96O),Thailand(Sun,l989),Spain(Custodi0,l985)andtheFujiarea,Japan"'InChina,thelargescaleseawaterintru-sioninthelasttwentyyearshasgtaduallyforrneserious,totheextentthattheintrusionareanachedto4OO~5OOkm2inthecoastalareaofShandongProvince(Zha0,l99l,Xueetal.,l992,Qiu,l991).Thereareaisos0mesmallaff~areasinLia0dongPenin-sulaandthesouthcoastareaofChina,lbrexamPle,SubeiPlain(Zhouetal.,l988),GuangxiOi,l988;Chenetal.,l99O)andHainan-…  相似文献   
辽西南天门断裂及其与北票组发育的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对辽西地区TM图像地质解译和对南天门断裂的研究表明,虽然南天门断裂现今在地形地貌上表现为其西的北票、朝阳、建昌盆地和其东的金羊盆地的区域性分隔断裂,但是实际上在早侏罗世末以前,则是一个统一盆地内的潜伏(基底)断裂,即非现今的盆地边缘断裂。由于盆地内普遍发育含有油气性良好的下侏罗统北票组,因此,辽西地区应具有良好的油气勘探开发前景。  相似文献   
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