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鄂尔多斯盆地延长组凝灰岩夹层展布特征及其地质意义   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组凝灰岩夹层分布广泛,通过众多凝灰岩夹层的实际岩心观察,归纳总结出凝灰岩夹层的常规测井曲线表现为具有相对低电位、高自然伽马、高电阻率、高声波时差值的特征,并且高值常略低于致密泥岩段;单井分析凝灰岩夹层与上、下部岩石整合接触,较少发育同沉积构造,以典型的火山尘灰大气降落沉积产物为主,但也偶见凝灰岩与砂泥岩一起发育扰动构造,明显经受了水动力改造;连井剖面分析说明延长组长1—长9皆有凝灰岩分布,横向上可对比性凝灰岩主要有4套,分别为长91、长73底、长72、长71期,以盆地西南部长73期最发育;凝灰岩平面展布特征整体呈北西向展布,由南西—北东向凝灰岩厚度逐渐变薄,并且与烃源岩、放射性异常展布形态一致,因此认为凝灰岩的沉积作用所引起的元素迁移和古环境变化,可能对延长组优质烃源岩的发育具有重要意义。  相似文献   
上扬子晚古生代海相地层锶同位素曲线的LOWESS拟合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前仍难以有一种具体的函数关系来描述随时问或随地层厚度变化的地质数据,L0wESS方法被证明是拟合这类数据的较为有效的方法.采用LOWESS方法对我国上扬子地区晚古生代98个海相碳酸盐的锶同位素数据进行科学的拟合,使拟舍得出的曲线具有更好的全球可对比性,从而提高我国锶同位素地层学的研究水平,并使之与相应的国际研究接轨.同时,还从数学角度讨论参数回归和非参数回归的区别,并对影响拟合结果的两个参数和误差范围进行讨论.  相似文献   
Infrared-stimulated luminescence dating (IRSL) was applied on pottery sherds from the Mailhot-Curran archaeological site (BgFn-2), a Late Woodland period village located in the Saint-Anicet region, southern Québec (Canada). This site witnessed the presence of St. Lawrence Iroquoians and is thought to have been occupied roughly 500 years ago. The main goal of this study is to chronologically constrain the occupation of this site in order to establish a fine chronological sequence for the occupations of various sites found in this area. The IRSL is used to complement previous dating methods used for Mailhot-Curran (radiocarbon and seriation of the archaeological remains).Dating results are reported for ten samples of local ceramics made from Quaternary Champlain Sea clay. Luminescence dating on fine grains was preferentially used, since feldspar luminescence typically emit a decent luminescence signal. Although the latter was rather dim, anomalous fading was measured and luminescence ages were successfully corrected. It is therefore possible to validate the occupation age of this site.  相似文献   
West Qinling is one of the most important parts of the Qinling orogenic belt and includes acidic–intermediate plutons and many types of ore deposits. In this article, we collected geochemical and geochronological data for the Triassic granitoid plutons of West Qinling and found that nearly all plutons share the similar features with the Zhongchuan pluton. We present new laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb ages, major and trace element geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotope systematics for the granites of the Zhongchuan pluton to elucidate the evolution of granitoid plutons in West Qinling during the Triassic. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the Xujiaba and Guandigou units formed at 220.1 ± 1.2 and 215.9 ± 0.85 Ma, respectively, reflecting the time of the Late Triassic. The rocks of the Zhongchuan pluton are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and have a high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonite series with high SiO2 (63.59–76.22%) and low P2O5 (0–0.2%) concentrations, a high K2O/Na2O ratio (1.18–17.92), a high differentiation index (78.45–93.04) and a medium A/CNK ratio (0.98–1.69). The zircon Hf isotope dating indicates that the Xujiaba and Guandigou units have an inhomogeneous εHf(t) (?4.425 to 1.067 for Xujiaba and ?4.920 to 2.042 for Guandigou) and two-stage Hf model ages (1123–1531 Ma for Xujiaba and 1115–2342 Ma for Guandigou). The geochemical and isotopic data imply that the granites of each unit share the same origin. They probably derived from the partial melt of metagreywackes and then mixed with the mantle-derived magma. Based on the regional geological history, petrographic characteristics and new geochemical and isotopic data of the Zhongchuan pluton, we suggest that the Triassic magma was derived from the partial melts of metagreywackes and was influenced by the mantle-derived melt during the collision of the Yangtze and Qinling plates.  相似文献   
