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Field evidence of palaeoglacial records in the Verçenik valley in the Eastern Black Sea Mountains was examined and 19 samples for surface exposure dating with cosmogenic 10Be were collected with the aim of increasing knowledge on the amplitude and frequency of palaeoglacier advances in Anatolia. Glacial erosional features were mapped and the flow directions of the palaeoglaciers were determined. The Verçenik palaeoglacier advanced before 26.1 k ± 1.2 k yr. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) advance continued until 18.8 k ±1.0 k yr. The Verçenik palaeoglacier collapsed during Termination I. After 17.7 k ± 0.8 k yr there was no more ice in the main valley. The Verçenik palaeoglacier most probably then separated into five small glaciers that were restricted to the tributary valleys. Among these, the Hem?in palaeoglacier completed its recession around 15.7 k ± 0.8 k yr. On the basis of glacial erosion features, a Lateglacial glacier advance can be identified. Evidence of the Little Ice Age advance appears to be absent. The results from this valley system seem to be consistent with the first results from the adjacent Kavron valley and with the Anatolian LGM palaeoclimate, the sea surface temperature minima in the western Mediterranean, the deposition of red clay layers in the Black Sea and deposition of the Heinrich‐1 layer in the North Atlantic. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化评价指标体系研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
土地荒漠化的评价是土地荒漠化研究中的重要理论问题,根据多年对金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化形成机制、影响因子及荒漠化土地的表现特征等的研究,提出了土地荒漠化评价的原则,并通过对各影响因子在土地荒漠中贡献率的分析和筛选,选择出能显著评价土地荒漠化程度的三个因子,五个指标,即地貌因子的切割密度和坡度,土壤因子的土壤厚度和有机质含量,植被因子的植被指数。在大量样方测算和样品分析的基础上给出每个指标的量化标准,首次建立了金沙江干热河谷土地荒漠化的评价指标体系。针对土地景观生态系统的复杂性和模糊性,在建立评价指标体系的基础上,采用模糊综合评判的方法,对土地荒漠化程度进行定量评价,为荒漠化土地的预防和治理提供科学依据和决策支持。  相似文献   
黄河上游流域蒸散量及其影响因子研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李林  张国胜  汪青春  时兴合 《气象》2000,26(2):6-10
利用彭曼公式80年代以来黄河上游流蒸散量,分析了该地区蒸散量、日照时数、气温、空气饱和差等气候因子的变化趋势,并着重研究了诸因子对蒸散量的影响。研究发现,可上游流域蒸散量呈逐年增大趋势,并以每年3.25mm的速度增。而作为主要影响因子的日照时数则以每年3.6小时的速度啬气温同样表现出逐年升高的趋势,其气候倾向率为0.4℃/10年,空气饱和差也以每年0.02的速度递增;因此,可以认为,黄河上游流域日  相似文献   
1998年长江流域降水致洪的评估   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
艾秀  陈兴芳 《气象》2000,26(2):15-19
通过1951年以来长江流域10个大水年的降水量手对比,对1998年长江流域降水致洪进行了评估。结果表明,1998年长江大水与1954年一样,是一次全流域性的大水年,降水总量接近1954年,强于其它大水库。  相似文献   
1997年江淮梅雨的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张欣  杨秋明 《气象科学》2000,20(1):79-89
1997年江淮梅雨姗姗来迟,汉品以东的长江中、下流地区和江淮流域梅雨量偏少4-5成,对照历史上50年江淮梅雨资料分析:1997年梅雨,属迟梅、旱梅。作者通过对西太平洋副热带高压、西风带环流特征的分析,认为1997年具有历史上同类迟梅、旱梅的环流特征;并应用40年长江中、下游地区梅雨总量M值(梅雨旱、涝指数)的非整数波动率谱的分析,1997年梅汛期出现旱是符合M值周期演变规律的,对梅雨期副热带高压的  相似文献   
A 1250 km2 3D seismic volume is used to provide a detailed spatial and geometrical analysis of fifteen Pleistocene tunnel valleys in the Danish North Sea. All the valleys are buried; they are up to 39 km long, 3–4 km wide and up to 350 m deep. The valleys are part of a vast tunnel valley province covering an area of some 0.5 million km2 of the formerly glaciated lowland areas of North West Europe. The valleys consist of non‐branching, non‐anastomosing troughs; they exhibit strongly undulating bottom profiles with numerous sub‐basins and thresholds, and are characterised by adverse end slopes. Cross‐cutting relationships and theoretical considerations suggest the occurrence of seven major episodes of valley incision attributed to ice marginal oscillations within a few glacials. Calculations considering the valley end gradients and theoretical ice‐surface profiles suggest that the valleys were formed by pressurised subglacial meltwater erosion. Given a range of theoretical ice‐surface profiles, the adverse end slopes are well beyond the supercooling threshold, which suggests that the water was not in thermal equilibrium with the basal ice and that flow was concentrated in substantial conduits with sufficient mass and flux to maintain water temperature well above the freezing point. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文通过钱塘江深切谷的论述对末次冰期深切谷的恢复主要依据下列证据进行:(1)谷底为侵蚀不整合面,为末次冰期海平面下降,河流侵蚀切割所致;(2)谷内为异常厚的河流沉积物所充填,是冰后期海平面上升时形成,其中河漫滩沉积年代约14000~7500a以前;(3)深切谷之上被海相地层覆盖。超浅层生物气田分布在深切谷内,当今河流及全新世晚期河口湾与末次冰期深切谷既有区别又有继承性,其流域是浅层生物气藏分布的有利地段。  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):167-208
The Denizli graben-horst system (DGHS) is located at the eastern-southeastern converging tips of three well-identified major grabens, the Gediz, the Küçük Menderes and the Büyük Menderes grabens, in the west Anatolian extensional province. It forms a structural link between these grabens and the other three NE-NW-trending grabens—the Çivril, the Ac?göl and the Burdur grabens—comprising the western limb of the Isparta Angle. Therefore, the DGHS has a critical role in the evolutionary history of continental extension and its eastward continuation in southwestern Turkey, including western Anatolia, west-central Anatolia, and the Isparta Angle. The DGHS is a 7-28-km wide, 62-km long, actively growing and very young rift developed upon metamorphic rocks of both the Menderes Massif and the Lycian nappes, and their Oligocene-Lower Miocene cover sequence. It consists of one incipient major graben, one modern major graben, two sub-grabens and two intervening sub-horsts evolved on the four palaeotectonic blocks. Therefore, the DGHS displays different trends along its length, namely, NW, E-W, NE and again E-W.

