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一次台风暴雨的初步分析   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
文章对1994年7月12~13日一次登陆台风造成的华北暴雨作了天气动力学诊断分析。分析表明,9406号台风登陆后,台风和太平洋副热带高压间形成的偏东南风低空急流,具有明显超地转特征,它是触发这次台风暴雨的关键系统。Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量辐合区与暴雨位置较为一致。  相似文献   
自20世纪80年代后期以来,我国频繁出现暖冬,直到2004年以后这种状况出现明显的变化,冷冬出现的频次明显增多了。在全球增暖、北极海冰减少明显的背景下,冬季极端严寒的强度非但没有减弱反而似乎还在增强,造成灾害性的影响也越发引人关注。在上述背景下,2012年1月、2016年1月在东亚发生了两次极端严寒事件。本文的目的就是通过合成和相关分析,研究这两次极端严寒事件演变的主要特征,及其与北极增暖的可能联系。这两次极端严寒事件的环流演变截然不同。对于2012年1月的极端严寒事件,海平面气压异常主要呈现由东向西传播,在演变过程中,阿留申区域海平面气压超前西伯利亚高压,因此大气环流的下游效应起主要作用。对于2016年1月的极端严寒事件,冷空气主要由西北向东南传播。两次极端事件的主要降温区域的移动路径截然不同。2012年1月冷空气爆发以后主要在亚洲大陆中、高纬度维持并向西传播,其南传影响亚洲低纬度区域明显弱于2016年的冷事件。而2016年1月的主要降温区以沿东亚向南移动为主,强降温区直接南下至热带区域。两次极端严寒事件爆发前期大气环流演变的共同点:中、高纬度区域环流能量交换活跃,表现为中纬度高度脊加强北伸,从而把较低纬度的暖空气输送至北极区域,高纬度区域对流层中层呈现多极结构。这种多极空间结构是亚洲冷空气向南爆发的重要前兆信号。冬季北极阶段性增暖过程首先是中纬度高度脊加强北伸的结果。对影响东亚的极端严寒过程,乌拉尔附近区域的高压脊以及位于北美西部的高压脊加强北上、协同演变是至关重要的。2016年1月东亚极端严寒过程与2015年12月末北极快速增暖没有必然联系。  相似文献   
松辽盆地徐家围子地区下白垩统登娄库组储层物性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
储层问题是制约深层天然气勘探获得突破的主要问题之一。深部优质储层孔隙成因和保存机理、次生孔隙发育带研究很薄弱,储集性质控制因素研究程度不够,难于进行有利储层分布的预测。研究以储层地质学和储层地球化学理论为指导,结合储层宏观研究和盆地沉积史及热史研究成果,对徐家围子断陷深层下白垩统登娄库组的砂岩储层中碎屑岩储层岩性、物性、孔隙类型及储集性的变化规律进行了介绍。  相似文献   
鲅鱼圈地区污染气象特征分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用近3a的鲅鱼圈地区地面常规气象资料和2005年3~4月鲅鱼圈地区低空污染气象探测资料,分析了鲅鱼圈地区低空污染气象特征。结果表明:鲅鱼圈地区各类型风速廓线出现频率比较均匀,而且由于地面粗糙度较大,因此风速廓线指数比平原地区稍大。  相似文献   
本文针对低纬度地区频率域化磁极存在的问题,在频谱分析的基础上,提出了一种新的滤波方法即振幅滤波法。该方法能将低纬度地区化极磁场的频谱恢复到垂直磁化磁场的频谱,大大提高了低纬度地区化磁极的精度。  相似文献   
青藏高原东缘的地壳结构是两种主流青藏高原隆升模式争辩的焦点之一.中下地壳流曾经被认为是高原东缘隆升的主要构造驱动力,但是中上地壳之间低阻低速层的发现及其与2008 MS8.0汶川地震良好的对应关系表明,高原东缘具有向东刚性挤出的可能性.然而大部分关于龙门山断裂的数值模拟仍建立在下地壳流的基础上,仅将低阻低速层作为断裂的延续或是弱化地壳物性参数的软弱层,而非能够控制块体滑动的"解耦层",也没有考虑到刚性块体变形中的断裂相互作用.本文建立了包含相互平行的龙门山断裂与龙日坝断裂的刚性上地壳模型,用极薄的低阻低速层作为块体滑动的解耦带,采用速率相关的非线性摩擦接触有限元方法,基于R最小策略控制时间步长,计算了在仅有侧向挤压力作用下,低阻低速层对青藏高原东缘的刚性块体变形和断裂活动的作用.计算结果显示,低阻低速层控制了刚性块体的垂直变形和水平变形分布特征.在侧向挤压力的持续作用下,在低阻低速层控制下的巴颜喀拉块体能够快速隆升,而缺乏低阻低速层的四川盆地隆升速度和隆升量均极小,隆升差异集中在龙门山断裂附近,使其发生应力积累乃至破裂.龙日坝断裂被两侧的刚性次级块体挟持着一起向南东方向运动,但该断裂的走滑运动分解了绝大部分施加在块体边界上的走滑量,使得相邻的龙门山次级块体的走滑分量遽然减少,也使得龙门山断裂表现出以逆冲为主,兼有少量走滑的运动性质.本文所得的这些计算结果显示了在缺乏中下地壳流,仅在低阻低速层解耦下刚性块体隆升过程及相关断裂活动,提供了青藏高原东缘刚性块体挤出的可行性,为青藏高原东缘隆升机制的研究讨论提供了重要依据.  相似文献   
铜陵矿集区深部找矿工作的一些思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵矿集区深部结构特征为该区大规模成岩成矿作用奠定了良好的基础,浅表已发现的矿床只是矿集区成矿系统的一部分。除此之外,深部还应有多个可以找寻的矿床(矿体)的富集空间。与成矿相关的花岗岩研究表明,铜陵矿集区可能存在与宁芜火山盆地同期的成岩成矿作用,是铜陵矿集区找矿的新方向。铜陵矿集区奥陶系灰岩中铜金矿化作用的初步研究表明,除传统矿床类型外,前泥盆纪地层中的成矿作用应该在今后的找矿工作中得到关注。覆盖区成矿预测初步研究表明,铜陵矿集区向斜核部及褶皱倾伏端等地段具有与已知典型矿床相似的成矿条件。铜陵矿集区的进一步找矿工作应该在上述地段运用矿田构造系统分析、深部地球物理探测和工程验证等方法逐步展开。  相似文献   
江波  王任一  齐红霞 《江苏地质》2007,31(3):232-235
储集层孔隙度和电阻率曲线间微差形态波形的复杂程度隐含着储集层含油气性的信息,可以用混沌动力学系统加以刻划。油层相空间庞加莱截面明显具有自相似结构,呈现混沌特性;而水淹层和水层的相空间庞加莱截面显示,其混沌性呈显著减弱之势,系统趋于简单有序。其功率谱密度不论水淹程度如何,整体为一随频率增大其能量按指数递减连续频谱;随水淹程度逐渐减弱,递减幅度减小,整体能量逐渐降低,某些频率成分被吸收削弱,由光滑状逐渐演变成锯齿起伏状,其功率谱熵逐渐增大。基于测井信息的混沌特征和功率谱熵特征识别水淹层的方法,对利用传统测井解释理论判别比较困难的低阻油层有较强的识别能力。  相似文献   
The La Guitarra deposit (Temascaltepec district, South-Central Mexico), belongs to the low/intermediate sulfidation epithermal type, has a polymetallic character although it is currently being mined for Ag and Au. The mineralization shows a polyphasic character and formed through several stages and sub-stages (named I, IIA, IIB, IIC, IID, and III). The previous structural, mineralogical, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies were used to constrain the selection of samples for volatile and helium isotope analyses portrayed in this study. The N2/Ar overall range obtained from analytical runs on fluid inclusion