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吉林省南部辉南-靖宇地区第四纪碱性玄武岩中的地幔包体主要为尖晶石相二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩。二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩的平衡温度分别为770~1000℃和850~1025℃,对应的氧逸度 (fO2)值分别为FMQ -0.70至+0.34 (均值为FMQ -0.06) 和FMQ -0.46至+0.05 (均值为FMQ -0.15),它们与深海橄榄岩(abyssal peridotites)以及软流圈地幔的fO2相似。橄榄岩的fO2值,连同其全岩化学成分(如Mg#、Al2O3、CaO、Ni、Co和Cr)和矿物化学成分(如橄榄石的Fo、尖晶石的Cr#和Mg#,以及辉石的Mg#)特征,表明辉南-靖宇地区龙岗火山群下面的岩石圈地幔很可能是在晚中生代以来,伴随着华北克拉通和扬子板块的碰撞以及来自东侧太平洋板块和北侧蒙古-额霍次克(Mongolo-Okhotsk)板块分别向西和向南的俯冲叠加,原来的古老岩石圈失衡、塌陷(拆沉?),取而代之的深部软流圈底辟、上涌,又经历了低度部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
盆地演化与地球动力学旋回   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
盆地演化受地球演化节律所制约,节律由多层次构成。地球动力学旋回主要有3个级序:(1)超级大陆旋回,主要由羽柱构造的地幔对流动力学所控制,产生超级大陆的裂解和拼合,形成全球性同步隆升与沉降的克拉通盆地;(2)地槽旋回或造山旋回,主要由板块构造的岩石圈运动学所控制,按威尔逊旋回进展,发育各类盆地和造山带,形成“区域性”穿时开合与“非对称”互补;(3)褶皱幕或裂陷幕,主要由地体构造与拆层作用几何学所控制,产生盆地内各种构造样式和沉积样式,形成地方性的穿时递进变形,发育幕式变形和幕式沉积作用等。  相似文献   
中国埃达克岩或埃达克质岩及相关金属成矿作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文概述了近年(2003~2006)来中国埃达克岩或埃达克质岩及相关金属成矿作用研究的一些主要进展,主要包括岩石的分布、分类、构造背景、成因,以及一些相关的岩石组合、成矿、实验岩石学和动力学意义等。  相似文献   
Lithospheric evolution of the Antarctic shield is one of the keystones for understanding continental growth during the Earth's evolution. Architecture of the East Antarctic craton is characterized by comparison with deep structures of the other Precambrian terrains. In this paper, we review the subsurface structure of the Lower Paleozoic metamorphic complex around the Lützow-Holm area (LHC), East Antarctica, where high-grade metamorphism occurred during the Pan-African orogenic event. LHC is considered to be one of the collision zones in the last stage of the formation of Gondwana. A geoscience program named ‘Structure and Evolution of the East Antarctic Lithosphere (SEAL)’ was carried out since 1996-1997 austral summer season as part of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE). Several geological and geophysical surveys were conducted including a deep seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection survey in the LHC. The main target of the SEAL seismic transect was to obtain lithospheric structure over several geological terrains from the western adjacent Achaean Napier Complex to the eastern Lower Paleozoic Yamato-Belgica Complex. The SEAL program is part of a larger deep seismic profile, LEGENDS (Lithospheric Evolution of Gondwana East iNterdisciplinary Deep Surveys) that will extend across the Pan-African belt in neighboring fragments of Gondwana.  相似文献   
The Tan-Lu fault zone joins the Dabie Mountains on its eastern margin, and offsets the Dabie and Sulu orogenic belts sinistrally for about 500 kin. On the basis of calculation of temperature and pressure experienced by the two phases of the fault zone as well as the thermo-chronological information on mylonite from the earlier and later Tan-Lu fault zones on the eastern margin of the Dabie Mountains, this paper discusses the delamination history and uplifting magnitudes of the Dabie Mountains from earlier Jurassic to earlier Cretaceous. From mineral assemblages, mineral deformation and muscovite-chlorite geothermometry calculation, it is known that the temperature experienced by the two phases of Tan-Lu fault zones are between 40℃ and 450℃, and the confining pressures are between 0.25Gpa and 0.36GPa for the earlier shear zones and 0.24-0.39GPa for the late shear zones. According to the geobarometry of Si-in-phengite and by considering shear heating and tectonic over-pressure, it is concluded that the maximum formation depths for the two phases of the ductile shear zones are not more than 12 kin. Differential formation depths for the two phases of shear zones are 1-2 km at most. At about 190 Ma and 128 Ma, the Tan-Lu fault zone experienced two phases of cooling events. During this period, the eastem margin of the Dabie Mountains experienced a tectonic calm period and no uplifting. According to information from the Tan-Lu fault zone, the uplifting magnitudes of the Dabie orogenic belts are not more than 12 km during the earlier Cretaceous.  相似文献   
太行山中生代板内造山作用与华北大陆岩石圈巨大减薄   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
