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长江、黄河源区高寒湿地动态变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘竟虎  王建  王建华 《湿地科学》2007,5(4):298-304
长江、黄河源区是中国湿地分布面积最大的地区之一,近年来湿地面积减少、功能退化引起了严重的区域生态环境问题。为了定量分析湿地退化过程,利用1986年的TM和2000年的ETM 卫星遥感数据,在GIS软件支持下,用景观格局指数对长江、黄河源区15a来湿地的分布和变化进行了研究。结果表明,15a间,长江、黄河源区湿地面积减少了2744.77km2,平均减少率为1.2%/a。长江源湿地的退化比黄河源明显。湿地主要是由高寒沼泽草甸湿地向高寒草甸湿地、裸岩裸土地和高寒草原演变,以及由水域向滩地转变。各湿地景观类型斑块数增加,破碎度和分维数提高,优势度降低,湿地景观空间结构趋于复杂,景观异质性增加。15a间研究区湿地生态服务价值降低了37.86×108元。气候干暖化是造成源区湿地变化的主要因素,人类活动加剧了这一进程。  相似文献   
Anabranching is characteristic of a number of rivers in diverse environmental settings worldwide, but has only infrequently been described from bedrock-influenced rivers. A prime example of a mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching river is provided by a 150-km long reach of the Orange River above Augrabies Falls, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Here, the perennial Orange flows through arid terrain consisting mainly of Precambrian granites and gneisses, and the river has preferentially eroded bedrock joints, fractures and foliations to form multiple channels which divide around numerous, large (up to 15 km long and 2 km wide), stable islands formed of alluvium and/or bedrock. Significant local variations in channel-bed gradient occur along the river, which strongly control anabranching style through an influence on local sediment budgets. In relatively long (>10 km), lower gradient reaches (<0.0013) within the anabranching reach, sediment supply exceeds local transport capacity, bedrock usually only crops out in channel beds, and channels divide around alluvial islands which are formed by accretion in the lee of bedrock outcrop or at the junction with ephemeral tributaries. Riparian vegetation probably plays a key role in the survival and growth of these islands by increasing flow roughness, inducing deposition, and stabilising the sediments. Less commonly, channels may form by eroding into once-continuous island or floodplain surfaces. In shorter (<10 km), higher gradient reaches (>0.0013) within the anabranching reach, local transport capacity exceeds sediment supply, bedrock crops out extensively, and channels flow over an irregular bedrock pavement or divide around rocky islands. Channel incision into bedrock probably occurs mainly by abrasion, with the general absence of boulder bedforms suggesting that hydraulic plucking is relatively unimportant in this setting. Mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching also occurs in a number of other rivers worldwide, and appears to be a stable and often long-lived river pattern adjusted to a number of factors commonly acting in combination: (1) jointed/fractured granitoid rock outcrop; (2) erosion-resistant banks and islands; (3) locally variable channel-bed gradients; (4) variable flow regimes.  相似文献   
P. Colantoni  D. Mencucci  O. Nesci   《Geomorphology》2004,62(3-4):257-268
Cliff recession on the high rocky coast between Gabicce and Pesaro Adriatic sea causes a wide range of mass movement processes on the whole slope, affecting both the bedrock and the overburden. The outcropping late Miocene rock formations are represented by marls, marly limestones, dark laminated mudstones and bedded sandstones and marls. Mass movements are common because of stratification and discontinuities in the rocks that, together with the presence of groundwater and weathering processes, reduce the overall strength of the slopes. A model for the evolution of this coastal area is proposed, which involves cyclic basal erosion, followed by mass movement that favours debris accumulation at the base of the cliff. The longshore currents have to then remove the material before a new cycle can begin.  相似文献   