The DGHS has evolved episodically rather than continuously. This is indicated by a series of evidence: (1) it contains two graben infills, the ancient graben infill and the modern graben infill, separated by an intervening angular unconformity; (2) the ancient graben infill consists of two Middle Miocene-Middle Pliocene sequences of 660 m thickness accumulated in a fluvio-lacustrine depositional setting under the control of first NNW-SSE- and later NNE-SSW-directed extension (first-stage extension), and deformed (folded and strike-slip faulted) by a NNE-SSW- to ENE-WSW-directed phase of compression in the latest Middle Pliocene, whereas the modern graben infill consists of 350-m thick, undeformed (except for local areas against the margin-bounding active faults), nearly flat-lying fanapron deposits and travertines of Plio-Quaternary age; (3) the ancient graben infill is confined not only to the interior of the graben but is also exposed well outside and farther away from the graben, whereas the modern graben infill is restricted to only the interior of the graben. These lines of evidence imply an episodic, two-stage extensional evolutionary history interrupted by an intervening compressional episode for the DGHS.

Both the southern and northern margin-bounding faults of the DGHS are oblique-slip normal faults with minor right- and/or left-lateral strike-slip components. They are mapped and classified into six categories, and named the Babada?, Honaz, A?a??da?dere, Küçükmal?da?, Pamukkale and Kaleköy fault zones, and composed of 0.5-36-km long fault segments linked by a number of relay ramps. Total throw amounts accumulated on both the northern and southern margin-bounding faults are 1,050 m and 2,080 m, respectively. In addition, the maximum width of the DGHS and the thickness of the crust beneath it are more or less same (~ 28 km). The total of these values indicate a vertical slip rate of 0.15-0.14 mm/year and averaging 7% extension for the asymmetrical DGHS.

The master faults of the Babada?, Honaz, Küçükmal?da?, Pamukkale and Kaleköy fault zones are still active and have a potential seismicity with magnitudes 6 or higher. This is indicated by both the historical (1703 and 1717 seismic events) to recent (1965, 1976, 2000 seismic events) earthquakes sourced from margin-bounding faults and some diagnostic morphotectonic features, such as deflected drainage system, degraded alluvial fans with apices adjacent to fault traces, back-tilting of fault-bounded blocks, and actively growing travertine occurrences. The kinematic analyses of main fault-slip-plane data, Upper Quaternary fissure ridges and focal-mechanism solutions of some destructive earthquakes clearly indicate that the current continental extension (second-stage extension) by normal faulting in the DGHS continues in a (mean) 026° to 034° (NNE-SSW) direction.

Detailed and recent field geological mapping, stratigraphy of the Miocene-Quaternary basins, palaeostress analysis of fault populations and main margin-bounding faults of these basins, extensional gashes to fissures, and focal-mechanism solutions of destructive earth-quakes that have occurred in last century strongly indicate that extension is not unidirectional and confined only to western Anatolia, but also continues farther east across the Isparta Angle and west-central Anatolia, up to the Salt Lake fault zone in the east and the inönü-Eski?ehir fault zone in the north-northeast. Therefore, the term “southwest Turkey extensional province” is proposed in lieu of the term “west Anatolian extensional province”.  相似文献   
东昆仑成矿带是我国西部重大成(找)矿潜力的贵金属-有色金属成矿带。野外调查期间,对东昆仑东段都兰县诺木洪南下石炭统哈拉郭勒组(C1h)杏树沟金矿(化)点进行了年代学及围岩地球化学研究。通过高精度LA-ICP-MS锆石微区原位U-Pb同位素测年,获得金矿(化)点的石英钠长斑岩 206Pb/238U 年龄加权平均值为243.4±1.9 Ma,确定金矿(化)发生在早三叠世。地球化学分析表明,杏树沟金矿(化)点围岩(安山玄武岩)具有高Al2O3、Na2O,低TiO2、K2O的特征。在Zr/TiO2-Nb/Y图解中全部样品均落入安山玄武岩区,TFeO/Mg-SiO2图解中全部样品均落入拉斑系列区域中,属于拉斑系列玄武岩。稀土和微量元素显示其富集LREE、LILE和部分HFSE,Nb、Ta、Nd、Zr、Hf相对亏损,REE表现为LREE/HREE明显分离的分配模式,从多种判别图解综合分析,认为该套火山岩形成于大陆裂谷环境中。  相似文献   
The Palmerville Fault in North Queensland is an important structure with a probable length of at least 600 miles, extending from Princess Charlotte Bay in the north to Townsville in the south, and controlling the configuration of the coast line of eastern Cape York and at Halifax Bay. The fault forms the western boundary of both the Palaeozoic Hodgkinson Basin (Tasman Geosyncline) and of the Mesozoic Laura Basin, and has been active at least four times since the Silurian. The latest movements took place during the late Cainozoic.  相似文献   
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