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Subsidence mechanisms that may have controlled the evolution of the eastern Black Sea have been studied and simulated using a numerical model that integrates structural, thermal, isostatic and surface processes in both two- (2-D) and three-dimensions (3-D). The model enables the forward modelling of extensional basin evolution followed by deformation due to subsequent extensional and compressional events. Seismic data show that the eastern Black Sea has evolved via a sequence of interrelated tectonic events that began with early Tertiary rifting followed by several phases of compression, mainly confined to the edges of the basin. A large magnitude (approximately 12 km) of regional subsidence also occurred in the central basin throughout the Tertiary. Models that simulate the magnitude of observed fault controlled extension (β=1.13) do not reproduce the total depth of the basin. Similarly, the modelling of compressional deformation around the edges of the basin does little to enhance subsidence in the central basin. A modelling approach that quantifies lithosphere extension according to the amount of observed crustal thinning and thickening across the basin provides the closest match to overall subsidence. The modelling also shows that deep crustal and mantle–lithosphere processes can significantly influence the rate and magnitude of syn- to post-rift subsidence and shows that such mechanisms may have played an important role in forming the anomalously thin syn-rift and thick Miocene–Quaternary sequences observed in the basin. It is also suggested that extension of a 40–45 km thick pre-rift crust is required to generate the observed magnitude of total subsidence when considering a realistic bathymetry.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the petrology and geochemistry of a diamondiferous peridotite xenolith from the Premier diamond mine in South Africa.

The xenolith is altered with pervasive serpentinisation of olivine and orthopyroxene. Garnets are in an advanced state of kelyphitisation but partly fresh. Electron microprobe analyses of the garnets are consistent with a lherzolitic paragenesis (8.5 wt.% Cr2O3 and 6.6 wt.% CaO). The garnets show limited variation in trace element composition, with generally low concentrations of most trace elements, e.g. Y (<11 ppm), Zr (<18 ppm) and Sr (<0.5 ppm). Garnet rare earth element concentrations, when normalised against the C1 chondrite of McDonough and Sun (Chem. Geol. 120 (1995) 223), are characterised by a rare earth element pattern similar to garnet from fertile lherzolite.

All diamonds recovered are colourless. Most crystals are sharp-edged octahedra, some with minor development of the dodecahedral form. A number of crystals are twinned octahedral macles, while aggregates of two or more octahedra are also common. Mineral inclusions are rare. Where present they are predominantly small black rosettes believed to consist of sulfide. In one instance a polymineralic (presumably lherzolitic) assemblage of reddish garnet, green clinopyroxene and a colourless mineral is recognised.

Infrared analysis of the xenolith diamonds show nitrogen contents generally lower than 500 ppm and variable nitrogen aggregation state, from 20% to 80% of the ‘B’ form. When plotted on a nitrogen aggregation diagram a well defined trend of increasing nitrogen aggregation state with increasing nitrogen content is observed. Carbon isotopic compositions range from −3.6 ‰ to −1.3 ‰. These are broadly correlated with diamond nitrogen content as determined by infrared spectroscopy, with the most negative C-isotopic compositions correlating with the lowest nitrogen contents.

Xenolith mantle equilibration temperatures, calculated from nitrogen aggregation systematics as well as the Ni in garnet thermometer are on the order of 1100 to 1200 °C.

It is concluded that the xenolith is a fertile lherzolite, and that the lherzolitic character may have resulted from the total metasomatic overprinting of pre-existing harzburgite. Metasomatism occurred prior to, or accompanied, diamond growth.  相似文献   

