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H.M. Rajesh   《Ore Geology Reviews》2008,33(3-4):382-396
The Rockhole area, Northern Territory, Australia, hosts a number of Proterozoic unconformity-related uranium deposits. The geology of the area features within Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Pine Creek Orogen, near the unconformity with overlying platform cover sandstone of the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic McArthur Basin. Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) data was used in the Rockhole area to assist in mapping geological structures and lithology, and to identify anomalous concentrations of ferrous minerals, the product of alteration, which can be indicators of buried uranium mineralization. Several image-processing procedures were applied to the ETM+ data to identify, isolate and enhance mineralogical information as simple and complex false color composites. ETM+ 754 shown as red green and blue respectively was the best simple image. Overall, complex images based on Principal Component Analysis proved to be the most useful products. Sandstone, shale and siltstone, the target lithologies, Koolpin Formation, the target stratigraphic unit, and bleaching pattern due to the removal of iron(II) compounds, the target alteration pattern, were confidently mapped to provide information required by the mineral emplacement model, which ultimately identified areas of likely uranium mineralization. Thus the contrasting behavior of the two principle oxidation states of uranium and iron can be utilized to map/delineate bleached alteration zones associated with economic concentrations of uranium using multispectral sensors like Landsat or better hyperspectral sensors.  相似文献   
计璐艳  尹丹艳  宫鹏 《遥感学报》2019,23(4):717-729
准确提取湖泊围网区域的时空分布信息对湖泊的保护和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以阳澄湖为研究区域,收集该地区1984年—2017年所有的Landsat 5和Landsat 8影像(共计396景),提出了结合光谱和纹理特征的围网提取新算法,同时利用时间序列滤波消除年际间因数据不一致造成的偏差。以高清影像人工解译作为参考,阳澄湖围网提取结果的生产者精度在72.57%—88.53%,用户者精度在79.79%—98.10%,围网面积变化与文献记录吻合。结果表明,阳澄湖围网经历了\"无围网期\"(1984年—1994年)、\"快速增长期\"(1994年—1998年)、\"巅峰期\"(1999年—2002年)、\"快速下降期\"(2003年—2006年)和\"稳定期\"(2007年—2017年)5个阶段,最高达到100 km2,目前稳定在30 km2;通过研究围网区植被指数发现,2002年之后围网区浮水植物的种植面积增大;通过对比水质数据发现,2002年至今持续15年的围网拆除并未使阳澄湖恢复到80年代无围网养殖时期的II类水,其水质依然处于Ⅲ—Ⅳ类。因此在湖泊养殖开发过程中,政府应该坚持可持续发展道路,在不破坏湖泊水质的基础上发展湖泊经济。  相似文献   
The Bonneville basin, located in north-western Utah, is a vast evaporite basin which is home to the world-renowned Bonneville Salt Flats international speedway and is a highly valued landscape undergoing rapid change and anthropogenic influence. Air quality, snowpack, the local hydrological system, and state tourism are all impacted by the nature of the surface sediments exposed in the Bonneville basin. Mapping the Bonneville basin over time with remote sensing methods provides insight into the dynamics and impacts of the changing surface landscape. Utilizing the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensors, a set of band math indices are empirically established to map the predominant halite, gypsum, and carbonates mineralogical zones of the Bonneville basin. Spectral comparisons of representative samples from the study area and image-derived spectra indicate the halite of the Bonneville basin is wet and that gypsum deposits are slightly mixed with halite. The established indices are assessed in four ways, all of which support the ability of the indices to accentuate the associated mineralogical endmembers. Two study areas within the Bonneville basin are investigated temporally from 1986, 1995, 2005, and 2016 and show changing patterns in mineral distribution that align with surface processes active through these timescales. These indices provide a resource for mapping mineralogy though time in evaporite basins globally with diverse applications for questions about land use and environmental change.  相似文献   
