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Tectonically active Vindhyan intracratonic basin situated in central India, forms one of the largest Proterozoic sedimentary basins of the world. Possibility of hydrocarbon occurrences in thick sediments of the southern part of this basin, has led to surge in geological and geophysical investigations by various agencies. An attempt to synthesize such multiparametric data in an integrated manner, has provided a new understanding to the prevailing crustal configuration, thermal regime and nature of its geodynamic evolution. Apparently, this region has been subjected to sustained uplift, erosion and magmatism followed by crustal extension, rifting and subsidence due to episodic thermal interaction of the crust with the hot underlying mantle. Almost 5–6 km thick sedimentation took place in the deep faulted Jabera Basin, either directly over the Bijawar/Mahakoshal group of mafic rocks or high velocity-high density exhumed middle part of the crust. Detailed gravity observations indicate further extension of the basin probably beyond NSL rift in the south. A high heat flow of about 78 mW/m2 has also been estimated for this basin, which is characterized by extremely high Moho temperatures (exceeding 1000 °C) and mantle heat flow (56 mW/m2) besides a very thin lithospheric lid of only about 50 km. Many areas of this terrain are thickly underplated by infused magmas and from some segments, granitic–gneissic upper crust has either been completely eroded or now only a thin veneer of such rocks exists due to sustained exhumation of deep seated rocks. A 5–8 km thick retrogressed metasomatized zone, with significantly reduced velocities, has also been identified around mid to lower crustal transition.  相似文献   
Lherzolite–wehrlite (LW) series xenoliths from the quaternary Tok volcanic field in the southeastern Siberian craton are distinguished from the more common lherzolite–harzburgite (LH) series by (a) low Mg numbers (0.84–0.89) at high modal olivine (66–84%) and (b) widespread replacement of orthopyroxene (0–12%) and spinel by clinopyroxene (7–22%). The LW series peridotites are typically enriched in Ca, Fe, Mn and Ti, and depleted in Si, Ni and Cr relative to refractory LH series rocks (Mg number ≥0.89), which are metasomatised partial melting residues. Numerical modelling of Fe–Mg solid/liquid exchange during melt percolation demonstrates that LW series rocks can form by reaction of host refractory peridotites with evolved (Mg numbers 0.6–0.7), silica-undersaturated silicate melts at high melt/rock ratios, which replace orthopyroxene with clinopyroxene and decrease Mg numbers. This process is most likely related to underplating and fractionation of basaltic magma in the shallow mantle, which also produced olivine–clinopyroxene cumulates found among the Tok xenoliths.  相似文献   