Multituberculates (Allotheria) are generally regarded as the evolutionarily most successful and longest-lived (Middle Jurassic to late Eocene) clade of Mesozoic and early Paleogene mammals. Despite this “reputation” and the fact that the group is particularly well represented in both taxonomic diversity and relative abundance on Laurasian landmasses during the Cretaceous and Paleocene, multituberculates are exceedingly poorly represented on the southern supercontinent Gondwana. Previous records on Gondwanan landmasses have been based on fragmentary dental remains and all except the three most recently published (each represented by a single isolated tooth or fragment of tooth) have been disputed and allocated to either Haramiyida or Gondwanatheria. Furthermore, several previous records, disputed or not, are based on fragmentary dental remains of a type (plagiaulacoid) that has evolved independently several times in mammalian evolution.Here we place on record a multituberculate femur from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano Formation of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar. This specimen, although fragmentary as well, exhibits a number of features common to all multituberculate femora: neck cylindrical in cross section and set apart from shaft; greater trochanter prominent, extending proximally beyond head, inclined dorsally, and separated from neck by deep incisure; lesser trochanter prominent and protruding ventrally; posttrochanteric fossa present on ventral aspect, lateral to lesser trochanter; subtrochanteric tubercle present on dorsal aspect, distal to incisure between greater trochanter and neck; diaphysis straight, elliptical in cross section (slightly compressed dorsoventrally); and third trochanter absent. Three of these features (prominent, ventrally placed lesser trochanter; presence of posttrochanteric fossa; presence of subtrochanteric tubercle) are regarded as autapomorphies of Multituberculata. This specimen therefore not only independently and conclusively confirms the presence of the clade on Madagascar—previously based on a small molar fragment—but on the entire supercontinent as well.  相似文献   
The long bone histology of a Late Cretaceous eusuchian crocodyliform from the Iberian Peninsula reveals clear variations in the cortical structure which reflects changes in the speed of bone deposition (i.e., skeletal growth) related to ontogeny. The presence of secondary woven-fibred bone tissue in the perimedullar region of the cortex, and the existence of an external fundamental system in the most external periostic cortex, which is a proxy for somatic maturity and effective cessation of growth, challenges the former idea that the growth strategy of extinct crocodylians fit in the typical ectotherm condition, according to which these animals grew slowly during life under an indeterminate growth strategy. The analysed specimen lived for a minimum of 16 years and the highest preserved apposition rates took place in an advanced ontogenetic stage. The study suggests that the general aspects of the modern crocodylian growth strategy were already in place in some lineages by the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The source material, precursor and formation processes of chlorite rims, and impact of pore-lining chlorite on reservoir quality of the Shiqianfeng sandstones, Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, are studied using an integrated approach, including core observation, point-count analysis of thin-sections, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and cathode luminescence. The petrographic analysis shows that chlorite rims consist of