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莱州湾南岸滨海湿地作为环渤海滨海湿地的一部分,具有海洋与河口交互性、海陆过渡性和生态脆弱性等特点,湿地面积广阔、资源丰富,是东北亚环西太平洋鸟类迁徙的重要“中转站”及越冬、栖息和繁殖地。湿地总面积为1150.079km^2,湿地维管束植物区系包括维管束植物53科144属217种。近年来,在对滨海湿地的开发中,虾池、盐田等人工湿地面积不断扩大,造成自然湿地面积减小、植被退化、地貌和水文条件改变、生物多样性下降,改变了原始的滨海湿地自然景观,破坏了珍稀鸟类的生存环境。  相似文献   
The south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay is one of the typical salt-water intrusion areas in China, the occurrence and development of which was closely related with the pa-laeoenvironment evolution. Systematic analyses of pollen, foraminifera and grain size com-position based on 14C and luminescence dating from two sediment cores were performed for the purpose of understanding the salt-water intrusion in the coastal plain of Laizhou Bay from the perspective of environmental evolution since late Pleistocene. It could be classified into seven evolution stages since 120 kaBP: 120–85 kaBP was a transition period from cold to warm; 85–76 kaBP was a period with warm and wet climate having swamp lakes developed in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 76–50 kaBP was characterized by grassland vegetation and coarse sediments in terrestrial environment, which was the early stage of Dali Ice-Age; 50–24 kaBP was a period with alternate sea deposition in the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 24–10 kaBP was the late stage of Dali Ice-Age with coldest period of Quaternary, the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was dry grassland and loess deposition environment; 10–4 kaBP was another warm and wet climate period, sea level was high and regressed at 4 kaBP; and has been the modern sedimentary environment since 4 kaBP. Among the three warm stages, including 85–76 kaBP, 50–24 kaBP and 10–4 kaBP, corresponded to late Yangkou, Guangrao and Kenli seawater transgression respec-tively. The duration of the latter one in south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was longer than that in west coast of Bohai Sea and east coast of Laizhou Bay. The three periods of seawater transgression formed the foundation of salt-water intrusion in this area.  相似文献   
对环渤海海域表层沉积物中重金属含量进行了测定,分析了重金属元素的分布特征,以及影响重金属元素分布的因素,采用尼梅罗综合指数法对研究区进行了生态评价。结果显示,辽东湾北部海域是环渤海湾3个调查区中重金属污染最严重的区域。其中Cd和Hg超标严重。空间分布特征整体表现为重金属高值区在辽东湾北部西侧小凌河口外及葫芦岛附近海域。由于物源和粒度的影响,Cu、Pb、Zn的高值区具有相似的分布区域。生态评价结果显示研究区内重污染地区主要分布在辽东湾葫芦岛近岸海域。  相似文献   
依据莱州湾海岸带海陆统筹综合地质调查取得的实测数据,并结合前人对该区的工程地质研究成果,综合考虑地形地貌、地质构造、岩土体工程地质类型及特征,将研究区陆域部分划分为3大工程地质区,即鲁西北平原工程地质区(Ⅰ)、鲁中南中低山丘陵工程地质区(Ⅱ)和鲁东低山丘陵工程地质区(Ⅲ)。在综合归纳莱州湾海域工程地质条件基本特征的基础上,按其相似性和差异性,将研究区海域部分划分为3大工程地质区,即鲁东滨海平原工程地质区(Ⅳ)、西部黄泛平原及滨海平原工程地质区(Ⅴ)和莱州湾中部堆积平原工程地质区(Ⅵ)。  相似文献   
