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The regionally extensive, coarse-grained Bakhtiyari Formation represents the youngest synorogenic fill in the Zagros foreland basin of Iran. The Bakhtiyari is present throughout the Zagros fold-thrust belt and consists of conglomerate with subordinate sandstone and marl. The formation is up to 3000 m thick and was deposited in foredeep and wedge-top depocenters flanked by fold-thrust structures. Although the Bakhtiyari concordantly overlies Miocene deposits in foreland regions, an angular unconformity above tilted Paleozoic to Miocene rocks is expressed in the hinterland (High Zagros).

The Bakhtiyari Formation has been widely considered to be a regional sheet of Pliocene–Pleistocene conglomerate deposited during and after major late Miocene–Pliocene shortening. It is further believed that rapid fold growth and Bakhtiyari deposition commenced simultaneously across the fold-thrust belt, with limited migration from hinterland (NE) to foreland (SW). Thus, the Bakhtiyari is generally interpreted as an unmistakable time indicator for shortening and surface uplift across the Zagros. However, new structural and stratigraphic data show that the most-proximal Bakhtiyari exposures, in the High Zagros south of Shahr-kord, were deposited during the early Miocene and probably Oligocene. In this locality, a coarse-grained Bakhtiyari succession several hundred meters thick contains gray marl, limestone, and sandstone with diagnostic marine pelecypod, gastropod, coral, and coralline algae fossils. Foraminiferal and palynological species indicate deposition during early Miocene time. However, the lower Miocene marine interval lies in angular unconformity above ~ 150 m of Bakhtiyari conglomerate that, in turn, unconformably caps an Oligocene marine sequence. These relationships attest to syndepositional deformation and suggest that the oldest Bakhtiyari conglomerate could be Oligocene in age.

The new age information constrains the timing of initial foreland-basin development and proximal Bakhtiyari deposition in the Zagros hinterland. These findings reveal that structural evolution of the High Zagros was underway by early Miocene and probably Oligocene time, earlier than commonly envisioned. The age of the Bakhtiyari Formation in the High Zagros contrasts significantly with the Pliocene–Quaternary Bakhtiyari deposits near the modern deformation front, suggesting a long-term (> 20 Myr) advance of deformation toward the foreland.  相似文献   