volatiles, by means of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (QMS), is 0 to 2526, and it ranges 0 to 2526 for stage I, 0 to 1264 for stage IIA, 0 to 1369 for stage IIB, 11 to 2401 for stage IIC, 19 to 324 for stage IID, and 0 to 2526 for stage III. These values, combined with the CO2/CH4 ratios, and N2-He-Ar and N2-CH4-Ar relationships, suggest the occurrence of fluids from magmatic, crustal, and shallow meteoric sources in the forming epithermal vein deposit. The helium isotope analyses, obtained by means of Noble Gas Mass Spectrometry, display R/Ra average values between 0.5 and 2, pointing to the occurrence of mantle-derived helium that was relatively diluted or “contaminated” by crustal helium. These volatile analyses, when correlated with the stable isotope data from previous works and He isotope data, show the same distribution of data concerning sources for mineralizing fluids, especially those corresponding to magmatic and crustal sources. Thus, the overall geochemical data from mineralizing fluids are revealed as intrinsically consistent when compared to each other.The three main sources for mineralizing fluids (magmatic, and both deep and shallow meteoric fluids) are accountable at any scale, from stages of mineralization down to specific mineral associations. The volatile and helium isotope data obtained in this paper suggest that the precious metal-bearing mineral associations formed after hydrothermal pulses of predominantly oxidized magmatic fluids, and thus it is likely that precious metals were carried by fluids with such origin. Minerals from base-metal sulfide associations record both crustal and magmatic sources for mineralizing fluids, thus suggesting that base metals could be derived from deep leaching of crustal rocks. At the La Guitarra epithermal deposit there is no evidence for an evolution of mineralizing fluids towards any dominant source. Rather than that, volatile analyses in fluid inclusions suggest that this deposit formed as a pulsing hydrothermal system where each pulse or set of pulses accounts for different compositions of mineralizing fluids.The positive correlation between the relative content of magmatic fluids (high N2/Ar ratios) and H2S suggests that the necessary sulfur to carry mostly gold as bisulfide complexes came essentially from magmatic sources. Chlorine necessary to carry silver and base metals was found to be abundant in inclusion fluids and although there is no evidence about its source, it is plausible that it may come from magmatic sources as well.  相似文献   
The extent of desertification on Saudi Arabia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Desertification is the process that turns productive deserts into non-productive deserts as a result of poor land-management. Desertification reduces the ability of land to support life, affecting wild species, domestic animals, agricultural crops and humans. The reduction in plant cover that accompanies desertification leads to accelerated soil erosion by wind and water. South Africa is losing approximately 300–400 million tons of topsoil every year. As vegetation cover and soil layer are reduced, rain fall impact and run-off increases. This paper discusses the extent of desertification, its potential threat to sustained irrigated agriculture and possible measures adopted to control ongoing desertification processes to minimize the loss of agricultural productivity in an arid country such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
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