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本文首次利用碳酸盐岩C,O,Sr稳定同位素探讨了羌塘盆地那底岗日地区中侏罗世海洋沉积环境的演变。测试结果表明,该区中侏罗世碳酸盐岩δ  相似文献   
云南德钦及邻区晚三叠世火山沉积盆地演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云南德钦及邻晚三叠世火山沉积盆地的形成和演化与江达-维西火山弧的演化密切相关,而后者的形成则受控于金沙江洋盆的俯冲消减作用。从现有的研究成果来看,德钦及邻区晚三叠世火山沉积盆地的属性存在较大的分歧。本文根据火山岩和沉积学等方面的信息,认为生达-车所-鲁麻盆地,徐中-鲁春-红坡和箐口塘-催依比-上兰盆地三个晚三叠世火山沉积舅地应属走滑拉张盆地,并探讨了其形成演化历史。  相似文献   
桌子山中奥陶世公乌素组遗迹化石组合与古地理环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
费安玮 《现代地质》2000,14(3):366-372
据遗迹化石新资料 ,将内蒙古桌子山地区中奥陶世公乌素组遗迹化石自下而上划分为 8个组合 :Taenidium组合、Zoophycos组合、Volkichnium组合、H elminthopsis-Paleodictyon组合、Granularia组合、 Circulichnus组合、 Chondrites组合及 H elminthopsis组合。其中 ,H elminthopsis-Paleodictyon与 H elminthopsis两组合属于 N ereites遗迹相 ,并分别出现于陆隆 -深海盆地浊积扇与陆隆浊积扇环境 ;其余 6个组合与 Seilacher( 1 967)的 Zoophycos遗迹相相当 ,代表有机质丰富、平静而贫氧的大陆斜坡环境。遗迹组合序列和遗迹相的递变表明 ,本区在公乌素组沉积期经历了两次由陆棚边缘盆地—大陆斜坡—陆隆 -深海盆地浊积扇 (或陆隆浊积扇 )的环境演变。指出了本组遗迹化石与波兰喀尔巴阡山复理石相遗迹化石在分布上的相似性。认为 Zoophycos相各遗迹组合所赋存的泥灰岩等是很好的生油岩。  相似文献   
中国南方中及晚奥陶世岩相古地理   总被引:6,自引:13,他引:6  
中国南方是指西至金沙江一元江断裂、西北至龙门山断裂、北至城口-房县-襄樊-广济断裂、东北至郯城-庐江断裂、东至黄海和东海、南至南海的中国南方的广大地区,面积约200万km^2。在露头剖面和钻井剖面的地层学和岩石学研究所取得的各种定量及定性资料的基础上,采用单因素分析综合作图法,编制出了中国南方中奥陶统胡乐阶(庙坡阶)和}韩江阶(宝塔阶)以及上奥陶统石口阶(临湘阶)和五峰阶的各种单因素图以及相应的各世的岩相古地理图。在这些古地理图中,有7个主要的古地理单元,即滇西台地、康滇陆、扬子台地、斜坡、江南盆地、东南台地和华夏陆。前5个古地理单元属康滇古地理体系,后两个古地理单元属华夏古地理体系。这些古地理图的最大特征是定量,即每个古地理单元的划分和确定都有确切的定量的单因素图和数据为依据。这种定量的岩相古地理图在我国南方中及晚奥陶世还是首次出现。这种定量岩相古地理图在古地理学中是个重大的进展,对石油、天然气以及其他沉积矿产的预测和勘探有重要的指导作用。最后,对两个古地理体系和7个主要古地理单元在整个寒武纪和奥陶纪各期或世的历史演化进行了较详细的探讨。  相似文献   
张宗祜 《第四纪研究》2001,21(3):208-217
我国北方晚更新世以来古环境变化在总趋势上有一致性,但又有地区上的差别.青藏高原古气候变化有其特殊性,末次冰期寒冷气候开始早于其他地区;全新世暖期开始晚于其他地区1500年左右.除受全球性气候变化影响外,青藏高原的迅速上升也是影响我国北方晚更新世以来古环境的因素之一;华北平原未来生存环境变化中水资源的变化受人类活动影响很大.目前水资源开发利用程度高,预测于21世纪前半个世纪内缺水状况是严峻的,平原区缺水将大于80×108m3/a;我国北方在全新世大暖期后,气候环境的变化是在大暖期期间形成的环境基础上演变的.总的趋势是向以冷干为主的气候和向干旱化环境演化.  相似文献   
High energy, lake‐shoreline carbonate sequences are rarely documented in the geological record. However, one example occurs in the Upper Triassic Mercia Mudstone Group (MMG) of southern Britain. The MMG is one of a number of thick, non‐fossiliferous mudstone deposits associated with North Atlantic Mesozoic rift basins. The origin of the MMG mudstones is the subject of current debate, with marine, playa‐lacustrine and alluvial–aeolian models having been proposed. Shoreline features have been documented from the northern margin of the basin, but the rarity of such features elsewhere in the MMG has led many workers to doubt a lacustrine origin for the mudstones. Wave‐dominated, lake‐shoreline deposits have been recognized in several sections from the southern basin margin in the Clevedon area of the Bristol Channel in south‐west England. These deposits provide evidence for the development of a sizeable perennial to semi‐perennial hypersaline lake in which the MMG mudstones accumulated. Shoreline sediments overlie alluvial stream and sheet‐flood deposits, and pass from transgressive gravel–conglomerate beach units with bioclasts, influenced by shore‐normal waves (deposited under semi‐humid conditions), to lower gradient, highstand oolitic sands affected by more varied wave approach (deposited under progressively more arid conditions), which culminated in lowstand, oolitic strand‐plain deposits overlain by a playa‐mudflat unit. Shoreline deposits record a simple shallowing‐upward transgressive–highstand–lowstand sequence. However, a change from a reflective (transgressive) to dissipative (highstand) shoreline is believed to represent a climatically induced change in prevailing wind direction. Shoreline features recognized in the MMG are similar to those of recent playa‐lacustrine basins of the western United States. Ooids display a variety of size, fracture and dissolution features in addition to beachrock fabrics, suggesting that they were originally composed of radial aragonite, similar to modern ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah.  相似文献   