二郎坪岩体位于北秦岭构造带的东部,主体岩性为斑状黑云母二长花岗岩,对其开展锆石精确定年和地球化学成因研究有助于深入认识晚中生代北秦岭的深部过程。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,二郎坪岩体的形成时代为(114.0±0.5)Ma(MSWD=1.5),属于早白垩世晚期。二郎坪岩体富硅、碱和贫钙、镁,属于高钾钙碱性系列;并富集Rb、Th和亏损Nb、Sr、P、Ti,稀土配分模式具有右倾、轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损和负Eu异常的特征,(La/Yb)N范围为8.39~13.73,源区组成和部分熔融程度控制了二郎坪岩体的成分变异。二郎坪岩体形成于厚度约为40km的地壳内,部分熔融源区位于角闪岩相,源区残余相主要矿物为角闪石和斜长石。烟镇区域岩石圈约在130Ma经历拆沉作用,触发二郎坪深部的岩浆底侵作用,使源区岩石部分熔融并与之混合,上侵至地壳浅部最终在约114Ma固结成岩,二郎坪岩体是烟镇区域岩石圈拆沉作用滞后约15Ma的产物。  相似文献   
Source mechanism of intermediate and deep earthquakes in southern Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Focal mechanisms of 10 intermediate-depth earthquakes (30相似文献   
全球地球科学大断面与地球动力学(Ⅰ)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球地球科学断面(GlobalGeoscienceTransects,简称GGT)是当今世界岩石层计划的重要组成部分,也是深化岩石层研究的科学前沿。本文阐明全球GGT断面计划的内涵和要求,给出其在全球范围内的分布格局和中国11条断面的地理位置,在板块构造和地体概念的指导下,依据地球物理、地球化学和地质构造资料相结合的原则进行综合编图。从全球构造出发,对世界上的几条典型断面:北美胡安德富卡-阿尔伯塔(JuandeFucaAlberta)平原大陆-大洋的GGT断面(简称B_2断面),欧洲地学断面计划(EGT)的“挪威北角-阿尔卑斯-地中海-南突尼斯”断面,中国地学断面计划GGT中的“亚东-格尔木”断面,“满都拉-响水”断面和“广州-巴拉望”海洋断面等进行了阐述和讨论,同时对其它一些断面也进行了概述。在各条断面分布的地理位置和构造部位各异的条件下,对其地球物理场和岩石层结构进行了综合研究,探讨了其地球动力学机制并给出了地球科学解释的概念性模式。  相似文献   
We present a quantitative model for the crustal movement in China with respect to the Eurasia plate by using the three-dimensional finite element code ADELI. The model consists of an elastoplastic upper lithosphere and a viscoelastic lower lithosphere. The lithosphere is supported by the hydrostatic pressure at its base. The India–Eurasia collision is modeled as a velocity boundary condition. Ten large-scale faults are introduced as Coulomb-type frictional zones in the modeling. The values for the root mean square (RMS) of the east and north velocity components differences (RMS(Ue) and RMS(Un)), which are between the observation and the prediction, are regarded as the measurements to evaluate our simulations. We model the long-term crustal deformation in China by adjusting the faults frictions ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 and considering the effects resulted from lithospheric viscosity variation and topographic loading. Our results suggest most of the large-scale faults frictions are not larger than 0.1, which is consistent with other large-scale faults such as the North Anatolian fault (Provost, A.S., Chery, J., Hassani, R., 2003. Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the GPS velocity field along the North Anatolian fault. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 209, 361–377) and the San Andreas fault (Mount, V.S., Suppe, J., 1987. State of stress near the San Andreas fault: implications for wrench tectonics. Geology, 15, 1143–1146). Further, we examine the effects on the long-term crustal deformation in China of three causes: the large-scale faults, lithospheric viscosity structure and topographic loading. Results indicate that the lithospheric viscosity structure and the