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The NW corner of the Little Hungarian Plain, which lies at the junction of the Eastern Alps, the Pannonian Basin and the Western Carpathians, is a neotectonically active region linking the extrusional tectonics of the Eastern Alps with the partly subsiding Little Hungarian Plain. The on-going deformation is verified by the earthquake activity in the region. An extremely flat part of the area, east of Neusiedlersee, the so-called Seewinkel, has been investigated with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS, also known as airborne LiDAR) techniques, resulting in a digital terrain model (DTM) with a 1 m grid resolution and vertical precision of better than 10 cm. The DTM has been compared with known and inferred neotectonic features.Potential neotectonic structures of the DTM have been evaluated, together with geological maps, regional tectono-geomorphic studies, geophysical data, earthquake foci, as well as geomorphological features and the Quaternary sediment thickness values of the Seewinkel and the adjacent Parndorfer plateau. A combined evaluation of these data allows several tectonic features with a relief of < 2 m to be recognized in the DTM. The length of these linear geomorphological structures ranges from several hundred meters up to several kilometers. The most prominent feature forms a 15 km long, linear, 2 m high NE–SW trending ridge with gravel occurrences having an average grain size of ca. 5 cm on its top. We conclude this feature to represent the surface expression of the previously recognized Mönchhof Fault. In general, this multi-disciplinary case study shows that ALS DTMs are extremely important for tectono-geomorphic investigations, as they can detect and accurately locate neotectonic structures, especially in low-relief areas.  相似文献   
随着海洋探测的不断发展,海水透明度作为海水光学性质的一个重要参量,也越来越受到人们的关注。文章对比分析了4种海水透明度现场测量方法:透明度盘法~([1])、光纤式高光谱剖面测量法~([2])、激光衰减测量法~([3])和基于双光路原理的海水IOPs高光谱测量法~([4]),主要分析了4种方法的测量原理,对比各自的优缺点,并提出了海水透明度测量未来发展设想。  相似文献   
以喜马拉雅山系为典型实例,究竟是气候作用还是构造作用引起山体隆升的问题已经成为地球系统科学研究中的重要前沿问题。无论是气候因素还是构造因素引起山体隆升,二者都与一个共同的地表过程——剥蚀作用相关,剥蚀作用对山体中地质体的影响可以用岩石矿物经历的热史演化来描述,所以,在造山作用研究中,山体或山脉的热史演化是揭开地质体经历地质过程、山体隆升研究的重要途径。利用河砂组成矿物来研究流域的地质过程和构造演化已经成为现代地质科学的重要手段。本文采集了雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱县以南约50 km处地东河段内的现代河砂,对其中的角闪石、白云母、黑云母及钾长石等四种矿物进行了高精度单颗粒激光40Ar/39Ar年代学测试,并进行了概率统计。地东河段河砂中富钾矿物40Ar/39Ar年代学统计结果显示,大峡谷流域的热史演化可以确定有多个阶段,分别可以识别出70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、26~25、25~23、22~20、20~18、17~14、12~11、8~6、5~4及<2Ma等13个热史演化阶段。通过将上述热史信息与印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化曲线的对比,可以确定70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、22~20和12~11Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是两大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化事件在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录;通过与全球深海氧、碳同位素记录曲线的对比,可以认为26~25、25~23、17~14、8~6、5~4和<2Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是气候变化在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录。东喜马拉雅构造结地质体热史演化是构造与气候相互作用的结果。  相似文献   
高精度卫星轨道是提高卫星应用水平的基础,卫星精密定轨方法主要基于卫星轨道动力学理论.通过跟踪卫星轨迹的测轨技术,将几何和动力学信息进行融合。地震电磁卫星拟采用星载GPS和综合轨道求解方法进行精密定轨.并辅之以人卫激光测距,其定轨的精度可达厘米级。  相似文献   
良山钼矿是近年来赣中地区新发现的钼矿,浅部矿体主要赋存于南华系浅变质岩系的构造裂隙中,矿石类型以含辉钼矿石英脉为主。流体包裹体岩相学和显微测温结果表明:含辉钼矿石英脉中的流体包裹体主要呈星散状随机或成群分布,其形态多样,大小集中在2~15 μm,包裹体的类型主要有纯液相包裹体、富气相两相包裹体、富液相两相包裹体和含液体CO2三相包裹体4类,其中以富液相两相包裹体最为发育;包裹体的均一温度为136~298 ℃,盐度为1.22%~10.11%NaCleqv,密度为0.78~0.99 g/cm3,成矿流体属中-低温、低盐度、较低密度流体;成矿压力估算为13~70 MPa,形成深度为0.5~2.6 km。流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱分析表明:包裹体中气液相成分以H2O为主,气相中还有少量的CO2和CO。H、O、S同位素组成显示:成矿流体的δD值介于-61‰~-57.9‰,δ18OH2O值介于-3.32‰~-0.52‰,具有岩浆水和大气降水混合的特征;成矿热液中的δ34S值介于-1.8‰~+1.9‰,具有岩浆硫的特征。综合成矿地质特征及相关分析,认为成矿流体可能与燕山期的岩浆活动有关,属于岩浆热液流体,混合作用及钾化作用是促进金属富集沉淀成矿的主要因素,推测矿床属于岩浆热液充填石英脉型钼矿。  相似文献   