近年来,华北大陆岩石圈巨大减薄成为国际地学界关注的焦点之一,但对其减薄的时间、机制仍然知之甚少。约束条件的多解性和表面上相互矛盾的证据导致了对区域构造发展史的模糊认识。笔者认为,华北板内造山过程是理解岩石圈巨大减薄机制的关键,因为华北岩石圈是在造山带而不是在克拉通基础上开始减薄过程的。岩石圈减薄过程可以划分为拆沉减薄、伸展减薄、热减薄和化学侵蚀减薄4种类型。前者依赖于岩石圈重力不稳定性,是一种突变过程;后三者取决于软流圈挤出构造,属于渐变过程。减薄过程主要始于120~110Ma的拆沉减薄,其标志是造山后脉岩组合的形成。亚洲大陆软流圈的多阶段汇聚过程造成软流圈向东挤出,是中国东部中新生代以来岩石圈持续减薄的重要基础。因此,大陆动力学与大洋最重要的区别之一就是大陆岩石圈经常发生减薄作用,特别是拆沉作用,并由此将软流圈系统区分为浅部混染系统和深部纯净系统,火成岩的地球化学属性主要取决于岩浆起源的深度。  相似文献   
The main aim of the TOR project is to study the lithospheric–asthenospheric boundary structure under the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, across northern Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden. Relative arrival-time residuals of teleseismic P and S phases from 51 earthquakes, recorded by 150 seismic stations along the TOR array, were used to delineate the transition zone in the studied area. The effects of crustal structures were investigated by correcting the teleseismic residuals for travel-time variations in the crust based on a 3D crustal model derived from other data. The inversion was carried out for S phases. The results were then compared with the corresponding P-wave models. As expected, the derived models show that the relatively old and cold Baltic Shield has higher velocity at depth than the younger lithosphere farther South. The models show two sharp and distinct increases in depth to velocities which are low compared to our reference model, as we move from South to North. The location and sharpness of these boundaries suggests that the features resolved are, at least partially, compositional in origin, presumably related to mantle depletion. A sharp and steep subcrustal boundary is found roughly coincident with the southern edge of Sweden. This is below where the edge of the Baltic Shield is usually placed, based on surface geological evidence (the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone). Another less significant transition is recognised more or less beneath the Elbe-lineament. Relatively high d(Vp / Vs) ratios under the central part of the profile (Denmark) indicate relatively low S-velocity in an area where a gravity high supports the hypothesis of extensive mafic intrusions.  相似文献   
Northeast Asian continental margins contain the products of magma emplacement driven by prolonged subduction of the (paleo-)Pacific plate. As observed in many Cordilleran arcs, magmatic evolution in this area was punctuated by high-volume pulses amid background periods. The present study investigates the early evolution of the Cretaceous magmatic flare-up using new and published geochronological, geochemical, and O-Hf isotope data from plutonic rocks in the southern Korean Peninsula. After a long (~50 m.y.) magmatic hiatus and the development of the Honam Shear Zone through flat-slab subduction, the Cretaceous flare-up began with the intrusion of monzonites, granodiorites, and granites in the inboard Gyeonggi Massif and the intervening Okcheon Belt. Compared to Jurassic granitoids formed during the former flare-up, Albian (~111 Ma) monzonites found in the Eopyeong area of the Okcheon Belt have distinctly higher zircon εHf(t) (?7.5 ± 1.3) and δ18O (7.78‰ ± 0.25‰) values and lower whole-rock La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios. The voluminous coeval granodiorite and granite plutons in the Gyeonggi Massif are further reduced in Sr/Y and to a lesser extent, in La/Yb, and have higher zircon εHf(t) values (?13 to ?19) than the Precambrian basement (ca. ?30). These chemical and isotopic features indicate that Early Cretaceous lithospheric thinning, most likely resulting from delamination of tectonically and magmatically overthickened lithospheric keel that was metasomatized during prior subduction episodes, and consequent asthenospheric upwelling played vital roles in igniting the magmatic flare-up. The O-Hf isotopic ranges of synmagmatic zircons from the Albian plutons and their Paleoproterozoic and Jurassic inheritance attest to the involvement of lithospheric mantle and crustal basement in magma generation during this decratonization event. Arc magmatism then migrated trenchward and culminated in the Late Cretaceous, yielding widespread granitoid rocks emplaced at shallow crustal levels. The early Late Cretaceous (94–85 Ma) granites now prevalent in Seoraksan-Woraksan-Sokrisan National Parks are highly silicic and display flat chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns with deep Eu anomalies. Synmagmatic zircons in these granites mimic their host rock’s chemistry. Delamination-related rejuvenation of crustal protoliths is indicated by zircon εHf(t) values of granites (?6 to ?20) that are consistently higher than the Precambrian basement value. Concomitant core-to-rim variation in zircon O-Hf isotopic compositions reflects a typical sequence of crustal assimilation and fresh input into the magma chamber.  