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松辽盆地中央坳陷南部下白垩统泉头组四段沉积相 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
松辽盆地中央坳陷南部下白垩统泉头组四段沉积时期,松辽盆地地形平缓,基底沉降缓慢,在湖平面整体扩张及浅水背景下河流入湖成三角洲沉积。通过岩心观察、相标志与测井相研究,该区储层主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩,识别出三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、前角洲3种亚相,以及分支河道、天然堤、决口扇、分支河道间湾、水下分支河道、水下决口扇、河口坝、远沙坝、水下分支河道间湾9种微相三角洲平原、三角洲前缘广泛发育,前三角洲不发育。三角洲平原分支河道通过填积和频繁的分叉改道,向湖盆中心方向长距离推进,在三角前缘的浅水区域发育了大量水下分支河道,分支河道与水下分支河道砂体相互切割、叠加,形成了平均宽度200~600 m、平均厚度3~8 m的道单砂体,(水下)分支河道砂体构成了油气富集的主要储集体。该区沉积相的精细研究,为进一步调整开发井网奠定了基础。 相似文献
从化石群及壳体同位素看古近纪东营湖湖水化学 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
从海源陆生化石、壳体O、C和S同位素等几个新的角度和方法对山东东营凹陷古近纪古湖泊湖水化学性质进行讨论.通过与现生海源陆生生物的比较,得出原先认为是海相标志的有孔虫、钙质超微化石、沟鞭藻和疑源类、多毛类和鱼类等实际上是海源陆生化石,它们生活在以Cl-和Na+为主的咸水湖泊环境.超微化石S同位素分析表明,渐新世与始新世钙质超微化石的87Sr/86Sr 比值都明显高于同时期海水的87Sr/86Sr比值,而与现代河、湖水的87Sr/86Sr比值相近,进一步揭示它们生活的环境不是海,而是与海无关的湖.介形虫壳体O、C同位素分析则表明,古东营湖是一封闭型咸水湖泊,从另一角度也否定了与海连通的可能性.根据不同层段同位素特征讨论了湖水矿化度的相对变化. 相似文献
XIONG Xiaohui XIAO Jiafei HU Ruizhong WANG Jian WANG Yi WANG Xinsong DENG Qi 《《地质学报》英文版》2015,89(6):2012-2029
This paper presents a set of bulk geochemical and mineralogical data from a paleoweathering profile located in Zunyi District, Northern Guizhou, China. It was formed at the top of the Hanjiadian Formation of the Lower Silurian. A truncated, argillic, gleyed, kryptic paleospodosol is recognized in the paleoweathering profile. Ratios of immobile elements (Ti/Zr, Ti/Al) and their binary (e.g., Nb vs. Zr/TiO2 and Th/Sc vs. Zr/Sc), triangular diagrams (La-Th-Sc, Th-Sc-Zr/10, Zr-Cr-Ga) reflect that the Gaojiayan paleosol is the product of in-situ weathering of gray-green silty mudstone of the underlying Hanjiadian Formation. Mass balance calculations indicate K enrichment and Na enrichment in the upper and lower portions of paleosol, respectively. These findings both are the results of transgression, which brings substantial concentrations of such elements as K, Na, and Sr. In particular, K enrichment is achieved by the illitization of kaolinite. The biological processes of terrestrial vascular plants also enhance K concentration, especially at the top of the paleosol. Na enrichment is a consequence of albitization and/or adsorption by clay minerals through cation exchange. The mass distributions and relative mass changes of rare earth elements (REEs) in the studied profile display characteristics of vertical zonation. Three peaks in total REEs content are observed, indicating two paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental changes. Mineralogical characteristics indicate that the paleoclimate changed first from warm and humid to cold and dry and later, to dry and lightly warmer. The corresponding soil environment varies from weakly acidic to strongly alkaline and later, to weakly acidic. Mass translocation characteristics of REEs and several transition metals suggest that the Gaojiayan paleosol may have undergone top erosion. 相似文献