Unusual textural and chemical characteristics of disseminated dolomite in Upper Jurassic shelf sediments of the North Sea have provided the basis for a proposed new interpretation of early diagenetic dolomite authigenesis in highly bioturbated marine sandstones. The dolomite is present throughout the Franklin Sandstone Formation of the Franklin and Elgin Fields as discrete, non‐ferroan, generally unzoned, subhedral to highly anhedral ‘jigsaw piece’ crystals. These are of a similar size to the detrital silicate grains and typically account for ≈5% of the rock volume. The dolomite crystals are never seen to form polycrystalline aggregates or concretions, or ever to envelop the adjacent silicate grains. They are uniformly dispersed throughout the sandstones, irrespective of detrital grain size or clay content. Dolomite authigenesis predated all the other significant diagenetic events visible in thin section. The dolomite is overgrown by late diagenetic ankerite, and bulk samples display stable isotope compositions that lie on a mixing trend between these components. Extrapolation of this trend suggests that the dolomite has near‐marine δ18O values and low, positive δ13C values. The unusual textural and chemical characteristics of this dolomite can all be reconciled if it formed in the near‐surface zone of active bioturbation. Sea water provided a plentiful reservoir of Mg and a pore fluid of regionally consistent δ18O. Labile bioclastic debris (e.g. aragonite, Mg‐calcite) supplied isotopically positive carbon to the pore fluids during shallow‐burial dissolution. Such dissolution took place in response to the ambient ‘calcite sea’ conditions, but may have been catalysed by organic matter oxidation reactions. Bioturbation not only ensured that the dissolving carbonate was dispersed throughout the sandstones, but also prohibited coalescence of the dolomite crystals and consequent cementation of the grain framework. Continued exchange of Mg2+ and Ca2+ with the sea‐water reservoir maintained a sufficient Mg/Ca ratio for dolomite (rather than calcite) to form. Irregular crystal shapes resulted from dissolution, of both the dolomite and the enclosed fine calcitic shell debris, before ankerite precipitation during deep‐burial diagenesis.  相似文献   
华北晚古生代聚煤盆地造盆构造述略   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文从盆地基底、盆地基盘及盆地发育期构造演化三个层次讨论了华北晚古生代聚煤盆地的造盆构造特征。文中提出了盆地基盘概念,阐述释了华北地台晚古生代积活动肇始的构造机理,对华力西阶段华北板块板缘活动及其板内地层记录进行了对应研究。  相似文献   
李儒峰  门凤岐 《现代地质》1995,9(1):11-17,T001
本文记述了采自山东淄博地区晚石炭世太原组双壳类化石15属28种,讨论了化石组合特征.在研究双壳类动物群的基础上,划分了3个动物群落,即:Acanthopecten群落、Palacolima群落和Aitartella群落,并对各群落的生态特征进行了系统研究.  相似文献   
广西晚古生代硅岩的地球化学及其形成的大地构造环境   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王忠诚  邝国敦 《岩石学报》1995,11(4):449-455
广西晚古生代泥盆、石炭纪和二叠纪地层中广泛发育放射虫硅岩,在桂西百色、那坡一带这些地层中的硅岩与玄武岩伴生。而钦州、柳州及河池一带未见到玄武岩。对这些地区硅岩的主元素、微量元素及稀土元素的研究表明:不同地区的硅岩有不同的成因,百色、那坡地区的硅岩形成在深水远洋环境并受到海底火山及热液作用的影响;钦州板城地区的硅岩以生物成因为主;而柳州、河池的硅岩属于离火山、热液活动稍远的生物成因。玄武岩的发现及硅岩成因的判别对探讨广西晚古生代大地构造环境及演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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