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δ18O of a stalagmite collected from Shihua Cave, 50 km southwest of Beijing is analyzed. The uppermost 2 cm was sampled at about 3-year intervals by a computer-controlled microsampling device. A total of 133 samples were analyzed, covering the last 480 years. A comparison of the δ18O record with the instrumentally recorded precipitation in Beijing and Tianjin back to 1840 AD shows that high precipitation correlates with negative δ18O peaks. The long-term δ18O trend records temperature changes. Between 1620 and 1900 AD, the temperature was cooler than the average value for the 480-year record, corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Temperatures warmer than the average prevailed during 1520–1620 and 1900—present. Superimposed on the long-term trend are about 14 δ18O cycles of 30–40-year periodicity, with wet periods centered around 1985, 1955, 1910, 1880, 1840, 1800, 1760, 1730, 1690, 1660, 1630, 1600, 1560 and 1530 AD. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 9615875).  相似文献   
Fine-grained sedimentation in caves often occurs by the parallel accretion of laminations upon the underlying bedforms. These laminations show remarkable persistence in unit thickness and grain size in a down-passage direction. A translatory flow mechanism ofdeposition is postulated which results in the rhythmic pulsing of sediment-laden water into subterranean lakes in response to variations in surface climate. The sediments are pulsed into standing water via multiple inputs, often resulting in coarser sediment being deposited on steeper slopes than on more gentle slopes. The final extension of this sediment input is the complete filling of the cave passage to the roof. The problem of sediment stability on steep slopes remains an unanswered anomaly.  相似文献   
This discussion paper, by a Working Group of INTIMATE (Integration of ice‐core, marine and terrestrial records) and the Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), considers the prospects for a formal subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch. Although previous attempts to subdivide the Holocene have proved inconclusive, recent developments in Quaternary stratigraphy, notably the definition of the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary and the emergence of formal subdivisions of the Pleistocene Series/Epoch, mean that it may be timely to revisit this matter. The Quaternary literature reveals a widespread but variable informal usage of a tripartite division of the Holocene (‘early’, ‘middle’ or ‘mid’, and ‘late’), and we argue that this de facto subdivision should now be formalized to ensure consistency in stratigraphic terminology. We propose an Early–Middle Holocene Boundary at 8200 a BP and a Middle–Late Holocene Boundary at 4200 a BP, each of which is linked to a Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). Should the proposal find a broad measure of support from the Quaternary community, a submission will be made to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), via the SQS and the ICS, for formal ratification of this subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The study deals with the Lena Pillars (Sakha Republic, Russia, Siberia). The Lena Pillars are