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青海省天然草地退化及其环境影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据青海省"三江源地区"和"环青海湖地区"典型生态区域1987-2004年代表性牧草观测站植被监测资料和地面气象数据,结合NOAA/AVHRR卫星遥感数据以及调查数据,分析了两区域十几年来草地退化特征.结果表明:中度以上退化草地面积平均以20×104hm2·a-1的速度递增,草地生产力<750 kg·hm-2的草地面积占全省面积的26.99%.三江源地区牧草产量以4.48~16.48 kg·a-1趋势减少,高度以0.16~0.80 cm·a-1的趋势降低,优势牧草株数的线性递减率分别为11株.a-1和16株.a-1,莎草科牧草开花期和籽粒成熟期的发育百分率下降25~50个百分点;环青海湖地区牧草产量以3.05~4.64 kg·a-1趋势减少,高度以0.75~1.28 cm·a-1趋势降低,以禾本科牧草为代表的优良牧草在群落中的比重分别下降了1%~3%,位于青海湖以南地区的温性草原类和温性荒漠类,递减率分别为0.25%·a-1和0.38%·a-1.青海省天然草地退化主要是在自然和人为因素等作用下发生的,在自然因素中气候的暖干化趋势是草地退化的重要因素,表现在影响牧草的生育期、产量以及草地的群体结构的变化,而20世纪90年代以来极端天气、气候灾害的增多,进一步加剧了草地的退化;人为控制因素中,表现在草畜季节不平衡造成的超载过牧、人口增长以及草地不均匀的放牧压力等,进一步加剧天然草地生态功能的退化.  相似文献   
艾比湖面积变化及对生态环境影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
艾比湖在中更新世为鼎盛期,湖面积曾达3000 km2,贮水量700×108m3,为良好的淡水湖.由于地壳运动和气候的暖干变化,湖面萎缩,到20世纪50年代初湖面积降至1070 km2.自20世纪50年代以来,由于大规模的水土开发,灌区人口、灌溉面积和引水量大幅度增加,入湖水量急剧减少.从20世纪50年代至80年末,灌区人口增加了59.3×104人,灌区面积增加了16.43×104km2之多,净耗水量增加了8.13×108m3左右.湖面积一度降至499 km2(1987年),湖水矿化度达100 g·L-1左右.湖泊的萎缩,导致生态环境的劣变,表现为沙漠化程度加速,浮尘和沙暴天气增加,人畜受害,也导致野生动物的数量减少.20世纪80年代后,由于气候暖湿转型效应,降水和河川径流量有所增加.尤其是大力推广先进节水灌溉技术和退耕还林以及培育生态林等措施,使得入湖水量大幅度增加,特别是2001-2005年的5 a间,年均入湖水量达7.7×108m3,比1989年增加了76%,湖水面积维持在800~950 km2左右.目前生态环境已有所恢复和改观,荒漠植被得到一定程度的修复,沙尘天气明显减少,已有野生动物出没其间.  相似文献   
In southeastern South Australia, the River Murray debouches through a coastal barrier separating euryhaline estuarine-lagoonal waters from the Southern Ocean. Depending upon the relative freshwater outflow of the river and ingress of the ocean, water salinity varies greatly within the lower estuary. Ammonia beccarii and Elphidium articulatum are euryhaline species of foraminifera that characterize the estuary and back-barrier Coorong Lagoon. The inner-shelf marine environment hosts an assemblage in which Discorbis dimidiatus, E. crispum, E. macelliforme, and various cibicidid species predominate. In cored sediments recovered from the shallow lower estuary, the relative abundance of A. beccarii + E. articulatum was compared with that of D. dimidiatus + E. crispum + E. macelliforme + other species. These data, and AMS radiocarbon ages determined for foraminifera and ostracods, provide evidence of a change from maximum oceanic influence (5255 ± 60 yr B.P.) to maximum estuarine influence (3605 ± 70 yr B.P.). Over this same time interval, sea level fell relatively by about 2 m. However, the event was also contemporaneous with falling water levels in several Victorian lakes, and it is thus attributed to onset of climatic aridity. Reduced precipitation in the River Murray catchment and reduced freshwater outflow enhanced development of the flood-tide delta and constriction of the mouth.  相似文献   
A geochemical survey carried out in November 1993 revealed that Lake Quilotoa was composed by a thin (14 m) oxic epilimnion overlying a 200 m-thick anoxic hypolimnion. Dissolved CO2 concentrations reached 1000 mg/kg in the lower stratum. Loss of CO2 from epilimnetic waters, followed by calcite precipitation and a consequent lowering in density, was the apparent cause of the stratification.The Cl, SO4 and HCO3 contents of Lake Quilotoa are intermediate between those of acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes and those of neutral-HCO3 Crater lakes, indicating that Lake Quilotoa has a ‘memory’ of the inflow and absorption of HC1- and S-bearing volcanic (magmatic) gases. The Mg/Ca ratios of the lake waters are governed by dissolution of local volcanic rocks or magmas, but K/Na ratios were likely modified by precipitation of alunite, a typical mineral in acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes.The constant concentrations of several conservative chemical species from lake surface to lake bottom suggest that physical, chemical and biological processes did not have enough time, after the last overturn, to cause significant changes in the contents of these chemical species. This lapse of time might be relatively large, but it cannot be established on the basis of available data. Besides, the lake may not be close to steady state. Mixing of Lake Quilotoa waters could presently be triggered by either cooling epilimnetic waters by 4°C or providing heat to hypolimnetic waters or by seismic activity.Although Quilotoa lake contains a huge amount of dissolved CO2 (3×1011 g), at present the risk of a dangerous limnic eruption seems to be nil even though some gas exsolution might occur if deep lake waters were brought to the surface. Carbon dioxide could build up to higher levels in deep waters than at present without any volcanic re-awakening, due to either a large inflow of relatively cool CO2-rich gases, or possibly a long interval between overturns. Periodical geochemical surveys of Lake Quilotoa are, therefore, recommended.  相似文献   