对渤海湾北岸晚第四纪沉积物进行详细的沉积学、年代学和物理力学性质分析研究发现,渤海湾北岸50 m以浅自上而下分为九个单元,依次为第一海相层、滨海湖、末次冰消期湖沼、末次冰消期初期沼泽、盛冰期硬粘土、河床、第二海相层、末次冰期间冰阶湖沼和末次冰期泛滥堆积。自然压缩固结引发的地面沉降与沉积物的含水率、孔隙比、黏聚力和压缩系数等物理力学性质关系密切。第一海相层的各项指数均较高,其次为第二海相层和末次冰消期的泛滥沉积,最小为盛冰期的硬粘土和末次冰期泛滥沉积。以孔隙比和压缩系数为指标,假设第一海相层压缩固结到沉积环境相似的第二海相层,需要压缩固结196.2 cm;末次冰消期泛滥沉积压缩固结到沉积环境相似的末次冰期泛滥沉积,需要压缩固结114 cm。30 m以浅地层的自然固结压缩速率最大为0.04 mm/a,远远小于目前的地面沉降速率。  相似文献   
秦皇岛海滩养护工程的实践与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对海岸侵蚀、沙滩退化问题,近年来在秦皇岛开展了一系列海滩养护方面的工作,积累了一套较为实用的经验和方法。介绍了秦皇岛西海滩、金梦海湾、老虎石和东海滩4个典型案例,其中西海滩采用了"沙丘—海滩—沙坝—潜堤"海滩养护模式,金梦海湾以滩肩补沙为主,老虎石侧重保护,东海滩则是需要多次维护。同时,总结了海滩养护的方案论证、规划设计、工程监测等方面的经验和教训,并就养滩寿命、沙坝的适用性以及工程风险等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
以大连长兴岛葫芦山湾海域为例, 通过对海相淤泥质土试验资料的统计, 提出了海相淤泥质土的各项试验指标特征值, 以按天然含水率分组统计试验指标平均值为分析指标, 建立了天然含水率与试验指标经验关系19个, 揭示了海相淤泥质土工程特性指标随天然含水率的变化规律, 为本区域海相淤泥质土工程特性指标的分析与评价提供了理论支持。  相似文献   
岬湾海岸是全球海岸地形的重要组成部分,存在着大量的人类活动,这类海岸的研究对于海岸建设和人类活动有着重要意义。海岸科学家和工程师不断尝试用数学公式来量化这种理想的湾形,20世纪80年代以来取得了大量的成果,获得了各种经验模型。进入21世纪后,计算机行业迅速发展,这些理论成果被整合到软件当中使得理论的应用更便捷、人性化和普遍。笔者详细介绍了静态平衡海湾理论,结合三亚湾人工岛建设对海岸的影响、巴西因比图巴的不稳定海滩、潍坊滨海度假区海滩养护改进方案以及西班牙希洪市海滩设计,阐述和验证了静态平衡理论在海滩的稳定性判定和解释、现存海滩的改进方案的选择、现存海滩评估和全新海滩设计中的应用和优势,以期为后续海岸工程评估、改进和建设提供参考和指导。  相似文献   
Phytoplankton biomass and primary production were examined in their environmental context, for a semi-enclosed bay (Tokyo Bay, Japan) using data from monthly samples collected over a three-year period. Heavy precipitation and high surface temperatures in the late spring and summer gave rise to a highly-stratified water-column and stimulated a series of phytoplankton blooms, whereas during the winter, a weakly-stratified and deeply-mixed water-column led to a rapid decline in phytoplankton biomass under light-limited growth conditions. By incorporating pigment, photophysiological and optical data into a primary production model we show that daily, water-column primary production ranges from ∼160 mg C m−2 d−1 to 7600 mg C m−2 d−1. High water turbidity and deep vertical mixing, both separately and in concert, limit the light available for algal growth over much of the year. Annual primary production varied from 370 to 580 g C m−2 y−1. The relative influences of nutrient limitation and light limitation are assessed. A model is developed that describes this in an explicit manner using photophysiological parameters.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Two large-scale concentration mechanisms, evaporation and freezing, have been proposed for marine origin brine production (Bein and Arad, 1992; Bottomley et al., 1999). There are three basic requirements for brine formation by seawater evap…  相似文献   
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