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下白垩统AG组2段(后简称AG2段)是苏丹Muglad盆地Sufyan凹陷的主力烃源岩和最重要的含油层系。本文基于岩石学、测井相、地震相和地震属性研究,对Sufyan凹陷下白垩统AG2段沉积体系进行精细研究,结合其沉积期构造特征、古地貌特征、古气候环境及内物源和外物源发育特征,建立了其断陷期沉积模式。Sufyan凹陷AG组断陷初期为双断模式,南北两侧高陡断层发育规模相当,随着盆地的演化和湖平面的变化,到AG2段进入高水位期,凹陷北部逐渐演变为缓坡沉积环境,南部仍然为陡坡沉积环境。凹陷北部为Babanusa凸起和中非走滑带,为Muglad盆地的盆外物源,凹陷南部以Tomat凸起与Nugara凹陷分割,发育内物源。从钻井和岩心资料来看,凹陷北部以分选较好、细粒沉积为主,在断层下降盘发现中粗粒重力流沉积,反映了北部物源长距离搬运和长期供应的特点,据此建立了断陷后期AG2段北部曲流河三角洲沉积模式,北部物源为主力物源区;南部临近凹陷断裂带钻井揭示其发育较高砂地比的细粒沉积,显示物源供给的周期性和近源性,研究认为发育辨状河三角洲,沉积模式类似于扇三角洲,总体物源供给能力较弱,具有近源水下搬运特征。南部物源和西部物源一起,构成凹陷的次物源。本文综合编制了Sufyan凹陷AG2段沉积期的两期沉积相图,建立了立体沉积模式,认为盆地优质储层应以凹陷中部近烃源岩的区带为目标进行寻找。  相似文献   
The Kerinitis Delta in the Corinth Rift, Greece, is a footwall derived, coarse‐grained, Gilbert‐type fan delta deposited in the hangingwall of a linked normal fault system. This giant Gilbert‐type delta (radius 3·8 km, thickness > 600 m) was supplied by an antecedent river and built into a brackish to marine basin. Although as yet poorly dated, correlation with neighbouring deltas suggests that the Kerinitis Delta was deposited during a period of 500 to 800 ka in the Early to early Middle Pleistocene. Facies characterizing a range of depositional processes are assigned to four facies associations (topset, foreset, bottomset and prodelta). The dominantly fluvial topset facies association has locally developed shallow marine (limestone) and fluvial‐shoreface sub‐associations. This delta represents a subsidence‐dominated system in which high fault displacement overwhelmed base‐level falls (creation of accommodation predominantly ≥ 0). Stratal geometries and facies stacking patterns were used to identify 11 key stratal surfaces separating 11 stratal units. Each key stratal surface records a landward shift in the topset breakpoint path, indicating a rapid increase in accommodation/sediment supply. Each stratal unit records a gradual decrease in accommodation/sediment supply during deposition. The cyclic stratal units and key stratal surfaces are interpreted as recording eustatic falls and rises, respectively. A 30 m thick package of foresets below the main delta records the nucleation of a small Proto‐delta probably on an early relay ramp. Based on changes in stratal unit geometries, the main delta is divided into three packages, interpreted as recording the initiation, growth and death of the controlling fault system. The Lower delta comprises stacked, relatively thin, progradational stratal units recording low displacement on the young fault system (relay ramp). The Middle delta comprises vertically stacked stratal units, each recording initial aggradation–progradation followed by progradation; their aggradational component increases up through the Middle delta, which records the main phase of increasing rate of fault displacement. The Upper delta records pure progradation, recording abrupt cessation of movement on the fault. A major erosion surface incising basinward 120 m through the Lower and Middle delta records an exceptional submarine erosion process (canyon or delta collapse).  相似文献   
随着东非裂谷乌干达区块的勘探获得重大突破,与之石油地质条件相似的Tanganyika地堑的勘探潜力受到了人们的重视.Tanganyika地堑地处东非,属于东非裂谷西支的中段,是典型陆内裂谷盆地,主要沉积中新世以来的地层,现仍大部分被湖水覆盖,湖盆水体较深.盆地整体分为2个次盆,呈三隆夹两凹的构造格局.盆地目前勘探程度较低,根据现有资料推测,盆地地层埋深较大,深洼区中新统地层发育成熟烃源岩,具有较大的生烃潜力和生烃规模;陆内盆地物源相对充足,储盖组合条件较好;应力复杂,能够形成大量多种类型构造及构造-地层圈闭;各种成藏条件匹配关系较好,有利于油气聚集成藏.综合分析认为,盆地具有较大勘探潜力,其中盆地转换带是最有利的油气勘探区.  相似文献   
In the Cenozoic, the Lower Rhine Basin formed as a rift at the southeastern terminus of the Dutch German Central Graben, while the Rhenish Massif was uplifted. The study focusses on the marginal marine and fluvial fill of the Lower Rhine Basin. A basin model is developed. Support for this study was given by extensive industry outcrop and well data, by new stratigraphical and sedimentological observations. The ingression and subsequent regression of the Cenozoic North Sea is analysed using the concept of base level cyclicity. As the geohistory of the basin was complex, a subsidence curve is constructed. Furthermore, an attempt is made to trace the simultaneous uplift of the Rhenish Massif.  相似文献   
黑龙江汤原断陷第三纪地层层序及时代   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
依据黑龙江汤原断陷30口井的岩性及古生物资料,建立了汤原断陷古近纪、新近纪地层层序。依据孢粉、藻类、植物和介形类化石建立19个生物化石组合,讨论了各组的时代及其与邻区的对比。依据汤参3井(25.0-100.0m)和互6井(138.5-237.5m)岩性及孢粉组合将道台桥组引入汤原断陷。汤原断陷地层层序为古新统乌云组,始新统新安村组、达连河组,渐新统宝泉岭组,中新统富锦组,上新统道台桥组。  相似文献   