The presence of inhomogeneous sedimentation is acknowledged as being an important problem in palaeolimnological studies. Sediment records can be disturbed by erosional and redepositional events, which redeposit microfossils within a basin and may then lead to misinterpretations of fossil diatom assemblages. This study uses a combination of sedimentological tools, magnetic susceptibility measurements and high-resolution diatom analysis to show that a sediment core, BAIK80, taken in 345 m water depth from a shoulder region in the North Basin of Lake Baikal, is free of disturbances. Our results confirm that the sediment record is consistent and continuous for the uppermost sediment. Consequently, the fossil diatom data can be used to establish a continuous record of past climate variability over approximately the past 1300 years. Distinct changes occur in downcore abundances of endemic taxa Aulacoseira baicalensis and Cyclotella minuta, and principal components analysis (PCA) indicates a gradual transformation of taxa over the past 1300 years. These changes are likely to be related to climate, although definite links still have to be established. Received: 15 December 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   
A new technique for the determination of uranium and thorium in lacustrine sediments is based on non-destructive synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis (SR-XRF) of sediment samples using monochromatic beams of different energies as excitation sources, with the recording and subsequent iterative processing of the X-ray fluorescence spectra. The technique has a multielement capability and enables fast, simultaneous analysis of a few tens of elements. The proposed SR-XRF technique was tested against INAA and ICP-MS methods and showed a number of advantages with a generally good correlation of results by the three methods. Uranium and Th profiles have been measured at a time resolution of 2 kyr in a drill core (BDP-96) from Lake Baikal bottom sediments deposited between 780 and 40 kyr B P. During this time span, peaks in the U and U/Th concentration marked warm climates. Oscillations of U and U/Th in Baikal bottom sediments during the Brunhes chron reflect climate-induced global change in the volume of polar ice, controlled by long-term cyclicity of the Earths orbital parameters. The response of these warm periods is similar to that observed earlier in shorter cores that span the two last interglacials (220-0 kyr BP).  相似文献   
以东莞市松山湖高科技产业园为例,从中观的角度探讨在政府主导开发的背景下高科技产业园对周边城乡地区的影响.通过对大朗镇的考察,认为松山湖科技产业园将会在空间、产业、对外竞争等方面对大朗镇产生重大的影响,与松山湖科技产业园的协调发展对于大朗镇而言既是机遇也是挑战.  相似文献   
云南程海现代沉积物环境记录研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈敬安  万国江 《矿物学报》2000,20(2):112-116
本文通过对程海沉积物C、H、N等元素含量及其比值的综合分析,辨识了程海沉积物有机质H/C及C/N值的环境指示意义,发现它们增可作为程海水位波动及区域气候干湿变迁的替代性指标。研究结果表明:程海的水位和区域气候干湿主为化明显以历了两个不同的阶段,但整体上程海水位一直呈下降趋势,反映区域气候整体上向干旱化方向发展。  相似文献   
洞庭湖区湿地生物资源特征及生态系统评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
庄大昌 《热带地理》2000,20(4):261-264
洞庭湖湿地是我国最大的淡水湖泊湿地生态景观系统,生态资源十分丰富,其中植物资源1428种,鸟类资源216种,鱼类资源119种,哺乳类22种,两栖爬行类27种及其它大量的野生生物资源。根据生物资源的分布状对湖区湿地生态系统进行了分类,即环湖丘岗生态系统,湖州草滩生态系统,湖岸带生态系统,浅水层生态系统、深水层生态系统。在此基础上,对湖区湿地生态系统的功能效益进行了综合评价。按直接利用价值和间接利用价值进行了分类,最后对湿地生物资源保护和开发中存在的问题,并就今后本区湿地生物资源的保护和利用提出了一些设想和建议。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionPast Global Changes (PAGES) is one of the important IGBP (International Geo-Biosphere Program) core programs, of which the objectives are to obtain and interpret all kinds of palaeoclimate records, understand the history of environment and ecological change, and provide basic material and necessary test for the establishment and improvement of climate forecasting models. Because the research of climatic and environmental changes on short time scale is the key connection bet…  相似文献   
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