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The spatial database of landslides in Fengdu County of the reservoir region of the Three Gorges project (TGP) on the Yangtze River was compiled from a variety of different sources including field investigations on landslides, existing catalogues and archives on landslides, reports of meteorological events and human engineering activities that triggered slope failures. The major factors that are found to have affected the slope stabilities are outlined, and an assessment and zonation of landslide hazards of the region is made using an integrated information model, which is divided into destructive, disastrous, likely disastrous and essentially non-disastrous areas from the assessment of landslide hazards. The destructive and disastrous areas are respectively 1.9 and 13.8% of the total region, mostly being nearby townships, highways along the south bank of the Yangtze River and residential quarters along two flanks of the Yangtze River and its distributaries, that will impose direct impact to highway transportation and residential lives, and may effect to some degree the navigation of the Yangtze River, reservoir banks, and building of cities and towns.  相似文献   
许欢  柳永清  旷红伟  彭楠  江小均 《地质通报》2017,36(11):1893-1918
燕山运动是中国东部晚中生代重要的陆内造山运动,具有广泛而深远的地质影响。虽然前人对燕山运动的研究已近百年,积累了大量研究成果,然而目前对于燕山造山带的陆内造山过程仍存在很大争议。针对这一科学问题,选取燕山西部尚义盆地开展了1∶5万专题地质填图。在此基础上,通过盆地充填序列、岩相、沉积环境、物源的综合分析,恢复了盆地岩相古地理,建立了盆地演化模型,并探讨了燕山造山带陆内造山过程的沉积响应。根据沉积岩区岩相组合填图方法,绘制了1∶5万组-相级岩相分布图。燕山西部尚义盆地侏罗纪—早白垩世早期沉积演化记录了燕山造山带造山前伸展、同造山挤压和造山后伸展的全过程。  相似文献   
将Global Mapper、ArcGIS、MapGIS三款GIS软件有效结合起来,以海南岛为例进行基于DEM的三维晕渲地质图的制作方法研究。首先将SRTM数据和矢量地理数据在不同地图参数下进行自动配准,然后实现地质要素与DEM模型的精准匹配,最后根据DEM对第四系地质界线进行微调,实现了1∶50万海南岛三维地质图的制作。同时总结了不同椭球体与坐标系统下的数据转换、DEM空白区数据填补、晕渲地质图生产的方法。三维地质图制作所采用的DEM数据完全满足1∶50万三维地质图的制图要求;与传统地质图相比,其立体感和可读性明显增强,图件信息量显著增大,图面呈现清晰的三维地质结构,很好地提高了制图精度。该方法为我国三维地质图的制作提供了一个新的方法和思路,并为其他三维图件制作提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   
Hydrothermal alteration mapping with spaceborne hyperspectral data was simulated in the Comstock mining district, Nevada in order to evaluate the mineral mapping capabilities of the proposed Australian Resource Information and Environment Satellite (ARIES‐1). As a result, a suite of hydrothermal alteration minerals, including kaolinite, dickite, illite, chlorite, alunite and carbonate was identified from the simulated data in the 0.4–2.5 μm wavelength region and their areal abundance variations mapped accordingly. The recognised alteration zoning shows a major change in alteration assemblages across the Comstock and Silver City Faults, and a gradual variation from north to south along the faults. In the bleached Miocene volcanic rocks, dickite, kaolinite, illite and alunite were recognised. Coexistence of dickite of relatively high temperature, high‐crystallinity kaolinite of medium temperature and low‐crystallinity kaolinite of low temperature suggests supergene processes overprinting earlier hypogene alteration. The bleached rocks probably represent hydrothermal alteration in the fluid up‐flow zones in the central and shallower parts of the hydrothermal system. Illite in the bleached zones is characterised by relatively short AI–OH band wavelengths (2190–2200 nm), indicating no or very low Fe and/or Mg contents. Fault‐controlled propylitic alteration is mapped in the central part of the district mainly in the footwall of the Comstock Fault. The associated illite is characterised mainly by medium AI–OH band wavelengths (2200–2208 nm). This propylitic alteration may be contemporaneous with Au–Ag mineralisation. Additional and more extensive propylitic zones, containing illite with long AI–OH band wavelengths (2204–2216 nm), were mapped in the southern part of the district. These zones resulted from either a pre‐mineralisation propylitic alteration, or the peripheral hydrothermal alteration in the fluid down‐flow zones of the Miocene hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
数字地质填图研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
数字地质填图是指区域地质调查数据的野外获取及其成果的数字化统一性再现.当前数字地质填图现状和发展趋势已基本上实现了数字填图系统的采集、存储、管理、描述、分析和再现地质实体在地球表面空间分布有关的数据信息.在计算机辅助下, 通过野外观测路线的调查, 对地质、地理、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多源地学数据进行综合分析和地质制图.在掌上机WindowsCE平台上, 实现了数字填图所需的基本GIS基本功能(GPS定位路线采集、素描), 实现了遥感系统与数字填图系统的一体化整合.   相似文献   
本文依据测绘成果质量检查与验收的相关规定,结合南京的测绘产品质量管理的实际情况,实现了检验方案的制定、质量检查、质量评价等工作流程,达到了质量评定的规范化管理的目的,实现质量评定成果统一化、规则化和标准化,具有较广泛的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
面向数字孪生城市的智能化全息测绘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大数据、物联网、人工智能、虚拟现实、云计算、智能驾驶等新技术为代表的信息化浪潮席卷全球,数字世界与物理世界正形成两大平行发展、相互作用的体系,数字孪生技术应运而生。随着物联网技术(IOT)的发展,数字孪生的理念被引入到智慧城市建设中来,深刻影响着城市规划、建设与治理。笔者所在单位面向数字孪生城市和自然资源统一监管对测绘地理信息的新需求,在全国开创性地开展了面向数字孪生城市的智能化全息测绘试点工作。本文结合上海市智能化全息测绘试点工作,从数字孪生城市、数字孪生城市对地理信息的新需求、智能化全息测绘关键技术及测绘成果等方面展开了论述,重点介绍了智能化全息测绘的技术体系和产品体系,以及在社会各领域的应用成果。  相似文献   
此项研究是国家科技攻关项目。在研究此课题以前,世界上采用的多光谱航空摄影机一直是小像幅的(大部分为6cmx6cm,代称为6MSP)。6MSP不能测图,分光“有害吸收”大,故图像质量差,且像幅小,飞行和后期加工量极大。本研究采用18cm×l8cm和23cm×23cm像幅航空摄影测量像机组成多光谱像机组,并设计了“截止滤光镜一特制感光胶片”组合的无“有害吸收”的分光系统,使本多光谱航空摄影像幅比6MSP加大了9倍和14.7倍,并能“一摄多用”,既能测图,又能进行资源调查和环境监测,其图像因无“有害吸收”,分光质量高,可供目视判读,也可输入计算机进行准确地物分类解译。18-23MSP是一项有效的航空遥感技术。  相似文献   
公租房是解决新就业职工、城市困难家庭等住房困难的一种产品。在公租房项目的建设过程中,需要经过立项、选址、报建、建设、竣工验收等多个环节。本文以全国首批开工建设、首批交付使用的的公租房项目———重庆市公租房民心佳园一期为工程实例,介绍了现代测绘技术在公租房建设各个环节中的应用。  相似文献   
通过对大数据时代的特点进行分析,结合实际从测绘保障的方式、职能、方法等方面进行剖析,总结了大数据时代测绘保障的重点,目的是探索大数据时代测绘保障的新方向,为提高测绘保障服务奠定基础。  相似文献   
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