pinnacle features which are characteristic on karsts. The importance of these features is that they are extremely large and occur on very large areas. Their occurrence is interesting because they do not appear on tundra karst. We investigated the veneers of cliffs, the fracture density of the building rock, the distribution and dispersion of the fracture directions, direction distribution and dispersion of the giant grikes between the pillars, the layer thickness of the building rock, the size and dispersion of debris. We distinguished pillar types, and then we classified the features on the area of the pillars from a morphogenetical point of view. According to investigations and morphological analyses, the pillars developed from palaeokarsts. During the former karstification grikes and caverns developed close to the surface. These features coalesced into each other. The giant grikes of great size became filled and the pillars were covered. After the cut of the Lena River these features were revealed and became exhumed. Now the pillars are destroyed and continue developing by frost weathering.  相似文献   
北京猿人洞堆积旋回与黄土和深海气候旋回对比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
黄培华 《地质科学》1993,28(4):305-311
北京猿人洞13个堆积层可划分为7个堆积旋回。每个旋回早期的堆积层(砂、粉砂、粘土和钙扳层),含有暖温带气候特征的哺乳动物和孢粉组合;晚期的堆积层(洞穴角砾与巨砾层),含有温带较干冷气候特征的哺乳动物和孢粉组合。堆积层年代测定数据表明北京猿人洞7个堆积旋回形成于更新世中期,年代为128-730ka,与中国黄土层L2-S7,相当,可与深海氧同位素阶段6-19和气候旋回C-I对比。北京猿人在此洞断续生活了约35万年,即从距今约60万年的第5堆积旋回(δ18O第14阶段)至距今约25万年的第2堆积旋回(δ18O第8阶段)。  相似文献   
董进国 《第四纪研究》2013,33(1):146-154
石笋生长速率通常被作为反映古气候或古环境变化的有效代用指标。本文以湖北三宝洞22万年以来17支石笋为材料,实测了190个230Th年龄,其生长曲线显示MIS 1和MIS 5 阶段平均生长速率较大,超过70μm/a; MIS 2,MIS 3,MIS 4和MIS 6阶段生长速率较慢,均低于25μm/a,甚至停止生长。间冰期平均生长速率比冰期增加了1~2倍以上,且具有"爆发式"快速生长的特点。以5000年为步长的同一洞穴17支石笋生长频率支持平均生长速率的研究结果,说明在轨道尺度上较大的石笋生长速率能够有效地指示暖湿的气候条件。研究结果表明,间冰期高海平面和强太阳辐射增强了研究区季风环流,提高了地表植被覆盖率,有利于洞穴岩溶水过饱和,从而导致间冰期多支石笋连续高速生长。  相似文献   
广西崇左三合巨猿大洞早更新世小哺乳动物群   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
最近在广西崇左三合大洞发现了步氏巨猿和似人似猿共生的新层位,与之伴生的有52种小哺乳动物,占三合大洞巨猿动物群总数的62%,其中苏门答腊兔(Nesolagus)是东南亚地区首次发现的化石。小哺乳动物群以南方早更新世常见的偏皮氏毛耳飞鼠(Belomys parapearsoni)、中间猪尾鼠(Typhlomys intermedius)、拟低冠竹鼠(Rhizomys brachyrhizomyoides)、硕豪猪(Hystrix magna)、先社鼠(Niviventer preconfucianus)、拟爱氏巨鼠(Leopoldamysedwardioidesi)等为代表,根据小哺乳动物群性质和与其他动物群对比以及磁性地层年代测定,表明其时代应是早更新世中期(约距今120160万年前)。该动物群由树鼩、扁颅蝠、小彩蝠、飞松鼠、笔尾树鼠、猪尾鼠等几乎是旧大陆热带-亚热带森林型动物组成,缺少北方类型,基本上属于热带森林动物群,这表明了当时的自然景观为温暖湿润的热带雨林环境。三合大洞小哺乳动物群是广西地区的首次发现,对华南早更新世巨猿动物群详细划分,探讨步氏巨猿演化和早期人类环境背景等目前科学界关注的问题具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
王华  张远明  覃嘉铭  李强  杨琰 《地球学报》2008,29(6):725-728
攀枝花市西区龙洞煤矿经过十余年的生产,不但在地下形成了较大范围的采空区,而且通过影响地下水形成了较大范围的疏干,致使矿区内大部分泉点断流.因而,为确定矿山地下水长期疏干对龙洞泉流域的影响程度,笔者通过比较水库水、大气降水、地下水与渗漏水之间的同位素特征,区分出了地下水的补给来源,并为查明本区的水文地质条件及确定矿坑地下水疏干的影响范围提供科学依据.  相似文献   
桂林地区降水及茅茅头大岩滴水滴速和现代碳酸盐的碳氧同位素研究表明:(1)滴水沉积的δ18O达到了同位素沉积平衡,洞穴滴水的δ18O与同期降雨的δ18O值呈正相关关系;(2)在旱季和湿季交替时,滴水δ18O值滞后于降雨δ18O受活塞效应的影响;(3)δ13C难以达到同位素沉积平衡,主要受滴水动力学影响;(4)同一洞穴不同滴水对环境的响应不同,如果洞穴顶板覆盖较厚,水分在土壤和岩层中滞留时间较长,滴水则反映受到平滑作用的降雨,反之则波动较大。  相似文献   
龙固井田为全隐蔽的华北型煤田,位于巨野煤田中部,其首采扩大区主采煤层为3号煤层。考虑3煤层顶板稳定性主要受其顶板的构造信息和岩性信息影响,因此首先依据三维地震勘探综合解释成果及波阻抗反演解释成果对二者进行定量化,然后对波阻抗数据进行归一化处理,使得波阻抗数据和量化后的构造数据具有相同的变化范围及等量贡献。在此距离范围内构造和岩性的权值各为0.5,依此生成综合因素煤层顶板稳定性隶属度。分析3煤层顶板以上10m、20m处的综合因素煤层顶板稳定性隶属度图可以发现,该区3煤层顶板稳定性比较好。且其稳定性主要是受构造因素控制,岩性因素相对影响较小。  相似文献   
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