grain-coating chlorite, poorly crystalline pore-lining chlorite and euhedral-crystallised pore-lining chlorite. The chemical composition shows that pore-lining chlorite is mainly Fe-rich with an average of 0.785 for Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio. Petrographic analysis shows a large amount of volcanic dust (3.0~16.0 vol%, average of 7.93 vol%) in Shiqianfeng sandstones, which determines the formation of poorly crystalline pore-lining chlorite. Transformation of volcanic dust to smectite rims started with shallow burial depth at an early diagenetic stage, followed by in situ alteration of the smectite rims to poorly crystalline chlorite rims. Euhedral-crystallised chlorite mainly develops in sandstones with high porosity, high permeability and open flow systems. Pore-lining chlorite can inhibit quartz overgrowth but cannot effectively prevent pore-filling of authigenic quartz, carbonate and kaolinite cements, and therefore cannot prevent porosity destruction. However, the occurrence of pore-lining chlorite is a barometer of good reservoir quality and intense hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   
华北克拉通南部早前寒武纪基底形成与演化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张瑞英  孙勇 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3027-3041
简要总结了华北克拉通南部鲁山地区、小秦岭地区、登封及中条山地区的早前寒武纪地质事件序列及其地质意义,并对各地区地质特征和变质演化特点进行对比。结合前人研究工作,初步探讨了华北克拉通南部早前寒武纪基底的演化特点、陆壳形成的主要时期和华北南部基底的构造区划等问题,提出几点认识:1)华北克拉通南部鲁山、中条山、小秦岭等地区均有2.7~2.9Ga岩石记录,以英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质(TTG)岩石为主,它们共同构成华北南缘的古老结晶基底,并经历了新太古代晚期~2.5Ga构造-热事件,标志着华北克拉通南部在新太古代末期可能已经形成统一基底;2)华北克拉通南部主要的陆壳形成时期为中太古代晚期-新太古代,与全球其他主要克拉通一致,而古元古代早-中期则以地壳再循环为主;3)综合地质、地球化学等特点,将华北南部鲁山-小秦岭地区和中条山等地区划归为"南部古陆块",并提出该陆块呈现为一个大型的倾伏向斜构造,可能在新太古代晚期已经形成,其枢纽向南东倾斜。"南部古陆块"在新太古代末期与其它微陆块拼合,并发生了变质作用和陆壳的活化与再循环,共同指示新太古代晚期华北克拉通统一基底的形成。  相似文献   
Well-preserved Ginkgo pollen organs are analyzed from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of the Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China, and are described as a new species, Ginkgo hamiensis Z.X. Wang et B.N. Sun sp. nov. The immature male cones are cylindrical and catkin-like, with two longitudinal stripes on the stalk. The pollen sacs are shaped like a long oval with two pollen sacs fused together for each microsporophyll, and the microsporophyll tip is a triangular cystidium. The pollen grains are oblong or fusiform and monocolpate; both ends are blunt or sharp. By comparison with previously reported fossil records of Ginkgo plants, we determined that the current fossils are different from all other reported species; thus, the present fossil is referred to as a new species of Ginkgo. The reproductive organs of the Ginkgo fossils described herein can provide valuable information for the study of Ginkgo plants. Further, there are two probable evolutionary trends in the Ginkgo pollen cones. One trend is that the number of pollen sacs changed from three or four during the Jurassic and Cretaceous to two at the present day; the other is that the number of pollen sacs has remained two from the Middle Jurassic to the present day. In addition, the pollen cones described herein are similar to the pollen cones of the extant Ginkgo, which strongly indicates that the morphology of Ginkgo plants may have remained highly conserved over millions of years.  相似文献   
苗雨雁 《世界地质》2017,36(1):15-21
通过对新疆准噶尔盆地白杨河地区中侏罗世奥勃鲁契夫银杏(Ginkgo obrutschewii Seward)模式产地及其邻区该种叶化石表皮构造的研究,笔者认为应以采自白杨河模式产地的化石材料作为认定该种主要特征的依据。尽管G.obrutschewii的外部形态和叶表皮构造可能具有一些变异特征,但综合而言,该种叶表皮构造主要特征似应为:表皮气孔器特征通常为下气孔式,上下表皮细胞均普遍发育强度不同的角质化丘状或低缓的乳状突起,垂周壁略直或微弯;气孔器单唇式,保卫细胞近孔缝处唇状加厚强烈,副卫细胞通常强烈角质化,表面常发育瘤状或团块状角质化加厚。目前对该种叶化石的采集及其表皮构造的研究尚不充分,相关研究有待进一步深入。近年来,俄罗斯学者归于本种的产于新疆福海的银杏叶片化石,及其对本种叶表皮构造特征的补充等,尚值得商榷。  相似文献   
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