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The Hawaiian–Emperor Seamount chain records the motion of the Pacific Plate relative to the Hawaiian mantle hotspot for 80 m.y. A notable feature of the chain is the pronounced bend at its middle. This bend had been widely credited to a change in plate motion, but recent research suggests a change in hotspot motion as an alternative. Existing paleomagnetic data from the Emperor Chain suggest that the hotspot moved south during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, but reached its current latitude by the age of the bend. Thus, data from area of the bend are important for understanding changes in plume latitude. In this study, we analyze the magnetic anomalies of five seamounts (Annei, Daikakuji-W, Daikakuji- E, Abbott, and Colahan) in the region of the bend. These particular seamounts were chosen because they have been recently surveyed to collect multibeam bathymetry and magnetic data positioned with GPS navigation. Inversions of the magnetic and bathymetric data were performed to determine the mean magnetization of each seamount and from these results, paleomagnetic poles and paleolatitudes were calculated. Three of the five seamounts have reversed magnetic polarities (two are normal) and four contain a small volume of magnetic polarity opposite to the main body, consistent with formation during the Early Cenozoic, a time of geomagnetic field reversals. Although magnetization inhomogene ties can degrade the accuracy of paleomagnetic poles calculated from such models, the seamounts give results consistent with one another and with other Pacific paleomagnetic data of approximately the same age. Seamount paleolatitudes range from 13.7 to 23.7, with an average of 19.4 ± 7.4 (2σ). These values are indistinguishable from the present-day paleolatitude of the Hawaiian hotspot. Together with other paleomagnetic and geologic evidence, these data imply that the Hawaiian hotspot has moved little in latitude during the past 45 m.y.  相似文献   
中太平洋海山演化史及与富钴结壳的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中太平洋海山区是海山富钴结壳广泛分布的一个重点地区,目前我国正在该区进行富钴结壳资源调查,了解该区海山形成演化史对研究富钴结壳的成因及其分布规律有重要意义。根据大量的文献资料,对该区海山演化史进行了综述,并对海山与其上生长的富钴结壳的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
麦哲伦海山区MD、ME、MF海山富钴结壳特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
麦哲化海山区MD、ME、MF海山具有三层构造的结壳特征,研究表明,结壳可分为上部较致密层、中部疏松层、下部致密层。致密层构造单一,含很少脉石矿物;疏松层构造杂乱,含有大量脉石矿物;较致密层介于两者之间,壳层矿物有锰相矿物(主要为水羟锰矿)、铁相矿物和次要矿物(粘土矿物、钙十字沸石、石英、方解石、磷灰石等)。不同壳层地球化学特征具有明显差异性,Ce异常表明在结壳从下层到上层的生长过程中,环境的氧化性逐渐减弱,结壳^10Be测年结果表明,疏松层的生长速率最大,其次为致密层,较致密层的生长速率最小。推测区的最老的结壳的生长年代为中新世晚期,在4Ma以前,区内水动力条件很弱,氧化性较强;4-3.1MaBP水动力条件较强,氧化性较弱;2.6MaBP以来,水动力条件为强-弱波动期,氧化性较弱。  相似文献   
Observations from 17 ALVIN dives and 14 ANGUS runs plus laboratory study of basalt samples collected with ALVIN help to constrain the morphologic, volcanic and petrologic evolution of four seamounts near the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Comparison among the four volcanoes provides evidence for a general pattern of near-EPR seamount evolution and shows the importance of sedimentation, mass wasting, hydrothermal activity and other geologic processes that occur on submerged oceanic volcanoes. Seamount 5, closest to the EPR (1.0 Ma) is the youngest seamount and may still be active. Its summit is covered by fresh lavas, recent faults and hydrothermal deposits. Seamount D is on crust 1.55 Ma and is inactive; like seamount 5, it has a breached caldera and is composed exclusively of N-MORB. Seamounts 5 and D represent the last stages of growth of typical N-MORB-only seamounts near the EPR axis. Seamounts 6 and 7 have bumpy, flattish summits composed of transitional and alkalic lavas. These lavas probably represent caldera fillings and caps overlying an edifice composed of N-MORB. Evolution from N-MORB-only cratered edifices to the alkalic stage does not occur on all near-EPR seamounts and may be favored by location on structures with relative-motion-parallel orientation.  相似文献   