topographic loading have important influences on the crustal deformation in China, while the influences caused by the large-scale faults are small. Although our simulations satisfactorily reproduce the general picture of crustal movement in China, there is a poor agreement between the model and the observed GPS velocity field in Sichuan–Yunnan area. It may result from our simple models such as that the faults are all vertical from model surface to bottom and that the effects caused by the subduction of Burma slab are neglected.  相似文献   
岩石圈结构和深部过程对理解成矿带和大型矿集区的形成十分重要。岩石圈尺度的地球动力学过程将在地壳中留下各种结构的或物质的"痕迹",这些"痕迹"可以通过地球物理的手段去探测。为深入理解长江中下游成矿带形成的深部动力学过程,作者在国家深部探测专项(SinoProbe)和国家自然科学基金重点项目支持下,在长江中下游成矿带开展了综合地球物理探测。方法包括宽频地震、深地震反射、广角反射/折射和大地电磁测深。数据处理和反演结果取得一系列新发现:(1)成矿带上地幔顶部存在低速体,在中心深度300km处有一向SW倾斜的高速体;(2)S波接收函数证实成矿带岩石圈较薄,只有50~70km;横波分裂结果显示,成矿带上地幔各向异性方向和强度与邻区有较大区别,显示平行成矿带(NE-SW向)的上地幔变形和流动;(3)深反射地震揭示成矿带上地壳曾发生强烈挤压变形,以紧闭褶皱、逆冲和推覆为特征;在宁芜火山岩盆地、长江断裂带和郯庐断裂之下出现"鳄鱼嘴"构造,指示上下地壳在挤压变形过程中解耦;深反射地震证实发生过陆内俯冲和叠瓦,并认为是岩石圈增厚和拆沉的主导机制;(4)广角反射和大地电磁反演给出了跨成矿带地壳剖面的速度和电性结构,速度和电阻率分布总体上与构造单元相吻合。本文分析和解释了这些发现的地质意义,并结合近年在长江中下游地区的地球化学研究进展,提出了成矿带地球动力学模型。该模型认为:中、晚侏罗世陆内俯冲、岩石圈拆沉、幔源岩浆底侵和MASH过程造就了长江中下游世界级成矿带的形成。  相似文献   
采用二维有限元数值模拟的方法研究了岩石圈的对流减薄过程,特别是克拉通岩石圈的对流减薄过程.模型的主要参数包括增厚岩石圈的宽度x、增厚倍数γ、以及与岩石圈组分变化导致的黏性和密度变化密切相关的黏性比(ηc)和浮力数(B)或等效密度变化(Δρtc).数值计算结果显示,地幔对流将逐渐减薄增厚的岩石圈部分,(1)当B=0和ηc=1时,即对一般地幔岩石圈,增厚岩石圈对流减薄的时间可表示为0.0073γ0.70x0.26.将数值结果应用于地球,意味着增厚到300 km的岩石圈,如宽度为300 km,对流移除增厚部分回到初始平衡厚度120 km大约需要225 Ma;如宽度为1500 km,移除增厚部分大约需要342 Ma.(2)当B和ηc较小,克拉通岩石圈对流减薄过程与一般加厚岩石圈的对流减薄过程类似,但减薄时间受克拉通组分浮力和黏性比的影响而显著增长,克拉通岩石圈对流减薄的时间可表示为0.0057ηc0.52Δρtc-0.21γ0.78ηc-0.36x0.04.因而,对300 km厚的克拉通岩石圈,如克拉通岩石圈的密度比周围地幔的密度低0.4%(即B=0.1),宽度1500 km,若克拉通岩石圈黏性因组分影响比普通地幔岩石圈大10倍,其被对流减薄到120 km大约需要1.18 Ga.(3)当B和ηc增大到一定量时(如B≥0.2且ηc>10),克拉通岩石圈被移除的过程将发生变化,由于组分浮力的影响,对流主要不是将克拉通岩石圈带到软流圈地幔中,而主要是将较厚的岩石圈物质向两边推送.在此情况下,克拉通岩石圈能长时间(>3 Ga)保持稳定.  相似文献   
杨嵩  熊熊  郑勇  单斌 《地球物理学报》2013,56(11):3855-3867
上地幔温度是控制地幔流变性和动力学过程的关键参数之一.本文利用高分辨率S波地震层析成像速度结果,基于岩石温度与地震波速度的关系,研究了华北地区上地幔50~300 km深度范围内的温度分布和"热"岩石圈厚度.为了验证结果的可靠性,本文用计算的上地幔60 km深度处的温度作为底面约束,得到了相应的地表热流.计算地表热流与观测地表热流之间符合程度较好,相对误差大部分都在地表热流观测误差范围之内.通过对上地幔的温度分布进行分析,我们研究发现:(1)在上地幔浅部,温度与地表构造之间有很好的对应关系.在小于170 km的深度上,温度呈现东高西低的分布态势.温度较高的区域集中在东部的河淮盆地、渤海湾盆地、华北平原和中部陆块的交界处、西部鄂尔多斯高原北缘的银川―河套地堑以及阴山地区,同时,这些地区的岩石圈厚度也相应较薄,大约为80~100 km;(2)西部的鄂尔多斯高原是整个华北地区岩石圈地幔温度最低的地区,比东部地区低200~400 ℃,岩石圈厚度相应最厚,平均岩石圈厚度达到140~150 km,最厚处超过160 km.(3)在170 km以下的软流圈地幔部分,温度分布发生反转,西部温度高于东部,表明东、西部陆块在地质历史时期经历了不同的深部地幔动力学过程.  相似文献   
丽江-攀枝花-者海地带二维地壳结构及其构造意义   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
本文利用攀西地区通过攀枝花的东西向剖面爆炸地震资料,进行了震相的重新识别和二维射线追踪与理论图计算.结果表明,沿剖面地表附近有4个低速区和若干高速带,它们与地质和构造有很好的对应关系.渡口附近的高速岩体一直延伸到了上地壳的底部,形成一个统一的地垒状构造,该高速体与攀枝花成矿岩体相关,并推断华坪及其以西地带也是找矿的有利地区.中地壳下部有一厚度约9km的低速层,它可能是壳内的韧性剪切带.低速层顶部深度为27.0-29.5km,与研究地区的居里面深度及天然地震震源深度的分布基本符合.剖面东段中地壳顶部还有一层很薄的低速层,反映了构造带两侧运动的不对称性.地壳厚度为53-56km,构造带中部的Moho界面没有明显的上隆.  相似文献   
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