京津冀都市圈城镇体系演化时空特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于1985、1990、2000和2007年的非农业人口,应用位序规模法则、ROXY指数、城市影响力等多种定量方法,系统研究京津冀都市圈城镇体系的规模结构、空间结构的演化.结果表明:京津冀都市圈虽为"双核"结构,但一直处于分散发展趋势,京、津两个巨型城市的非农人口占京津冀都市圈的比重日趋下降;京津轴线为京津冀都市圈最重...  相似文献   
澜沧江流域农业灌溉需水的时空变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the data of eight meteorological stations from the 1950s to 2007, current cropping patterns, field water moisture management, we use the Mann-Kendall and the Re-scaled Range Analysis methods to research the changes of humidity and crop irrigation water requirements in the Lancang River Basin. The results show that the annual and dry season average temperatures significantly increased, and the dry season rainfall increased while wet season rainfall decreased. Evaportranspiration (ET0) increased during both dry and wet seasons at all stations except Dali, Jianchuan and Gengma, and the aridity-humidity index decreased at most of the stations. The turning points of weather factors, ET0, the arid-ity-humidity index, paddy irrigation requirements and total agricultural water requirements occurred from the 1960s to the 1990s. The spatial changing tendency of paddy irrigation quota increased with the increase of altitude and latitude, and the correlation coefficients are 0.513 and 0.610, respectively. The maximum value is observed in Weixi, while the minimum in Mengla.  相似文献   
三江源植被净初级生产力估算研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
植被净初级生产力(NPP)作为重要的植被参数和生态指标,能够直观地反映生态环境的变化和区域碳收支水平。鉴于三江源特殊的地理环境和战略地位,众多学者曾应用不同的方法对三江源植被NPP进行了估算,但是由于各方面原因,NPP估算结果存在较大差异。目前,虽在三江源地区开展了大量NPP估算研究,但尚未有相关文章对这些研究进行汇总并加以分析和评价。因此,本文在前人研究成果的基础上,通过综述已有文献,对三江源植被NPP估算的相关方法与结果进行了系统地总结,探讨不同方法在三江源地区的适用性,指出已有方法存在的主要问题,并对现有NPP估算结果进行评估分析,最后提出了未来三江源NPP估算研究亟待加大研究力度的方向。  相似文献   
过去30年气候变化对黄河源区水源涵养量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄河源区高寒生态系统具有重要的水源涵养功能。基于改进的LPJ动态植被模型,模拟研究1981-2010年中国黄河源区水源涵养量的时空变化特征,进一步探讨气候要素变化的影响。结果表明:近30年来黄河源区水源涵养量整体略呈减少趋势,减少速率为-1.15 mm/a,区域差异特征体现为大部分地区以减少趋势为主,特别是黄河源区东南部。过去30年黄河源区降水量以及大气水分需求能力的变化是影响生态系统水源涵养量增减的主要气候因素。随着干湿条件不同,两者影响程度各异,降水减少和潜在蒸散增加共同导致黄河源区东南部半湿润地区水源涵养量减少,而降水增加则是北部半干旱地区水源涵养量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
国土空间格局演化与形成机理是人地系统交互关系研究的科学问题和国土空间规划的关键前提。采用地学图谱、标准差椭圆和空间自相关方法,分析2000—2018年广西国土空间格局演变特征,并运用地理探测器揭示其形成机理。结果表明:① 广西城镇空间加速挤占农业、生态空间形成了“一增双减”的面积变化特征,国土空间动态变化速度加快;② 广西国土空间相互转化频繁,转移轨迹多样性特征明显,农业空间与生态空间加速互换以及生态空间内部结构加快重组;③ 城镇空间与农业空间互竞主导了广西国土空间的迁移路径,城镇、农业空间存在“南高北低”和生态空间存在“北高南低”的集聚特征;④ 广西国土空间格局演变受自然地理与社会经济因素的共同作用影响,自然环境条件的限制作用减弱,社会经济发展水平驱动力增强,政策调控力度驱动作用深远。下一步可通过国土空间规划、调整产业布局和引导生产生活方式优化国土空间格局。  相似文献   
对可持续发展能力的定量评估是进行可持续发展研究的关键,基于生态足迹计算的发展能力指标是较好的评价指标之一。采用生态足迹模型,首次对宁夏1991-2010年长时间序列生态足迹进行了计算,对生态赤字的构成进行了分析;修正了Ulanowicz的发展能力模型,创新性的在计算公式中将万元GDP生态赤字(盈余)因子引入,对宁夏生态经济系统的可持续发展能力进行了评价。结果表明:1991-2010年宁夏人均生态赤字高于全球0.4 hm2,和全国0.68 hm2的水平相比,1991-2010年宁夏生态赤字扩大5倍,20 a间系统稳定性逐渐下降,但近年有向良性化方向好转的趋势。在2010年资源利用效率最高;生态经济系统可持续发展能力持续上升,2010年最大,为2.993,是20 a前的16倍多。提高生态足迹多样性、提高资源利用效益,是宁夏提高发展能力的途径;且通过政策手段对能耗进行控制,宁夏建设可持续发展经济是可期待的。  相似文献   
本文以湖北大别山区为例,提出了自然条件复杂,资料缺乏的山区土地资源第一性生产力的估算方法,并计算了湖北大别山区土地资源的生产力。即在土地资源带及类型(组合)区划分的基础上,以资源类型(组合)区为基本单元,通过典型地区抽样获取资料,运用多种数学模型测算,并经过综合判定,求得各类型(组合)区,资源带主要作物的第一性生产力。  相似文献   
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