K. O. Hoal   《Lithos》2003,71(2-4):259-272
Two populations of mantle xenoliths from the Proterozoic Premier kimberlite show an absence of potassic metasomatism common in Phanerozoic kimberlites. The Premier samples are relatively enriched in Fe and Ti, and contain Fe mica and aluminous amphibole instead of Mg-phlogopite and K-richterite. These features are consistent with a recently identified ρ wave anomaly beneath this part of the Kaapvaal craton ascribed to refertilization of the mantle. Upwelling of sublithospheric mantle to produce the Bushveld Igneous Complex is considered to be the source of silicate melt available for metasomatism. The resultant refertilized Fe-, Ti-, and Al-enriched mantle composition resembles that which is required to form Proterozoic troctolitic magmas.  相似文献   
Christophe Pascal   《Tectonophysics》2006,425(1-4):83-99
Gravitational potential stresses (GPSt) are known to play a first-order role in the state of stress of the Earth's lithosphere. Previous studies focussed mainly on crust elevation and structure and little attention has been paid to modelling GPSt using realistic lithospheric structures. The aim of the present contribution is to quantify gravitational potential energies and stresses associated with stable lithospheric domains. In order to model realistic lithosphere structures, a wide variety of data are considered: surface heat flow, chemical depletion of mantle lithosphere, crustal thickness and elevation. A numerical method is presented which involves classical steady-state heat equations to derive lithosphere thickness, geotherm and density distribution, but additionally requires the studied lithosphere to be isostatically compensated at its base. The impact of varying surface and crustal heat flow, topography, Moho depth and crust density on the signs and magnitudes of predicted GPSt is systematically explored. In clear contrast with what is assumed in most previous studies, modelling results show that the density structure of the mantle lithosphere has a significant impact on the value of the predicted GPSt, in particular in the case of thick lithospheres. Using independent information from the literature, the method was applied to get insights in the state of stress of continental domains with contrasting tectono-thermal ages. The modelling results suggest that in the absence of tectonic stresses Phanerozoic and Proterozoic lithospheres are spontaneously submitted to compression whereas Archean lithospheres are in a neutral to slightly tensile stress state. These findings are in general in good agreement with global stress measurements and observed geoid undulations.  相似文献   
GDS-1000宽频带通用流动数字地震观测系统主要用于大陆岩石层的人工及天然地震台阵研究、强震观测以及余震观测台网的临时布设。其主要技术指标为:动态范围120dB,前放增益1,16,128倍可调,高端频率6.25,25,45Hz可调,采样率25,100,200Hz可调,1MB固态数据存储器借助地震数据的压缩软件可以存储3MB以上的数据,工作温度范围-10—45℃,功耗小于3W。定时接受的BPM无线电授时信号可保证记录系统时钟校正误差小于10ms。其智能化地震触发系统可处于下列模态:近震触发,远震触发,近震和远震触发,任意地面运动信号触发,以及手动触发和定时触发。DSR-1000数字地震数据回收系统用于GDS-1000的参数预置、地震事件数据的转储和地震图的现场绘制。该系统在野外试验期间已取得大量近震、远震及核爆炸记录。  相似文献   
青藏高原岩石圈多层构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王绳祖 《地震》2002,22(3):21-26
青藏高原构造应力场可按岩石圈下层、多震层和浅层地壳区分为三层。除了震源机制解方法和井孔原地测量方法可分别用于推测多震层和浅层的应力状况外,还可根据下层塑性流动网络,采用平分网络共轭角的方法估计下层的应力方向。对比岩石圈下层与上层(多震层)的构造应力场,其结果表明: 由于板块边缘驱动力主要通过下层的网络状流动实现其远程传递,故在总体作用趋势上,上层的应力方向受控于下层;又由于高原靠近喜马拉雅驱动边界,部分驱动力直接沿上层传递,致使局部地区上、下层应力方向相差显著。  相似文献   
Fluid ascent through the solid lithosphere and its relation to earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Earth is continuously expelling gases and liquids from great depths—juvenile volatiles from the mantle and recycled metamorphic products. Some of these fluids ascend through liquid rock in volcanic processes, but others utilize fractures and faults as conduits through the solid lithosphere. The latter process may have a major influence on earthquakes, since fluids at near lithostatic pressures appear to be required to activate deep faults that would otherwise remain locked.Fluids can be driven upward through solid rock by buoyancy, but only if present in sufficient concentration to form large-scale domains occupying interconnected fracture porosity. A growing fluid domain becomes so mobilized only when it attains the critical vertical dimension required for hydrostatic instability. This