A new bathymetry processing software package has been developed to postprocess new GLORI-B swath bathymetry data using preexisting techniques. GLORI-B bathymetry is calculated using an interferometry (phase delay) method using the modified GLORIA towfish which has parallel rows of transducers on both sides. We describe four types of artifacts observed during the first use of this new system during Legs 5 and 6 of the Gloria Expedition which surveyed the fastest spreading segment of the global seafloor spreading system and the broad chain of volcanoes near Easter Island. These artifacts include cross-track bias, along-track bias, a 'dropped edge' effect, and random noise. We describe and illustrate how we minimize these artifacts. We merge the SeaBeam 2000 bathymetry data with the GLORI-B bathymetry data to produce a final bathymetric mosaic which covers about 243,400 km2 and shows a different style of diffuse widely spread volcanism not previously observed along hotspot chains. The data are used in several studies describing seamount morphology, elastic thickness of the lithosphere, tectonic and geochemical evolution of the area, and mantle flow from a hotspot to a superfast seafloor spreading center.  相似文献   
Genetic connectivity and habitat characteristics were examined in two species of Acesta clams (Bivalvia: Limidae) from submarine seamounts and continental slopes along the western North America margin. Two species were identified from dive videos obtained with submarine remotely operated vehicles that surveyed a 2200‐km range between 27° and 46° N latitude. Acesta sphoni was only found at shallower habitats (545–860 m depth) in the southern part of this range, whereas Acesta mori was more abundant and widely distributed in deeper habitats (1029–1996 m). Both species occurred on seamounts and on the walls of submarine canyons and continental slopes. Segregation of these species by depth exposes them to correlated differences in water temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Ninety‐eight individuals sampled from seven seamounts and one escarpment locality were characterized with DNA‐barcodes based on 643 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome‐c ‐oxidase subunit I (COI). Further analysis of these sequences revealed no significant geographical subdivision across the sampled range. This lack of differentiation suggests ongoing genetic exchange between the seamount populations and those possibly distributed along the continental margins. Examination of regional bathymetric profiles suggested that an abundance of suitable habitat might exist along these margins.  相似文献   
尖顶海山和平顶海山是洋底海山的两种类型,同时也是富钴结壳资源赖以成长的主要载体,两者在地形上具有显著差别,资源状况和分布也不尽一致。以地形分类为基础,就中太平洋海山区两类海山结壳的成矿特征、宏微观构造、矿物和化学组成以及空间分布等进行了比对研究。研究认为,尖顶海山体积虽小,但地形演化连续,底层流及环境氧化性较强,有利于结壳的长期稳定生长,结壳厚度总体较大,富成矿元素和生物组分,远景成矿区域连续绵长。平顶海山山体巨大,顶部和斜坡陡崖区不利于结壳成长,底流活动只在山顶边缘和山脊地带表现突出,环境氧化性整体较弱,后期构造活动相对频繁,结壳总体厚度较小,铁,碎屑和热液组分含量较高,远景矿区相对狭窄。  相似文献   
In 2001, the International Seabed Authority (ISBA) initiated the consideration relating to the Regulations for Prospecting and Exploration for Hydrothermal Polymetallic Sulphides and Cobalt-rich Ferromanganese Crusts in the Area at its 7th session. Since then, the consideration of the Regulations has been mainly focused on the size of areas to be allocated for exploration and exploitation of the crusts. This paper, based on the investigation data and the analysis of the distribution characteristics of the crusts, suggests a model for determining the size of areas for exploration and exploitation of the crusts, taking into account various factors such as production scale, crust thickness and grade, mineable area proportion, recovery efficiency, exploration venture, and so on. Through the modeling, the paper suggests that the exploration area (the area covered by each application for approval of a plan of work for exploration of cobalt-rich crusts) shall be 4 856 km2 and the exploitation area (the mine site area) shall be 1 214 km2, for 20 years of 1 million wet tonnes annual production.  相似文献   
太平洋海山磷酸盐的锶同位素成分及形成年代   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
作者首次对太平洋不同海山上对富钴结壳伴生的各种产状的磷酸盐的锶同位素成分及其形成年代进行了深入研究。研究表明,我国调查区磷酸盐的^87Sr/^86Sr比值变化于0.70766至0.70842之间,形成年代相当于距今21Ma至39.5Ma。磷酸盐化作用主要发生在晚始新世-早新新世及晚渐新世-早中新世期间。西、中太平洋磷酸盐形成年代的一致性揭示,自晚始新世至早中新世,在太平洋水下海山上曾发生过广泛的磷酸盐化作用,磷酸盐的形成是古海洋环境变迁的一个重要反映。  相似文献   
通过大洋一号船DY105--12 /14 航次采集的结壳样品,对中太平洋CL、CM2、CM3、CX、CQ、 CA、CB 海山结壳的主要成壳元素Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu 的含量进行了测试统计,并与邻区的麦哲伦海山、马绍尔群岛、夏威夷群岛和莱恩群岛进行了对比,中太平洋各海山以及不同区域海山结壳的主成分之间存在一些差异,这主要与各海山结壳的物质来源、成壳环境和成壳时代的差异有关。不同形态类型的结壳主成分具有一定的差别,其主要原因可能是生长机制和形成环境不同造成的。  相似文献   
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