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The 14.1 Ma old composite ignimbrite cooling unit P1 (45 km3) on Gran Canaria comprises a lower mixed rhyolite-trachyte tuff, a central rhyolite-basalt mixed tuff, and a slightly rhyolite-contaminated basaltic tuff at the top. The basaltic tuff is compositionally zoned with (a) an upward change in basalt composition to higher MgO content (4.3–5.2 wt.%), (b) variably admixed rhyolite or trachyte (commonly <5 wt.%), and (c) an upward increasing abundance of basaltic and plutonic lithic fragments and cognate cumulate fragments. The basaltic tuff is divided into three structural units: (I) the welded basaltic ignimbrite, which forms the thickest part (c. 95 vol.%) and is the main subject of the present paper; (II) poorly consolidated massive, bomb- and block-rich beds interpreted as phreatomagmatic pyroclastic flow deposits; and (III) various facies of reworked basaltic tuff. Tuff unit I is a basaltic ignimbrite rather than a lava flow because of the absence of top and bottom breccias, radial sheet-like distribution around the central Tejeda caldera, thickening in valleys but also covering higher ground, and local erosion of the underlying P1 ash. A gradual transition from dense rock in the interior to ash at the top of the basaltic ignimbrite reflects a decrease in welding; the shape of the welding profile is typical for emplacement temperatures well above the minimum welding temperature. A similar transition occurs at the base where the ignimbrite was emplaced on cold ground in distal sections. In proximal sections the base is dense where it was emplaced on hot felsic P1 tuff. The intensity of welding, especially at the base, and the presence of spherical particles and of mantled and composite particles formed by accretion and coalescence in a viscous state imply that the flow was a suspension of hot magma droplets. The flow most likely had to be density stratified and highly turbulent to prevent massive coalescence and collapse. Model calculations suggest eruption through low pyroclastic fountains (<1000 m high) with limited cooling during eruption and turbulent flow from an initial temperature of 1160°C. The large volume of 26 km3 of erupted basalt compared with only 16 km3 of the evolved P1 magmas, and the extremely high discharge rates inferred from model calculations are unusual for a basaltic eruption. It is suggested that the basaltic magma was erupted and emplaced in a fashion commonly only attributed to felsic magmas because it utilized the felsic P1 magma chamber and its ring-fissure conduits. Evolution of the entire P1 eruption was controlled by withdrawal dynamics involving magmas differing in viscosity by more than four orders of magnitude. The basaltic eruption phase was initially driven by buoyancy of the basaltic magma at chamber depth and continued degassing of felsic magma, but most of the large volume of basalt magma was driven out of the reservoir by subsidence of a c. 10 km diameter roof block, which followed a decrease in magma chamber pressure during low viscosity basaltic outflow.  相似文献   
Understanding late Holocene extinctions on islands requires accurate chronologies for all relevant events, including multiple colonisations by humans and the introduction of alien species. The most widely held hypothesis on the causes of Holocene island vertebrate extinctions incorporates human impacts, although climatic-related hypotheses cannot be excluded. Both hypotheses have been suggested to account for the extinction of the endemic Lava Mouse, Malpaisomys insularis from the Canary Islands. Here we present the first accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) 14C ages from collagen of M. insularis bones from ancient owl pellets collected at Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic Ocean). These new dates contribute to an understanding of the extinction of this species. We are able to exclude climatic causes, predation by invasive species, and competition with the house mouse, Mus musculus. The arrival of Europeans in the Canary Islands correlates with the extinction of Malpaisomys. The introduction of rats, Rattus spp., together with their parasites and diseases, emerges as the most reasonable hypothesis explaining the extinction of M. insularis.  相似文献   
Stefano Branca   《Geomorphology》2003,53(3-4):247-261
In this paper, the interrelationships between volcanic activity and fluvial events in the Alcantara Valley are investigated. Based on the correlation between the stratigraphy of the NE flank of Mt Etna and subsurface data, the geological and geomorphological evolutions of the valley are reconstructed. New 1:10 000 scale geological mapping shows that the bulk of this sector of the volcano is made up of the Ellittico volcano lava flows, though they are widely covered by the products of the eruptive activity of the last 15 ka. The present-day morphological setting of the Alcantara Valley is the result of two main evolutionary phases initiated during the activity of the Ellittico volcano. Only one lava flow invasion of the valley floor occurred in the first phase. This phenomenon was followed by a long period of erosional processes leading to the entrenchment of the drainage pattern and the erosion of the Ellittico lava flow. About 20–25 ka ago, an important change in the frequency of the lava flow invasions into the valley occurred associated with the final stage of the Ellittico volcano activity marking the beginning of the second phase. During this phase, volcanic