对采自福建永安市下白垩统坂头组的似纵属Elatides雌球果化石进行了宏观形态和角质层特征的研究,这些球果均单独保存,较小,果鳞较多,螺旋状紧密排列,顶端收缩呈尖刺状,与Elatides的特征相符。根据球果的形态、果鳞及其球果中轴的特征,将这些球果鉴定为3个种,即永安似纵(新种)Elatides yonganensis Dai et Sun, sp. nov.、弯叶似纵(相似种)Elatides cf. curvifolius及一未定种Elatides sp.。其中重点描述了新种E. yonganensis的形态特征,该球果以中轴呈波状,果鳞顶端较长、较尖,腹面具有锯齿状的膜质小舌,每一果鳞具有大概5枚种子而区别于以前报道的任一已知种。同时对中国的Elatides化石记录进行了收集整理,Elatides属的球果化石在福建永安坂头组的发现表明其分布区可达25°N,丰富了该属植物的化石记录并扩大了其分布范围。 相似文献
中下扬子早 中三叠世膏盐层是对早印支运动的沉积响应,本文从膏盐的成因、中下扬子膏盐层位的差异、沉积环境的变迁、膏盐的厚度变化和产状特征、沉积中心和沉降中心的分布等方面,分析早印支运动的表现形式。中下扬子早 中三叠世依次出现陆棚台地(碳酸盐岩)、潟湖—潮坪(白云岩与膏盐)和滨海(碎屑岩),这种大规模海退,正是早印支运动表现为构造抬升的结果。抬升过程中,残留海水在炎热干燥的气候条件下蒸发形成膏盐层,而中扬子的膏盐层位比下扬子低,据此推测中扬子先于下扬子与华北板块碰撞而抬升。平面上,现今构造格局(主要由中印支—早燕山运动形成复向斜、复背斜和推覆构造)的坳陷区主要为白云岩与(硬)石膏互层或石膏夹少量白云岩或云质石膏,膏盐层厚度大,现今构造的隆坳过渡区主要为石膏假晶、含膏云岩、石膏质白云岩、白云岩夹石膏等,膏盐层厚度小,而膏盐的厚度和产状与沉积时的水深和地势直接相关; 另外,地层等厚图显示膏盐层主要分布于当时的沉降中心。这些沉积特征显示膏盐沉积时的地势与现今隆坳相间的构造地貌存在一定程度的吻合,说明膏盐沉积时的地层已经发生了轻微的褶皱变形(未见角度不整合和地层缺失)。 相似文献
Alison Searl 《Geological Journal》1992,27(3):243-270
The Broadford Beds comprise a basal carbonate-dominated unit overlain by dark muddy sandstones and an upper cross-bedded sandstone unit. The limestones include coralliferous and oolitic lithologies and the sandstones include pisolitic berthierine ironstones and abundant phosphate nodules. The Broadford Beds have a maximum thickness of 140 m and can be subdivided into 17 parasequences, each initiated by an approximately 20 m rise in relative sea level. Marine flooding surfaces are most readily recognized in the lower parts of the succession, where diagenetic data can be utilized to locate emergence surfaces. There is no diagenetic evidence of early emergence in the upper parts of the sequence, but a variety of sedimentological data can be used to identify parasequence boundaries. Deposition of the Broadford Beds occurred largely around the shores of a number of islands in the northern Hebridean area. These islands partly isolated the Skye–Applecross area from a deeper marine basin to the west, and this may have enhanced the formation of authigenic phosphates and iron silicates. It is possible to use the regional variability of parasequence thicknesses to investigate the role of active local tectonism in governing differential subsidence and sediment supply. 相似文献
塔中地区古隆1井中晚奥陶世处于台缘斜坡带,地层发育齐全,奥陶系划分为3统5组,自上而下为却尔却克组、恰尔巴克组、一间房组、鹰山组与蓬莱坝组。在恰尔巴克组及一间房组分别获得了Pygouds anserinus与P.serra牙形石带,依此将中上奥陶统界线划在5875 m,两统之间不存在任何地层缺失或不整合面。认为碳酸盐岩台地上的良里塔格组在古隆1井相变为191 m厚的泥岩夹灰质泥岩,在地震剖面显示为一套空白反射,横向较好追踪与对比; 指出了恰尔巴克组与一间房组在平面展布上具有同步性,卡塔克隆起主体上缺失,仅分布在台地边缘低洼处或在斜坡带。 相似文献
野外露头岩石学与地层学研究表明,青藏高原东北缘囊谦古近纪盆地贡觉组自下而上可分为5个岩性段,它们构成两套由粗变细的沉积序列,主要形成于冲积扇-河流-湖泊-三角洲沉积环境。不同的岩性段具有不同的岩石组合,反映其形成于不同的沉积环境:第一岩性段分布局限,为滨浅湖相沉积;第二岩性段、第四岩性段和第五岩性段形成于近源、快速堆积环境;第三岩性段为面积分布广泛的干旱-炎热气候条件下的河流-湖泊沉积环境产物。由于盆地沉积的不对称性及所处沉积环境的不同,各岩性段在盆地内的出露也不相同,总体反映盆地经历了早期挤压推覆前陆盆地、中期走滑拉分盆地、晚期走滑挤压推覆前陆盆地的演化历史。 相似文献