Playa lake systems tend to be overlooked archives of paleoenvironmental change due to the likelihood of a short and intermittent record of deposition. Groundwater-fed wetlands associated with these climate-sensitive playas, however, preserve changes in hydrologic budget and are thus valuable archives for semiarid regions. This study examines the paleoecological record of a groundwater-fed wetland from Lake Solai, Kenya. Biological proxies are used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental change and climate impacts over the past millennium. Dry conditions persisted between CE 1115 and 1490, followed by wetter conditions during the Little Ice Age. Near surface sediments indicate increasing anthropogenic impact through pastoralism.  相似文献   
The Magadi area, located in the southern part of the Kenya Rift, is a seismically active region where rifting is still in progress. The recent tectonic activity has been investigated through a seismological survey and the study of neotectonic joints found in Lake Magadi sediments, which were deposited some 5000 years ago. The structural analysis of these open fractures was combined with a quantitative analysis of the orientation and size characteristics of imagery faults. The gathered data demonstrate (1) that the majority of the systematic joints have straight and parallel trajectories with a common en echelon mode of propagation displayed through a rich variety of patterns, and (2) that there is a self-similarity in fault and joint principal directions recognised at the different telescopic scales. SPOT image (1:125,000), aerial photos (1:76,000), and outcrop fieldwork reveal two important structural orientations which are N015°E and N015°W. The N015°E regional direction is consistent with the orientation of the southern segment of the Kenya Rift. Structural analysis is supported by results of a joint microseismic investigation in the Lake Magadi area. Obtained focal mechanism solutions indicate an E–W to ESE–WNW normal faulting extension direction.  相似文献   
山东省五莲县汪湖-管帅-于里一带的地裂缝,自70年代发生以来一直处于活动状态.本文对其主要特征、危害程度及形成原因进行了分析,并提出防治对策.  相似文献   
Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (Sr and Nd) studies on the recently reported ca. 124 Ma ‘anorogenic lamproite’ dyke from the Palanpur area, Kutch seismogenic rift zone, northwestern India, are presented. We propose a new classification for the dyke as a damtjernite (ultramafic lamprophyre; UML) based on its porphyritic-panidiomorphic texture, abundance of phlogopite, presence of nepheline in the groundmass, and the composition of liquidus phases such as olivine, phlogopite, magnetite, and clinopyroxene (diopside). The Palanpur UML is primitive (Mg# = 74–77), silica-undersaturated (SiO2 <40 wt.%), potassic to slightly sodic in nature, and is strikingly similar to the ∼69 Ma UML dykes and sills of the Tethyan Indus suture zone, which are considered as the earliest yet known manifestations of the Deccan Large Igneous Province (LIP). Bulk-rock (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.70460–0.70461) and ɛNd(t) (+2.56 to −0.69) of the Palanpur UML signify derivation from a slightly depleted mantle source similar to that of asthenospheric magmas such as OIB. This is further attested to by the high incompatible trace element ratios (viz., La/Ba, Nb/U, Nb/La and Ta/Yb) that are typical of plume-type magmas. However, the Neoproterozoic TDM depleted mantle Nd model ages (∼655–919 Ma) also necessitate some involvement of a lithospheric mantle component in its genesis. High bulk-rock Fe2O3t and TiO2 contents require the involvement of a fertile peridotitic mantle source, whereas high La/Yb (60–80) implies a control by residual garnet. Higher Rb/Sr and lower Ba/Rb suggest phlogopite as a residual phase and high Nb and lower La/Sm favour carbonatite, rather than silicate melt as metasomatising agent. Low degrees of partial melting of a primitive garnet lherzolite mantle can account for the observed REE patterns in the Palanpur UML. The Palanpur UML shares a temporal similarity to the Kerguelen plume-derived Rajmahal basalts and associated alkaline rocks from the eastern India. The tectonomagmatic significance of its emplacement during the mid-Cretaceous vis-à-vis various models involving the timing of eruption of the Deccan and the Rahmahal Traps and the rifting in the Kutch basin induced by far-field plate reorganization is evaluated.  相似文献   
红海是地球上最年轻的大洋,其板块构造活动正处于威尔逊旋回的幼年期。红海南北两端分别连接着威尔逊旋回的胚胎期和终结期,即东非大裂谷和地中海。这一独特的地理位置和构造部位使其成为板块构造理论研究的圣地。本文通过对已有的地质、地球物理和地球化学资料进行综合分析,了解了红海地区的地形、重磁异常和沿脊的玄武岩地球化学组成等地质构造特征,探讨了红海裂谷的洋壳分布、地幔源区不均一性以及扩张演化历史等问题。红海地形中间深、南北两端浅,可以分为北、中北、中南、南等四段。重磁异常的条带主要出现在中南段,其他段不明显,因而限制了以往对红海扩张历史的认识。目前认为红海全段存在洋壳,红海两岸的沿岸悬崖是共轭扩张陆缘,呈向南开口的喇叭型扩张,而非对应红海岸线的梭子型。红海裂谷沿脊的地幔源区具有明显的不均一性,南段玄武岩显示E-MORB特征,表现为阿法尔地幔柱的影响。红海的发育经历了裂谷前火山作用(31~29Ma)、大陆张裂(29~13Ma)和洋底扩张(<13Ma)三个主要阶段。红海裂谷的形成演化与非洲大陆的裂解、阿法尔地幔柱的活动、新特提斯洋的闭合等密切相关,了解红海的地球动力学过程将为揭示区域大地构造演化以及板块运动规律提供依据。  相似文献   
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