dimension, depending on the ultimate compressive yield strength of the rock, may be as much as several kilometers.Any column of fluid ascending through fractures in the solid lithosphere from a prolific deep source must become organized into a vertical sequence of discrete domains, separated by fluid-pressure discontinuities. This is required because a continuous hydrostatic-fluid-pressure profile extending from an arbitrarily deep source to the surface cannot be permitted by the finite strength of rock. A vertically stacked sequence of domains allows the internal fluid-pressure profile to approximate the external rock-stress profile in a stepwise fashion. The pressure discontinuity below the base of the uppermost hydrostatic domain may be responsible for some occurrences of so-called anomalous geopressures. An ascending stream of fluid that percolates upward from a deep source through a column of domains must encounter a sequence of abrupt pressure decreases at the transitions between successive domains. If supercritical gases act as solvents, the dissolved substances may drop out of solution at such pressure discontinuities, resulting in a local concentration of minerals and other substances.At great depths, brittle fracture would normally be prevented by high pressure and temperature, with all excessive stress discharged by ductile flow. Rock strata invaded by an ascending fluid domain are weakened, however, because cracks generated or reactivated by the high-pressure fluid can support the overburden, greatly reducing internal friction. This reduction of strength may cause a previously stressed rock to fail, resulting in hydraulic shear fracture. Thus, earthquakes may be triggered by the buoyant migration of deep-source fluids.The actual timing of the failure that leads to such an earthquake may be determined by the relatively rapid inflation of a fluid domain and not by any significant increase in the probably much slower rate of regional tectonic strain. Many earthquake precursory phenomena may be secondary symptoms of an increase in pore-fluid pressure, and certain coseismic phenomena may result from the venting of high-pressure fluids when faults break the surface. Instabilities in the migration of such fluid domains may also contribute to or cause the eruption of mud volcanoes, magma volcanoes, and kimberlite pipes.  相似文献   
中国西北大陆碰撞带的深部特征及其动力学意义   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
以中国大陆西北地区地震层析成像的结果为基础,通过分析大陆块体内部岩石层和软流层的深部形态,提出西部造山带与相邻块体之间几种可能的碰撞类型:天山与塔里木之间存在地块的嵌入拼合、俯冲、岩石层拆离下沉以及层间插入等多种构造样式;青藏高原与北部地质单元之间存在十分清晰的深部边界,反映出上地幔物质向北扩展的痕迹;推测青藏高原的岩石层在向北运动的过程中由于受到塔里木刚性块体的阻滞发生弯曲甚至折断,但是祁连山以北较浅的软流层相当于一个开放边界,使高原的上地幔物质得以进一步向北迁移.大陆碰撞不仅造成中国西部造山带岩石层结构的变动,而且导致软流层中一部分熔融的岩浆体沿着碰撞边界上涌到岩石层底部,它们对青藏高原以及西部造山带的形成演化起到重要的作用.  相似文献   
Diamond exploration in India over the past decade has led to the discovery of over 80 kimberlite-inferred and lamproite-related intrusions in three of the four major Archean cratons that dominate the subcontinent. These intrusions are Proterozoic (1.1 Ga), and are structurally controlled: locally (at the intersections of faults); regionally (in a 200 km wide, 1000 km long diamond corridor); and globally (in the reconstructed supercontinent of Rodinia). The geochemistry of 57 samples from 13 intrusions in the southern Dharwar Craton of Andhra Pradesh has been determined by XRF spectrometry. The bodies are iron-rich with mg#=50–70 and are neither archetypal kimberlites nor ideal lamproites; this may be the underlying reason that conventional exploration techniques have thus far failed to locate the primary sources of India's historically famous diamonds. The two major fields of kimberlite-clan rocks (KCR) in the Dharwar Craton, Wajrakur and Narayanpet, are separated by a NW–SE trending, transcontinental (Mumbai-Chennai) gravity lineament. About 80% of intrusions in Wajrakur are diamondiferous, but diamonds have not yet been reported in Narayanpet. The gravity anomaly may mark the boundary of an architectural modification in the keel of the sub-continental lithosphere, a suggestion that is supported by differences in kimberlite mineralogy, chemistry, mantle xenoliths, structural setting and crustal host rocks.  相似文献   
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