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A screening method for heavy metals in aqueous extracts of soil is presented which is based on inhibition of the enzymes urease and alcohol dehydrogenase. The method is suitable to detect cupric and mercury ions in concentrations below 0.01 mg/L and several other heavy metal ions in 1000 fold higher concentration. It is shown that the test may be used for screening of mercury ion concentrations exceeding 0.03 mg/L in aqueous solution when copper chelators are added to the test system. The usefulness of the presented tests to detect heavy metals eluted from soil was verified with samples from ore mining waste. The concentration of copper, lead, and zinc eluted from these samples to different amount was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and was in good agreement with the enzyme inhibition data obtained with these samples.  相似文献   
Major and trace element XRF and in situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of ilmenite in the Tellnes ilmenite deposit, Rogaland Anorthosite Province, SW Norway, constrains a two stage fractional crystallization model of a ferrodioritic Fe-Ti-P rich melt. Stage 1 is characterized by ilmenite-plagioclase cumulates, partly stored in the lower part of the ore body (Lower Central Zone, LCZ), and stage 2 by ilmenite-plagioclase-orthopyroxene-olivine cumulates (Upper Central Zone, UCZ). The concentration of V and Cr in ilmenite, corrected for the trapped liquid effect, (1) defines the cotectic proportion of ilmenite to be 17.5 wt% during stage 1, and (2) implies an increase of D VIlm during stage 2, most likely related to a shift in fO2. The proportion of 17.5 wt% is lower than the modal proportion of ilmenite (ca. 50 wt%) in the ore body, implying accumulation of ilmenite and flotation of plagioclase. The fraction of residual liquid left after crystallization of Tellnes cumulates is estimated at 0.6 and the flotation of plagioclase at 26 wt% of the initial melt mass. The increasing content of intercumulus magnetite with stratigraphic height, from 0 to ca. 3 wt%, results from differentiation of the trapped liquid towards magnetite saturation. The MgO content of ilmenite (1.4–4.4 wt%) is much lower than the expected cumulus composition. It shows extensive postcumulus re-equilibration with trapped liquid and ferromagnesian silicates, correlated with distance to the host anorthosite. The Zr content of ilmenite, provided by in situ analyses, is low (<114 ppm) and uncorrelated with stratigraphy or Cr content. The data demonstrate that zircon coronas observed around ilmenite formed by subsolidus exsolution of ZrO2 from ilmenite. The U-Pb zircon age of 920 ± 3 Ma probably records this exsolution process. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
应用我国自行研制组装的激光荧光遥感系统,测试了包括岩石、土壤、植物、水体以及人工建筑材料在内的各种样品的激光诱导荧光光谱。研究结果表明,应用地物荧光峰的位置、强度及它们的组合指标,不仅能区分上述各基本类型的地物,而且还能往下级单元续分。还表明,激光荧光遥感系统具有相当广泛的应用前景,在某些方面可望超过当前常用的、以反射光谱为基础的被动式遥感。  相似文献   
The occurrence of superluminal motion in extragalactic radio sources is believed to be quite common. Among others, the geometrical scattering of radio radiation can also cause superluminal expansion and or motion and halo formation, In this paper, the effectiveness of the stimulated Raman scattering in producing these features is investigated. The scattering medium is a plasma whose position, density and temperature decide the rate and angle of scattering. When the radiation from a stationary and constant source gets scattered from a stationary plasma, a halo is formed around the source. However, the scattering of a rotating radiation beam does produce superluminal motion of the virtual source. It is found that the plasma should have the characteristics of the emission-line regions and the intercloud medium in order to Raman scatter the radiation. Since the scattering is polarization dependent, it is possible to estimate the rotation of the electric vector along the direction of the apparent motion of a radio source.  相似文献   
A laboratory sensor has now been developed to measure the absolute thickness of oil on water slicks. This prototype oil slick thickness measurement system is known as the laser-ultrasonic remote sensing of oil thickness (LURSOT) sensor. This laser opto-acoustic sensor is the initial step in the ultimate goal of providing an airborne sensor with the ability to remotely measure oil-on-water slick thickness. The LURSOT sensor employs three lasers to produce and measure the time-of-flight of ultrasonic waves in oil and hence provide a direct measurement of oil slick thickness. The successful application of this technology to the measurement of oil slick thickness will benefit the scientific community as a whole by providing information about the dynamics of oil slick spreading and the spill responder by providing a measurement of the effectiveness of spill countermeasures such as dispersant application and in situ burning.