Despite threats emanating from the influence of climate and non-climate forcing on the barrier island coastal region of southwestern Nigeria, the extent of the coastal erosion is poorly understood. We report evidence of coastal erosion and sediment accumulation in the region over a 34-year period (1973–2017), using Landsat imagery at intervals of approximately six years. Landsat image corrections and various water-extraction algorithms were used to systematically delineate coastal erosion and accumulation in the area. The region was subdivided into western and eastern subregions separated by Lagos Harbour. In the west, erosion took place during the periods 1973–1979, 1979–1984, 1990–1999 and 2005–2011, whereas in the east, erosion occurred during 1973–1979, 1990–1999 and 1999–2005. Coastal sediment accumulation occurred in the east during 1979–1984, 1984–1990, 2005–2011 and 2011–2017, whereas gains in the west occurred during 1984–1990, 1999–2005 and 2011–2017. The study revealed substantial net erosion of 1 228.1 ha in the region as a whole, over the full period. Sediment accumulation accompanying the coastal erosion appears to be linked to longshore drift. Erosion between 1973 and 2011 was probably attributable to climate change (storms and tidal conditions), longshore drift, the inflow and outflow of water at Lagos Harbour, coastal morphology and, possibly, human impacts. However, the coastal changes between 2011 and 2017 were more obviously associated with human activities, such as development of the Eko Atlantic construction project. Coastal surveillance, together with the use of environmentally sensitive protective measures, could possibly help to reduce coastal erosion in the region. Careful coastal management practices, including artificial nourishing and the installation of resilient structures (e.g. seawalls), should be undertaken to protect human settlements that are already at risk from sea-level rise.  相似文献   
海湾处于水陆交互的区域,生态系统较为脆弱,资源环境极易受损。大尺度、长时序和高精度的土地利用/覆被变化LUCC(LandUse/CoverChange)制图是海湾区域国土空间规划和环境保护的基础。现有的制图方法多是针对原始遥感影像,难以充分挖掘和联合利用特征空间和变换空间蕴含的信息潜力,导致传统方法在地表异质性较高的海湾区域应用效果较差。本文面向杭州湾区域,基于Landsat长时间序列卫星影像和谷歌地球引擎GEE(GoogleEarthEngine),提出了融合遥感指数和主成分分量的随机森林遥感影像分类方法,实现了1985年—2020年(5年时间间隔)的LUCC制图及时空格局分析。结果表明:(1)融合遥感指数和主成分分量的随机森林算法能够准确提取杭州湾LUCC信息,8个时相的平均总体精度OA(OverallAccuracy)和Kappa系数分别为92.83%和0.9108。(2)研究期间内,建设用地(278.26km2至2984.76km2,年均增加77.33km2)、水体(509.32km2至680.21km2,年均增加4.88km2)、裸地(768.99km2增长至1078.13km2,年均增加8.83km2)的面积呈现增加趋势,而林地(2159.49km2至1881.52km2,年均减少7.94km2)、耕地(6998.45km2至4800.59km2,年均减少62.80km2)、滩涂(181.65km2至161.50km2,年均减少0.58km2)的面积呈现减少趋势。(3)研究期间内,耕地是最主要的转出源,总面积占比由64.23%减少至41.43%,耕地面积转出以建设用地(2268.05km2)与裸地(630.20km2)为主;耕地面积转入以水体(376.22km2)与林地(352.22km2)为主。本研究能够为杭州湾区域土地资源的科学管理提供数据支持,所得LUCC数据集对区域可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