三维激光扫描仪在惠泉变电站三维模型构建中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中通过利用地面三维激光扫描仪获取的空间数据,进行了惠泉变电站三维空间地物建模研究。首先探讨点的密度对数据采集的影响;然后通过整体匹配纠正并对原始测量数据进行拼接配准;最后建立了三维表面模型。通过研究发现利用三维激光扫描技术可以快速建立三维空间的可视化模型,解决了传统的测量仪器与测量方法在变电站等特殊领域的不足。为能够实现变电站资源的数字化,提供了一个变电站三维模型构建的新方向。  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for using the intensity of returns from a scanning light detection and ranging (lidar) system from a single viewing point to identify the location and measure the diameter of tree stems within a forest. Such instruments are being used for rapid forest inventory and to provide consistent supporting information for airborne lidars. The intensity transect across a tree stem is found to be consistent with a simple model parameterised by the range and diameter of the trunk. The stem diameter is calculated by fitting the model to transect data. The angular span of the stem can also be estimated by using a simple threshold where intensity values are tested against the expected intensity for a stem of given diameter. This is useful when data are insufficient to fit the model or the stem is partially obscured. The process of identifying tree positions and trunk diameters is fully automated and is shown to be successful in identifying a high proportion of trees, including some that are partially obscured from view. The range and bearing to trees are in excellent agreement with field data. Trunk angular span and diameter estimations are well correlated with field measurements at the plot scale. The accuracy of diameter estimation is found to decrease with range from the scanning position and is also reduced for stems subtending small angles (less than twice the scanning resolution) to the instrument. A method for adjusting survey results to compensate for trees missed due to obscuration from the scanning point and the use of angle count methods is found to improve basal area estimates and achieve agreement within 4% of field measurements.  相似文献   
沉积物粒度分析方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冉敬  杜谷  潘忠习 《岩矿测试》2011,30(6):669-676
近年来激光粒度分析法在沉积物粒度分析方面的应用得到了进一步扩展。本文利用美国麦克奇公司生产的S3500型激光粒度分析仪开展沉积物粒度分析方法实验,研究表明:S3500型仪器较优的样品用量约为0.2 g;稀释过程会影响样品的粒度分布;样品分取方式会带来不同的随机误差。与薄片图像法和筛析法两种传统粒度分析方法获得的粒度分布参数比较表明:激光法测得的平均粒径较薄片图像法和筛析法偏细;激光法和筛析法的峰度相关性较好。采用Malvern 2000和Micro S3500两种激光粒度分析仪测量结果的比较表明:Malvern 2000测得的平均粒径较Micro S3500测得的平均粒径偏细,但二者的相关性很好(r=0.9574),研究认为这两种粒度仪的测试结果会给岩石粒度定名带来差异。由于各种粒度分析方法存在差异和局限性,在实际工作中粒度分析应尽可能建立在同一测量体系上,以便资料对比。  相似文献   
激光测距—成像组合扫描仪多源数据采集技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述一套机载运行的光学-机械扫描式激光测距和被动式热红外外扫描成像组合遥感器,结合飞机平台的姿态测量和GPS定位,可实时(准实时)获取地面景物的三维位置和影像灰度信息。由多源数据采集技术获得的多种同步数据经地面计算机回放和处理,可以快速生成数字地面高程模型(DEM)和地学编码图像。扫描激光测距仪与扫描成像仪的电同步技术控制激光测距采样时刻与图像采样时刻在时序上的一致性,从而达到高程数据与图像像元的匹配。  相似文献   
A Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) instrument has been developed to detect iodine monoxide (IO) radicals in the atmosphere. An all solid-state Nd:YAG pumped Ti:Sapphire laser operating at approximately 445 nm was used to excite the (2,0) band of the IO A2Π3/2 ← X2Π3/2 electronic transition, with off-resonance fluorescence in the (2,5) band detected at 521 nm. The sensitivity of the instrument was determined by calibration. IO (between 10 and 150 pptV) was generated following the 184.9 nm photolysis of N2O/CF3I/N2 mixtures with O3 actinometry used to determine the photolysis flux. The detection limit was determined to be 0.3 pptV for a 300 s integration period, with an uncertainty of 23% (1σ). The instrument was deployed in August/September 2006 during the RHaMBLe (Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer) campaign in Roscoff, France. Located on a small jetty, a few metres from the water’s edge at high tide, the instrument measured significant levels of IO on 11 days, with a maximum of 27.6 ± 3.2 pptV observed on one day (averaged over 10 s) representing the highest IO mixing ratio recorded in the marine boundary layer to date. IO displayed a clear diurnal profile with a maximum at low tide during the daytime. These results represent the first point measurements of IO in the atmosphere by LIF.  相似文献   
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