processes became predominant with respect to other morphogenetic processes in the Alcantara Valley. Lava flows coming from the NE flank of the Ellittico volcano caused a radical modification of the morphological setting of this area, even though only one lava flow emitted by an eruptive fissure located within the valley partially filled the riverbed. During the eruptive activity of the last 15 ka, the complete filling of the Alcantara Valley floor occurred. In particular, between 15 and 7 ka, a lava flow originated from the Mt Moio scoria cone filled the valley floor for a distance of about 9 km. Following a short period of erosion, an eruptive fissure located within the valley generated a 20–21-km-long lava flow that was channelled along the full extent of the Alcantara Valley and stretches for about 3 km offshore in the Ionian sea. In the last 7 ka, lava flows originating from the NE-Rift zone produced only temporary damming of the riverbed without any important contribution to the filling of the Alcantara Valley.  相似文献   
 We use a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from interferometrically processed SIR-C radar data to estimate the thickness of massive trachyte lava flows on the east flank of Karisimbi Volcano, Rwanda. The flows are as long as 12 km and average 40–60 m (up to >140 m) in thickness. By calculating and subtracting a reference surface from the DEM, we derived a map of flow thickness, which we used to calculate the volume (up to 1 km3 for an individual flow, and 1.8 km3 for all the identified flows) and yield strength of several flows (23–124 kPa). Using the DEM we estimated apparent viscosity based on the spacing of large folds (1.2×1012 to 5.5×1012 Pa s for surface viscosity, and 7.5×1010 to 5.2×1011 Pa s for interior viscosity, for a strain interval of 24 h). We use shaded-relief images of the DEM to map basic flow structures such as channels, shear zones, and surface folds, as well as flow boundaries. The flow thickness map also proves invaluable in mapping flows where flow boundaries are indistinct and poorly expressed in the radar backscatter and shaded-relief images. Received: 6 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   
 The Pu'u 'Ō'ō-Kūpaianaha eruption on the east rift zone of Kīlauea began in January 1983. The first 9 years of the eruption were divided between the Pu'u 'Ō'ō (1983–1986) and Kūpaianaha (1986–1992) vents, each characterized by regular, predictable patterns of activity that endured for years. In 1990 a series of pauses in the activity disturbed the equilibrium of the eruption, and in 1991, the output from Kūpaianaha steadily declined and a short-lived fissure eruption broke out between Kūpaianaha and Pu'u 'Ō'ō. In February 1992 the Kūpaianaha vent died, and, 10 days later, eruptive episode 50 began as a fissure opened on the uprift flank of the Pu'u 'Ō'ō cone. For the next year, the eruption was marked by instability as more vents opened on the flank of the cone and the activity was repeatedly interrupted by brief pauses in magma supply to the vents. Episodes 50–53 constructed a lava shield 60 m high and 1.3 km in diameter against the steep slope of the Pu'u 'Ō'ō cone. By 1993 the shield was pockmarked by collapse pits as vents and lava tubes downcut as much as 29 m through the thick deposit of scoria and spatter that veneered the cone. As the vents progressively lowered, the level of the Pu'u 'Ō'ō pond also dropped, demonstrating the hydraulic connection between the two. The downcutting helped to undermine the prominent Pu'u 'Ō'ō cone, which has diminished in size both by collapse, as a large pit crater formed over the conduit, and by burial of its flanks. Intervals of eruptive instability, such as that of 1991–1993, accelerate lateral expansion of the subaerial flow field both by producing widely spaced vents and by promoting surface flow activity as lava tubes collapse and become blocked during pauses. Received: 1 July 1997 / Accepted: 23 October 1997  相似文献   
An open channel lava flow on Mt. Etna (Sicily) was observed during May 30–31, 2001. Data collected using a forward looking infrared (FLIR) thermal camera and a Minolta-Land Cyclops 300 thermal infrared thermometer showed that the bulk volume flux of lava flowing in the channel varied greatly over time. Cyclic changes in the channel's volumetric flow rate occurred over several hours, with cycle durations of 113–190 min, and discharges peaking at 0.7 m3 s−1 and waning to 0.1 m3 s−1. Each cycle was characterized by a relatively short, high-volume flux phase during which a pulse of lava, with a well-defined flow front, would propagate down-channel, followed by a period of waning flow during which volume flux lowered. Pulses involved lava moving at relatively high velocities (up to 0.29 m s−1) and were related to some change in the flow conditions occurring up-channel, possibly at the vent. They implied either a change in the dense rock effusion rate at the source vent and/or cyclic-variation in the vesicle content of the lava changing its bulk volume flux. Pulses would generally overspill the channel to emplace pāhoehoe overflows. During periods of waning flow, velocities fell to 0.05 m s–1. Blockages forming during such phases caused lava to back up. Occasionally backup resulted in overflows of slow moving ‘a‘ā that would advance a few tens of meters down the levee flank. Compound levees were thus a symptom of unsteady flow, where overflow levees were emplaced as relatively fast moving pāhoehoe sheets during pulses, and as slow-moving ‘a‘ā units during backup. Small, localized fluctuations in channel volume flux also occurred on timescales of minutes. Volumes of lava backed up behind blockages that formed at constrictions in the channel. Blockage collapse and/or enhanced flow under/around the blockage would then feed short-lived, wave-like, down-channel surges. Real fluctuations in channel volume flux, due to pulses and surges, can lead to significant errors in effusion rate calculations. Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   