短轮伐期人工林SRPs(Short-RotationPlantations)作为主要的经济型林类,对于生态环境保护以及社会经济发展都有着重要的影响,但精细的SRPs时空分布信息十分缺乏。本研究以中国SRPs种植最为广泛的广西壮族自治区(以下简称广西)为研究区域,基于GoogleEarthEngine云平台以及1986年—2019年的Landsat影像数据,应用LandTrendr时间序列分割算法对SRPs的时空分布信息进行了提取。结果分析表明:(1)广西SRPs种植面积近30年呈逐年稳定快速增加的态势,1990年种植面积仅1.93×105ha,到2019年达到了4.04×106ha,年均增长速度达到1.33×105ha;(2)从空间分布来看,广西东部、南部SRPs分布较为集中,其主要分布在海拔500m以下的低海拔地区以及地表坡度在20°左右的坡地,且河池市是广西SRPs种植分布面积最大的地级市;(3)SRPs种植面积变化趋势与林业产值存在很强的相关性(r=0.83,p<0.001),表明SRPs是影响林业经济的重要因素。本文提出的基于长时序的SRPs时空变化信息的提取方法,可以为林业管理提供决策支持,并为森林碳循环的研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Remote sensing is a robust and useful tool for providing high-resolution image data and enabling reliable geological mapping during the initial stage of mineral exploration. One of its main applications is the extraction of lineaments and to locate alteration areas to target gold exploration. It has been long used in the Pan-African belt of Cameroon to identify a hydrothermal alteration and a great number of lineaments associated with mineralizations. The study area located in the Pan-African belt hosts numerous alluvial gold deposits where the primary mineralization was still largely poorly unknown until now, due to deep weathering. Therefore, remote sensing combined with field data is useful for targeting potential zones of primary gold resources involved in the hydrothermal and lineament systems. In this study, remote sensing data from Landsat 8 imagery were selected to map the distribution of hydrothermal minerals, and gravity data were interpreted for highlighting structural patterns related to the control of high-potential zone for gold mineralization, generating a mineral prospect map. The lineaments network shows directions ranging from ENE-WSW to E-W, with main direction N45° and a secondary striking N275°. Image enhancement/processing techniques included the application of band ratio and principal component analysis that were helpful to demarcate potential alteration zones marked by iron oxide/hydroxides in which haematite and pyrite are used as proximal alterations and hydroxyl-bearing minerals in which sericite (muscovite) is used as a marker of proximal alteration, while chlorite, epidote, biotite, quartz, and calcite are used as distal alteration zone, as described by field and petrographic data. The identified alteration zones display a high consistency with the known locations of gold occurrences (mining sites) and closely concordant with large-scale gold mineralization in the study area. This study presents an integrated approach of Landsat 8 imagery with gravity data and field data for discovering primary mineral resources in a deep weathering area.  相似文献   
大兴安岭地区森林覆盖严重, 气候严寒, 交通极为不便, 野外有效工作时间短, 给区域地质矿产调查工作增加了难度, 急需遥感手段提高成果质量和效率. 在黑龙江大兴安岭洛古河等4幅1:5万区域地质矿产调查工作中, 利用SPOT7、Landsat7/8、ASTER等多种遥感数据开展地质矿产解译, 进行遥感影像分区, 建立地层、构造和侵入岩解译标志, 提取羟基和铁染蚀变异常, 结合水系沉积物测量成果划分了成矿有利区, 有效降低了地质矿产调查强度, 提高了调查效率, 增强了调查质量. 表明遥感技术在大兴安岭高植被覆盖区地质矿产调查过程中能够取得较好效果.  相似文献   
2008—2018年中国冰川变化分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
调查冰川资源的分布与变化,对区域乃至全球的自然环境与经济社会发展都具有十分重要的意义.基于315景Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像,结合中国第二次冰川编目数据与Google Earth软件,通过人工目视解译等方法调查了2018年中国冰川的分布与变化.结果表明:中国现存冰川53238条,总面积为(47174.21±19...  相似文献   
关真富  程晓  刘岩  璩榆桐  李腾 《遥感学报》2022,26(7):1450-1458
冰山出水高度是测量冰山厚度进而估算冰山体积的一个重要几何参数,是定量评估冰山对海洋的淡水输入量的基础。冬季冰山在海冰上成影且阴影较长,本文提出利用阴影测高模型高精度测量冰山出水高度的方法。试验选择2016年8月29日、9月7日和9月16日中心太阳高度角分别为5.43°、7.49°和11.01°的3期Landsat 8全色15 m影像,以独立扁平冰山为例,自动提取冰山在海冰上的阴影长度计算冰山出水高度,并利用不同时相同名成影点进行交叉验证评估测量精度。结果显示:阴影长度测量误差优于1个像元,在太阳高度角低于11.01°时,全色15 m影像提取的冰山出水高度均方根误差(RMSE)低于2.0 m,平均绝对误差(MAE)低于1.5 m。由此表明:在冬季低太阳高度角下,Landsat 8全色15 m影像可用于高精度测量冰山出水高度,具有大范围测量南极冰山出水高度的潜力。  相似文献   
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