古湖岸线是历史时期湖平面与古陆地的交线,是陆上和水下沉积的分界线。确定古湖岸线的位置对于油气勘探起着重要的指导作用。在利用泥岩颜色、泥岩X衍射分析以及自然伽马曲线特征等常规湖岸线识别方法的基础上,从有机岩石学分析的全新角度认识研究区盒8段沉积环境,确定了盒8期古湖岸线具体位置及湖岸线摆动区。沉积盆地中古湖岸线控制了优质储集层的形成与发育,由于砂岩粒度、软岩屑含量、填隙物组成的差异以及后期成岩作用导致水上沉积带砂岩物性要优于岸线摆动沉积带和水下沉积带砂岩。  相似文献   
大兴安岭中南段上二叠统林西组发育厚层的暗色泥页岩,是区域上重要的上古生界生烃层系之一。阿鲁科尔沁旗陶海营子剖面是林西组的典型剖面之一,本文以该剖面为研究对象,对取自该剖面林西组的10件砂、泥岩样品进行主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素测试分析。剖面样品元素分析和物源判别函数(F1-F2)、Ni-TiO2、La/Th-Hf图解判别结果表明,陶海营子剖面林西组沉积物来源多样,主要来源于上地壳长英质火成物源区和石英岩沉积物源区,还有少量来自中、基性岩火成物源区。剖面样品微量元素PAAS(后太古庙澳大利亚页岩)标准化蛛网图、稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式图、K2O/Na2O-SiO2、Zr/Th、TiO2-(TFe2O3+MgO)图解、物源构造背景判别函数(F1-F2)''的分析判别和剖面样品与不同构造环境砂岩地球化学参数对比结果表明,陶海营子剖面林西组物源构造背景具有被动大陆边缘、活动大陆边缘和大陆岛弧特征,构造背景较复杂。综合分析可知,陶海营子剖面林西组物源主要为被动大陆边缘背景下的火成岩、石英质沉积岩,以及活动大陆边缘和大陆岛弧背景下的火成岩。结合前人相关研究成果,推测兴蒙造山带内伸展作用背景下的晚石炭世-二叠纪岩浆型被动陆缘沉积建造和与俯冲背景有关的古生代弧岩浆岩应该是陶海营子剖面林西组的主要物源。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地石南地区清水河组一段层序地层特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清水河组一段是石南31井区岩性油藏、石南44井区微幅构造油藏及整个腹部地区的重要产层,探究其层序地层特征对于指导研究区及整个腹部地区清水河组一段的隐蔽油气藏勘探有重要意义。通过对岩心、测井、地震等资料综合分析,指出清水河组一段相当于下白垩统第一个三级层序的低位及湖侵体系域。其层序地层特征显著,表现为:低位体系域以沟谷残余可容纳空间充填沉积为特点,分布较为局限,沟谷主要沉积辫状河道砂砾岩;湖侵体系域以退积型三角洲和三角洲前缘滑塌浊积扇沉积为主。建立了石南31井区的成藏模式,并指出三南凹陷中西部是岩性—地层油气藏勘探的有利区带。沟谷砂砾岩及三角洲前缘滑塌浊积扇可形成岩性圈闭,退积型三角洲可形成地层超覆圈闭;湖侵体系域顶部的泥岩可做为区域盖层;斜坡古地貌、深大断裂—中浅层断裂系统与不整合匹配为有效的输导体系。  相似文献   
义县地区广义的义县组可解体为王家屯组 (暂命名 )和义县组 ;分属王家屯和义县火山旋回 ,前者为偏酸、偏碱性 ,后者主体为中基性、末期为中酸性火山岩系 ,并广泛发育潜火山岩相的玄武玢岩、安山玢岩和火山集块角砾熔岩筒。该区有七个主要沉积层 ,自下而上分别为王家屯组马神庙层、义县组老公沟层、业南沟层、砖城子层、大康堡层、朱家沟层和金刚山层 ;产有较丰富的无脊椎动物、脊椎动物和植物化石。以砖城子层、大康堡层和金刚山层为界 ,义县火山旋回可划分为 4个亚旋回 ,分别代表火山活动的初始期、主期、晚期和末期。北票四合屯地区的义县组相当义县地区义县组的第一和第二亚旋回 ,含鸟类化石的主沉积层 (尖山沟层和上园层 )可与砖城子层对比  相似文献   
依据钻井、露头及岩心资料,结合区域地质特征,详细研究了川西前陆盆地下侏罗统白田坝组沉积相和岩相古地理特征。结果表明,川西前陆盆地下侏罗统白田坝组主要发育冲积扇相、曲流河相、湖泊三角洲相和湖泊相4种沉积相类型。冲积扇相主要发育扇中和扇端两个亚相,扇根不发育;曲流河相发育河道和洪泛平原两个亚相;湖泊三角洲相发育三角洲平原、三角洲前缘两个亚相,前三角洲亚相不发育;湖泊相主要发育滨浅湖亚相和半深湖亚相,深湖亚相不发育。龙门山前缘的邛崃、安县、江油、旺苍、南江等地冲积扇广泛发育,大小、形状不同的冲积扇连接叠覆构成冲积扇群。在安县地区发育的冲积扇往东砾石由粗变细,逐渐过渡到河流的砂岩相。在金堂、三台等地河流入湖形成三角洲相沉积,并由三角洲进入湖泊沉积区,构成冲积扇-河流-三角洲-湖泊的沉积模式。  相似文献   
赵聪  刘树根  宋金民  唐玄  赖冬 《沉积学报》2019,37(1):94-103
通过野外实测剖面和镜下薄片观察,川西汉旺地区雷口坡组四段发育典型的风暴岩,具有底冲刷—充填构造、风暴砾屑层、菊花构造和丘状交错层理等典型风暴沉积标志。根据该风暴岩岩性、沉积位置、沉积标志组合特征,共识别出三种风暴沉积序列类型:1)序列Ⅰ由侵蚀底面及砾屑段、粒序段组成,代表靠近风暴浪基面附近的台前缓斜坡下部环境; 2)序列Ⅱ由侵蚀底面及砾屑段、粒序段、平行纹层段、丘状纹层段组成,代表靠近正常浪基面附近的台前缓斜坡上部环境; 3)序列Ⅲ由粒序段、平行纹层段组成,代表台地边缘环境。风暴层序自下而上的沉积演化为:台前缓斜坡下部—台前缓斜坡上部—台地边缘,整体为一个向上变浅的沉积序列。  相似文献   
Lower Pleistocene sediments recovered in boreholes from the Aberdeen Ground Formation in the central North Sea indicate that the unit was deposited in a delta front to prodelta/shallow, open shelf marine setting. Possible estuarine and clastic nearshore marine deposits have been identified on the western margin of the basin. The delta front sediments consist of interbedded, structureless to laminated sands and muds with organic debris, ferruginous nodules and common soft sediment deformation structures. Sporadic rippled and graded beds, basal scours to beds and starved ripples suggest periodic wave–current reworking. Prodelta/shelf marine sediments are predominantly argillaceous with only occasional thin sand beds and rare phosphatic bands. One exceptionally thick sand body or submarine channel-fill although this remains uncertain. The estuarine/clastic nearshore marine sediments include coarse channel-lag deposits and rippled and laminated subtidal sands. A rich microfossil assemblage recovered from the prodelta/shelf marine sequence indicates that deposition occurred under fluctuating climatic conditions.  相似文献   
Petrographic and geochemical studies characterize lithologies of the Khambal Formation deposited in the Sindreth Basin as arkosic, subarkosic, and quartzarenite. Weathering indices, such as CIA and CIW in conjunction with the ACNK diagram, prescribe mostly moderate chemical weathering with intermittent pulses of extreme weathering in the source area. The discrimination diagrams suggest that these Neoproterozoic clastics were deposited in an active rift basin. Provenance indicators of the detritus components point to a terrane possessing subordinate mafic material in conjunction with large felsic components. A comparison of immobile element ratios with probable source rocks suggest that the Mesoproterozoic Delhi arc situated to the east of the Sindreth Basin could be the possible source. Our mixing calculation defines the proportion of end member components in the Delhi arc. Geodynamic considerations relate the origin of the Sindreth Basin to the processes of disintegration and reassembly of supercontinents.  相似文献   
高联达  王涛  姜春发  马振慧  何胜飞 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1668-1676
西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。  相似文献   
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