Crust formation on basaltic lava flows dictates conditions of both flow cooling and emplacement. For this reason, flow histories are dramatically different depending on whether lava is transported through enclosed lava tubes or through open channels. Recent analog experiments in straight uniform channels (Griffiths et al. J Fluid Mech 496:33–62, 2003) have demonstrated that tube flow, dictated by a stationary surface crust, can be distinguished from a mobile crust regime, where a central solid crust is separated from channel walls by crust-free shear zones, by a simple dimensionless parameter ϑ, such that ϑ<25 produces tube flow and ϑ>25 describes the mobile crust regime. ϑ combines a previously determined parameter ψ, which describes the balance between the formation rate of surface solid and the shear strain that disrupts the solid crust, with the effects of thermal convection (described by the Rayleigh number Ra).Here we explore ways in which ϑ can be used to describe the behavior of basaltic lava channels. To do this we have extended the experimental approach to examine the effects of channel irregularities (expansions, contractions, sinuosity, and bottom roughness) on crust formation and disruption. We find that such changes affect local flow behavior and can thus change channel values of ϑ. For example, gradual widening of a channel results in a decrease in flow velocity that causes a decrease in ϑ and may allow a down-flow transition from the mobile crust to the tube regime. In contrast, narrowing of the channel causes an increase in flow velocity (increasing ϑ), thus inhibiting tube formation.We also quantify the fraction of surface covered by crust in the mobile crust regime. In shallow channels, variations in crust width (d c) with channel width (W) are predicted to follow d cW 5/3. Analysis of channelized lava flows in Hawaii shows crustal coverage consistent with this theoretical result along gradually widening or narrowing channel reaches. An additional control on crustal coverage in both laboratory and basaltic flows is disruption of surface crust because of flow acceleration through constrictions, around bends, and over breaks in slope. Crustal breakage increases local rates of cooling and may cause local blockage of the channel, if crusts rotate and jam in narrow channel reaches. Together these observations illustrate the importance of both flow conditions and channel geometry on surface crust development and thus, by extension, on rates and mechanisms of flow cooling. Moreover, we note that this type of analysis could be easily extended through combined use of FLIR and LiDAR imaging to measure crustal coverage and channel geometry directly.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   
The basement beneath the Junggar basin has been interpreted either as a micro-continent of Precambrian age or as a fragment of Paleozoic oceanic crust. Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions and zircon Pb–Pb ages of volcanic rocks from drill cores through the paleo-weathered crust show that the basement is composed mainly of late Paleozoic volcanic rock with minor shale and tuff. The volcanic rocks are mostly subalkaline with some minor low-K rocks in the western Kexia area. Some alkaline lavas occur in the central Luliang uplift and northeastern Wulungu depression. The lavas range in composition from basalts to rhyolites and fractional crystallization played an important role in magma evolution. Except for a few samples from Kexia, the basalts have low La/Nb (<1.4), typical for oceanic crust derived from asthenospheric melts. Zircon Pb–Pb ages indicate that the Kexia andesite, with a volcanic arc affinity, formed in the early Carboniferous (345 Ma), whereas the Luliang rhyolite and the Wucaiwan dacite, with syn-collisional to within-plate affinities, formed in the early Devonian (395 and 405 Ma, respectively). Positive εNd(t) values (up to +7.4) and low initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of the intermediate-silicic rocks suggest that the entire Junggar terrain may be underlain by oceanic crust, an interpretation consistent with the juvenile isotopic signatures of many granitoid plutons in other parts of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt. Variation in zircon ages for the silicic rocks, different Ba, P, Ti, Nb or Th anomalies in the mafic rocks, and variable Nb/Y and La/Nb ratios across the basin, suggest that the basement is compositionally heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is believed to reflect amalgamation of different oceanic blocks representing either different evolution stages within a single terrane or possibly derivation from different terranes.  相似文献   
相山火山碎屑岩中粒间应力效应迹象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹宗烈  薛振华 《岩石学报》1991,7(2):50-55,T001
利用显微粒间应力效应迹象分析方法,发现相山火山岩中广泛而强烈地发生过机械压实作用。所谓“碰撞斑晶破碎”是粒间压应力汇集的结果。因而岩石的成岩作用是在压应力场中进行,属于火山碎屑堆积的产物,应将其归属于火山凝灰岩类。该凝灰岩在成岩后又遭受热变质作用,发生明显的重结晶,使岩石目前产生了一些非标型特征。  相似文献   
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