This paper will provide a review of early developments and discuss the current state-of-the-art in the field of oil slick thickness measurement.  相似文献   

Veins and clasts of pseudotachylyte developed in the microbreccias of the detachment fault along the boundary of the Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex. The Raman spectral analysis shows that there are three kinds of textures in the matrices of the pseudotachylyte, i.e. ultracataclastic fine-grained texture, cryptocrystalline texture and both of them with minute quantity of glass. The three different textures are the results of different degrees of ultracataclasis. This demonstrates that ultracataclasis-comminution-melting is the genetic mechanism of the pseudotachylytes in the Xiaoqinling detachment fault and the ultracataclasis-comminution dominates in their formation. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49472142).  相似文献   
引入倾斜校正自适应光学技术到月球激光测距中,详细介绍了倾斜校正自适应光学的相关跟踪原理,给出了一种基于实时操作系统RTAI的相关跟踪波前处理机的设计结果.该波前处理机采用绝对差分算法,使用通用CPU,基于Linux硬实时扩展系统BTAI实现对波前的实时处理.实验结果证明,它的相关跟踪处理帧频为1 KHz,并且具有集成度...  相似文献   
白云石属碳酸盐矿物,应用熔融制样X射线荧光光谱法测定其中主次量组分钙、镁、硅、铁、铝时,由于白云石灼烧减量大,在试料片制备过程中,如果以干基试料制备试料片,除灼烧减量外还有少量其他组分被分解出的大量CO2带走,导致试料损失,测定结果偏低;如果以灼烧基试料制备试料片,由于灼烧后的试料极易吸收空气中的水分和CO2,同样使测定结果偏低。基于质量守恒原理,本文直接以灼烧减量测量后的灼烧基试料质量作为试料量(即灼烧减量测定所称量的干基试料量扣除灼烧减量的量),以四硼酸锂为熔剂,5%碘化铵溶液为脱模剂,试料与熔剂的稀释比为1:10,于1050℃熔融15 min以上制备的试料片透彻、玻璃化程度高。以白云石标准物质和标准样品作为标准试料,制作各组分的标准曲线的相关系数在0.9940~0.9994之间;方法检出限为0.011%~0.48%;标准物质和标准样品的测定值与认定值基本一致,各组分的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=11)在0.5%~1.7%之间,方法具有较好的重现性。本方法以1050℃灼烧后的试样作为试料制备XRF分析样片,最大限度地降低了灼烧减量因素(空气中的水分和CO2)对测定结果的影响,适用于白云石及其煅烧物中钙、镁、硅、铁、铝等组分的同时测定。  相似文献   
传统的光学显微镜由于分辨率、放大倍数的限制,对于细微颗粒的定性分析不准确,矿物的定量分析存在一定的误差,对纳米-微米级矿物形貌及结构特征的观察束手无策。随着油气勘探及地质找矿的不断深入,需要提供岩石中所有矿物、孔隙及微量元素的信息,因此整合傅里叶红外光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、拉曼光谱仪、扫描电镜的优点,建立以大型仪器为基础的岩石矿物鉴定方法是当前地质工作的需要。红外光谱光谱范围为7500~370 cm-1,能对固、液、气样品中含量高于30%的矿物进行快速、准确的定性分析;主要用于有机质分析,其次还可对部分具有极性键的无机化合物及金属氧化物进行分析。X射线衍射仪能快速地对样品中含量大于15%的矿物进行较为准确的定量分析;现今主要用于各类晶质矿物的定性分析,同时也可对碳酸盐岩矿物等不含水矿物进行定量分析。拉曼光谱仪光谱范围为200~1000 nm,空间分辨率为横向0.5μm、纵向2μm,通过对包裹体进行测试能直接获得成岩过程中的温度、压力、流体成分等信息;目前主要用于流体包裹体成分的测试,其次还可对分子极化度会发生变化的液态、粉末及固体样品进行定性分析。扫描电镜分辨率达到1 nm,能清晰地观察到纳米-微米级矿物的形貌特征及矿物的结构特征;主要用于纳米-微米级的任何非磁性固体矿物的形貌及相关关系的观察。通过大型仪器建立的岩石矿物鉴定方法具有更高的分辨率,显著地提高了岩矿鉴定的精准度,大大拓宽了岩矿鉴定的范围(如鉴定纳米/微米级的矿物、矿物的不同变种等),能够全面、精准地提供岩石矿物的矿物含量和矿物组成、客观准确的成岩作用信息、清晰的矿物微观形貌及结构特征,而且仪器功能相互重叠,测试结果相互验证,保证了测试结果的可靠性。与传统光学显微镜鉴定方法相比,现代大型仪器岩石矿物鉴定技术为揭示矿物间的共生、反应、演化、岩石的成因、沉积/成岩环境等提供了依据,为地质工作提供准确、全面的矿物定性定量、组构特征及成岩作用等信息,为地质工作的顺利完成奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
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