相似文献   
Integrated studies and revisions of sedimentary basins and associated magmatism in Peru and Bolivia (8–22°S) show that this part of western Gondwana underwent rifting during the Late Permian–Middle Jurassic interval. Rifting started in central Peru in the Late Permian and propagated southwards into Bolivia until the Liassic/Dogger, along an axis that coincides with the present Eastern Cordillera. Southwest of this region, lithospheric thinning developed in the Early Jurassic and culminated in the Middle Jurassic, producing considerable subsidence in the Arequipa basin of southern Peru. This 110-Ma-long interval of lithospheric thinning ended 160 Ma with the onset of Malm–earliest Cretaceous partial rift inversion in the Eastern Cordillera area.The lithospheric heterogeneities inherited from these processes are likely to have largely influenced the distribution and features of younger compressional and/or transpressional deformations. In particular, the Altiplano plateau corresponds to a paleotectonic domain of “normal” lithospheric thickness that was bounded by two elongated areas underlain by thinned lithosphere. The high Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia results from Late Oligocene–Neogene intense inversion of the easternmost thinned area.  相似文献   
This paper presents new major and trace element data from 150 garnet xenocrysts from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe located in the central part of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province (ADP). Based on the concentrations of Cr2O3, CaO, TiO2 and rare earth elements (REE) the garnets were divided into seven groups: (1) lherzolitic “depleted” garnets (“Lz 1”), (2) lherzolitic garnets with normal REE patterns (“Lz 2”), (3) lherzolitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”), (4) lherzolitic garnets with strongly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 4”), (5) harzburgitic garnets with sinusoidal REE patterns (“Hz”), (6) wehrlitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“W”), (7) garnets of megacryst paragenesis with normal REE patterns (“Meg”). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical garnet studies and modeling results suggest several stages of mantle metasomatism influenced by carbonatite and silicate melts. Carbonatitic metasomatism at the first stage resulted in refertilization of the lithospheric mantle, which is evidenced by a nearly vertical CaO-Cr2O3 trend from harzburgitic (“Hz”) to lherzolitic (“Lz 4”) garnet composition. Harzburgitic garnets (“Hz”) have probably been formed by interactions between carbonatite melts and exsolved garnets in high-degree melt extraction residues. At the second stage of metasomatism, garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”, “W”) were affected by a silicate melt possessing a REE composition similar to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. At the last stage, the garnets interacted with basaltic melts, which resulted in the decrease CaO-Cr2O3 trend of “Lz 2” garnet composition. Cr-poor garnets of megacryst paragenesis (“Meg”) could crystallize directly from the silicate melt which has a REE composition close to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. P-T estimates of the garnet xenocrysts indicate that the interval of ~60–110 km of the lithospheric mantle beneath the V. Grib pipe was predominantly affected by the silicate melts, whereas the lithospheric mantle deeper than 150 km was influenced by the carbonatite melts.  相似文献   
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